Chapter- 77

Hi guys i hope all are doing well.. as i said in previous cahpter i am going to write the small part of the sequence of our story..

So read it and please tell me your opinion..


??: Mrs. Tagore she is going to destroy them. She won't let them live in peace. She is the fruit of your son's darkness.. no one can change this.

Mrs. Tagore: please find a solution.. please.. i can do anything for my children's happiness..

??: there is no chance... but we can just delay the disaster..

Mrs. Tagore: please tell me what to do..

??: send her away.. far away from them.

Mrs.Tagore: but... how...

??: there is no other way.. you can decide what you want to do.

Mrs.Tagore stood there without moving a limb.. she doesn't know what to do.. she can't be so cruel... to her own children.. how can she do that.. how can she mange to convince everyone..


Guys i hope all likes the small part.. if you already gussed... i would like to know..

Ok guys first let's go into our main story..


Rushi's pov,

It's already afternoon and we all having lunch in silence.. which is very uncommon but very painful thing... i wish to see granny with us.. but i know that is just stupid of me..

Grandpa eating a little so i wrote some tablets and gave it to mom.. brother already went to Bangalore for some important work..

I hugged all and departed with my husband.. towards airport..

I am silently gazing outside.. i really feel so tired of all these incidents.. just within a week i lost my grandma.. and became daughter of big businesses families...and owner of some hospitals.. i still can't understand.. how in the world my life taking these many turns.. i won't say i am not annoyed.. i am super shocked and annoyed by the turns in my life.. i still want to be an orphan and live a small peaceful life.. and this desire building in me became so strong now a days..

Who in the world want to be an orphan.. but i wish.. i am sorry mother.. i don't want to say.. but i can't control myself.. if you really loved me that much then i am so sorry for being a stupid child... it's just i can't feel anything..Β  i don't even remember you mother then tell me how can i love you.. please don't blame me.. for thinking like this.. i just can't accept all these.. i am so sorry.. please forgive me..please god let this sin go... i wish i atleast remember my mother.. but i don't know why all this happened... i never regretted that i am an orphan... now also i am not regretting... but after knowing about my parents i feel so awkward... i don't know how to react..Β  what if others present in my position will they cry after knowing about their parents...

I turned towards my husband he is analyzing something in his ipad..

I starred at him for a minute..

I: Abhi..

He looked at me..

He: what happened doll?

I: can ask you a question..

He looked at me questioningly..

I: don't say lie..

He is still looking at me.. but with no emotion now..

I: promise me you won't say lie..

I forwarded my palm..

He: first tell me what is your question..

I: first promise me..

He: doll..

I can sense annoyance in his voice..

I: please abhi..

He: i promise but if i think you have to know the answer then i will tell you...if i feel not i will tell partial truth..

I sighed..

I: you already knew right who killed my birth parents..

His look turned serious..

He: i know but there is no proof and i am not going to tell you who that person is.. and don't think much .... the person who did the deed... your dad hmm i mean uncle will not let them go.

He turned his face and indulged in his work.. i also turned and started looking at blue sky..

Soon we reached airport and got into jet.. i sat on window side seat and closed my eyes...

I woke up by my husband's kiss on my eyes..

I: hmm..abhi..

He: doll we alraedy reached..

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him..

He smiled..

I slowly removed my seatbelt and got up.

He held me supportingly... we both got down and some people came towards him and gave some bouquet.. i am not in mood to observe all these things..i just want to fell on something soft.. and want to drift into my fairy land..

The people infront of me wished me... i jus nodded a little..

King's pov,

She is sleeping like a cute little bear... i know she is too tried from all these incidents.. but i don't think it will take more time to adjust...

although we first thought to release the add in India but due to present incident it won't be emotionally good.. so i am virtually releasing the add after going to newyork..

I woke her up after flight landed.. she is looking so cute with her sleepy eyes and sleepy steps.. she doesn't even worry about her behavior.. looking so cute..
I held her carefully in my hands.. and get into the car.. we are going to our villa in hyderabad.. as soon as she sit in car she slept like a cola hugging my left hand.. my new PA joined us in ride..

Soon we reached our villa i slowly removed her hold.. she is pouting cutely.. i smiled.. i took her in my hands..

Author's pov,

King carried his doll like a queen in his embrace..

All guards and some staff in villa who are standing to welcome the couple now looking at them in awe..

Due to Rushi's loose grip on slippers one of them left her feet making a little sound..

A servant ran towards the slipper and picked it.. even the slipper is so neat and clean without a spot.. how can any spot can be on her slipper when no dust even touched her feet.

King took his doll to their room and laid her on bed.. before going away he kissed her cute nose tip lovingly...he removed her other sandal.

He remove his coat and came down..

Some employees are standing in living room with some files and tension in their poor heart..

King sat on couch and told employees to sit..because it may take so much time to discuss all the things..

They are telling all the statistics, financial matters, strategies they followed previously...

King is observing all the files keenly..

Already it's been two hours..

Rushi slowly opened her eyes.. her eyes lazily roamed around the room.. she got up immediately.. with tensed heart.. she looked around for the person whom she is expecting...

She then understand that she is already in hyderabad in their villa..

She got down.. but only found one slipper.. so she got out without wearing anything.. and it is not newyork to be cold.. it's hyderabad..

She came out and looked out she saw her husband discussing something with employees..

but her eyes shot open.. a woman.. may be same age of her..... sitting close to her husband.. but that's not the main thing.. that woman fingers touched the tips of king's fingers while taking a file from him..

For others it may not be intentional but for our half sleepy rushi it is like a blast..

She came down and came towards her husband.. with angry pout..

All employees eyes looking at her.. although there are not more than 15 members but everyone's gaze now fixed on angry cutie pie.

She stood infront of him.. he immediately looked at her.. but a little confused..

Rushi suddenly held his hand.. and dragged him a little.. although king didn't move a bit.. she continuously pulled him..

King: doll what happened..

For a moment rushi forgot that god gave voice to her..

All employees looking at them confusingly... everyone eyes turned pale.. they are little scared.. they also don't know for what they are scared.. but amused also...

She again pulled him.. unwantedly king got up.. keeping his laptop aside...

All employees got up.. king signaled them to sit..

she dragged him towards stairs.. all are looking at them surprisingly... some started whispering after they climed the steps...

He continuously asked what happened.. but no reply coming from Rushi's mouth..

Without any complaint he followed her to their room..

Rushi searched the room..

She again dragged him towards a door..

She opened the washroom door and stood infront of wash basin and squeezed the handwash and applied on his palms... her soft hands rubbing the king's hot palms..

He is looking at her so confusingly... he is unable to understand what Rushi is doing...

'Is she sleeping walking or dreaming something.. '

King thought in mind.. rushi washed his hands and dried with a towel.

"Don't do these things.." rushi told the confused king and left the washroom.

King looked at himself in washroom mirror and put question mark face.. he is not getting anything... what his cute sleepy wife mind is thinking.. finally came out..

King saw rushi sitting on bed and calling her friend.. he shrugged his shoulders and went down..

After some time rushi realized what she did..

'Why in the world i behaved like a stupid girl.. what happened to me.. did someone posses me.. oh god what all his employees thought of me.. did i become mentally ill person.. hayya.. i am so embarrassed.. why in the world i washed his hands.. just because a girl touched him.. oh no.. what's wrong with me.. what am i even thinking..'

Rushi is so indulged in her thoughts..while scolding her stupidity... she didn't even notice a maid coming into the room..

That maid put her sandal and stood..

Maid: mam.. mam..

Rushi came out of her thoughts..

Rushi: yes..

Maid: mam sir told you to come down.

Rushi nodded.. and followed the maid like a lost puppy.. she is feeling so embarrassed..

She came down.. she saw her husband talking with some guard

She stood a bit away from king..

King: doll if you want to go to your friend's marriage he will take you. He will be your body guard.. and you have no choice to reject..

Rushi's pov,

I know.. i can't go without security.. he will never allow that..

I just nodded..

I: abhi i want to go to home..

He: how about tomorrow morning..

I smiled and went to kitchen to drink some water.

Β it's almost 6.30 pm.. i came out and looking around the villa. it's not so big but still very luxurious. I always surprise how technology improved this much... I sat in living room and called Satya. I told her that i am in hyderabad. her voice filled excitement. i told her to come to my home tomorrow morning. I turn on the TV. it's been so many days since i watch telugu serials.. how funny right... but still.. I always wonder how people watch serials for that many years. now a days people not even seeing a 3 hours movie without skipping some parts. anyway some serial is coming. i am just watching. after some time a worker came towards me.

Worker: mam i set the dinning table i am leaving to my home if you want something please tell me.

I just smiled.

I: it's ok. thank you.

she looked at me shockingly. i turned my eyes towards tv.Β  but suddenly i heard his voice.Β 

He: doll..

i looked at him..

he: come here.

i turn off the tv. and walked towards him..Β 

I: what happened??

he: all are in video call

i walked into his study room.. i listened someone blabbering something through his laptop.Β 

as i stood infront of laptop.. all gang members are in video call... i cheerfully said hi to all..

I: hi.. what happened to you all.. all are free today..!!!

Snehith: nothing rushi it's been so many days since we talked with you... so..

We all talked and enjoyed for some time.. all.are telling what they did for this week.. to say pin pointedly they talked about their work.. really what a workaholic people..

I told the whole incidents that happened here.. i am not a person to share everything.. but listening them i also shared mine.. it almost longed for 2 hours..
I didn't find my husband in study.. may be he is doing some work..

I went out after ending the video call.

I saw him coming out of our room in his nightwear.. he already got fresh up..

He saw me..

He: oh is the call over.. i thought you guys will talk whole night..

I can sense anger in his voice..

I: why so.. it's been so many days .. so..

He: go take a bath.. and come fast.. i am hungry..

Wow from when onwards he is feeling hungry..

I nodded..

I came down after taking bath..and wearing my night wear..

I saw him sitting in living room Couch with his ipad..

I: come let's have dinner.

He got up and follwed me towards a round dinning table.

I served him... i took a step towards my seat but he held my hand..

I looked at him confusingly...

He: eat with me..

I: hmm.. isn't it what i am doing...!??

He: sit here..

I think you undestood what i am telling right.... ...... on his lap.....

I gulped...

I: i... abh...

He didn't even let me finish my words.. he pulled me.

I put my hands on his prevent myself from falling.. his hand circled around my waist.. he pulled me down.. what can i do.. he is such a romantic husband...i blushed..

He is looking at me intensely..

His fingers brushed my lower lip.. i felt a jolt of electricity passing through my whole body...

He took the spoon and filled the food and asked me open my mouth.. he put the food in my mouth..

I ate it without looking at him... i am feeling so shy... although we did... hmm.. leave it..

I just feel it may be shyness is deep rooted in my heart..

I also feelΒ  him.. but when i tried to get up.. he held me tightly..

I: abhi..

He: empty villa.. just we both.. no one else.. already night time..

His deep husky voice ringing in my ears..... i am getting goosebumps... what
... what..Β  the.. he.. he..

I: you.. you...

He: we have whole night...

I can't take it anymore...i need to divert him... oh my god.. he..

I: what if ghosts attack us....

He: what...

His expression changed...

Hammayya.... i took a breath... don't know from where... he collects this type of words..

He is looking surprisingly at me.. his hold got loose... i stood up and put the dishes in washbasin and washed my hands...

I came out of kitchen... my eyes roamedΒ  around the living room. I found him talking in his mobile.

I went towards him.. i sat beside him.. i saw some magazines on teapoi.. just like everyday they are about business..

I took a book and turned the pages.. what i found interesting is the list of handsome men in world.. what caught my attention is he is the list... i started reading about my own husband..

he cut the call...

He: seems like someone is very interested in me..

I looked at him..

He: come let's go..

I put the book on teapoi.. and we both came to our room..

We both laid on bed.. i put my head on his chest and circled my hand around his body..

He forwarded his right hand into air... like he want to catch air... i feel like to held his hand.Β  So i joined my left hand with his right..

He: doll do you know how birth marks are formed..

He suddenly asked may be he got intrest in my mole which is just below my palm.. ot is a small black dot near my palm..

I: ofcourse.. i studied medicine.. birth mark forms if blood vessels not formed properly..

He: you na.. don't have common sense..

I: what is that for..

He: not a medical reason..

I: then.. hm. I know other reason also..

He: oh.. what was that..

I: if some stab or shoot the person in past life... then..

He didn't let me finish..

He: do all girls like this only or you...

I: what happened abhi..

He: you really don't have any romantic sense...

I: oh so tell me love doctor..

I laughed a little.. what can be a romantic reason for moles.. i never read about it..

He: want to know..

I nodded...


Hi guys i hope all enjoyed the chapter..

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Bye bye πŸ‘‹
