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Rushi's pov,

I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the morning sunlight... as usually his hand circled around my waist... and my head is on his chest... I touched his t-shirt... shyly... yesterday night events still playing in my mind.. I don't deny... he is very gentle and soft to me... I can say he is controlling so much... his eyes told me how many times he lost his control... but I am happy... he is respecting and caring about me... my feelings grown so much... yesterday night his name from my vocals sounded different... I know I am completely attracted towards him.. not only attraction... strong feelings also...

I looked up to see his sleeping face.. he is looking so handsome and peaceful.

I slowly got out of his hold and went towards washroom... although yesterday I did headbath... I want to do again... so I took my time to do it...

Suddenly I heard knock on washroom door...

I off the tap...

"Who is it??"

"Doll are you ok" my husband voice is a little worried..

"What happened??"

"Ntg you have been in  for quite sometime so i thought..."

"I will be out in 15 minutes"


I did headbath and came out wearing my usual clothes.. but he is no where...I came out... but no one was there... no workers also... I am a little surprised and confused.. I listened some sounds from kitchen... so I went towards dinning area..

I saw my husband slicing boiled eggs... I am a little surprised... I went towards him.. he looked at me with a charming smile...

"Good morning" I said with shy smile..

"Good morning doll"

"You know cooking!!" I asked a little surprisingly..

"Ofcourse... but not like you.." did he just complement me..

"I will fry them... you go and get fresh up..."

He nodded..  but before going out he kissed my cheek .. I giggled... and started doing remaining work..

I placed breakfast on dinning table... he came down in his normal wear... isn't he going to office??

He sat on his chair.. I served him.. I took a step to sit in my chair.. but he pulled me towards him...

I sat on his lap... he adjusted me.. I didn't struggle...  I am liking his every touch... what's there to reject him...

We both are eating from same plate...

I: abhi... why are there no workers today?

He: I gave them leave today.

I smiled...

I: aren't you going to office?

He: do you want me to go?

He asked smirkingly..

I:.. I.. oh.. don't..

He smiled and kissed my forehead... we completed our food.. I got up and put the dishes in kitchen..

After I came out..

He: what do you want to do?

I: will you do whatever I say?

He: today I am all your's.. my lady..

I giggled... he came so near to me and kissed me... it's slow and soft... I returned his feelings... my heart is filled with happiness.. thank you God for giving me this much happiness.. and I am sorry for being stupid in past...

I: I want to ride a bicycle..

He: bicycle!!!


He: but there is no bicycle in our garage.

I pouted...

He: how about I take you to a ride on bike..

I: no.. I want to ride bicycle... if not then let's go to garden..

He: but doll...

I: come let's go..

I dragged him to backyard..

I: which flower you like!!

He looked at me confusingly....

He: hmm... I never thought about it... but my sister used to like gardenia.

I: oh..

He: what is your favourite?

I: hmm..white rose and white lotus.

He: is it because they represents peace..

I: no.. when I see them I just can't take my eyes..

He: oh.. then I have a favorite flower..

I: really.. what's that..

He: you.

I am just speechless...

I: I.. I..  am not .. flower..

He: I can't take my eyes from you..

I lightly slap on his chest.. we are walking in the garden with our hands interlinked... I am lost in the moment.. I was really stupid in past.. how can I hate him.. all my stupid thoughts like not being near to home missing mom, dad, bro, sis, friends everything seems like my childishness.. even being far I am loving them, talking with them.. I know I still miss them but if I got there will I miss him... or will I forget him.. no way how can I forget him... he is my husband, my half...

But still his previous anger situations scares me a little. I wish they never happened. But past is past. He is not at all bad.. a very capable son, best businessman, strict but responsible brother, and hmm.. romantic husband.. what only romantic.. no caring also.. only caring... no.. my husband.. I giggled in my mind..

"Seems like theres something going on in my doll's mind.."

He asked looking at me intensely..

"It's girl thing" I said smilingly..

"Girl's thing..."

He didn't understand what's really going in my mind...

I laughed... looking at his cute confused expression...

After sometime we both came back into mansion.. I checked the time..

"Will you help me in cooking lunch.." I asked..
He nodded..

I got vegetables from fridge and washed them.. I told him to cut them... he did a little clumsily but it's ok.. I want to cook vegetable rice and meal makers curry.

After helping me.. he hugged me like a cola... although at first it is little uncomfortable.. but I adjusted.. he is so sweet...

"Doll... food smell is so nice."

I smiled..

"Doll i am hungry..."

"Have patience Mr.Tagore"

"You know what doll everyone calls me as mr.tagore or formally... but when i listen you calling me as Mr.Tagore i won't feel formal."

I laughed..

"It's not name Abhi.. it's the way of calling... they call you with respect and i..."

I stopped  my words and blushed...

"I...what doll?"

He asked smirkingly..

"Oh.. i.. you... hayya just go and sit you are disturbing me.."

I said poutingly...I want to distract him.

He kissed my lips and left me... I listened some romantic song playing in dinning area.. he might listening.. I came out I saw him seeing my photo in his mobile..

"It's bad Mr.husband to look at a girl like this"

"Everything is correct in love doll"

He said smilingly... love... really a strange word.. hmm may be strange feeling also..

I dragged a chair near to him and sat. Suddenly he put his mobile down..

"Doll why didn't you ask me to take you out.. "

I smiled..

"I am not outing person abhi.. when i first came here i am just curious... and so sad.. and today it's different.. i want to be with you... that's it"

"Wait.. are you expecting me to ask you to take me out..!!" I asked surprisingly.. and I am little upset...

"No... but i thought after that." He answered seriously..

I nodded .

"So what do you want to do next..??"

"I want to play vedio game.. maya always tella she will teach me but never did" I said..

"Ok then let's go.."

"But aren't you hungry...."

" after playing we can eat... I am not hungry "

I know he wasn't hungry... I smiled... we both went to gaming room... there is a led TV and some big box.. he took out a pen drive amd inserted to the TV. He told me to sit down..

After a sec something loaded in the TV screen. He gave me one of the remote.

He also sat beside me but with a pillow down..

He: it's a car racing game.

I nodded. I am a little nervous.. having a remote in my hand is really amusing..

Soon he started the game...

He told me how to hold the remote... I did what he said. The cars are moving slowly... I tried to follow his moments..

But my bad when I click right the car crashed.. I lost so many times... I feel so low... how can I not it's really so difficult to play these games.. I pouted..

He laughed at my situation... I glared at him..

He moved a little back and held my both hands... it's like he is hugging me from back... my stupid heart and hormones started to pop up.. my mind is not at all focused on game.. I am feeling his words and breath on my ear and neck..

He: focus doll..

My mind came out from my lala land.. and I looked at the game.. his fingers commanding mine like they are his..

After playing sometime I feel a little tired...

He: let's eat.. you look tired...

I nodded smilingly..

We both had our lunch just like morning.. me on his lap and eating from same plate...

I: I don't want to go up..

He: ok let's rest on couch..

I smiled.. we both sat in couch... he told TV to play some song... then I understand this TV can recognize voice.. what a technology.. I am really amazed..

He is the first one to lay on couch.. his back touching the back.. his left arm stretched a little bit hanging down..

He indicated me to rest on him.. I smiled shyly and put my head on his shoulder and hand on his chest... his right hand circled around my waist..

"Doll do your lectures teach how couple will feel when they hug each other??"

He asked suddenly..

"Yes.. when we hug oxytocin will be released from pituitary gland... only when we feel so many emotions and heart rate will also increase. " I answerd remembering my study days..

"So is it released in you now??"
He asked smirkingly.. does he think I will fall for his mischievous talks.. that to in my subject..

"It's not only for women... men also have same hormones... so is it released in you.."

I asked him in return.. he looked at me with little amusement..

"How could i know i am not a doctor"

"Oh then let me check you.." I put my hand on his heart and trying to count his heart beats... he is a looking at me qithout blinking..

"Your heart is beating quite fastly.. may be released.. isn't it husband.."

I teased him a little.. he suddenly held my hand and kissed...

"Seems like yours also..."

I dig my head in his chest... he is such a flirty person..

He cuddled me more tightly.. I am just enjoying his soothing scent... I slowly drift into my happy and peaceful sleep..

Author's pov,

In the whole silent mansion... two souls no no... one soul with two bodies... sleeping peacefully in couch without bothering about outer world.. their heart beats, breathing are purely in sink.. no one can guess there are two persons in that couch... her hair hanging down from couch slightly touching the ground..

Suddenly two cars entered the mansion... due to the closed doors no one inside the mansion can hear the sound..

From car four persons came out... samyuktha (rushi's mother-in-law) Aravind (rushi's father-in-law), David and maya. Seeing David and maya samyuktha is little surprised..

When they tried to enter.. the guards bowed and stopped them...

Aravind looked at them a little confusingly...

Guard 1: sir we are not intended to stop you... but sir King ordered us not to let anyone inside..

Samyuktha: isn't king went to office today..

Guard 2: no mam..

Maya: no servents inside??

Guard 1: no mam sir gave leave to them..

All understood... may be the beautiful couple spending their time with eachother... but today they can't give privacy to them...

Samyuktha: open the doors.. it's an order.

Guards bowed and opened the doors..

Due to the sound of doors king sleep got disturbed.. he slightly moved.. but his doll scent claiming his nerves and drifting him into sleep.. he is unable to open his eyes..

The four figures entered in without making too much noise..

As they entered the living room all got stuck in their places like God made them stones for a sec.. they listened some slow melody song playing in TV.

No one know what to do... whether to disturb the peaceful couple or not. But I think god want king to open his eyes..

Maya mobile rang letting the noise between the peaceful song..

King immediately opened his eyes.. he saw his mom, dad, David looking at them with their jaw drop...

Maya is busy with keeping her mobile in silent..

Samyuktha opened her mouth to say something.. but king made her silent with his hand rise..king slowly removed his hand which is beneath his doll's neck... and placed her head on couch.. but I think his doll is not in mood to let her pillow go.. she again put her head on his chest.. he again put her head down.. their legs are interlinked with each other.. he slowly got up... Maya came forward to help king.. but he stopped her... he stood on couch and jumped to reach ground.. he took his doll into his arms... no one uttering si gle word.. everyone even stopped their breath.. seeing king like this made their heart sank in deep ocean and high sky..

They are unable to understand their own feelings... they are just dumb struck...

Rushi's hair swinging in air as king climbing every step towards their room. Her head lightly hanging..  but his doll is a deep sleeper... if thunder strikes something also she won't wake...

He placed her on their master bed with utmost care and kisses her forehead. He puts her big teddy beside her.

He came down after washing his face..

He signaled everyone to come to his office room.. all went up..

Maya closed the door..

He: what's the issue..

David: our shares in India suddenly dropping down..

He: reason?

Maya: someone filed a complaint against Surya uncle. No clear details..

He: did you contact the brach manger and uncle.

David: we did... manger don't know anything and uncle is not responding.

Aravind: Agarwal's filed a case against surya..

He: what's the case?

Aravind: not clearly known.. but we have an idea but not sure..

He: why uncle not responding?

Samyuktha: may be trying to deal with the situation.

Atavind: we need to go to india.

He calmly said..

He: first get the clear information and then we can decide whether to go there are not.

Samyuktha: but..king..

Suddenly he got call from his PA.

PA: sir someone filed a case against Tagore's...

He is stunned for a sec... his calmness ended... anger took over his mind.. his eyes turned deep dark... even the darkness itself can drown in his eyes..

He: who the hell dared to file a case against tagore's.

His voice boomed in the room like a volcano.

PA: sir, I gathered the information.

He: I want the file right now.

PA: yes sir.

He: dad what the hell is this?

His voice sending chills to everyone..

Aravind: king please calm down we will tell everything but not now.. first we need to go to India.

His father tried to cool him... but his father already knows it's no use..

He: first inform uncle and know the details.. contact uncle's PA.

He ordered David.

David: ok king..

He called someone...

He: don't let any media to let the news out... I don't want any stupid news about the case.

He said with his cold tone..
He turned towards David.

He: call someone in india and get the current situation about the market. I want all the details on my table within one hour.

David nodded.

He: maya keep an eye on media or any social media platform. right away.

She nodded.

He: mom how is the advertising project going on.

Samyuktha: the model we selected got into an accident so we are...

He: when this happened?

He added narrowing his eyebrows..

Samyuktha: yesterday night.

He: why didn't you inform me?

He asked like he is warning his mother not to repeat her mistake...

Samyuktha: I want aadya to be model of this add..

She knows her answer might anger her son more...

He: work on the requirements I said. Don't show favoritism.

He said sternly giving the goosebumps to the people present in the room... everyone can see anger in his eyes... his  finger curled into a fist... his veins turning into black... if she is not his mom he might fire her without thinking a milli second..

Samyutha: as you say king..


Hi guys I hope everyone like the chapter.

It's not edited a bit... I am busy with my term 1 exams. Sorry for that.

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