
Hi guys thanks for your support, I think all are waiting for the new chapter.....😌😌

I hope all are doing well....🥰🥰 

Once the heart was broken, even though we tried to attach it, it can never be the same.... but it is our choice whether to accept a broken heart or to leave that feeling and start a new life with new hope. It is not easy but our determination can help to overcome our past feelings. 


Rushi's Pov, 

My eyes are continuously looking for them.... finally, I found my devil husband and his brother of him talking with each other. 

I am really surprised to see them talking like two businesses men. none of them talking like brothers. but what caught my eye is that girl.... talking with a man near the food court..... after some time she left there and headed to the dance floor with that man. 

I am looking at the party like a supervisor. I saw the lady talking with that devil. she is looking beautiful in a sec they both reached the dance floor. That devil put his hand on her waist. I felt some unknown feeling. But his actions can't affect me. Someone came and gave a food plate to Rose.... she placed it near me and said. 

Rose: rushi food is here, eat... if you want something let me know. 

"There is so much food... I can't eat this much rose." 

Rose: eat whatever you want. 

" hmm ok but I want ice cream...." I said with my puppy eyes... 

Rose: Rushi... you ate a lot yesterday. sir ordered not to give any ice-creams to you... if sir knows he will kill me.

 I put my eyes like a small kid .... but I think this trick won't work anymore why does she only obey him why not do they agree to my requests..... I pouted and ate food silently.

 After eating I saw.... that girl is still missing... I got worried..... I looked at the whole party but she is nowhere..... 

" Rose... rose that girl is not there.." 

Rose: Which girl rushi? 

" That girl your sir's younger brother's wife...." 

Rose: Don't worry she will be here only. 

" No Rose I saw her everywhere, but she is not there..." 

Rose: Ok ok let me go down and check. 

" Hmmm...." I nodded.. Rose went down but came back in tension... 

" What happened Rose where is she??" 

Rose: She is not there Rushi I checked in the washroom also. 

" Let me tell this to your sir..." She nodded... I called him... He lifted it in three rings... he is looking at my side from down. I said worriedly... 

" Hello...."

He: Yes doll, do you miss me in an hour? 

" No no... it's, not that... I called you to check on a girl.."

 He: Check on a girl.... !! You are my wife how can you tell me about some other woman?

 " Oh god let me finish na.... your brother's wife .... she is not there at the party.... rose checked the whole party... I saw her going towards the washroom, but she didn't come back.."

 He: What... ok don't worry I will tell the guards to check. 

" No no, go by yourself what if she is in trouble? If others know it will be no good" 

He: Hmmm... 

I cut the call... I am really worried about her. She is looking innocent and also beautiful what if someone... no no no rushi think positive.... no negative thinking. She will be ok... I made myself positive. After a while, my husband came with her, but she is looking pale and her eyes are red maybe she cried a lot... he gestured to someone, a guard came and took her she went out without talking one word with my husband... 

I don't know why I am feeling like something went wrong... I want to go to her and share her pain, her every moment is like she is not happy at all. I can't sit here now I got up to go down, but Rose stopped me, my husband came up and told Rose something. 

He looks angry but also calm. what is he in the world, he has too many moods at a time.... while I am thinking he came to me and kissed my cheek.. he is ..... what... the.... why. he... kissed me now.... my brain is not accepting anything... I am just stunned.......he is smirking.... what does he want.....he left there without telling anything, I want to ask him about her. 

Rose shook me and said

 Rose: rushi sir told me to take you home ... let's go. 

" Huh... but... why... " 

Rose: That girl was taken to home.

 although I want to check on her how does he know that, and why does he want me to go... did he want to dance with other women when I am not there.... rushi what are you thinking,  what ever he wants he can do... what's your problem in that....... let's go no need to care about him. 

I nodded, I once looked at Amelia and arun jiju and left there. car is already waiting for us... I sat in the back seat and Rose sat beside me.... we went out of the wedding hall, the lights and decoration is still beautiful... after a while we reached home... I got out and went inside. 

I got panicked to see that girl's position. She is laying on the floor near the stairs. My heart is beating so fast. I ran towards her.... she is unconscious.... what happened to her. Oh god, I hope ntg is wrong with her.

 I checked her pulse and relaxed a bit. Rose came running towards us. 

" Rose... she is unconscious help me to lift her." 

we both took her to my room, and I told Rose to bring water and a medical kit. I saw red finger marks on her hand and elbow also her wrist is bleeding, and her bracelet pieces dug into her skin. what happened to her.... did someone misbehave with her......seeing her like that my eyes filled with tears. 

I treated her wound, I don't know from where Rose brought the injection, I needed but it helped. She is sleeping... maybe she is stressed so much...I tried to wake her up but no use... I sat beside her for half an hour..... she opens her eyes slowly. She is looking at the ceiling like some kid.... she looked at my side... I smiled at her side..... she looked at me with confusion ... I put my hand on her shoulder.... she tried to get up ..... but I told her to lie down.

 She did what I said. She is looking like a child. 

" I am Mr. Abhimaan Tagore's... hm..wife.... no need to worry you are in my room." It's really weird to introduce myself as that devil's wife and how I even ended up like this. 

She nodded and relaxed a bit.... rose came and gave food to her...she tried to sit again I helped her, and placed a plate on her lap.... she tried to eat but her wrists are having bandages which I tied a while ago... 

" hmm can I feed you "She didn't answer anything so I took it as yes. 

I made her eat with my hands.... she is looking at me with her light brown eyes with tears. what happened to her. I called Rose and told her to take the plate from here. then I asked her... 

" do you want to rest or want to talk.."

 She: o... I don't want to lie down... here. 

"Can we sit in the balcony .....!!!" 

she nodded.... we both sat on the swing and looked at the moon. 

" so.... what's your name...??" I asked her with a smile. 

She: I am Alana....and I....iam.....o.. 

" I know you are my husband's younger brother's wife." I looked at her with my cute smile. 

she nodded with a fake smile...

 " so, what happened to you at the party...???" she looked amused at me.... and asked... 

Alana: did you come to the party....?? 

" yep" 

Alana: but I didn't see you?? 

" oh Mr. Tagore doesn't want me to come in front of the media so I saw from the other floor."

 Alana: oho....... 

" so will you tell me now ....don't worry I am the one who said to your king that you are missing .... so you can tell me."

 I want to know what happened to her so that I can ease her mind. 

I saw her eyes full of tears.... "don't worry Alana I won't tell anyone... but I want you to know I am a doctor... I will keep your every word with me."

 " Alana: someone named Luka came and asked me for dance but I refused.... he asked me again and again, not to make any issue I accepted... he touched me at some places. I didn't like that. so I pushed him and left for the washroom but when I came out I saw him... he dragged me out I shouted but no one is there I feel strange.... but I am in no situation to think... I panicked.... he took me to the back door .... but there are many guards I tried to free myself I struggled a lot I tried to ask for help then I saw the king then he came and saved me, guards..... took that person if not for the king I don't know what will happen to me." 

she is crying her heart out, she is panicked... I hugged her with my all love. She is sobbing badly then I listened to a loud voice from down and also the car's sound may be all come... I want to go down but she is crying like a baby........ so I stayed with her. 

Maya came running into the room... she called my name.... she is sweating so much... 

" Maya I am in the balcony..." I told her with a loud voice so that she can hear me. she came to me and saw Alana with concerned eyes... 

Maya: rushi Aiden is calling her down. 

" she is injured can she come down....??" 

Alana: I will go ... it will be fine. 

" but...."

 Alana: it's ok.... hmmm what should I call you? 

" you can call me Rushi....or rushitha..." 

Akana: hmm ok Rushi... 

she told in her soft voice...I also went with her. 

In the living room: 

all are looking serious but someone is burning with fury and rage filled in his eyes. It's better only our gang members and Viraj Jiju are there no elders are present. 

we three came down... I felt scared in this silence....the girl beside me looked nervous and scared...I hold her hand in mine... I gestured her... to be calm and positive... she nodded we both went down. 

Maya stood beside Rahul Jiju. that person who is my husband's brother... looking at her with fury-filled eyes. 

he stood in front of her. 

Aiden: where the hell are you..... ?? 

he shouted at her with full of range... I am also scared at his outburst.... she flinched at her place.... but I hold her hand to support her. 

Alana: I... I.... came back..... 

she told in her soft voice. but I think he is not convinced by that answer. 

Aiden: who the hell permitted you to come home? 

his voice again boomed... I didn't like it a bit... why he is behaving like a dictator... she is not a thing that he can control she has her own emotions... why all the men like this. 

she stood there like a statue... he dragged her from me... he holds her tightly where I banged her with utmost care.... what's the problem he has, can't he ask peacefully... she is frightened can't he see that.... but no... why all are not talking anything. 

Siya: we are all worried about you.

Aiden: I asked something Alana... why the hell you came from the party.... do you want more sympathy from my family or do you want to make my mom against me. 

her eyes are filled with tears.... her bandage has some red marks may be due to his tight hold. bleeding may be started again... that's it I lost my cool.... how can he hurt her... without knowing anything and blaming her like that. Who will answer when he is shouting? I hold her shoulder and pulled her back.... now I am standing between that jerk and Alana I want to say Flower but let it go.. all looked at me with pure shock at my action but now I am not going back. 

" see mr. .... " I forgot his name in my anger. 

"hmm... whatever your name is... she is not a thing, she is a human and she is wounded can't you see that ...or you lost your sight also...."

 I told him directly... even though he is scary I want to defend her. he looked angrier... good rushi you make a devil into a monster with your silly words... I thought to myself....but he didn't talk anything. But I am not in the mood to go back and allow him to hurt her. 

" without knowing anything don't blame others.... do you even know what happened with your wife.... do you call yourself... husband of her... you can't even see her wounds and asking her like she made a grave mistake... you can ask her slowly right."

 Aiden: she misses. rushitha I only want one thing just don't involve between me and my wife. 

he told me with a warning in his voice. What's wrong with him? but I am not going back.... if I don't talk he will harm her...he dragged her from my back... her bandage got opened, her hand started to bleed...I am hell angry with that person... I pulled her back ... and slapped him ...... all suddenly got up from their seats.... my small palm touched his cheek.... it may not be harsh but still, I slapped him right sound is not loud but can be heard, all are panicked at my actions.... 

Siya ran towards me and tried to cool me.... but I am not in my right state to listen. 

" see Mr.. the person who you are calling your wife was wounded because of some man if my husband is not on time don't know what will happen to her...if you want to know more listen... when I came home she has a panic attack if I didn't treat her she can go to coma also... and one more thing.... she is human, she is not your property, if you want your wife safe and sound then protect her not to make her ..." 


 Hi guys I hope you like the chapter. 

Thank you
