
Hi guys... I am very happy as my story reaches many readers... 

Thank you, guys. 💗💗

if you want to give me suggestions or have any questions about the story, please let me know. If you feel my language is not up to mark I am sorry for that. I am not a native English speaker so please keep up with my language... 😊😊

I hope you like today's chapter because it is going to be our Abhimaan's power t of view...💗💗

I hope you didn't forget King's actual name...❣️❣️🙂🙂 


 Abhimaan's (king's) Pov, 

How anyone can be this beautiful, the beauty in my arms is no less than a goddess, her fragrance is so exquisite it is a slow poison that I want to smell every second.... her hands are so smooth like flower petals. Her body tempts me to my limits.... her eyes are brown shining crystals always show emotions. Her small, cute nose makes her beauty double, and her lips... what the hell.... they are the most attractive in her they always make me insane. 

Her rosy lips are soft like cotton candy. I can kiss them forever..... her everything makes me lose control over my senses. I want to claim her every second... I will never let her go. For now, she is in my arms, her whole body touching mine.... her eyes are in a daze. I can feel her heartbeat. She closed her eyes I want to see them. They tell me her every feeling. She is an open book to me.

 "Doll open your eyes .." I said in a husky voice. 

I like my effect on her But being stubborn she didn't open up. I pressed her more into me. She hissed and opened her eyes. She is looking at me. I can sense her nervousness. I can feel her tension. I bent to her height I want to kiss her lips senselessly. I leaned to kiss but my doll turned her face my lips touched her cheeks. it is a frustrating thing..... the beast I am controlling inside me doesn't like this but I like her nervousness, my effect on her. 

I don't want to give up I kissed her earlobe. I know her eyes will be like saucers. I love her every reaction. Her beauty will be my death one day. I would never let another man near her. She pushed me I stumbled a little I didn't like the space between us. I got angry as an instant reaction.

 I thought to scold her but no words came from my mouth looking at her face...... she is like a big red cherry seeing her like that... how I can even say a word. Her hands are sweating. She is so cute in shyness and the reason is me.

 I am struck seeing her like that I didn't even kiss her but she is this much shy then what will happen when I... My thoughts were disturbed by her stumbling words. 

She: Hmmm can.... we....hmm.. go... 

I am smiling like a teenage boy she didn't even lift her eyes to see me. I am awestruck seeing a girl this much shy. She is something else.

 " Let's go," I said and hold her hand, and took her down. 

I don't want to make her more nervous and shy. That will make me crazier. her hands are so cool. As we go down I saw the whole family in the living room. I saw her dad holding a box..... She went to her dad even though I don't like her to go. I can't say no. I don't like to let her hand go. No one can hold her except me. But he is her father how can I oppose that?? 

He opened the box and gave me an old model of spectacles. I looked at him confusingly. He then said...... 

Mr. Deshmukh: King what are you looking... wear them...

 What the heck is he thinking? I can wear a mask why this shit. I understand his intention but why this!! I thought in my mind. In the past, I admired him for being a perfect businessman, a kind person, and a good husband. I then asked. 

"Why is this?" 

Mr. Deshmukh(Rushi's father): for covering your identity... if you wear a mask it is not comfortable for Rushi.... but it is good. 

I looked at her... she is smiling at her dad. I think I have to wear them. If I talk something she will get upset. why the hell I am thinking this much I can just wear them right it is not a big task. I convinced myself. I nodded and put them...

 I saw Rahul covering his mouth..... I want to kill them always joking around. Her dad got star-shaped specs...

My doll: Dad you are looking handsome.... 

she said happily but she didn't compliment me.

 Mr.Deshmukh: Of course Rushi I am handsome... let's go. 

She giggled like a child... a small smile formed on my lips. But everyone looking at me like they saw some ghost... I think I should control my emotions over her. 

Otherwise, everyone will start to mess with me. We three moved out... but I saw a guard standing near a small car. I again looked at Mr. Deshmukh. In my whole life, I have never been this confused. 

Mr. Deshmukh: Oh king... we can't go out in expensive cars ... so I arranged it... 

I just sighed and took the car keys from the guard and sat in the driving seat. Her dad opened the back seat and told my doll to sit back... Does he even know what is he doing!! she is my wife she has to sit beside me right then why back!! 

He sat in the passenger seat... I am annoyed now. I drove the car at full speed. she asked me to down the window glass. We reached an exhibition it is fully crowded.... she is jumping like a kid..... her eyes are full of excitement and happiness... 

I bought the tickets, and we went inside. it is too colorful which is not at all to my taste. I never imagined in my life I will be going to an exhibition covering my image. She is running to every shop, her father is telling her to be careful. 

I envy her father. She loves him so much. Of course, I can see his love for her. he bought everything she is asking for. But I still can't understand why he forced her to marry. 

I then asked him. 

" Mr. Deshmukh I never saw you this lively. She is asking for sweet items. Don't you think she will get ill?" 

Mr. Deshmukh: She is my daughter, King, although she wants to go out, she never disobeyed our wish whether it is her marriage or going out. She doesn't know about the cruel world. she just saw some normal people's problems. but she doesn't know what situation she is in. I want to give her every happiness in the world and when coming to sweets... they are her favorite things. it is her day of enjoyment, so I don't want to ruin it. I know she will eat sweets and ice cream every day but see her happiness, how can I stop her!...

I have no words his love for her is too much, it's the first time that I am afraid. Can I give her happiness like her father? I just nodded at his words. She asked to go on a Roller coaster even though I want to say no her father doesn't let me. so we all enjoyed it. every sec with her is memorable. her father took so many photos, at last, we went to a simple restaurant for dinner. everyone can feel her happiness, her face is glowing like a kid who got their favorite candy. she bought so many teddys.

 "Doll why do you want these many teddys."

 " I want to give everyone." she is so deep in happiness. her every word is with enthusiasm. After our dinner, we went home although she asked to stay for some time his father said it is already midnight... so better to go. 

We went home. I saw Siya, Rose, and Mom sitting in the living room. They stood up when I enter the house. I just headed to our room, doll went to them and hugged them. 

As I am climbing the steps I listened to their talk. 

Mom: did you enjoy it??

 My doll: Yes ma I enjoyed it a lot. I am so so sooooo happy we went to the exhibition ... 

my doll is telling everything like a child. I am just smiling at her every word. I am surprised by myself... this small girl making me smile like a normal person. what magic she has in her. Thinking about it I went up. 

I got fresh up and sat on the bed. After some time my doll came along with a rose. Rose put the teddy bags on the table and went out. She also got fresh up and sat on her side. I am checking my emails. 

"Hmmm......oo.... thank you..... " she said in a low voice. 

I looked at her. She is playing with her fingers small smirk forms on my lips. I put my mobile aside. 

"Doll look at me," I said in a calm tone.

 She turned her head towards me. 

"Come here." I patted the place beside me. She looked at me confusingly. 

I again patted the bed. She slowly moved to my side, but this girl still kept her distance between us. I pulled her towards me as a reaction she holds my t-shirt tightly. I put my hand on her waist. Then I said in her ear. 

" you are Welcome doll." Her fresh lavender body wash scent made me insane. I think I am the one who told Rose to bring it. I want to curse myself for being stupid. 

our nearness making me touch her. her beautiful eyes telling me how happy she is. I can't control myself anymore. I put my hand inside her T-shirt. her skin is so soft I am looking into her eyes. She is trembling and shocked I pressed her waist. She moaned lightly her voice waking my beast side. I kissed her neck, her small hands pushing me continuously, but I am in no mood to stop. I peppered her with kisses but this stubborn wife of mine never submitted, I want her more. I found a sweet spot. I kissed her hard. She hissed in pain. 

I felt happy to see my mark on her milky-soft white skin. I sweetly kissed on the mark. I looked into her eyes, she has tears in her doe eyes. I got angry.... why she is sad? Doesn't she like me? these questions are continuously ringing in my mind. 

A tear rolled down from her eyes. I cleared her tear with my thumb finger. her nose is light red, lips are trembling. I don't want to scare her but I can't control myself when I am with her. She is a slow poison to me. which I want to take every day. 

"doll don't cry. it's just a small kiss, come let's sleep you may be tired."

 I told her and placed my mobile on the table and made her sleep beside me although I want to claim her this instant, she is not ready for it. I am not a patient person but I am trying to give her time but I want to satisfy the beast inside me. I may be selfish but I can't help.

 I never asked about her opinion on anything, now also I didn't ask her permission to touch her but why should I ask her, she is my wife, she has to satisfy me, she is mine but she is so stubborn. aaahhhh why is she occupying my brain? I looked at her. 

She is already sleeping looking at her beautiful face sleep occupied me.


Hi guys I hope you like the chapter. 

 Thank you.💗💗
