
Hi guys i hope all are doing good and welcome to new chapter. I hope everyone will like the new chapter.

Listening to sad songs might sometimes improve our spirits, while listening to energetic songs can't always make us feel better. That is not an issue with music; it is a problem with us.


Rushi's pov,

Listening that lady words i felt so embarrassed how can i wear such a short dress, of course it may be common here but how can i?? what she will think about me. hey bhagwaan (god) why you always put me in this type of situations. i hope i didn't embarrass him.

Stacy's pov,

I am working hell out of myself from two weeks because of app launch and information leakage issue. When i saw my boss in yesterday's meeting room i am so sure of getting fired. Our team is not expecting this situation. As a financial assistant i am scared to hell. My boss is really ruthless, with my own eyes i saw him firing the workers without any sympathy. ofourse for small mistakes he will demote them. When my boss fires the employees david sir will transfer them to another branch if they are loyal. David sir thinks my boss doesn't know about it, but my boss is like a god of intelligence he knows everything. sometimes i admire him to core but sometimes i am hell scared of him. i still can't believe someone married my boss. I listened a rumor that sir's wife came to office, at first i didn't believe that but when lilly told me i have to believe. i asked lilly how his wife looking, afterall i am curious to know who is that beauty that stole our ruthless boss's heart.

That day.... (when rushi first time went to king's office)

lilly: oh stacy she is not from our country may be from india..

I: i asked how she is looking??

lilly: hmm.. she... she is looking beautiful.

I: like a model??

lilly: nope..

I: sir will never marry an average beauty.

lilly: she is not average, without any makeup she is looking like an... hmm angel. Like a small pearl in the shell.

I: is it??

Lilly: yes stacy, she is looking so innocent, and you know what i saw sir smiling like a normal person..

I: wow this is the biggest shock. Sir and normal.. just like how water and fire doesn't get along sir and normal also doesn't exist. I won't believe that.

Lilly : you have to believe me Stacy..

i left there laughingly.


But yesterday night i saw with my own eyes. i never expected our boss's wife to come to office on that time. she is looking so innocent and calm. For the first time in my whole life I clearly saw my boss's shocked expression. I also saw my boss's smile, for a sec i felt like i fell in love with him. I never saw boss to take care of someone. my friends and collogues all are talking about her, when project with mr. Roy got fixed she gave the first appearance, but her face is not visible in the videos , so we are unable to see her. but today we saw our boss's wife with our own eyes. seeing her simplicity i am totally shocked. She is wearing a light green top and black leggin also cute diamond earrings, i never saw such type of lovely design, i think it may be sir's selection. but i don't think he will select such cute designs may be elder mam's.

what left me in total shock was last night sir carried mam in his arms. whole staff is looking at them unreliably. i am totally in awe, sir carrying a woman in his arms, wow wow.... i am just so thrilled to see the scene, i even forgot to blink my eyes, some employees opened their mouths with shock. She is sleeping like a little girl in his arms, oh god i also want a husband like him. I really envy her luck. sir didn't even scold an employee when mam is around, at first i thought it's just my imagination when everybody think like me.... how it can be an imagination... i am so happy, i have a hope of not getting fired but my whole happiness blown in a sec, sir demoted two of our staff when she slept.

I got heart attack when i got to know that boss was calling me, i am preparing myself for the bad news. but for my surprise he told me to give decent clothes and breakfast. i am really taken aback when sir gave mam's sizes. I myself got embarrassed. after i came back to my desk all started to question me without giving me any space to answer. I went to T company's mall. This is my first time coming to such a biggest mall. I showed my id and took the most simple and decent dress. I went to the sir's personal room like a thief, it is my first time coming to the top floor.

when i went inside i looked around to find her but she is nowhere... i listened water sound i went near washroom door and knocked... i listened her slow voice.

I: mam, sir told to give you dress and breakfast.

she: oh.. thank you, please keep them on bed.

i am really surprised to listen thank you and please words from her, she is too humble... i still can't believe that sir liked her.....

I: but mam can you check the dress, if it is not okay i can get another one.

she: it's ok anything is fine.

I: ok mam..

i fastly came to my desk and took long breath, i am really tensed.... but again i got call from chris ...Hey Jesus pls save me...i prayed to god and went up.. i saw sir sitting in the office chair, i gulped my fear when he asked about dress i am really hell scared. But i don't know why i felt like sir is laughing, when i entered their room i am really surprised to see her, she is sitting on bed while playing with her fingers and her avatar is really funny i controlled my laughter.. and when she said i forgot to give her leggin, i literally died while controlling my laughter she asked so cutely. I showed her and sir how the dress looks..

i can see sir is not disappointed by my selection but he is not satisfied also, as she asked i went to get her leggin, i laughed until i lost my breath and went to give her white leggin. i knocked sir's office door but there is no response so i went in...

whose face i even saw in the early morning.... why i am getting these many shocks... she is sitting on sir's lap and thinking something deeply, also she is not in her previous avatar she is looking beautiful in the dress. If i were a boy na then i will definitely propose her... sir hands encircled around her and seeing her lips, oh.. god what i am even thinking... how naรฏve she is ... suddenly she shouted...

She: i want to got to temple.

Temple.. oh i forgot about it.. they are Hindus right... not to listen their words anymore i interrupted...

I: hmm.. excuse me sir..

she suddenly got up from sir's lap.. sir is looking angry... Jesus you have to save me..

She: oh i..

she is blushing... oh my god from where sir even found this beauty..

I: mam your leggin and sorry to interrupt..

She: o.. it's not like that...

Sir: you can go now..

She: thank you... next time when i come here i will treat you...

I: oh... no mam... it's ok

She: hmm can you pls not call me mam... my name is Rushitha..

i looked at sir .... what if he doesn't like me calling her by name...

Sir: doll..

She: hmm...

I: No mam , you are sir's wife..

She: it's ok..

she is really insisting me...

sir: miss. stacy seems like you are so lucky today..

i can clearly feel sir's warning but for others it may look like normal and especially for her.

I: hmm.. when we meet next time i will do that mam.. please excuse me..

i left the room in a sec.. i took long breath... and controlled my self... i saw chris coming towards the room..

Chris: stacy what happened...

I: oh ntg chris..hmm.. can i ask you something...

Chris: what?

I: hm.. will sir always behave like that infront of mam..

Chris: oh seems like you already got it..

I: what do you mean...

Chris: sir loves mam so much he can't even see a scratch on her.

I: but... I can't understand why sir is acting like that..

Chris: hmm... may be sir doesn't want mam to see his ruthless side.

I: why is that...

Chris: how can i know... i have to go in.. everything is ok right.

I: ya.. bye...

Rushi's pov,

He sat beside me and removing my coat from my shoulders... i am so tensed, it is my first time wearing such a short dress and that to infront of a man, i am tensed his words making me shy also, i am not in my correct senses. i hold the coat tightly... but he removed it... i covered my bear shoulders with my hands...

He: doll it's ok no one is there...

but how can i be shameless infront of him, he is not a girl to see me like this.

I: please..

He: doll only once .. let me see na.

I really can't go against his words...

He removed my towel also... i immediately turned away from him...

He: doll... why are you so shy...??

I: o..o... you are a man.

He: you want me to be a girl then...

I: i.. i.. didn't mean that...

he got up from bed and pulled me up forcefully... i am not at all liking this... i can't allow him to see me like this...

i tried to run away from him but he holds me so tightly...

He: you can't run away from me doll... you are mine.

i can feel his possessiveness... i am shocked to listen his words... he is so determined...

I: i.. i..

He: i want to see you in this dress doll... except me no one can see you like this.

i am scared to listen his words but relieved also. i think i can't hide from him.. i closed my eyes and stood infront of him while holding the dress tightly in my palm.

He: looking beautiful..

he took his mobile to take a picture.. but i tried to stop him... atlast he won and took my photo in this short dress.. i will be glad if someone gives me a leggin..

he sat on bed and pulled me... i sat on his lap i covered my knees with one hand and shoulders with other hand he is laughing continuously... i looked at him angrily.. he put his hand on knees like he is covering my body..

He: are you happy now.

but i kept my angry face..

He: hmm... where you want to go..

I: aren't you decided...

He: you can decide.. whatever place you want to go i will take yo there..

i am surprised this is my first time he gave me a chance to choose... i thought for a minute.. first i want to thank God for saving him from the problem so i want to go to temple..

i said it loudly... i saw the previous lady standing out of door.. i felt embarrassed i immediately got up from his lap... she gave me Leggin i want to thank her so i told her i will give her treat next time.. because now a days who will do our work.. it is my problem about the dress but she took the responsibility to get what i want.. i am really thankful for her.. but i didn't understand her reaction. i don't know what's wrong with her. may be i shouldn't asked her to call me by my name... any way i got ready and asked him about his breakfast he said he already had.. so i ate my food... we both entered the lift but i am feeling uncomfortable in this sleeveless dress.. he put his hand on my shoulder. i can feel his rough hands on my skin... but i can feel his protectiveness... a smile formed on my lips... we both came down his bodyguards followed us.. i felt uncomfortable but seeing him beside me i felt relaxed... all his employees looking at us.. i hold my dress tightly.. we both sat in backside...

He: go to nearest temple...

I: there lord Vishnu temple near??

Blake: mam it may take 14 hours.

I: what?? then no .. nee..

He: tell to prepare flight..

I: what?? why.. oh..

i am totally panicked... to go to a temple it takes 14 hours, and he wants to take a flight oh my god what the hell is wrong with these people... i better choose nearest temple..


Blake : yes sir..

I: what wait.. i..

He: what is it doll.

I: i am speechless...

he is looking at me amusingly... he opened the laptop and start doing some work..

I: is it necessary...

He: what are you talking about?

he asked without looking at me... i felt upset... what's wrong with him.

I: you are not nice...

he suddenly looked at me. i pouted while looking out the window.

He: why?

I ignored his words... i looked at him with corner of eyes... he put his laptop aside and pulled me.. i didn't look at him..

He: doll tell me the answer.

I: i won't... find yourself...

He: doll...

he is very impatient...

I: you are using laptop... we can talk right..

He: are you jealous?

I: what me... no way...

He: no... you are jealous.

I: i said na i am not...

i am getting annoyed with his words..

He: ok ok.. you are not fine now..

he is talking so nicely how can i get angry now..

i looked at him smilingly.. soon we reached air port.. we both entered the flight it is smaller than the wedding night one... but still it is a flight.. it is not new to see a flight but seeing this much luxury is my first time.. air hostess welcomed us.. i smiled. we both took our seats.

I am afraid and excited at the same time. He took my hand and looking at me without blinking. I am feeling nervous.

" What are you doing?"
He: looking at my wife.

" Oh... you... let's watch movie."

He raised his eyebrow.

He: someone told she wanted to talk to me.

" Oh... now i want to watch movie."

He sighed and told the air hostess to on the tv. After two hours flight landed. We came to temple within 15 min by car.
I never saw such a beautiful temple it is very peaceful. I smiled and got down. But he doesn't got down.

He: Blake will come with you. Get your things done.

I really didn't understand. It took this much time to reach here but he is not coming inside. What's his problem. I don't care about his opinion he is coming with me. I fixed my mind.

I: Abhi... are you leaving me like this...

I asked him with my puppy eyes like a child. But i felt so nervous while calling his name. He is looking at me with surprise like he is listening some weird things. i am also feeling shy why i called his name... But soon his expression changed.

He: Mrs. Tagore i have a condition.

As expected, what a businessman. i felt relieved he didn't tease me.

He: from now on you will call my name.

I gulped. It is not a condition, it's like an order. I don't want to accept but i also don't want to go inside without him. I nodded my head. I can see his victorious smile. I am regretting my actions. i cursed myself.

He came down and we both climbed some steps some guards stayed outside. I removed my sandals, and he removed his shoes. Blake also followed us leaving his shoes. I am awestruck by the beauty of temple. Everything is peaceful and beautiful. I smiled and moved forward.

It is Shiva Vishnu temple. First, we entered lord Shiva temple... it is really different from south Indian style. Pandit ji gave Arthi and blessed us. But my husband is not praying or taking anything. When i told him to join his hands...

He: i am not fond of these things.

he said like he really doesn't want to do these things. I nodded but i felt upset. Any way i said thanks to God for solving his problem. I prayed for my both family's well-being.

Panditji: Beti yelo sindoor. (Dear put vermillion)

He gave me vermillion. I took it smilingly and looked at my husband.
He took a pinch of sindoor and applied on my forehead. This time i am smilingly happily. After that we went to lord vishnu temple. I prayed for everyone's wellbeing.

Panditji: aapp donom nayi jodi hei na?(You two are new couples, right?)

I: ha panditji...

Panditji did archana i took blessings from him.

Panditji: Dheerga sumangali bhava! Seegrameva Suputra Prapthi Rasthu!
(Always be fortunate! May god bless you with kids!)

i am really taken aback from his last blessing. I just hope my husband didn't understand anything.

i smiled and took the flower from panditji. we both came out of the Garbha Gudi (inner temple.) and i sat on the steps. he is leaning on the pillar just beside me.

I: sit..

i patted the place beside me. he sat without any words.

I: it is peaceful right...

he didn't speak any words.

I: i want to ask you something???
He looked at me questioningly...
I: do maya and bro broke up just because of that girl....

He looked at me questioningly.

I: i don't believe that?? Something must had happened...

He: what you mean by that doll....

I: you already knew right.... the real reason why they broke up..

He smiled lightly. I knew it he definitely knew the reason for their break up.


Hi guys i don't know how many of you like dramas like k, c etc ... etc... i used to watch them. But there is one particular drama which i watched repeatedly more than 5 times. Drama name is
The Untamed i liked this drama very much. Although i never watched many C dramas but the story of this drama is really amazing and mainly the two main characters.

Thank you i hope you like the chapter.

Guys i am sorry to announce it. From now on i am going to update only one chapter for week. I am so sorry.

Bye bye.
