
Hi, guys here is a new chapter.....❤️

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I know all of are you eagerly waiting for the new update so I don't want to make you anxious. So enjoy the chapter.

 In our life sometimes we have to make crucial decisions, that is the time when we can know about our real selves. I hope everyone can know about them fully and make their own decision which can make you happy......😊😊


Author's Pov, 

All were seated in the dining hall and having their breakfast.

Rahul: today's breakfast has so many items.

Arun: may be king come back na so they cooked all these. 

Pruthvi: why has Maya sissy didn't come down up to now?? 

Rushi: she went to the office early morning.

Lakshmi Ma: maybe they are preparing for a press meet. 

Rushi: press meet????

 Papa: yes, Rushi press meeting is at 9. pm 

Rushi: But Papa it's already 8.45. he still didn't come down. 

Ma: don't worry he will be... 

Rushi: Hmmm... 

Siya: Dad you are also going to press meet!! 

Papa: no siya. it is his achievement how can I... 

All turned towards steps, there he is, in his full glory coming down like a king, he is wearing a white suit in which he is looking like a Greek god. His walking style is so perfect just like we saw in movies. his black pearl eyes can see through the darkest secrets of everyone. 

he is so perfect in every aspect. Seeing him like that can move every girl's heart. His one glare can make every man bow to him. He is everything but not normal. A person like him can never be normal. He is talking with someone on his mobile. His voice is stern like a robot as well as dominating. A living example of a perfect businessman. He came down and passed over the dining table. 

Pappa: King. 

He just nodded. His father told all the best ... this is their way of greeting. 

Rushi: hmmm are you going... 

she asked him with sad eyes... A slight disappointment appeared in her eyes. 

King: Hmmmm...

 when he saw her, something hit his heart like a needle seeing her unsatisfied eyes he felt a disturbance in his mind. 

Rushi: but....oh... you didn't have your breakfast. 

she said looking at him with some hope. Then his mind told. 

'she prepared breakfast right..... she is looking sad how can I leave like that it will disturb me the whole day. I can't take that.'

 Ma: it's ok Rushi I will tell David to arrange breakfast. 

Rushi: but ma.... o... 

Rohini ma: it's already 8.50 rushi. 

Rushi: ok m...

Her words were cut by him.

 King: I will eat.

 All looked at him. Like they heard some weird words. 

Sneh: King are you sure? 

He walked towards his seat and looked at his wife. She is happy inside... that can be seen in her eyes she smiled at him and served the pancakes. 

Pruthvi: rushi, you cooked them!?

Rushi: yep..... she said proudly.

Pruthvi: Rushi I love pancakes .... let me have one na. 

She gave him one and sat on her chair beside her devil husband..... even though he doesn't want to share his things with others, he can't say no now. Seeing her smiling face, he doesn't want to spoil that by saying something harsh. 

He also doesn't know when he became this soft toward her. At first, he doesn't want to scare her with his attitude but now he never wants to show that to her. He ate one piece. he liked it very much but didn't say anything. 

Pruthvi: rushi it is very tasty. will you cook for me again... 

Karan: what about me?? 

Rushi: I will cook for you all next time. 

she said smilingly..... He is looking at her very intensely. He doesn't want a fly near to her without his permission... here all his brothers talking with her like friends he doesn't want any person near to her except himself.

 He can't tolerate their normal conversation. He wants to shout at them. Suddenly she looked at him. her doe eyes are shining like diamonds. All his stupid possessive thoughts disappeared in a sec. his heart wants to see them every sec. He wants to kiss her badly but he doesn't want to scare her. 

he ate silently. he is controlling the desires in his heart. he again got a call.

 David: King where are you?? The press meet was started... directors asking about you. 

King: I will be there in 15 min. 

David: be fast.....

 King: don't tell me what to do. 

he said calmly... but everyone can sense his anger except Rushi.

David: ok ok.....don't get angry... 

he got up from his seat. he leaned towards her their eyes seeing each other ..... he knows she is waiting for his compliment. 

he said something in her ear.

 C'est couteaux, La vie... (it's tasty, jaan )... and left there smirking at her, she is in confusion... she can't understand one letter of his compliment. He left the house in a minute. She just stared at his retreating figure.

Sneh: oh god he is too into her... 

Praveen Chacha: Rushi what the king said. he asked with full curiosity. 

being in mid 40's also he is so mischievous. 

Rushi: I...I don't know.

 How can she know when she was shocked at his behavior? 

Siya: don't know .... didn't he talk in English..?? 

Rushi: I think so hmm.. he said.... la.... la vie... Something like that...

 she said in a confused state. Rahul choked on his coffee. all elders sighed at him and went to their work. 

Arun: what happened? - seeing Rahul, Arun asked... 

Rahul: are you sure Rushi... he said those words?? 

Rushi: hmm..yeah... I think.... so jiju.

 Rahul: do you know their meaning??

 Rushi: of course not Jiju why are you even asking!!?? 

Rahul: it means my life. he talked in French. 

Karan and Siya... "OOOOOOOO..." 

Rushi: guys please.. don't tease me again. 

She got up and went into the kitchen. her heart is jumping like a football.... she is calming herself. Hey bhaghwan why are you doing this? She murmured to herself. 

Press meet: 

all media is waiting for him..... even though tomorrow is Amelia's engagement she is present there as his PA. 

Finally... He entered the meeting hall... all got up and greeted him.... he is walking with confidence like a dictator ..... all the directors... board members saw him with the utmost respect and some with fear which was automatically created by his entry. 

He didn't even give the slightest nod to anyone. the whole room filled with camera-clicking sounds. Without any delay, the media started to throw arrows of questions at him. 

M1: good morning sir.... can you tell me what is the prototype you introduced?? 

" It is a new technology which can give details about soil and other sources in fields. As Australia is known for its nature we introduced it and also succeeded. we also thought to make the same prototype for India. it will be introduced next month." without giving any chance to the media he told everything.

M2: so sir we listened that you opened 3 branch offices.

 " of course, I want to open other 4 offices also." 

M3: sir, any reason to participate in the jewelry auction? 

" just want to win "

 M3:sir there are many rumors about your marriage life..... 

" I don't want to talk about my personal life." 

M4: but sir you are an idol for many youngsters.... they want to know about you..... 

" Idol for work not personally."

 M5: sir, at least tell about your wife...

 "What's there to tell, she is my wife ." 

M1: sir is there a specific reason you are not telling about your wife??

 " Nothing I don't want any trouble for her. if you don't have any business questions I will leave. your questions will be answered by David." 

"Sir, sir,... at least tell your wife's name." all media ran after him..... guards stopped all of them..... 

Maya colleagues... 

C1: Mr. Tagore is so scary. when I am asking him questions, I am almost dead in the heart.... his eyes are frightening .... how is his wife even handling him. 

C2: stop that topic... let's make it exclusive. 

C3: make the headlines with the prototype and Mr. Tagore's unknown wife.... it will be exclusive... 

Director: don't you guys want to do the job?

 C1, C2, C3: sir.... good morning... it will be the business world ...

 Director: it will be but our Channel will be dead. 

C3: but sir... 

Director: who told you to ask about his wife I got a call from the chairman to remove you from the job... 

C3: sir ... please don't fire me... I won't do that thing again....pls sir pls 

Maya: sir it's ok she won't do it again. 

Director: ok you are good in your field so don't do that again. 

C3: yes sir... 

Maya: now you understand na... he won't spare anyone if anyone wants to know about her... just for her name you are going to lose your job, think if you asked about her more you will be dead.... don't do these things again... I am going home. 

C3: ya ya never... I am really stupid to ask such a question. 

King's office, 

Amelia: sir, these are the details of our new project please look into it. 

King: Ya keep it on my table. I will look into it. 

She got a call and excused herself. 

Arun: hi ami.

Amilia: hi... she said in a tired tone...

Arun: where are you? 

Ami: office...

Arun: press meeting is over na why you are still in the office ask the king and get a leave. 

Ami: I... I can't you know na sir won't allow it.....

Arun: you are my bride now.....

Ami: but .... I... can't ask .... sir will scold me. 

Arun: hmmm ..... how about asking Rushi??

Ami: I think that's better... I am working since last night I am so tired Arun pls do something.

Arun: ok I will ask her..... love you... bye

Ami: love you too... 

Rushi's pov, 

I am sitting with Siya and talking about tomorrow's engagement .... Vikram uncle, Papa, and Rohini ma went to check on arrangements. I even don't know anything about arrangements. when my engagement happened, I didn't know anything about the arrangements.

 all arrangements were done by Dad... I was only in a nervous and sad mood. how can I know? I never even noticed all these people at that time. I went to the ring ceremony and came back... I went to my engagement shopping, but I went to the hospital that time I want to attend their engagement and want to see Dad. 

When I am thinking about all these. Arun Jiju shook my thoughts... 

Arun: what are you thinking Rushi?? 

"Ntg jiju..... hmmm do you want something.."

 Arun: Rushi.... save Ami from your husband. 

"What happened to Amelia Jiju.." 

Arun: She worked for the press meeting from last night she is my bride tomorrow, but King is asking about documents to know about the company status. She wants rest rushi. 

"Oh.... so you are worried about your love... ha tell me " This is my turn to tease him... 

Arun: Rushi don't tease me.... do something na please. 

"But what I can do."

 Siya: you can ask King to come home. 

"But what is the reason I have to say." 

Arun: just tell him that you miss him... 

"What!!! I will never say that." How I can say that I will be hell shy to say those words to him?

 Siya: please rushi he will come by midnight how ami can manage it?

 " Oh right..... she had to look beautiful I will talk to him don't worry. "

 I told them and tried to get up to get my phone. But arun jiju is so fast he even got my mobile with him. S

iya: Bro you are being so fast. What a lover boy you are. 

Arun: siyaaa.....

 I called him... 

I: Hello... 

He: Hello doll, seems like you are missing me too much. 

I: No. I mean ooh..... I just called you to tell you that tomorrow is Arun Jiju's engagement... 

He: I already know that doll. 

I: But I think you forgot who the bride is. 

He: What do you want to tell doll? 

I: Hmmm..... I mean Amelia is still in the office can she attend her engagement function if you want her to work. 

He: So, you want me to give her off?

 I: Hmmm... 

He: But what I will get??.. 

I already expected this from him... opportunist.

 I: Hmmm.... you can also rest today... you came back just today and doing so much... I mean so much work. Hmm, how about taking a half-day holiday? 

He: Hmmmm.. nice, ok then I will come back afternoon, but I want some other. bye la vie ( my life).

 Without replying I cut the call. 

"Jiju he said he will give her off." 

Arun: rushi ..... you are so good. he pinched my cheeks. 

Siya: Bro, king loves her so much how he won't grant her wish? 

" Siya..... stop that..... he just knows that Ami wants to rest so he accepted ntg more..." 

I got up from there and went to my room. I thought to complete my class before he comes. so I started to take notes from my course video. I love this subject. I don't know when I am so deep into it.... my eyes are closing so fast ..... I slowly drifted into sleep. 

Author's Pov, 

King- "I laughed at her talk.... how can anyone be this naive.... have rest for a day, there are many days in which I never slept.... those members are using her to take my approval anyway I will take files to home to check..." 

He told Amelia to leave and took some files and came home... 

Lakshi ma:  King is everything ok..... I mean... 

He just nodded and went to his room. He saw his doll sleeping in an uncomfortable position. He went near her and took her head and placed it on the pillow not to disturb her cute sleep and made her legs straight. 

She is looking peaceful in her sleep..... he saw some notes, pens, and her mobile beside her. He sat beside her and looked into her book.... it has a heading of spine anomaly.

 He looked through some pages, he saw diagrams of the spine and some other bones. He thought she is studying bones. He placed the book aside and took her mobile .... when he opened it, he saw the video playing in it and looked into the details of that video. 

King- "So she is taking a course on orthopedics. I also checked her mobile. I saw her marks in USMLE. She is really intelligent. She likes the doctor profession."

 He kept his hand on her hair, slightly stroking it ..... he took his laptop and started working .... she suddenly put her hand on his torso.... he looked at her and smiled.... she snuggled more into his side..... he put his one hand under her head and holding files with other. He is enjoying their proximity. It is a peaceful day for both of them after a long time. 


Hi guys I hope you will like the chapter. 

This story is a slow and steady growth of feelings not like in a day or month they will become one. Plus, don't expect such type of relationship and any type of physical touch.

 I think many of us don't jump to that level with any stranger within two or three months. 

Thank you.

Bye bye.
