
Hi guys I hope all are doing good...
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Doctors seek diagnosis
Engineers seek innovation
Lawyers seek justice
Politicians seek power
Humans seek love.❤️💖


Rushi's pov,

Night completed silently... morning we all returned to our mansion. Without coming into house he directly went to office. Others also left for their work.. me ,alana,ma granny and grandpa returned home.

Ma also left to office afternoon...

Me and alana sitting in living room while watching some dance show..

I: alana don't you want to become a mother..

Alana: no rushi it's not that.. I am just... hmm.. what if he doesn't want to become a father.

I: alana... this baby belongs to whole family . Everyone will love him or her... don't be nervous of him...

Alana: hm... you are right..

I: let's go to hospital for your test... it won't be good if we are late..

She nodded..

I: wait a sec..

I called my husband..

I: hello..

He: yes..

Why I feel so distant from him..

I: hmm I want to take alana to hospital..

He: ok... take guards with you.

I: ok.

I cut the call...

I: let's go..

She nodded... we both went out.. I said Blake that we need to go to hospital...

He nodded.. we both entered the car. Alana is fighting with her fingers..

After some time we reached a big hospital...

Guards opened our doors. We both got out and entered the hospital..

A middle aged man came towards Blake and they talked something...

Man: welcome mam.

I nodded.. I don't know from where this attitude came into me... after long time I am seeing a hospital.. my heart is slightly racing...

We followed that man.. I am checking the hospital.. here everything is so clean and costly... not at all like my hospital..

We entered gynecology department...

A lady sitting in her cabin...

Man: mam she is our best gynecologist.

I nodded..

Woman: please take your seats..

I smiled and sat... Alana is looking nervous..

That woman started to ask the simple questions.. but alana not answering confidently...

I: doctor.. I already checked her symptoms and also did home pregnancy test... Can we go further..

I said slowly..

Woman: ok then let's do blood test and other tests.

I nodded with a smile.. a nurse came and took the blood from alana..

Doctor: it may take few hours..

I nodded and we both came out..

I: alana you didn't eat lunch properly.. what do you want to eat.....

Alana: hm.. I don't know.. i feel nauseous when ever I see food...

I: it's common but you need to eat food..

Alana: hmm... I want to eat something salty...

I nodded..

I: Blake is there any small hotel near..

Blake nodded...

Within minutes we reached a small Cafe..

Guards stopped outside.. these guys really know how to behave at different places...

Alana orderd some soup.. I ordered an ice cream...

I told Blake to eat something but he denied...

Alana ate two bowls of soup... I think she liked it... I told the worker to pack the soup... I paid the bill... after so many days I used my money... I am so happy...

It's almost 2 hours...

We went to hospital to get the reports...

Doctor: congrats mam you are going to be mother.

She said to alana.. Alana looking shocked and surprised..

I: how many days the baby is...

Doctor: 2 weeks.

I nodded happily ..

Doctor: hmm are you gynecologist...

I nodded..

I checked the reports..

I: alana wait outside a bit..

She went out without any word..

I: doctor it seems like her uterus is week..

Doctor: yes, her himoglobin levels also less... she needs more attention and care.

I nodded.. a nurse came in and gave the tablets...

I checked the tablets... doctor told the details... although I know the details I don't want to be arrogant...

I came out I saw alana crying...

I: alana are you ok..

I asked caringly...she hugged me..

" I am really going to be mother rushi.. I am so happy.. "

I patted her back..

I: congrats alana... take care.. now you have to be more cautious.. it's not only your life baby's also..

She nodded like a kid... let's go..

I called my husband... Alana seems tensed..

I: hello..

He: yes doll..

I: it's conformed... we are going to be uncle and aunt soon.

I said happily...

He: that's great

I can feel his excitement..

I: come home a little early

He: hmm

He cuts the call... we reached home...

I told cook to prepare some sweet item .. I called my mom and told the good news..

My mom also told one good news... my friend satya's marriage date fixed... I talked daily with her but she doesn't utter a word to me.. such a drama girl...

Soon clock ticked papa, ma returned from office. I was sitting with alana in garden...

Rose informed my husband's arrival... I got up and went inside. I saw him climbing steps... I smiled and went towards him and entered our room...

I locked the door and went towards him... he is in dressing room to change his clothes...

I stood behind him... he is seeing me through mirror.. I smiled softly.. but his eyes are cold... I didn't like it.. so I stood between him and mirror. My hands loosing his tie... he is starring at me without blinking...

I: are you angry with me...

He doesn't speek anything.. I removed his coat. I am a little hesitant to open his shirt buttons... but I did..

My heart is beating crazily I hope he didn't hear anything.. my body is turning into hot potato.. I put my whole concentration on removing his shirt... I don't know what will happen if I look into his eyes...

After opening 4 buttons I can see his body clearly... his abs, his chest... oh god rushi what the hell are you thinking... i really want to touch them... no no no rushi control...

I opened last button... this is enough I better leave.. I turned... I can see my reflection in mirror.. I am flushtered.. I can't face my reflection.. suddenly he hugged me... my back touching his bare front... I lifted my eyes... I can see our reflection... he is also looking at mirror..

I can't take my eyes from his reflection..

He: do you think you can go after seducing me.

He said slowly in my ears.. I felt like some sort of electricity passed through my body... did I seduce him..!!!

I: I.. I didn't seduce you..

He: oh really then let me show you.

I: huh... what..??

He untied my dress back threads.... shock is a small word.. I am horrified. He touched my shoulder blade with his knuckles... my mind and heart stopped working.. my whole concentration is... on his touch... I gulped my saliva.. my body temperature continuously changing... my hands held my dress tightly.. I felt his lips on my neck... he is kissing me slowly... my skin feeling his touch. My nerves reacting to his kisses.. for a sec I lost myself in his arms and touch...

My oxygen levels drained.. I can't breath.. his lips moving down on my nape... his hold on me tightened by every passing second.. I am totally into his body..

He suddenly loosened his hold.. I felt relieved but more than that I am upset... but the next second he twirled me and hugged me... I am speechless... but my hands find their way to his back and hugged him.

He: doll

I: hmm..

He: do you love me!?

My whole world stopped for a sec... I..

I: I.. I..

I came out of his hold and looked at him...

His eyes are looking at me eagerly for an answer hmm more like to say yes... my heart saying not to upset him...but my mind telling me not to say something stupid... instantly I listened to my mind..

I: hmm.. I... I... don't know... it's.. oh.. I just .. Can't stay.. away from you...

His hold loosed completely... I don't want to miss his warmth... from yesterday I didn't touch him.. I didn't hug him.. it's really torture... how can he be this moody... he is always so romantic.. and touchy touchy.. but what now... whatever I am not letting him to go now like this..

I held his shirt loose end and pulled him... he is looking at me surprisingly..
I closed my eyes and placed my lips on  his lips.

After a sec I opened my eyes slowly to see his reaction... suddenly he pulled me towards him with his hand on my waist... his lips moved.. he is slowly kissing me... I can hear our heart beats... he pressed his body on mine... our bodies are touching.. my breath is getting unsteady... my hands curled around his neck... I am standing on my toes... my legs are becoming weak.. I am feeling so many emotions at a time... I am loosing myself... his kiss turning into domineering and passionate... his lips kissing me hungrily... I can feel.. how much time he longed for this... I closed my eyes and letting him do what he wants... I lost my breath two times in a row... my eyes lightly moisturizing due to loss of oxygen in my lungs. I Can't take this anymore.. I let my feet to touch the ground... but he didn't let me.. he held me tightly... he bit my lower lip... a whine left my vocals... I get it why he did it... I moved my lips slowly.. I can't match his pace.

After good 8 minutes he broke the kiss.. my feet landed on cold ground.. my hands held his shirt for support... his hand still resting on my waist... my whole body feeling new types of hormones. His forehead touched mine... I felt peacefull in this way... our eyes are closed, our heads are touching... I lost in the moment...

He kissed my cheek smilingly and went towards washroom. I stood there. My mind playing the kiss... I put my hand on heart to calm down... I cupped my cheeks... I am feeling out of world.. what the... oh god what happened.. did I really kissed him.. oh god.. I want to hide from whole world.

I gathered myself and went down... I saw rose cleaning the dinning table..

I: rose where is alana..
Rose: she is in her room..

I nodded...

I: rose tell someone to call everyone down..

Rose nodded..

Soon everyone came down including alana..

Papa: rushi what happened..

I: papa.. hmm I am so happy to announce this good news...

Ma: good news..!!

I: today me and alana went to hospital..

Grandpa: hospital!!

I: grandpa you are going to be great grandpa.. ma, papa you are going to be grandma and grandpa..

Ma: rushi... are you...

I: ma alana is conceive.

Granny: really... oh my god...

Granny hugged alana.. all faces turning into happy from shock...

I: have sweet ma..

Ma hugged and kissed alana.

Ma: thank you so much for giving us so much joy.. thank you..

Papa keep his hand on alana's head like a father..

I heard foot steps on stairs... there is my husband coming down in his night wear..

He came towards us..

Ma: king did you know.. alana is pregnant.. you are going to be an uncle..

She said happily...

He nodded with a smile.

I gave him sweet with wide smile.. he took it..

He: if you have any problem or want anything just ask it right away. Don't stess yourself.

My husband said calmly.. I felt like my heart melting.. he is talking like a responsible brother.

Alana nodded with a small she will obey his every word.

Papa: did you tell addie..

Alana smile dropped...

Alana: oh mom I..

Ma: alana dear this is not a small thing... he has right to know this think about it.

Ma is really something...

Alana: it's just.. hmm.. I don't know how to tell him mom..

Ma smiled and kissed alana's forehead.

Granny: alana, tell me everything you want to eat.. don't stop yourself from any cravings. Ok dear..

Alana nodded happily. Whole family is so happy.

Soon it turned dinner time. Today all faces are filled with light. All present at dining table except alana. After some time she also arrived but her face is dull... i hope she is ok..

All had dinner while talking about baby. I said how i used to treat my patients.

Ma: tomorrow i will imform others also

We all nodded. After dinner my husband went to his study room along with papa and ma. I think they have some business to discuss.

Me and alana left alone.

I: alana... hmm did you tell aiden jiju..

She nodded..

I: what he said!??

"He didn't say anything.."

I: huh.. why so??

" i don't know rushi.. i.. i feel like he doesn't want to be a father..."

I: no alana don't think negative.. he may be shocked..

She didn't answer anything. I hope everything will be good between them.

I went to my room and started reading my book. Soon sleep consumed me..


I opened my eyes.. i felt warm hands around me. My lips curved up knowing the person beside me. Today i am in no mood to get up.. i want to be in his arms... i looked at him.. he is looking so calm and peaceful. His breaths in rhythm... i toched his forehead with my left hand index finger. My finger trailed down from his forehead to his nose and then it touched his soft lips. He is so handsome.

God must be in good mood when he made him.

Suddenly he bit my finger...


I took my finger back... i am shocked to see him awake.

"You.. you... wake... "

He smirked...

" what are you doing doll..???"

"I.. oh.. nothing.. let me go"

"Are you touching me..." he asked.. he already know but he wants to embarrass me..

"No i didn't " i said firmly..

"Ok then let me touch you" he said with an eye brow raise.

I am shocked.. what is he talking early morning...

Suddenly he hovered over me... my heart stopped beating. My nerves stopped working i became stiff in my place. I felt shy... i turned my face a little while blushing.. i can feel his hot breaths.. his lips touching my forehead... his lips moving down to my nose... my heat started to beat unevenly. Suddenly i saw my inner on my shoulder which is visible. My t shirt on shoulder is so loose.. god.. i am really panicked.. his eyes are already seeing me with desire, his lips trailing all over my face.. my heart beat rose more... i am a little anxious about my clothes.

I suddenly pushed him and escaped from bed. I think he is little shocked. In washroom i stood infront of mirror and controlled myself.

Yesterday you are being bold and opened your husband's shirt and kissed him but now you are shy just for your inner came out. My mind questioned me. I shook my all thoughts and went out. He may went to do exercise. I went down.

All had their breakfast and went to their work. Same as yesterday i kissed his forehead as good bye.

Me and alana watching tv. Granny and grandpa went to temple.

Then we heard car sound. Alana face turned pale.

Aiden jiju came in.

I: how are you jiju?

He nodded.

I: did you have breakfast?

He: i had rushitha.

I: ok i will leave you both.

I went towards garden.

After some time i went inside... no one is there in living room. I went to my room and started reading my course subjects. Afternoon i went down.. but i didn't saw aiden and alana i told rose to call them... they both came down... alana seems happy.

When they came down..

I: congrats jiju.. you are going to be a father.

He smiled a little.

Aiden jiju: thank you for taking care of her.

I smiled..

I: it's nothing jiju.. as a doctor i should do my work. She is my friend.. i can't ignore her health and one more thing take care of her. she is too weak...

We three had lunch.. i went to my room... my live class started.. it longed for 3 hours. I took notes. After that i slept peacefully.

I got up when someone stroking my hair.. i saw my husband sitting beside me.

"When you came?"

"Just now doll"

I got up... he kissed my forehead... i smiled.

"Doll i want to tell you something"

I looked at him confusingly

"I need to go out of state for two days."

My smile dropped.. i don't want him to leave me....

"Is it necessary "

He nodded.. i want to stop him.. i want to hug him and want to say please don't go..

But i smiled forcefully.

"Please come fast"

He smiled and pecked my lips.. i blushed.

He went to study room i went down... suddenly rahul jiju came... he is looking angry...

I: jiju...

Rahul jiju: oh.. rushi..

I: what happened!??...

Jiju: oh ntg rushi... where is aunt...

I: ma may be in her room.

He went straight towards ma's room.

After some time i listened yelling from ma's room...

I went towards the room. Room door is not locked..

Jiju: mom i am saying na that is not my baby.

Ma: rahul don't shout.. do you want king to listen all these things.

Jiju: mom..

Ma: rahul let's deal this matter slowly. Don't be anxious.

Jiju: do whatever you want mom.

He turned furiously. I looked at him directly.

He passed me without looking at me.

Ma: rushi!??

I: oh i listened loud

Ma: hmm

I: is there anything wrong ma..

Ma: ntg rushi just some trivial matters.

I: is it ma??

Ma: ayya it's nothing. How is alana doing..

I: fine ma.... but aiden jiju seems he wants to take alana with him..

Ma: hm... ok rushi i need to fresh up..

I nodded and came back.

I: rose did rahul jiju...

Rose: sir, went out just a second back.

I sighed... suddenly i listen my husband's voice.

He: what's going on?

Rose: sir, ra..

I: nothing... just talking...

He: is it?

I smiled.

After some time all gathered at dinning table. Workers served the dinner.

Aiden jiju: hmm i would like to take alana back.

Granny: why addie..

Jiju: granny oh... if she is here how can i take care of her...

Ma: addie we all are here we can take care of her...

Jiju: but mom..

Grandpa: samyuktha you know right more than us alana needs his attention. You should let addie to take care of her.

Papa: hmm dad you are right but i think she need some one to be with her... some family member... not workers.

I: hmm can i stay with her...

My husband: no you can't. Granny how about you.. you and grandpa can stay with them.

Ma: nice choice.

Grandpa: then the matter is settled.

My husband: addie arrange some sensible lady to care about all.

What my husband mean by sensible..

Jiju: yes brother.

All had dinner.. tomorrow morning granny and grandpa going along with jiju and alana.

We both came to our room.

I: why you don't want me to go with them..

He: i don't want to stay away from you.

I know he mean that but something is off.. i let it go for now.. we both slept peacefully.

Samyuktha's pov,

I thought everything going peacefully.. but here comes the problem...

Before my daughter's death anniversary our weapons manufacturing unit stuck in fire. Both rahul and addie went to clear the mess.

That day night my PA called me and told that some girl complained agaist rahul. I am very surprised who is that daring to complain against tagore's.

After my daughter's death anniversary i went to my office. I got the details of that girl. She is just 20 years studying arts in newyork university.

She went to a night club along with her friends to celebrate one of her friend's birthday. At that time rahul also present in that club.. i think he may be waiting for some random girl to spend his night.. i am really ashamed with his behavior... don't know how he got this behaviour...

I don't think that girl's profile is bad.. but what happened..

I called government officials to know the reason why she complained.

They send me some photos.. in that rahul and that girl... i can't even see.. how can he... i am very angry at him...

Police said that girl complained because she is pregnant with rahul's baby.

I checked the cctv vedio also... she was drunk and going somewhere suddenly she bumped to rahul... seems like rahul also drunk.. she closed her eyes and fell in rahul's arms.. he took her towards some room... footage is not avaible inside the room so i can't say what they did... but i am sure this is a pre planned.
Otherwise how there are photos somebody must be present inside the room... i checked the previous vedios... but no clue is available.

It's been a month since the incident happened. She is an orphan. I told guards to follow her every moment.. don't know what information i will get..

Afternoon i called rahul to know what exactly happened...

He said he didn't sleep with anyone... but there is no proof to prove his innocence... i don't want to tell this to king. What if he takes some rash decision.. i know he won't but still i fear.. his anger is not something to bet on..

I want to deal with this thing. Tomorrow i am going to meet the girl.


Sorry for the late guys..

I have a placemt test today so i was preparing for that yesterday and unable to publish the chapter.

I hope you like the chapter..
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Bye 👋 bye 👋
