
Hi guys thanks for your support I started writing stories recently .... if I make any mistakes please tell me through your comments.... And if you like my story please vote. ❤️❤️

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Love has different paths which is based on person mindset and thoughts. But everyone will have their love of their life ... this is my opinion.


Flashback continuation.......

Rushi's Pov,

My plan failed miserably; my dad sent my brother Sam (Samrat). He knew my thoughts on marriage. He told strictly not to do any stupid and impolite things and to behave decently with my so-called fiancé. I don't know why my dad is being like this. Sam never been strict to me like this. I assumed he would understand if I expressed my views on marriage, but ntg assisted he even told, it was foolish of me to think that way. Despite the fact that I may be ignorant, they ought to at least take my ideas into account. I felt strange Sam always supported my decisions. I never imagined listening such words from him.

" Rushi you should not be like this you are now grown-up stop acting like child every girl should marry its India, you can complete your goals after that, I will support you if your husband didn't agree. See I love you so much I also want to see your marriage, he is handsome, rich, powerful he can get anything for you. hmm.... he may be arrogant but a nice person he will protect you and you will be happy..."

My brother is very protective; he never allowed anyone to hurt me, in college he always made sure I was safe... through my friends... but now he wants me to marry someone. I didn't even know his name... and why will I think about that stranger as my husband? This is the first time my brother has been like this. I feel like the entire world is against me. I felt very sad why no one was understanding me. why they want me to get married am i being burden to my family or something else bothering them. 

       Friday... I went to shopping to buy a dress for my date on Sunday. I am really hating my situation... why i am buying a dress for a stranger... my brother and Srav (Sravanthi) came along with me... Satya has some meeting with her head of the she didn't come.

When I looked at Sam and Srav, I feel like an intruder... is this my date or their......!!! they are looking at each other like some teenagers... i was already irritated with this shopping and these two making me annoyed.

I immediately disturbed them .... Srav cheeks became red...

"Someone cheeks became lovely I want to pinch them" I said loudly then Sam stood and left from there without any word... I laughed loudly...

I brought a white color Anarkali with floral design on it.  my mom and brother forced me to do this shopping saying that this is my first date so i have to buy something otherwise my mom will nag me whole day. 

........................................Before Sunday...............................

I am sitting on steps Infront of my room my mom came and sat beside me, I kept my head on her lap. i don't know why but i am feeling depressed and anxious. i want to say something but i don't know what to say.

"Honey don't be sad your father knows about you he will choose best for you. We all love you so much honey..."

I know my mom is the best in whole world... without telling anything she will understand my situation... I just smiled at her... but she seems thinking deeply....and said...

"I left my family for my husband because I loved him so much; our marriage was a love marriage. I wanted to start a modest family like all other females do, with a nice spouse and kids, but that didn't happen. When he left me for another woman, I realized I had nothing to do right now. I may not be your biological mother, but I love you more than anything and I don't want you to be like me. I want to see you with your husband and kids. Since I don't want others to be like me, I founded this orphanage with the assistance of my friends...Mr. Deshmukh had already inquired if you were in a relationship or not, so I told him you weren't, and he organized this match for you. Don't make him upset, honey... he loves you so much he did so much for us... it is your duty to be a good daughter and listen to him, he always gave best to you..."

I know my mother wants to see my wedding... I have no idea who I am or where I came from, and I don't care...maybe my parents don't like me or for other reasons they may left I don't blame anyone, and I am pleased to meet my mother...she is strong, sensual... and wonderful... I understand her feelings...but I'm not prepared for this marriage...but I also can't make her sad... my dad he might not be my biological father, but he gave everything, best school, best college. I can't embarrass him.

Then i said..

" Mom.... sorry I won't be like this again I will make my parents proud ...."

"That's my sis,"   I listed Sam voice.

We three talked happily.... I think that is my last happiest movement...

I slept that night happily without any other thoughts....


My mother woke me up early since that person would arrive at 9 a.m. I then went about my normal business, taking a head bath in particular. I adore my long, soft hair, but when I was studying medicine, there was a lot of hair loss, but it is now OK.

My friends came over to take a look at me while I was drying my hair outside in the tiny sunlight while wearing my new dress and matching dupatta.

"Oh rushi baby you are looking beautiful that man will really get struck by your beauty come we will do your hair..." they said with full of excitement. i mentally sighed at their behavior.

"No need I am not going to marry to do all these...." I said with no emotion...

"Come on rushi all are saying he is handsome and rich you have to beat him with your beauty..." they are touching my face to irritate me.

" Oh, ok ok... now don't irritate me more do whatever you want..." I said not to make them crazier....

After 15 min I looked at my reflection in mirror I am really looking beautiful, but they left my hair untied.

"Hey girls you didn't plaited my hair..."

"Oh, baby come on you are too naive " Satya told teasingly.

 "Open hair looks too good on you." Srav told smiling...

" But...but......"

I was cut off by mom...

"Honey you are looking gorgeous 😍" now she also became crazy. hey Bhagwan, where are you please save me...

"Mom stop you are also behaving like them."

"Ok honey come he is waiting for you..."

"Oh, wow he already came well let's go srav we have to see that lucky guy who is our Rushi's first date.". - satya

They both left me and mom there...

Mom gave me pair of gold bangles and made me to wear... so I did.

My mother guides me towards the hall, where everyone might be seated... Although I don't want to get married, I am quite anxious and nervous about going on my first date with a man, and my heart is racing.

"There she is my dear sister... "I listened my brother voice.

I looked at my brother then I sat on sofa beside my brother (a typical south Indian culture pellichoopulu). I didn't dare to look at him, my mom sat beside me. I hold my dress tight due to nervousness. my heart is beating crazily i can't gather myself to look at him... hey Mahadev why are you doing this to me... 

"Honey you can look at him ...... he is your future husband no need to be shy."... my mom told laughingly. i really want to die now... why she has to tease me now... I felt so embarrassed... why i am behaving like a teenage girl. my mind continuously scolding me.

"Aunty you know her she is so nervous, " Satya told mockingly....

All are laughing at my nervousness I felt too shy now... why are you behaving like a bride now Rushi you have to be strong my mind gave me courage... I slowly lifted my eyes to see him ... so handsome in his dark maroon suit. He's sitting like a king, everything on him screams richness, is he some model or what, he is staring at me like he will eat me in a sec....When I met his eyes I saw his smirk, he is arrogant .... that is my first impression him.

                                                              (Just for imagination in orphanage)

I noticed two black bodyguards on each side of him...Oh my God, who will bring guards to a date... He suddenly stood up I jerked in my place due to his sudden action. my mom and others got up except me.

He then told " Mr. Deshmukh, I think it's time so can I borrow her" his voice is deep and demanding how arrogant he is...  i can't take my eyes from him, from where father even found him. is he some movie hero or what...??

"Son she is my precious daughter please take care of her, it's her first time to go with a man on a date and she never went near to a man like this before ..." my mom told with concern.... but what she means by going with a man like this... i am feeling so embarrassed... why my mom saying such things... are they thinking of him as my husband now itself... i don't think he will accept a normal girl like me... i don't even want to back from this proposal he himself will reject the proposal. i smiled in my mind knowing the outcome.

"Ms. Raadhika I will take care of her no need to worry ...... so can we go Ms. Rushitha."

his accent is different from us and my name sounded different. He forwarded his hand ...I don't know what to do ... I am in shock do I really want to go with him...Then Sravanthi stood behind me and placed my hand in his... I felt some spark in my body... i felt a different sensation like we studied in medicine. 

I looked into his eyes, they are shining like stars and again his smirk ...Oh my god please save me from this arrogant person...

I walked beside him I felt my hand is so small in his ... I don't know what's this feeling, but it is strange ... may be this is my first time right so i am feeling weird... i pushed all my thoughts aside...

