
Hi guys i hope all are doing well.

✨️✨️I am unable to decide... whether to write king's pov or not. I hope your comments can help me.💝💝

Money, power and education always rules the world. I won't say universe because no human can rule it. If money is there for good or bad people will come to us, it gives us power. If power is there then everyone obeys us. Above all education which can change the ideology of humans.

I wish everyone can get these three things in their life.


Rushi's pov,

I am very happy... why ?? No reason or may be my husband... oh god what happened. One day i will die of this shyness. Why god... why you made me this much shy....

Before we both got out from car... he held my both hands in his and told....

He: doll... there will be lot of media everywhere.. cameras, mobiles, flashlights etc... so many will be there. You no need to get nervous i will be with you. You can be yourself. Just don't  get nervous.

I am already feeling nervous because of his words. Why he need to say all this. Now i am becoming nervous. My heart is popping up and down. I don't know what to say. I just looked at him while bitting my lowerlip corner.

Some checking is going on... may be too many cars came at a time. No wait it is not that..... media covered some of our cars.

After five minutes he got down... and came to my side and opened my door and forwarded his hand. With a little smile i kept my hand in his.

Media flash lights blinking like some sort of lightning and the flash sounds tearing my eardrum. This is not my first time na then why they are behaving like this. For first time they may be interested who is the great tagore's daughter-in-law but why now... no reason. I am getting annoyed and nervous.

We both walked on red carpet. Hmm.. i don't know why but i am not feeling nervous but some strange feeling like hmm... i don't know how to explain it. It feels like it is something which shouldn't happen. I don't know whether this feeling is bad or good... but very weird.

Finally we entered some big room... like big what to say some hall. There are some people dressed like celebrities. They are having mics in their hands. They are checking some cards. On them it is written NEWYORK  FILM Festival (NYFF).

There are some camera men, staff.... oh so many people are there running here and there. Body guards stood at some distance.

We both stood infront of some big add board. I don't know what to call it. My eyes roaming around whole area. I didn't notice when some anchor or what to say host came towards us.
Oh there are two.... a lady and gent...

their attire is very what to say hmmm... Hollywood style.

I averted my eyes from them to my husband.  our elbows inter linked like some movie couple. He lifted is right hand like saying hi. May be it is the guesture to do.... i am just standing whether to do or not. Let it be i will just watch.

Host lady: welcome Mr. Abhimaan Tagore. Business man of the year, best entrepreneur for two years. We are very pleased to see you here. Anything you want to say about today's event.

He: i wish every celebrity can reach their audiences.

Host man: mr.tagore i can see a beautiful young lady... can you introduce her.

Man asked smilingly.

He: my wife Mrs. Rushitha Abhimaan Tagore.

Host lady: wow... finally i am able to see the wife of mr. Tagore. How are you feeling Mrs. Tagore about this event.

I don't know what to say... I don't even know what this event about. I never listened about this award show. Well i never saw any Hollywood award shows.

I: hmm.. i hope everything goes well.

I said smiling nervously.

Chris: pls it's almost time.

Those hosts nodded. I can see so many questions on their faces.

We moved inside. There is some corridor.. some staff clicking photos. We both are in the middle of guards. His pa and some employees following us.

After two minutes i saw the biggest area in my whole life. I stood there itself... i can't take my eyes from the area. So many people sitting. Everything is dark and laser lights glowing everywhere... loud music people chatting sounds. People revording everything. So many staff members, guards... it's like i came into some.... what to say i don't have any words... what the... what is this place... suddenly i heard loud voices... i think people calling their favorite hero...

My husband is taking me in.... some people came towards us and said something with chris. I don't know what is going on here. Everything is unreal. It's like i came into some fantacy world.

I don't know where i am going i am not even looking what is infront of me. I lost my mind. I just can't believe anything. Oh my god where the hell am i?

After few minutes i was stopped... i don't know why... i turned my eyes towards my husband. He is talking with  chris.

I looked at stage.... oh my god... why is it that much big... someone is dancing... i don't know what's going on here... am i really seeing something which telecasts in tv. I can't believe my eyes and ears.

Everyone shouting, clapping... i am feeling dizzy.

He: doll let's go.

I looked at him with blank expression. I don't have any thoughts... my brain already stopped working. I saw his gaze he is pointing where people are sitting...

Suddenly so many lights turned on... i closed my eyes for a sec and opened slowly... oh my god... oh my god... oh my hod...  please some one take me away from this place. So many celebrities i think they all are some Hollywood actors and some what to say... high profile celebrities.... although i never saw any of them... i can say... they are like celebrities. On stage i saw three hosts. Suddenly i blinked my eyes.. wait isn't one of the host aadya...

A man and two woman... aadya is young than remaining two hosts.

He took me towards some sofa it is in the first row center. God what are you doing... are you playing with me.

He pulled me down and we both sat... i am just struck... i just don't know anything... i want to run away from all these.... what is going in this world.

He leaned towards me.

He: doll calm down... everything is alright.

His voice calming my racing heart. I am unable to take all these things into my mind. This is just tooooo much for me to handle.

Host man: we pleased to welcome film academy of new york CEO Mr. Michael...... to announce the best documentary film of the year...

I don't understand next words i can't grasp all their english words. Hmm they are really native people how can i understand their english accent.

Anyway an old man in suit climbed the stage...

One of the host lady gave a card to him...

Host lady: let's see the nominations

Some movies clips started to play i don't know whether all are Hollywood i think there are many languages.

Aadya: Mr........   what do you think about today's documentary films.

Old person said something.. i am trying to know what he talked... but i can't understand any of his english word... it's like he talked some unknown language.

After that he annouced the winner. A middle aged man climbed the stage with a huge smile and shaked hands with that old person.

Hosts came near to them and asking some questions about the movie... all started to laugh i don't what joke even cracked.

I am getting headache. I looked at my husband.. he is busy checking his mobile... his left hand holding my right hand. His left leg crossed on right leg.

He is also looking like some celebrity. Anyway i am feeling so tired.

Lady host: we request mr..... to stay on stage to hand one more award.

The award is like some crystal human structure with gold touch. After that some nominations played and annoced winner.... hosts asked some questions and the winners thanked for the awards... etc... etc...

Lady host: thank you mr......

Male host: now... let's welcome the.... sponsor of the event, best businessman of the year, founder of A enterprises,  chairman of T group of companies...

Aadya: Mr. Abhimaan Tagore on to the stage...

Lady host: with his beautiful wife.

What.... with... whom... wife... oh... god... what the... i are... they kidding... me on to the stage... oh god.... never... i... Can't go... i will die.... i am feeling dizzy.

Suddenly he got up... all are clapping.... i am in daze i want to dissappear from this universe....

He bent towards me and told in my ear...

He: doll... no need to worry... just come with me nothing is going to happen.

He will say anything... but what about me... i will
He pulled me up with light force... i Can't make him embarrass infront of these many people. I got up and stood beside him and started to walk along with him.

My heart is beating like some drum... it will definitely burst. Oh god you only have to save your child. I closed my eyes  and took deep breath to calm down... but how can i when i am feeling so many eyes...

I want to be invincible.

I clutched my saree plates gently so that i don't fall on steps. They are very smooth like even one step wrong anyone may endup with a fall.

We climbed the steps and stood on the center of the stage just like previous old man. My body is lightly shaking in fear. I gulped all my fear... i am trying to hold my feelings.

That male host gave a card to my husband smilingly.

Three hosts came near to us... i am trying not to look at the crowd... but i Can't do that... i Can't lower my head... so i looked up...  my gosh... so many people everything is silent... like a spell performed on them... actors wearing heavy and weird dresses with makeup and accessories. Everything is like some other world.

Lady host shakes hand with my husband and comes towards me. I am standing left to my husband.

Lady host: so... mrs. Tagore can you introduce yourself.

What me.. i better say i am dumb person... what i have to say.. i don't know anything..  how i have to introduce myself...

She handed a mike to me.. i am just looing at mike and if she has any wish to take it back... i forwarded my hand to take it.

He leaned towards me and said..

He: just say name and profession.

I gulped and nodded.

Male host: wait wait... what mr.tagore said...
He Asked mischievously

All laughed...

I: hmm.. my name is Rushitha..... i am a doctor.

I said... slowly...

Lady host: wow.. what a voice..

Male host: yes yes... so sweet...

Lady host : thats it...

I nodded my head... like what she wants me to say...

Male host: seems like mrs. Tagore is very nervousness.. we won't trouble you more.

Aadya: let's see the nomitations for best director of the year.

We all turned towards the back big screen... some names displayed.

Another mike is given to my husband.

He: the best director award goes to the duo Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert for the film Everyday, everywhere, all at once.

His accent also totally changed like he is some Hollywood celebrity.

All clapped two men fastly came up with wide smiles. I looked at them calmly. Some ladies came from back with awards. My husband gave mike to aadya...

And shaked hands with them. I am just being clueless.

Directors: thank you.

My husband nodes his head.

Male host: so director sirs it is a sci fic movie how you thought about it.

One of them.

Director1: idea is normal now a days sci-fic are normal and i think the young man here knows well about science than me.

He points my husband.

Lady host: you are right director.

Aadhya: sir do you plan to make any romantic movie again.

Director2: at present we are not thinking so.. but if we get good idea we will try.

Lady host: you may get new idea here itself... see the couple infront of you.

This lady na very... god...please make me invincible.

Director1: ha seems like so.. let's ask some questions then.

What questions oh my god... from where these directors even came... Can't they take their award and go home.

Male host: i also want to ask...

Director2: go ahead..

My husband face is expressionless. Like there is nothing going on here.

Male host: we listened your marriage is arranged marriage. So mr.tagore what's your firsr impression on mrs. tagore.

I am looking at my husnand with wide eyes...

He: i want to marry her.


all shouted "  O....O...."

Male host: same to you mrs.tagore.

Me do i need to answer should i say truth or lie... oh god why are you playing with me... if lie what i have to say.... better to tell truth... what if his image got damaged... i hope nothing will happen like that.

He: say....

I bit my lowelip...

I: hmm... arrogant...

I closed my eyes for a sec...

Lady host: wow... arrogant.. first impression..

Male host: omg.. really.. what mr.tagore did to make such impression.

I saw my husnand looking with surprised eyes.

I: oh... when he came to see me... instead of smiling he... smirked... and didn't introduce himself..

I said slowly so that less people can hear.

All laughed again..

Male host: didn't introduce...

He asked with pure surprise.

Director1: how many times you both met before marriage.

I: hmm...2 or 3...

Director2: what 2... 3...

All their faces are with surprise and shock.

Male host: what is the first word you said to your partner?

He: i think let's go Miss.Rushitha.

Lady host: i though mr.tagore might said let's get married.

All laughed. My husband looked at her with an eybrow rise.

Director2: mrs. Tagore!!

I am regretting my decision of coming here. Whatever...

I: oh... excuse me.. can i know your name.

I remembered when i asked his name for the first time. That is the most embarrassing moment after knowing about him.

I can see all eyes looking at me with surprise... all bursted into laughing.

Am i embarrassing myself.. i bettter don't talk. I hope i didn't do anything stupid.

Aadya: ok guys let's stop bothering the couple.

Directors: thank you for the award.

Male host: ok.. mr. Tagore we request you to be on stage for announcing another award.

Lady host: nominations for best actor of the year.

Some names displayed. Again he announced someone's name....

He came up and took the award and said something... hosts cracking jokes on that hero. I took heavy breath.  anyway that hero is looking very handsome and wearing some model dress.


Male host: thank you Mr. Tagore for accepting the invitation to come here. We wish all the best for your future.

We both came down without any late and moved out without going to our seats.

As soon as we came out some media followed us. But this time not many.. may be guards cleared them.

We entered the car... i am feeling very weird like i got new life. I am feeling a pleasant silence. It's like i came out from busy vegetable market.

We both didn't talk... i just want to feel this silence. I thought he will say something... but he is also silent. After 30 minutes we reached home. This time i didn't wait for him to open my door. I got out.

We both entered the house. I saw my family members sitting in living room and watching tv. But i never saw my whole family watching tv like this. May be movie..

But suddenly i listened my husband's voice coming from tv. Oh my god don't tell me it is live telecasting.

I thought editing will be done. God please it should be my imagination. My thoughts disturbed by ma's voice.

Ma: see. Here they are... by the way my dear daughter ypu are looking gorgeous.

I can see teasing in ma's voice. Oh god not now.

Siya: oh.. my.. see grand ma your cute innocent grand daughter is so brave.

Ayya.... what is she talking about.

Grand pa: king you should has told us. You are taking rushi to such a function.

Granny: aish... they wa t to go out what's there to tease.. don't tease my grand daughter.

You are my favorite granny. I love you so much. I hugged granny in my heart. For saving me.

Granny: by the way.. you both are looking so good together.

I: ayya granny....

He coughed lightly..

He: let's go.

He took my hand and we both came to our room.

I: oh.... you can change first..

He: you go i can wait.

I know he hates waiting.. ma told so many times.

I: it's ok we can change at a time.

He looked at me shockingly.

Wait... what's going in his mind.. pervert...

I: i mean.. you change here i will change in dressing room.

He: aa ..


I went inside and gave him.. his night wear, closed the room and i changed into mine. I waited sometime inside. I think i need to wash my face... light makeup is there.

I knocked the door. So that i can confirm that he has changed.

I: are you done!!

No reply came..

I: are you done

I called louder. But still no reply came..

So i slightly opened the door. Oh my god... he is standing near door wuthout wearing the shirt. Immediately i closed the door on his face.

I: you.. you... yemchestunnaru...

He: huh??

I: oh.. why are you standing like this??

He: like what??

What the hell is he thinking..

I: o.. o... where is your shirt??

He: i am not in mood to wear it..

What.. picchi emina unda eeyanaki.. ledha tala ki emina gayam ayyinda... ( is he crazy... or he hit his head somewhere??) What i have to do??

I: please ...wear na... i am hungry..

I said with requesting tone. Actually i don't want to say like that... but i can't a man like that.. i will teach him a lesson later for teasing me like this.

He: ok.. ok.. come out. I already wore it.

I took derp breath... i don't trust him.. so i opened the door lightly and checked.. fine.. he is wearing... i came out and looked at him angrily.

I went into washroom and cleaned my face, hands, feet and came out.

We both went down. I think all already had their dinner becaise it's already 9.45 pm... we went towards dinning room.

I : you sit here... i will heat the food.

He nodded his head.

Actually i want to add some salt in his food... but he also didn't eat anything from afternoon... i don't want to be this bad. So i thought to give him salt water at last.

I served the food. We both ate silently.. but i can say he wants to ask something.. his eyes following my every moment. Although i want to ask... why he is looking at me.. i thought to be silent.

At last.. i gave him salt water. In first gulp itself he spit all the water.. his face expression is like it's disgusting.

I laughed loudly while holding my stomach. Just now i ate fully.. i can't hold my breath also.

He: what the fuck..

I slowly controlled my laughter.

I: oh.. i added salt in your... water..

I said while laughing in between.

He is looking at me with unbelievable eyes...

I: next time before you tease remember this.

I said smilingly. I gave him normal water.

He is still looking at me with his mouth open.

I: drink it.

He drank the water. I smiled and put the dishes in kitchen.

I: let's go.

He is still lookong at me weirdly...i think i did too much.. i will not do this again.

We both went up.

I sat on my side of bed.

He: i have some work.

I: oh... i am sorry... i ...

I lowered my head.. i am feeling bad.. why i thought to do such thing.

He: oh.. you are feeling sorry... ok then... but i don't want sorry. I want...

He came near to me... i lfted my eyes to see him... he is standing infront of me.

He is bending towards me... i am also leaning back on bed to keep some distance... he is so near... i am feeling goosebumps all over my body. I gulped my saliva... his eyes are so dark and looking at me mischievously... i bit my lower lip to control my nervousness.

I held the bedsheet tightly in my fist...

I am feeling light pain in my waist and elbows..

His hand held my chin... i forgot to breath.... i lost in his eyes... they are telling me some unknown words... like look at me...  my heart is popping like a bulb in BP machine.

Without any hint.... he......


Hi guys i know you all are waiting very eagerly.

Not edited please bear with the mistakes.

I hope you will like the chapter.

Next chapter there will be a secret revelation.

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Bye bye.
