
Hi guys I hope all are doing well...

I hope there is no confusion in characters and story.

As per everyone's request here is the early update.

Let's  continue...


Rushi's pov,

My heart and mind filled with joy.. I am a little nervous... my emotions are not at all in my control....

Our luggage.. hmm may be my luggage carried by the guards... we both got in the jet...

Soon flight is in air... airhostess bought the dinner.. we both ate in comfortable silence...

After dinner...

He: doll.. take rest I have some work.. I will come later.

I nodded and went towards bedroom.

Removing my hair clips I laid on bed... my thoughts went to my home... I don't know how everyone will react... my heart beating with happiness...I am unable to close my eyes..

After some time.. he entered the room.. I just want to know what he will do when I am sleeping... I closed my eyes.

I can sense he came towards me... his cold hand touching my cheek softly... I felt so weird... I just want to scream...

I flet his lips on my forehead... my heart pumping like a gas tube...

I listened his low voice..

He: I love you so much doll... I don't even want that word between us.

His lips touched my lips... oh my god... I clutched the pillow tightly and closed my eyes tightly... after a sec I Can't feel his lips anymore... I tried to calm my heart and breath.... after a minute I opened my eyes slowly... my fingers touched my lips... I can still feel his hot breath and warm lips.. I covered my total body with quilt... I am so shy... my cheeks defnitely turned red... I am so sure of it...

I felt the bed dip down... may be he sat... just in a minute I felt his hand removing the duvet from my face... I didn't resist.. I let him do what he wants... he back hugged me.. his hot breath ticking my I turned towards him... may be now our faces facing eachother... he adjusted... I snuggled into him more... I just like his warmth... I just want to be with him... I am addicted to sleep beside him..

Soon I drifted into sleep...


I opened my eyes only to be welcomed by my husband's morning husky voice...

I rubbed my eyes to get clear vision... he is already in his formals looking all fresh and energetic...

A smiled automatically formed on my lips...

He: good morning doll...

Wow... what a beautiful day... I am just flying in clouds.... oh wait I am really flying...

I: good morning..

He forwarded his both hands.. at first I am little confused... but I gave my two hands to him.. he pulled me up... I stood on bed..

I am height than him...

I am looking into his eyes... they are so gorgeous.... shinning like black perals... my smile not at all leaving me...

He hugged my waist and lifted me...

I: oh my god... abhi what are you doing... keep me down... keep me down..

I am so shocked at his behaviour... he lifts me like I am some doll... I clutched his shoulders like my life depends on it...

He: calm down doll... i just want to carry you..

His hands moved a little down to get the grip....

I: you can carry me other ways.. first keep me down...

He: no means no...

I: abhi please.. put me down... please..

He sighed and put me down... I took breath... mental husband..

He: you na... mood spoiler...

What me mood spoiler... then let me show him...

I pulled him down by his collar and pressed my lips on his... I closed my eyes to feel my actions...

He is very fast... the next sec he started to kiss me... I am also no less I am trying keep my pace but he won... he dominated me... my back hit the wall...

I lost my breath... I pushed him a little.. but no chance.. he won't go back until he is satisfied... he is really a dominating person... I said his name in between our kiss.... but then onwards his grip on me tightened... I am feeling so weak... I thought I will fall... but luckily he stopped kissing... I inhaled oxygen to keep me alive... I looked into his eyes...

He: you became good at romance doll...

I looked at him shockingly... what the... I am so embarrassed.... is it anything to be proud off.....

I sliped from his gaze and entered the washroom..

He: come fast I will be waiting for you..

He said laughingly..
I smiled like a crazy girl.. covering my face with my palms...

I came out wearing a pink color long skirt and white kurthi style top...
I comb my hair, put bindi and applied kajal.

I came out... I saw him sitting near window with his laptop...

I coughed a little to get his attention.. hid eyes turned towards me.. he is checking me from top to bottom..

He: looking cute..

I blushed...

He: come let's have breakfast..

I nodded and sat beside him.. airhostesss put the food and left.. I served him and we both ate...

He: doll first we will go to your father's house.. ok..

I: hmm... is there any work with dad..

He: hmm.. I have but uncle wants to introduce someone to you...

I: huh... who are they???

He: uncle's parents.

I: but I never met them before...

He: don't worry. They just want to know who is my wife..

I: oh.. ok...

Afternoon time I listened..

"Please put your seat belts flight is going to land"

I put my seat belt and so he is..

After landing we came out... I saw some cars waiting for us... a man in grey suit came towards us..

Man: welcome to India Mr. and Mrs. Tagore.

I smiled..

He: is everything under control?

Man: yes sir.. we cleared everything..

A woman came towards us and gave a big bouquet...

Woman: welcome sir. Welcome mam..

I smiled.. but he gave no response... rude much...

We both came towards our car.. I don't know why these many cars needed like he is some PM.

Guards opened our car doors..  we have hands and legs.. right...

That man sat in driver seat and woman in passenger seat.. we both in backside..
Cars started to move.

Woman: sir your shecdule.

I: shecdule!!

My husband looked at me questioningly..

I: you came here to do work!!

He is still looking at me confusingly..

Why I am even asking I thought he will spend time with my family and me.. I never thought he came here to do business... I just hate this... why I even marry him...oh god I just wish he has some free time..

I looked at that woman..

I: do you know hindi..

She nodded...

I: iska shecdule mai free time hai kya!(is there any free time in his schedule.!)

Woman: yek(one) minute mam..

She is searching for free time...I think nothing is found..

I: bass bass.. (stop stop)

I said softly...I turned towards him angrily... I am feeling so upset...

He: doll.. is there any issue..

I: Mr.Abhimaan Tagore..

I stop my words...

I want to shout at him.. but others are there.. I can't lose my cool now... I will talk with him when we reach my dad's house. I turned my face not to look at him anymore..

My dad's house is in Mumbai... so I think we are in Mumbai Airport now...I came here only once.... I think everything must be changed.....

After one hour we reached a big mansion.. as I thought everything is changed...

Big mansion... although I don't want to compare.. it is somewhat small than my husband's mansion..  whatever I want to see my dad...

Doors opened automatically all cars entered the mansion.. there is a big fountain in the middle... I am just looking at everything..  I saw my dad and rajini aunty waiting outside...

My smile turning into wide as we reaching heart beating with happiness...

Cars stopped at center.. I didn't give anytime to others to open the door....

Within a sec I opened the door as car stopped I came out so fast not to waste a sec...

I climbed the first three steps and hugged my father tightly...

My dad also hugged me tightly..

Dad: how is my rushi..

I: I miss you.

Dad: oh.. I too miss you...

I felt aunt's hand on my hair.. which is ruffling softly...

Small tears formed in my eyes.. but I controlled them..

I loosed my grip on my dad.. I stood on my feet..

I hugged aunt..

Aunt: how are you rushi..

I: I am fine aunty.. I missed your chocolate ice cream.

Aunt: oh.. my baby... I already prepared for you..

I: really..

Aunt: reallllyyy..

I smiled widely... I listened someone coughing..

Dad: ha...King... welcome to Mumbai..

He smiled forcefully...

Aunt: how are you son..

He: fine Mrs. Deshmuk.

Aunt: just wait a sec..

A worker came with arthi and stood inside the door.

We all went towards main door.

Dad and aunt went inside.. we both stood outside..

Aunt did arthi to us and keep vermilion on our foreheads and welcomed us..

We put our right foot first and entered..

As I entered I am mesmerized by interior design... it's just awesome...

My husband held my hand...

We both came into living room..

Aunty gave a bowl of ice cream to me..

Aunty: feed each other.. don't eat whole by yourself.

Aunty said laughingly..

I: aunty... you also...

I took a spoon full if ice cream and turned towards him... his eyes widened..

I know he won't like too much sweet.. this is small revenge husband... I smiled evilly in mind..

But he held my hand and put the half of the spoon in my mouth.. wow.. ice cream melted in my mouth...I just like this taste so much.. tasty aunty..

He himself put the remaining icecream in his mouth while holding my hand..

Aunty: get fresh up... we will have breakfast..

He: we already had our breakfast Mrs. Deshmuk and I have some work.

Always work.. office.. he may be tired after this much journey Can't he spend sometime with my family...and what is this Mrs. Deshmuk...

Dad: king they are already here..

He: do I need!!

Dad: may be...

He nodded...

Dad told some worker to call someone...

We all sat in couch... I sat in between aunt and dad and he sat in single sofa chair.

I: aunty.. mom kaise hai?? (How is mom??)

Aunty: teek hai... tum bathov tum kaise ho(she is fine.. first tell me about yourself..)

I: mei tikh hu... (i am fine)

Aunty: ha ha.. dekh raha hu mei.. Kitna kush hai tum... tumhare pathi bahuth pyaar karthena tum sei... (I can see how happy you are... Your husband loves you very much)

She said teasingly..

I: aunty tum bhi..(you also)

Suddenly I heard someone foot steps.. I turned towards that direction.

I saw an older couple coming down... they may be granny and grandpa's age..

But for some reason I felt nervous..
I held my dad's hand tightly...
dad slowly patted my hand to give me confidence..

They came towards us..  I can feel their continuous gaze on me.. I feel like they want to say something to me..

Aunty got up and sat on another couch.

Old woman sat beside me and old man sat beside her... we four are sitting in one couch .

Dad: rushi beti... they are my father and mother , your grandparents...

I: oh..

Dad: papa and ma she is rushi my only daughter and your granddaughter.

Dad put his hand on my shoulder..

I can feel their sadness... for some unknown reason I am feeling suffocating...

Suddenly old lady hugged me...

Old lady: my granddaughter..

I am a little confused.. but ok.. I hugged her back with a smile..

I: grandma please..

I don't even know why I said please.. may be I felt her sadness.. but why is she sad..

Grandpa: rushi come to your grandpa..

I stood and sat between the two older couple and smiled..

He kissed my forehead.

I smiled... I felt some sort unknown peace..

Grandpa: what are you doing now..

I: I am a doctor grandpa..

Grandma: doctor..

I smiled..

Grandpa: your grandma also a medical student...

I: wow really..

Grandma nodded...

I: then please be my teacher na.. please please..

All laughed except my rude husband..

Grandma: I will be.. afterall you are only my granddaughter.

I smiled... I feel like my heart filling with so much happiness and sadness..

Dad: ok.. ok..if your chat is finished.. let me tell you... That young man is rushi's husband Abhimaan Tagore.

My dad introduced my husband.

He: hello.

Grandpa: oh.. I hope he won't be like his father.

What grandpa mean by.. 

I: grandpa do you know my father-in-law!!

Grandma: just by business..

I: oh..

Granny: come dear I will show you the house..

I smiled and got up..

He: I will be leaving.

He got up...I felt a little upset...

He came towards me and kissed my forehead..

What.. the how can he kiss me infront all these people... oh my god..  I felt all eyes on me... I am so embarrassed... god.. please save me..

He went out...

Dad: rushi don't stress yourself.. have good rest.

I smiled..

Aunt: I will prepare all your favourite dishes..

I smiled sheepishly..

I went with grandma... grandpa also came with us..

Grandma telling me about the house..

Grandpa: rushi are you happy with the marriage.

I: huh... what happend grandpa...

Grandpa: nothing just asking how tagore's treating you??

I: they are so good grandpa.. ma and papa are very caring, there also I have granny and grandpa just like you... they treat me like their grand daughter just like you. All treat me like a child.. I like there...

Grandma: what about your husband..

I: Abhi.. he is.. hmm he.. loves me a lot..

I said with a shy smile...

Grandpa: then good... if you feel a little sad also just tell me..

I nodded..I don't know why I feel very comfortable with them...

We three roamed in the whole mansion  and talked about some random things like what I like to do, how's my childhood, I also shared some secrets with them.. I am feeling so happy..

Lastly grandma showed my room.

Grandma: rushi I bought some dresses for you if you like wear them..

I nodded happily...

Grandma and grandpa: always be happy..

I smiled...

I: next time I will get a gift for you..

Gtandpa: no need of gift rushi come and see us oftenly..

For a sec I felt sad.. can I meet them oftenly.. will he accept...

But I smiled..

Grandma: take rest baby..

I smiled... only smile is on my face a genuine one..

After they left I sat on bed and looked around... I went to closest.. I forgot to blink.. is this called some dresses... whole wardrobe is present..

I closed my mouth to accept the reality..

I slowly took one of the nightdress and went to change..

After changing I laid on bed.. I Can't call mom with US number.. so I texted her about my arrival and meeting grandparents.

She sent me a happy emoji.

I put my mobile down and slept for some time..

After sleeping for 2 hours I got up and washed my face and went down..

Aunty is setting the table.. I checked the time it's 11.30 Am

I: aunty...

Aunty: oh rushi.. are you fine now..

I: fresh and energetic..

Aunty smiled..

I: hmm why are you setting the table this early Aunty..

Aunty: your brother is coming..

I: but Sam said he will come evening...

Aunty: he can't wait to see you...

She said smilingly..

I: ayya.. don't lie... we always talk vedio call... may be he want to see me... but that's just one of the reason... right...

Aunty laughed..

Aunty: ok...ok... he has some meeting this afternoon...

I: now correct answer... why all these people like to do business this much...

We both laughed..

I: aunty is there any problem in compamy...

Aunty: nothing just some politics... your husband came na everything will be all right...

She siad smilingly...

I: please Aunty don't tease me..

Aunty: accha tikhe...(ok..fine) but tell me first... did you both have your night...

She asked winking at me.... my eyes widened... my cheeks turned little red..

I: oh.. ham...

Aunty: wow.. rushi.. you guys did it... when will I get my grandchild...

She asked with full of excitement..

I: aunty.. ham...

Aunty: you guys didn't do.. but your face telling that...

I cut her words.. I am totally shy...

I: just once Aunty..  please don't tease me..

Aunty: only once.. ayya.. oh god what should I do with this child..

Aunty: rushi come sit with me...

I sat beside Aunty with my head low... I am feeling shy to look at other person..

Aunty: you both like eachother na..

I nodded...

Aunty: and you already did once..

I closed my eyes and nodded..

Aunty: then why don't you go further.. don't you want children...

I: oh.. it's not that... hmm... we don't have time for... hmm...

Aunty: no time.. what you guys do at night time.. study...

Hayya my aunt is really something else..

I: it's not like that Aunty.... we just.. hmmm did it ..... recently...

Aunty: oh.... then use this time in india

I nodded not to talk anymore or to get more embarrassed..

She ruffled my hair...i smiled..

After talking some things about my family aunty went to her room.

I sat in living room couch watching hindi movie... how much I miss them... with my ice cream.

After sometime my brother came... I got up..

He came towards me and hugged me..

Sam: how are you rushi..  is everything fine... is your health ok.. is he treating you well... did he do something... why are you not answering...

I put my palm on his mouth to stop his bullet train questions...

I: Sam take a breath...

He is looking at me questioningly..

I: I am fine... I adjusted to the environment, he is treating me well...

I said smilingly and removed my hand from his mouth..

He kissed my forehead..

Sam: I miss you..

I: I too so much...

We hugged again.. I really miss my brother's love... tears formed in my eyes..

Sam: don't cry my little sis.. your brother always protects you..

I smiled and nodded..

Suddenly I listened...

He: what's happening?

I turned towards the owner of that voice.. my husband and dad walking towards us..

Me and brother turned towards them..

Dad: Sam what are you doing here.. you should be in meeting right...

Sam: I postponed it to afternoon..

My husband came towards me and cupped my face in his palms..

I am looking at him questioningly..

He: what happend doll why is your face red..

I: oh.. I..

He looked at me and brothers hand interlinking.. but none of us move an brother directly looking into my husband's eyes..

He: doll I asked something...

He asked a little dominatingly..

I: I just.. got emotional...

I said slowly..

He kissed my forehead and hugged me..  my brother moved a bit...

I also hugged him..

Dad: argh..argh... come let's have lunch..

I smiled shyly breaking the hug..

My husband: I need to fresh up you carry on..

Dad: we will wait for you..

He nodded..

I took my husband to our room.. I went towards our luggage to get his night wear..

My husband: doll not nightwear... take a simple shirt and jeans.

I looked at him confusingly... before I say something he shut the washroom door.

I shrugged and took his normal wear..
I waited for him.. he came out with towel.. he took the jeans and came out wearing it. I got up and untied the buttons of his shirt and made him wear..

I don't know why I feel that.. my husband is angry for something..

I: is everything ok husband..!!

He nodded.. I buttoned his sleeves..

He tucked his shirt and put the belt... I kissed his cheek..

I: come let's go..

I smiled.. he also returned the smile.. we both went down.. already all are present.. grandpa sitting in head chair right side grandma, bro and dad are sitting.. aunty is

Aunty is sitting opposite to dad leaving two seats for us. I smiled and sat in beside ma. My husband sat left to grandpa...

Workers started to serve... but I stopped when they tried to put food in my husband's plate.

I: mei karlungi (i will do it.)

I looked at my husband and smiled..

I: what do you want to eat...

He looked at the food and said..

He: choose what you want..

I smiled.. and put two types of rice.. one is pudina (mint) rice and a type of biryani rice, chicken fry in his plate. First I ate a spoon of rice to check the spiciness..when I felt ok.

I gave another spoon and fork to him. All are looking at us.. I smiled awkwardly..  my aunt's eyes shining mischievously..

All started eating.. I put some more items with less quantity so that he can taste many items..

Aunty: how is the food son....

He: very different.

I smiled at his honesty...

Aunty smiled..

After lunch...

Sam: rushi I will get you a new Sim by evening.

My husband: no need.

Then the lady from morning came in..

Lady: hello sir.. here is the sim..

She handed a small packet..

My husband: here doll.. you know how to activate it right...

I nodded..

My husband: I already have your number so just send a message when you activate it.

I: ok..

He: I may come late have your dinner.

My mood dropped in a sec when those words left his vocals..

I: I will wait for you..

I Said and turned.. I left to our room..

I closed the door.. why I am being this much upset.. he is not just a simple man like others.. he is a big businessman.. he has so much work.. every minute in his life is very valuable... I know all these but still why can't I accept... why i am craving for his attention.. he is already giving me so much attention in his busy schedule.. am I not suitable to be his wife.. why I Can't understand his priorities.. why I want to be his every priority.. I know this is wrong.. I Can't be this narrow minded.. I need to understand him if not me who will understand him.. but how can I change myself.. I want to be his better half not a burden to him..

I sat on bed thing all these things.. I inserted my new Sim and activated it.. after 2 hours I sent a what's app message to my husband.

I immediately got reply with a heart emoji.

I called my mom. I talked vedio call with granny grandpa, ma and papa.


It's already 9.30 pm.... I am waiting for my husband... aunty told to eat.. but I said I want to wait.. I don't know from where this stubborness came into me..

Grandma: she is just like her..

Granny words ringing in my mind...whom grandma referred.. at first I thought my mom... but I don't think grandma met my mom.. so whom she is  comparing me...

I am thinking different things in my stupid brain while listening to some trolls..

Then I listened car sounds... my brother Sam came inside. I smiled..

Sam: rushi you still up..

I: go and fresh up I will heat dinner for you..

Sam: no no.. I already ate..

I went near to him to check whether he is ok or not.. he is looking so tired..

I smell alcohol from him..

I: you drunk..

I am really surprised this is my first time seeing my brother like this..

Sam: it's not like that... I.. not drunk intentionally... it's just accident..hmm just because of party..

I: party!!

Sam: hmm oh your husband came na so everyone want to impress him.. so one of the board members throw a party... so I...

Wait if there is a party means.. he may be drunk right just like brother...

I: Sam where is abhi... didn't he come with you..

Sam: why he will come with me.. he is talking with so many business men.. I need to accept your husband has high alcohol tolerance and very efficient person..

My brother admiring my husband.. wow very nice..

I: ok ok enough of your words go and take bath.. you stinks..

He went up while pouting.. I waited somemore time...

I listned many cars sound this time.

I saw dad and my husband's coming inside... they both are walking perfectly.

Dad: rushi you still up...

I smiled..

Dad: did you eat...

I nodded..  I don't want to make my dad sad..

I: dad you go and fresh up..

Dad nodded and went to his room.

My husband: I told you not to wait.. you are becoming more stubborn..

I became upset by his words..

I: so what you don't like me anymore..

I folded my arms..

My husband: don't think such things.. if I like you or not doesn't matter..only I have right on you...

He came near to me... his words left me speechless... why he is talking like this.. his eyes are so dark.. like he want to cage me in that darkness... I gulped my fear.. may be he drunk so much..

I: let's go.. you need to fresh up..

He: no.. first you eat then we will go to our room..

I smiled.. he is looking tired.. his hair is messy.. his eyes blinking continuously like he didn't sleep for ages.. but still he is thinking about me..

We both went to dinning table... I ate my food within minutes...we went to our room..

As soon as we entered... he locked the door... he is looking at me like I am some sort of meat...

He is taking every step towards me without moving his devil gaze.. i took a step back..  but he pulled me towards him without letting me go... his hand held my waist tightly.

I:what.. are... you doing...

His hot alcoholic breath hitting me... I flet disgusted but feeling weird sensations in my tummy...

He: you know what.. I just hate being away from you.. I just fucking hate the thought also.

He said touching my cheek.. my heart started to beat like there is no tomorrow..

I: abhi....

He: I hate when you talk sweetly with others... I hate when others touch you.

My heart jumping in happiness and fear...

My husband is so possessive for me.. that feeling making me so happy...

I am happy that.. I am always in his heart and mind...I  am just loving the thought itself... is this what I  am craving for... but ia lso feel weird... my feelings suffocating me..

I: abhi.. you don't need to think like that.. you are my husband.. I won't go away from you..

I want to say I am yours but I don't know why I don't like that idea...

He: don't even think of that.. you are mine only mine..

He said sternly.. no dominatingly...

I: ok ok.. first fresh up.

He loosened his hold and nodded.... he came out wearing his nightwear.. I am already sitting on bed..

He laid on bed.. I turnoff the lights and slided down.. he hugged me...

I: good night husband..

He kissed my cheek..

He: good night doll..

We closed our eyes letting the peaceful, calm night into our heart...


Hi guys I hope you like the update... not edited.

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Bye bye 👋
