
Hi guys i hope you like the flashback of maya and david...
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Thank you... 💖💖💖

Can anyone define love?? I think no one.. everyone has different opinion and different ways to love. Everyone define love in their own way. But no need to define it let it be... just feel whatever you want...


Maya's pov,

   " May be i am lucky to get such a proposal in my college days. I am so happy in those days i really love my college days. You know what rushi we are very famous in our college. So many girls are jealous of me. I really envy those days."

Rushi: but maya why i mean why you both are like this now??

" we broke up rishi."

Rushi: what??.... broke up but why??i... i can't understand...

" Always he only surprises me rushi... so one day i want to surprise him so i went to his room. That is the grave mistake i did... i saw him hugging a girl rushi. "

Rushi: just for that you broke up with him......!!

" no rushi i saw him so many times with other girls. I am not narrow minded... and knowing him i won't do anything in haste... But after seeing me also he didn't let her go he hugged her like his life... she also saw me but didn't let him go... she hugged him more... i got angry and slapped that girl. you know what she is one of my classmates. Instead of her he told me to get out. After that whole incident he didn't even explained anything to me. If he was not ready to share anything with me what's the reason to be his girlfriend. After that he ignored me completely so i thought he lost interest in me so i want to break up... if he explained anything i can understand him.... but nothing... i am angry on him and myself. I don't know why he was behaving like that... i can't stand his ignorance.... if i say break up then he might try to explain me the incident.... but you know what he told that day..."

" i don't want to be with a childish girl who can't understand others feelings. You are just like your brother. "

" I really can't take his words. Instead of explaining anything he left me... we finally broke up after that he completed his graduation and joined in his family company. King officially started his own company. While doing their work they completed their masters also. i never saw him after graduation. i also went to my parents house in France and did my masters there. I came back last year to new York. Bade pappa (father's elder brother) asked me to work for T company's media. At first i am not ready to comeback to US. But i can't oppose him so i accepted. after that Smith's and Tagore's became business partners . So i encounterd him many times."

Rushi: i am sorry maya i don't know all these things. i am sorry ..

" it's ok rushi.. it was all past... and no need to say sorry... on that time we both don't even know our existence..."

i smiled at my stupid past.

rushi: what you guys talked today after match.

" he explained me what happened on that day."

rushi: you mean when you went to his hostel....

" yes..."

rushi: so what happened  ??

" hmm.. are you sure i mean you won't like what i am going to tell.. "

Rushi: huh???

" That girl proposed to king but he rudely rejected her proposal. After that college annual day happened on that day hmm... some one spiked i mean drugged king's drink... but king knew his drink was drugged to know who did that king acted along with them.. they took him to that girl's room he thought this whole plan was that girl's. He made oh... i mean college principal suspend her for whole semester. That's why david was consoling her and i misunderstood it and david thought i am just like my brother who din't understand others feelings and just think about ourselves. What's my mistake in it i saw my boyfriend with some girl ... how can i take that rushi you tell me can you see your husband with other girl..."

Rushi: maya...

" Oh i am sor.. "
Rushi cut my words in the middle saying..

Rishi: it's ok maya..

Rushi: so what are you thinking now??

" I don't know rushi..."

Rushi: do you want to recoil with bro??

" I don't know but i think there is no chance for us... i mean we both has our own lives and i think we are happy living like this so no need for us to bond again.. so i think we should live our lives..."

Rushi: are you sure maya??

" I hope so rushi..."

Rushi: think with open mind don't let any confusions... this is your chance to do something...

"I will ... thanks rushi.."

Rushi: it's ok maya.

We both hugged each other... she got up

Rushi: it's pretty late go and sleep everything will be alright..

"I hope so ..ok rushi good night..."

Rushi: good night.

She smiled, it really releaved my pain a little. But still i have my doubts about david explanation. I will only forgive him when he says total truth... i really envy Rushi's life. She is too protected from everything. To say she may be orphan but in reality no one is more lucky than her. Loving mother, over protective father, caring friends, parents like in-laws and more over a husband like king. Whose life is more perfect than this. I think these may be the reasons for being innocent and naive.

Rushi's pov,

I came to my room.. it is too silent without him.. after listening Maya's past i felt so sad... i never thought about love in my life. But i can't completely take what maya said  i saw many couples in my college but i never cared about it they are just entertaining topics for me... but i think being in love is more difficult.
I hope no one will be in those situations.  I took a blanket and my teddy and went towards balcony. I sat in swing covering myself with blanket.. i put some peaceful songs but i can't close my eyes... i took my mobile and went through gallery... but i don't have many images... oh god i really miss him... i want to see him... what i can do.... shall i call him... hmm no.. he may be bussy in work.... but i want to see him... hmm how about calling david bro.... hmm no what if he is also bussy or sleeping... it is already 12 Pm...  how about i watch a movie.. no i want to see him... i really want to see him.. but how???  I want to see him i don't know why i am being this much stubborn but i want to see him...

I went towards ma's room and stood infront of their door... i am fighting with my mind and heart... whatever i want to see him so i knocked the door..after some knocks ma opened the door...

Ma: rushi.... what happend??

I: ma... oh.. i
Papa: rushi....

I: papa oh ..

Ma: come inside rushi.. are you ok.. are you scared?? Are you hungry?...

Papa: dear let her speak...

I: oh.. i... Can't sleep...

Ma: oh...

I: ma pls.. let me go to his office...

Pappa: rushi.. he is fine no need to worry..

I: but...papa.. i..

Ma: do you really want to see king...??

I nodded my head...

Ma: ok then you can go... security and maya will come with you...

Pappa: but sam...

Ma: let her go aravind... he is her husband.

Pappa: as you wish..

I: thank you ma..thank you papa...

I hugged ma...

I went up fastly and changed my night dress to normal wear...and combed my hair...

I came down fastly and packed dinner for him... i waited for maya a couple of minutes. After she came we both went out... i saw two cars and Blake.

He bowed to me...and opened car door for us... we both sat inside...

Cars started to move...

I: i am sorry i made you work at this time..

Blake: mam pls don't say sorry we are working here... it's our duty..

I: but still i am sorry...

Blake: mam pls...

I: i am sorry maya you must be sleeping .

Maya: no rushi ...

Soon we reached his office... whole building is dark just some floors are shining with lights... we three got down. I don't know why i am feeling restlessness. We entered the building.
A security guard stopped us just like last time but new person.

Guard: sir i am sorry to stop you but sir ordered Not to allow another person other than employees.

Blake: mam is king sir's wife.

Guard suddenly sat on his knees.

Guard: mam pls sorry to stop you. I am really sorry.

I don't even know what to say.

I: hmm... it's ok.. it's not a problem.. pls get up you are elder than me. Pls get up.

He got up and bowed to me... I really hate this type of attention.. and why now I am facing such things. I just want to see my husband.

We three entered the lift. But I saw maya texting some one eagerly.

She is looking tense.

I: Maya are you ok. Anything happened??

Maya: no rushi.. ntg..

I can sense tension in her voice but I let it go.

Soon we reached one of his floor I don't even know the number.
I saw many employees working on their computers they are typing fastly with light speed. i am really amazed at their speed. But as I entered everyone's eyes fell on me.

" Maya where is he??" I asked confusingly... looking around the place.

" I also don't know rushi."

Blake: mam pls wait here.

I nodded he left us there and went some where.

Blake: mam sir is in meeting.

" Ok then I will wait here you can go and have some rest... i bothered you at mid night..."

Blake: It's ok mam... pls sit in couch.

I nodded. Me and maya sat on the couch.
After 10 minutes.. I heard loud voices. I can't here clearly but I can say that person is hell angry. Suddenly all workers stopped working and their hands are shaking lightly. But who are shouting like that. How can a human shout like that am I hallucinating. I looked at maya. But she is again texting someone .

" Maya did you here those loud voice.. is he even human to shout like that..."
I whishpered in maya's ear.

" Rushi I..  I didn't here anything."

" What???"

Maya: Hmm they are not that much loud..

" Are you serious maya I can clearly listen the person inside that room is really angry bird."

Maya: it's common rushi leave it.

" But how anyone can shout like that let me check once."

Maya: no no rushi we are here for your husband not for others..

" But I don't want to listen that much scary voice. See all stopped their work. Let me check for once."

Maya: rushi pls don't go

" It's ok maya.. "

Maya mind: if she know who is shouting she will get heart attack hey god how i am going to stop her. If king knows she listened his voice he will kill me.

Suddenly a woman in her 30's came to me and said..

" Mam pls just wait in sir's chamber. He will be there in a minute."

I: hmm..ok but can I check that room.

I pointed towards the room with so much sound.

" Mam it's common in office don't worry. "

I: hmmm ok then.

I don't know why but I can feel some tension in employees faces. I really hate seeing people like this. I stood there for a sec. Then suddenly that room door opened with a burst. I saw my husband and bro. He is looking like a devil. Oh god why he is so angry. I never saw him like this. I felt a little scared. He is telling something to bro. And bro is nodding like a puppet. And his PA holding some files .
Employees became stiff in their places and started doing their work speedly. Some employees came out of that room with too sad faces. Wait did my husband shouted like that??? I don't think so that accent is different. It is not my husband's english for sure. I never listen such type of pure english accent.

Maya: rushi we better go to king's office.
I: but maya.
Maya: pls rushi.
I: Maya it's...
Maya: listen to me.
I nodded..
I moved from there... but suddenly I felt no noice in the room. I looked at him. He is already looking at me. I don't know what to say. I just smiled nervously.

His expression changed immediately. I don't know why but I felt a little bit of relief.

Bro: rushi.. !!!

I averted my eyes from him and smiled at bro.

I: oh..
Maya: she is worried about king.

I don't know why everyone eyes looking at me with unbelievable expressions. I felt like I did a great sin.

He came towards me and lightly clutched my shoulder and slowly said...

He: I am ok.
I just smiled. I felt so many eyes on us... my nervousness came back..

He: let's go.
I nodded.
He took my hand and we both came to his office.


Hi guys I hope everyone liked the chapter.

Bye bye 👋
