
Hi guys here is another chapter ........💗💗 I hope you will like the story...

         Love is not a game that can be played by mind and tactics, it is a soulful feeling which can't be described. So cherish your feelings...


Rushi's Pov,

        I don't know whether our plan works or not, but I am very excited. I always like to go out like this but every time I did such things Mom caught me. It is very nice to be a kid... but now I am a married woman. I want to be a kid again. If God asks me what I want, then I will ask him to make me a kid forever. It's too silly right? I laughed at myself.

        The next day morning we three waited for Ma and Papa to go out. As usual, they went to their office. Now our adventure starts. Granny got dresses from workers; I am nervous to do all these but thrilled. This is my first time doing all these things.

          I checked them and took a good fit and decent uniform. I wore it although it is up to my ankles, I wear shoes like a kindergarten girl. I felt a little uncomfortable but soon I adjusted to it. I got my mobile, and sling bag and went down I saw Siya and Granny already waiting for me in their normal attire for going out. they gave me some card may be for security.

Granny: rushi you should be careful and you should behave like a  servant if security got us we will be finished and this card.. security card of Rose. We will say we are going to shopping don't say any other reasons....ok!!

Granny told me slowly like we are going to steal something...

" yes granny" I answered with a smile to assure her.

Siya: This is nice I am so excited to cheat the security that bastard always caught me when I say my reasons. Today I will see how he can catch us.

           We three went out and Siya went to get a car. we are all now in the car. Siya is in the driving seat, I am in the passenger seat, and Granny is in the back seat... these cars are different from India I never saw a car with a driving seat right. I am really surprised when I first saw stopped at the entrance security guard asked Siya...

Guard: mam can you please tell me where you are going with old mam.....

Siya: did I have to tell you? why do you always come my way??? huh... tell me???

Guard: sorry mam but it's King sir's order to check while going out...

Siya: what a crap we are going to do shopping. Granny wants to buy some comfortable clothes and I want to buy other things. Is this information enough or do you want a detailed plan??

Guard: ok mam ..... sorry to disturb you and you girl ...are you maid in the house...??

Me: huh.. yes sir.

Guard: show your card and you can go...

Me: yes sir.

        I showed him the card....and large gates opened wide, I feel like I am going out of the prison to a spacious one..... my heart feels so happy I want to dance... I feel like I won some gold medal. Siya is annoyed by the security guard. I felt nervous when that guard asked me...

Siya driving the car crazily ... after we feel we are away from the mansion.... we all laughed wholeheartedly........I am so happy now .....

      I saw busy streets where people are everywhere we all got from the car ... Siya started explaining everything... Granny is smiling happily..... we went to the entertainment mall .. there are so many games just like some English movies....every building is so tall so many shops. So many new things which I never saw... To say I don't know anything here... I am in awe.

Neelaja's Pov, (Granny )

          She is really happy anyone can say her eyes are shining like stars in black clouds, and her smile is not leaving her lips.....I feel like my whole stress is relieved by her smile..... in a week we both became so close she cares for he grandpa... talks with him, and helps me in everything, she is so sweet and not after money she always said she wants to go out, but my too arrogant grandson took her in a chopper, she fainted... when these Tagores learn about their wives....their love is good but they should know their wife's desires even my son is like that ... I can't help!! and Abhimaan is their extreme version, cold as ice, arrogant, and ruthless, when any girl approaches him he directly breaks her heart. All say handsome men are gentle and sweet. Men are always men being rude.. of course, some people are good but the people I met are far from gentle of course I met good people but my sons and grandsons are far from gentle... and Abhimaan is different and outstanding like god gave his total intelligence to him... 

            I am really gifted to be his grandma but more intelligence is very irritating sometimes and his cold behavior irks me but I don't know what made me love him more but I am so happy to love him... I even don't know how those fellow eyes caught this innocent beauty....she is so innocent and naive to this business world .... maybe it is always true ..opposite attracts... I want them happy. I am very eager to see their love but it seems I have to wait for more. My eyes landed on my granddaughter-in-law huh.. who wants to call her daughter-in-law she is my granddaughter. I am so happy to see her I never taught I can see her again... her mother and father are great.. they gave their whole virtue to her.

             She is jumping, dancing, running towards every shop I can't express her happiness she is just like a kid who came out for the first time, maybe That is true he locked her up for a week, I never thought he will be this possessive, he even doesn't want us to interfere in their relationship When I saw her in wedding attire I was awestruck she was more beautiful than her mother... her eyes I never saw such innocent eyes. Surya did everything to protect her I am glad to see her alive...  I don't want his possessiveness to overpower his love I can't say whether he loves her or not but I can see his tension when she went missing... but his possession is more and I only want one thing and that is ... his anger should not burn her...

       I am a grandmother to many children, but King is always special he never asks what he wants he gets his things with his work... now he is more powerful ... he can destroy anyone with a snap of his fingers... I just hope they are good and happy.

Rushi's Pov,

          It's a very fun day for me. Siya is nice she is crazy sometimes she is always ready to fight with others, I learned so many things how to play video games, how to use a claw machine where we pic dolls, it's fun to go with her even granny is happy she is a kid from the heart... I already feel them as my close ones today is a great day for me...... I am so so so happy, it's new to me with them, the place, people everything is new, but I liked it today I felt like myself again.... we even went to a small hotel it's nice to eat from a small place than those restaurants food, street food is different from other hotels, but I like them the most. Of course, as a doctor, I shouldn't talk like that, but I like the food and what I can do... I learned many things I want to be like this every day. After enjoying ourselves we decided to go home it was already 3. pm, and I am in the clouds today .... Siya and Granny bought so many things I bought only some items.... later we went clothes shopping .... it is the biggest shopping mall I saw... Siya's selection is something else, she is a pure American, and even though her parents are from India she has American taste ..... whereas Granny always tells she is young ......I am continuously laughing ... my heart is enjoying so much..... we all came home I am carrying all their bags because no one can doubt us right ...... after entering my eyes got stuck... I don't know why my heart beating fast... only one thing running through my mind did he come back!!!... If he sees me like this, I will die... oh god what I can do... no rushi think positive it won't be him... but who else can have these many cars.

         There are many cars in front of the main door to say at least 15 cars all are looking costly with different colors... wait... different colors... I took a breath I felt relief they are not his cars then whose??   I looked at Siya and Granny... I can see the tension on Siya's face and Granny's face lighting like a tube light without current ..... I don't know why they have different expressions, but I am sure something is happening.

      I got the bags out of the car. Guards are taking cars from their places ... siya also gave car keys to one guard.... granny went inside eagerly........ siya took some bags from me.... we both walked inside ..... I want to ask whose these cars are... but kept silent ..... I decided to ask later.....

    I entered after Siya... I can listen so many voices..... when I entered, I can see a lot of people.... my eyes got stuck .... what is happening here??.... only question in my mind ...... but I recognized Saanvi ..... but remaining all are looking at me with different emotions..... Rose came running towards me......

Rose: mam give me all these bags I will keep them in your room...                             

me: it's ok Rose I wi.

rose-cut my words taking all bags from my hands.....                  

 Granny: rushi beti go and change and come down... and Rose put the bags in Siya's room,

but I am still standing there like a statue not knowing what is happening there.... again I listened to Granny's voice.....

Granny: Siya take Rushi to her room and help her to get ready.....

I put a question mark face....??????

siya looked at someone and hold my hand and took me to my room ....not took me she dragged me... I still do not know what is happening here  ..... we both came to my room......

"Siya who are they ....??"  I asked her with so much confusion...

Siya: you will know all of them are our relatives don't worry ..... just get ready nicely... ok and where is the locker keys...  

" oh....... there are in table desk."

Siya: go get ready first.....

"ok ok don't push me... I will ......" she is crazy.

          I went to the washroom to take a bath..... .... then I noticed I was wearing an outfit which I should not wear .... oh god they all saw me in this what will they think of me..... it has the recognition of house workers.... hey god why you always put me in like these situations...  oh no.... what I can say to them if they ask me. I removed socks from my feet which I where previously to cover my toe rings they are shining brightly..... I took a bath and wore a saree...I looked at myself in the mirror ... the saree is looking good ... it is a blue and white combination silk saree. But more than that I am tense... I put, sindoor and bangles and I looked at my neck and arranged my nuptial chain... I came out from the dressing room ..... I saw Siya waiting for me, sitting on the bed and chatting with someone...  

"argh, argh...... argh...."    I make a sound to get her attention...

she immediately looked at me, her mouth opened wide..... she composed herself

" Rushi you are so beautiful.... even without any makeup you are looking gorgeous in this saree... if I were a boy I will kiss you senselessly."

      I am taken aback by her compliment .... she is a crazy girl..... I never listened this type of compliment.

she gave me diamond bangles.

" siya no need of these."

"Rushi granny told me to give these bangles to you, so you better wear them."

  I wore them removing my previous one.... she did some light makeup and applied lip balm then arrange my hair... I don't know what she did with my hair .......  I got ready ... I look at the clock it is ticking 4. pm...... someone knocked on the door ..... siya opened it...... ma came to me looking at me with her eyes wide

Ma: rushi you are looking gorgeous.

I smiled at her and told thank you.

     They both took me out when I am coming down all are looking at me..... I feel so nervous, everyone eyes on me..... I feel like I am some candy that they are waiting for. There are so many people some boys and girls of my age and some less, more and some people are men and women of my age...... papa is sitting beside two men ...... everything is silent I can hear my footsteps. after looking at them for a minute I lowered my gaze..... I am feeling nervous..... I went down...... all are still looking at me.... am I looking weird or something on my face ...... oh god save me. I am praying to god in my heart to take me from this awkward situation

     A boy of my age or more I don't know got up from his seat.... we three sat on that empty sofa..... this silence is killing me.....

      " Bhai at least now introduce your daughter-in-law to us. " a voice came from a man sitting beside Papa... 


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