
Hi guys i hope all are doing well..


He is holding my elbow...

He opend his mouth to say something..
But then aunty came towrads me with the food plate..

Aunty: hmm... who is he rushitha..

I: oh.. my husband aunty..

Aunty: oh.. come have food son..

He: i have some work.. she is late so..i thought to pick her..

Fine.. he didn't sound rude.. thank god..

Aunty: oh.. function started a little late..

Then suddenly i heard satya's vouce also..

Satya: oh jiju.. you are also here..come let's dance..

This girl went crazy i think.. whom he si asking.. please got just hide me..

I: satya... i need to go.. i will come tomorrow morning..ok..

Satya: but..

Aunty: satya it's already late.. let her go.. rushi just eat this and go..

She feed me two spoons and let me go.. i smield and waved bye to my friends and aunty..

I followed my husband like a lost puppy..

As we reached the cars guards opened the door i get in..

I looked at him nervously.. he is not talking anything.. i felt tensed.. is he angry on me.. god..

I: abhi.. oh.. i..

He: we will talk in home..

I gulped my saliva and turned my head.. i hope i didn't piss him.. god why.. it's ok rushi he won't eat you..he is just angry.. you can cool him down.. don't worry.. i gave confidence to myslef.. i hope i am not overconfident..

Soon we reached our home.. i mean villa.. i got out and moved in..

Guards closed the main doors.. everything is silent.. excpet my bamgles sound and anklets..

I flet a thick silence.. i just want to break it..

But before i talk anything he moved towards couch and removed his coat.. and threw it.. i closed my eyes due to the harsh sound.. i am sure he is so angry.. it's almost 11.30.. he told me to come 10.. but see... but its not my msitake..

He sat on couch.. with legs wide open.. i know what he wants i am not a child not to get what he is thinkg.. but still i don't want to sit on his lap..

But he patted his thigh.. i know it won't be good to see him angry.. i went to him slowly.. and sat on his left thigh.. he right leg clutched my legs.. my two legs are in between his..

I again tried to say..

He: dis you have fun.

I can sense his anger..

I just nodded a little.. i know it will make him more angry..

He: hmm.. you know what time it is..

I closed my eyes tightly... not able to see the clock..

He: 11.35.. when i said you to return..

I opened my eyes..

I: oh.. i..

He: 10 right..

I nodded.. but i don't want to give him any chance to talk..

I: abhi please listen.. function started late and so...

He: you know how many times i called you...

I: i.. oh..

He: lost in the function right..

I don't want to be scolded.. i know i didn't listen any sound because i am busy in talking... it's ok rushi to say don't want to make.him angry right..

I: abhi it's not that.. see my hands..

I showd him my hands which has mehendi design..

He looked at my hands..

I: because of this i can't lift..

He: do you want to lie..

I: i..

He: you can ask some to lift..

I: i am sorry abhi.. i won't do it.. i know you are worried about me..

He: no doll you aren't understanding.. you need to be punished..

I: what punishment.. i am not kid..

He: after we go newyork you wnat to work right i won't stop but you will work where i want to.. i am not giving you anychance..

I got angry.
I: abhi i didn't late.. it's just happened... you can't take my work decisions..

He: i can doll.. i are mine..

He kissed me.. i can feel his anger.. desperateness, possessiveness...

Although i don't want thsi type of feeling from him.. i can't push him.. his white shirt will become red if i put my hands on him.. and my legs are already trapped..

I jsut let him do what he wants..

He released me after taking his time..

He carried me to our room.. althoughbi tried to wiggled in his hands.. he effortlessly carried me..

He himslef washed my hands..

He: do you want to take bath?

His voice is not atall soft.. it's just emotionless..

I nodded horizontally..

He: ok.. he came inside washroom with my night wear..

I tried to took my clothes.. but his next words left me in shock..

He: i will change..

I: huh!!.. what.. no....

I said loudly..

He: i will change or we both will saty in washroom till morning..


He: everthing is

I didn't let him compete....

I: abhi please..

He is standing infront of me like a rock... although we are couple and did it... that doesn't mean he will change my dress.. it's just.. how can.. i mean..

I: abhi.. it's..

He: i know everything about you.. you still want to cover yourself..

My eyes widened... why the hell he is like this..

I: this is not that..

He: i don't mind seeing you like this for whole lofe..let's stay here.

He leaned on the washbasin counter..

I: ok.. but close your eyes..

He raised his eyebrow..

I: what.. Can't you accept my one resquest..

He smirked... now i am really getting angry...

He closed his eyes.. the next second i grabbed my clothes and ran out and locked the washroom door..

I listened his banging and some warnings from inside.. but no way i will let him change my clothes.. hell no..

I fastly changed my clothes and opened the door.. i knlw he might be so angry by now.but he can't blame me..

I saw his angry expression.. i think today i totally messed up..

I: abhi i am really sorry..

I hugged him tightly.. but his hands are not on my body..

I: tell me what you want me to do..

I can feel his body moved a little..

He: promise me that you will never disobey me.

He said sternly.. although i felt weird.. i don't think he will do something wrong with me..

I: i won't if it is not important..

He: is soemthing more important to you than me..

I: everything thing has its own place innour life abhi.. family, friends, work,.. and love..

I said a little smilingly...

He: i don't want to hear anymore..

I: oh. Then tell me what most important thing to you..

He: only two one business and other protecting my family..

I: see you also had same.. family, work had different places in your heart..just like me..

He: i want to sleep..

I smiled..

I: did you eat..

He nodded.. i again smiled.. hammayya... he calmed down..

We both sleep in each other arms...just like everyday..

I got up due his alarm sound.. although i am heaclvy sleeper.. these days i am sleeping in day time so i am not sleepy..

I got up slowly form my husband's embrace..

I checked the time it's i got fresh up and wear a saree...

I woke up abhi..

He is looking at me from top to bottom..

He: go and change..

That's the first thing he said

I looked at him surprisingly..

I: what happened abhi

He pulled me towards him..

He: don't play with me doll..I am not a good person.

I: Abhi what happened to you..

He suddenly put his hand on my bare waist.. oh my god.. he is saying that my waist is exposed. But.. after so much struggle I wear this...

I didn't move an inch.. i am not ready to change.. but he is looking at me with fierce gaze..i felt like he is burning me alive..

He suddenly squeezed my waist.. i felt pain... i hled his wrist to stop him.. but he is really so strong..

He pulled me on to his lap..

He: wherher change or we can do something else.. which I like the most.

He is shameless.

I: ok ok. i will change..

I got up and went to pick my dress.. tgese days he is really behaving weird.. ofcourse he is always weird.. but these days.. it's.. how to say..

I changed into anatkali suit...

Bhai is coming here by 10..

I went down after changing... i saw a lady cleaning the hall..

She wished me morning.. i returned the greeting.. i am waiting for my husband to eat breakfast..

But my brother surprised me..

Pranav: hi rushi..

I: brother.. you..

Pranav: i have some meeting so i came early.. i nees to go to the office..

I: oh ok.. come i will show the room..

I showed him the room..

I sawy husband sitting near dinning table..

I: pranav brother came..

He looked at me..

He: he told me.

I: oh..

Why he is so serious..

I: abhi.. am i upset you..

I asked slowly..

He: doll i will say one thing.. i love you.. i can't see anyone...

Before he complete his words.. my mobile rang..

I saw srav name.. although i wnat to cut.. but i can't..

She asked whether i started or not..

O said i will be i 10 minutes.. and cut the call..

When i looked at him he is alrwady eating.. this is the first time.. he is eating without i am serving.. i felt a pinch in my heart.. am i hurting him..

We both completed the breakfast.. he kissed my forehead.. and left..

I said worker to serve breakfast to brother.. and left..

Everythingbis going normally except my heart.. soon it turned night... panditji arrived.. i called my brother to come fast..

He said he is..

Both groom and bride sitting opposite to each other with a white cloth between them.. not many guests are there just 50 to 70.. already it's 10.30.. my husband also must be coming..

White cloth is removed.. but what shocked all the people was.. both bride and groom suddenly got up.. and ran towards out..

I am just speechless.. what the.. what's happenning here.. what happened to satya... me and srav looking at eachother with shock..

Then satya shouted..

Satya: we are getting married..

We all thought she is pranking us.. but they both hopped in the car.. all are looking shocked.. thatan riding the car.. they both left infront of our eyes.. uncme and aunty also looking at eachother in shock.. all just rooted in their places..

I tapped srav shoulder

I: what just happened..
Srav: they ran away.. huh..

I: but why...

We both went towards aunty and uncle and jerked them..

Aunty: what happened..

I: they ran away..

Uncle: but why..

I: don't know..

Gromm side peopel also talking something..

Suddenly groom's father.. said..

"Don't worry guests.. today youngsters na.. they just want crazy wedding.. thanks for coming.."

All guests clapped in shock..  what.... crazy wedding.. is this what she mean by blast.. does she gone crazy..

I called her. But her mobile is switched off.. what the hell she is thinking of herslef.. what is all this.. my mind is screaming...

No one knows what to do.. pandit ji got up and said..

"I am leaving."

No one spoke anything.. he left..

I called my husband.. but i saw him coming towards the stage where i am standing..

My brother also came along with him..

I walked towards them..

Brother: rushi what happened.. everyone leaving..

I: brother oh.. i don't know..

Abhi: don't know.. what that mean..

He asked surprisingly..

Srav also came towards me and stood beside me.. i am not getting how to explain them..

Srav: hello i am rushi's friend.. sravanthi..

My husband nodded.. my brother just looking at her without any idea..

Srav: jiju satya and groom both ran away in the marriage car..

Brother: what...

I: it's not like any prank.. i think they just ran away after planning..

Abhi: do you call her..

My husband asked me.

I nodded..

I: switched off..

Brother: do you have that man number..

Srav: i have..i called also but switched off..

Almost all guests left the area.. then started.. the fight between groom side parents and satya's parents..

I ran towards them and tried to stop them.. uncle and aunty stopped and later oppoaite people also stopped..

Aunty: what to do rushi.. i never expected she will do like this thing..

I: aunty did she love anyone..

Aunty: no rushi.. we asked her before marriage if she loves anyone. After she said no only we arranged the match.. but she told that she wants to love and then want to marry..

I asked groom side people also..

"He loved a girl we saw her but her status is so low.. so we said to leave her.. and he also didn't fight... so we arranged this match.. but we asked whether he like satya or not.. he said yes.. so.."

Uncle: what fo do now..

We all stood silently.. but i can say my husband defnitely has a solution..

I looked at my husband with puppy eyes..

He sighed..and took satya and that groom nunbers and went to side to call someone..

Abhi: we will know their adress in 15 minutes..

I smiled..

Brother: you both go home i will stay here..

I want to say no.. but my husband already pulling me..

I smiled at satya..

She nodded..

As we enterd car and started moving.. he got call..

He: which number he called most..

He: adress.. and last location

He cut the call and checked something..

Again his mobile ring..

He: mr.aggarwal send someone to that adress and know the details.. and also go the second address..

He cut the call..

I: did you find them..

He: soon..

I nodded.. what are you doing satya.. what happenes to you..

Soon we reached our house..

Again his mobile rang..

He: good..

He looked at me with a smile..

I: found them..

He nodded..

I took a breath... i really want to see satya.. but i know he will never allow me.. but still..

I: abhi.. oh..

He: they will take her here only.. i messaged your brother..

I nodded.. i really wnat to know why satya did this..

After some time brother, srav and satya entered our villa.. i am.sitting in living room waiting for them.. and abhi is changing his clothes in our room..

As soon they entered.. i saw satya's annoyed face.. does she even know what she did..i went towards her and held her hands..

I: satya.. what the hell you are thinking..

I asked loudly..

Srav: rushi calm down..

I: you know how dhocked i am right... why you did this.. you know how shocked aunt amd uncle was.. why you did this..

Brother: let's sit and talk..

I closed my eyes to calm my tensed nerves..

We all sat in couch.. then i listened my husband foot steps.. he is also here..

I thought he will come and sit with us.. but he directky went towards dinning table.. oh god he might be hungry..

I got up..

I: just a minute..

I ran towards dinning table and served the food in his plate.. and came to living room..

I: will you tell us now..

Satya: rushi it's not like i want to disrespect my parents.. i just want to do love marriage.. and he likes soem other girl.. but his family didn't like the girl.. if he says no to me then they will search for other girl and also same goes with me.. if i say no then my parents will arrange other boys.. i also don't want that .... so..... we both planned that we will elope with each other and he will marry his girl and i will go back to my life again.. don't think wrong rushi.. i already told my parents that i don't want to do arrange marrige but they are insisting.. so by elpoing like this they won't loss their reputation and also money.. because we planned everything in low cost.. and we can bear that.. so.. no need to worry.. and my parents won't force me..

I: satya, what if your parents don't want to have any relation with you.  What if they got into any serious condition.. can you bear that..

Satya: i already thought all those rushi.. that's why we both eloped like that..

Srav: rushi, why to talk to her.. she already did what she wants.. she is too much this time... crazyness need some boundaries.

I listned my husband coming towards us.. i think he finished his food..

He sat in other single chair.. we three are sitting in big couch..

Abhi: where you found them..

He asked brother..

Brother: in hotel.. you sent the last location of that girl...   along with her that man and her(satya) i found them..

I saw light red on her cheek..

I: satya what happened..

I touched her cheek..

Satya: oh.. it's..

Srav: i slapped..

I am really shocked.. srav is not a person to loose this.. ofcourse this incident is too much..

Abhi: ok the doll show them a room.. it's alraedy so late. We can talk morning..

I nodded..

I showed them the room.. 

I put some fruits in brother's room.. and said to eat.. because it's not good to eat food at this time..

Brother: rushi don't worry everything will be normal..

I smiled a little..and went to my room.. my husband is already laying on bed..

I also laid beside him on his chest to say..

He circled his arm arlund my shoulder..

Abhi: close your eyes doll..

I: i am surprised abhi..i never thought she will do this kind of thing..

Abhi: there is no wrong though

I: hm... may be..

I remember how i tried to escape from my wedding.. may be satya is also in same situation.. ofcourse my reason also so silly.  I just don't want to marry my husband... but satya's situation is different that man loves other woman.. so it's fine i think..

I closed my eyes with many things in my mind..


I got up feeling my husband's kisses on my cheek..

For a sec i forgot what happened yesterday... his love, his touch, his care is enough for me for this life time.. i don't want anything..

I opened my eyes..

Abhi: morning doll..

I: good morning..

He kissed my fore head..

He: seems like you are too tired..

I smiled..

I: i am good now..

He also smiled.. how much i missed his smile from last two days..

I: thank you abhi.. for being in my life.. although i acted like stupid before..

He: you are mine doll.. no matter what.

I smiled and kissed his cheek..

We got finished our daily routine and came down.. i saw workers preparing food..

I went into kitchen and told to cook for two more persons..

I saw srav coming down in yesterday's outfit..

I: morning srav..
Srav: morning rushi.. i am going home.. my mother called me..

I: atleast drink some coffee or anything..

Srav: no rushi...

She hugged me and said bye. I know if she said she want to go it might be important..

I went to call brother and satya..Satya is still sleeping... so i woke her up and told to fresh up.. i gave one of my dress which may fit her.

I went to brother's room... he is talking with someone...

i knocked the door.. he signaled me 5 minutes.. so i waited.. he came back and stood infront of me..

I: you are already ready..!

pranav: ya.. i need to leave.. i have a meeting in delhi..

i sadly nodded..

I: sorry brother I never though it will end like this..

i really felt guilty for ruining his opinion on marriage. he put his hand on my head and ruffled..

Pranav: it's not your fault.. things happens sometimes..

i smiled sadly..

Pranav: let's go down..

i nodded we both came down.. i saw my husband reading something in his i pad..

i called him for breakfast. while are talking some business things and i am waiting for satya.. she came down with sleepy head..

i smiled.. she came towards us..

satya: morning..

she formally said.. i smiled.. we both started eating..after eating.. 

Satya: ok rushi i am going to my PG and after that i will talk with my parents.

she is too brave.. how can she normally talk to them..

I: are you sure!!

she confidently nodded.. i took deep breath.. i hope she won't land in another trouble... but then suddenly brother talked...

Pranav: crazy girl

i think he spoke his inner words..

satya: what you said??

she asked loudly making all look at her...

pranav: just thought some truth..

satya: don't think about yourself..

too sassy..

they both started some bickering... wow that's a surprising thing to me.. i know satya gets offended easily.. but i never saw her talking like this with a stranger..

i came out my thoughts when satya yelled "donkey"

pranav: you only Pig..

Abhi: if your bickering is finished go to your work.

they both stopped in middle of their words and looked at my husband.. my husband got up and kissed my forehead and went to get his files..

i sighed..

Brother: ok rushi i am leaving take care.. if you want any help just call me.. if not also you can call me anytime..

i smiled and nodded..

Satya: ha ha.. no need she has good friends we can help no need of you..

I: satya.. don't mind her brother.. take care.. tell grandpa that i asked about him.

he smiled..  i walked to the door.. and said bye.. and returned back.. 

my husband also came out with his files..

I: brother just left.

he nodded..

Abhi: if you want anything get them we will leave tomorrow early morning..

i felt sad...i want to be here for some more days.. but i know i can't... i just stood rooted in my place.. he kissed my cheek and left.. 

i closed my eyes to make myself mentally prepared.. 

i sat in living room couch... satya also sat with me..

I: so many things happened satya.. i don't feel like i spent the good time with all.. i want to be with all once again...

satya: rushi there also so many people are there who loves you.. ofcourse as a friend i also want you to be with us.. but can't be selfish.. 

i sighed.. she is right there also grandma grandpa, jijus.. hmm.. it seems like i have a whole big family that i can't even talk with all of them in one day..  but i still hope i can be with all people who loves me and whom i love..

satya put hand on my shoulder.. i leaned on her to give some time to my mind and heart..

after some time her mobile rang.. 

satya: rushi i need to go to the hospital..

I nodded..

satya: bye rushi.. take care.. love you..

i smiled at her wide smile and cute words..

she also left... so it's only me in this whole house.. left alone.. good having so many people who loves me but still left alone.. I really don't understand do all people who are near to us loves us.. no right.. but the people around me.. i can feel their care it's not fake.. 

I slowly dragged my body towards my room and packed the bags and i thought to visit orphanage my home once again.. so i changed my clothes and got up.. as same guards follwed me.. and i reached my home and said bye to all.. sowmya crying again.. for some reason i flet like taking my baby sis along with me.. a sudden desire build in me.. But i just can't take ehr along with i asked permission from the principal to take sowmya with me to the villa.. 

i took my little baby with me.. as we reached the villa she ran all over the living room.. i am trying to catch her.. all workers are laughing at my baby sis antiques.. i ran to catch her.. but she is slipping from my hands.. finally i got her before she goes into my husband's study room..

we sat in couch to watch a cartoon movie.. she is eight years.. and very cute with bubbly cheeks and big round eyes... i want to take her with me.. how about i ask him.. but he will come by night i think..

i want to call him but what if he is busy.. it's ok rushi you never disturbed him before right.. just once.. if he won't lift the call it's ok..

i called my dear husband.. he lifted my call in two rings..

Abhi: hello doll..

I: abhi are you busy..

Abhi: going to attend a meeting..

I: oh..

Abhi: it's ok tell me..

I: abhi.. oh.. can bring a cute doll with me..

Abhi: huh!!

I: abhi i.. i.. want to bring.. hmm.. sowmya with me..

Abhi: are you sure..

I: yes abhi.. i wnat to take care of her..

Abhi: we will talk about this evening

I: hmm..bye..

before he says anything i cut the call..

i walked towards playing baby and sat beside her..

I: baby will you come with your didi..

she is looking at me confusingly..

I: hmm we both can play everyday.. you can be with me everyday.. we can go out..

Sowya: really didi...i want to go.. i will come..

she said hugging me..

I smiled..

I: but.. baby you have to leave the present school..but you can go to big school and get many friends.. and i will always be with you..

Sowmya: huh.. why to leave them..

I: i live far na., so.. 

i put sad face.. it's like a little manipulation... i know i am going to hurt my baby.. but i don't know why i want to take her with me.. but i want to take care of her..i still remember the day she came to our orphanage i always loved her.. i just can't take it off leaving her... i just love her..

sowmya: oh didi don't cry i will come with you.. sowmya loves her didi..

i hugged her again.. how lovely she is.. 

 I immediately called mom and told about my thought.. mom has no objection.. but to adopt it may take some time to go through all procedure.. and mom told only adopt if abhi is gully ok with it.. i hope he won't object my decision.. but inside me i still have doubt on him.. i don't know why... there is nothing i don't know about him... i know all his tastes, choices, likes, but still i feel there is a bit gap between us..

I sighed.. may be time will clear everything..

I feed my baby happily and made her sleep for some time..
I am just scrolling my mobile... then suddenly i remembered... in arun Jiju's marriage a girl.. wait.. chris(king's PA) girlfriend.. what's her name.. Emily i think.. she is a doctor right.. that to orthopedic... wow.. so good.. let's connect with her..

I eagerly opened my call list and felt happy.. luckily her number is still there.. when i go newyork i will message her..

Soon it turned evening.. me and my baby sitting in balcony seeing the beautiful sunset..

Then i listened the footsteps.. i smiled..

I took my baby to my embrace and walked into the room.. he is removing the coat.. looking tired..i felt guilty to talk to him... he needs rest but see what i am doing..

But my heart said.. only once rushi.. he can tale rest after that..i am hating myself for this selfishness..

He looked at me and sowmya.. with weird feeling..

Sowmya: didi..

I cameout of my all stupid thoughts..

I think sowmya never talked with him much..

He came towards us.. for a sec i felt like he is going to garm my baby.. why the hell i am feeling this insecrity..

He ruffled sowmya's hair.. i felt so relaxed..

I: you go and fresh up.. i will be waiting for you in loving room..

He nodded and kissed my forehead.. sowmya giggled..

We both went down.. and started watching cartoons..

He.came down looking all fresh..he called some maid..

He: take care of this little one.

That maod took my baby.. sowmya held me tightly.. but soon relaxed..

He: so you want to adopt her..
I: oh abhi i.. i want to be her guardian..

He: why so?
I: hmm abhi i love her so much.. we both are so close and..

He: ok then.. but can you take care of her if you join the work.

Is he manipulating me..

I: i can.. she will go to school and i will go to work.. and if she has holidays i can take her with me to hospital..

He: you will take her to hospital.. what if she gets infected..

I: no abhi.. there will be rooms for children..

He: ya..ok i know that..but still..

I: don't you want adopt her..

He: it's not like that doll...i am just..i think you are still not ready to take care of a child.

I can see genuine concern in his eyes.. but i am strong on my decision..

I: i cam abhi.. please don't say no.. i can really take care of her..

He sighed..

He: ok then i have no problem..don't worry about certificates and all everything will be settled..did you pack pir bags..

I nodded.

He: what about her..

I: oh know i didn't..

He laughed..

He: don't get tensed.. i will tell someone to prepare clothers for that little one.

I: her name is sowmya.. she calls me sister..

He nodded..

I: thank you abhi..

He: rember one thing.. you are mine doll..

Is this needee to tell.. what he is trying to tell..

He pecked my lips and got up to go to his study room..

I shrugged and went to look for my little baby..

She is playing with the worker..

I told thanks for taking care of her.. i sat on floor along with her..

I called the principal and told my decision..

She happily said ok..

She told that she will pack the sowmya's luggage.. which may be her treasures..

Soon it turned night.. sowmya is sitting beside me and i can feel continuous stare on me.. .... of ofcourse it's  my husband's intense gaze....

i am feeding her i know she knows how to eat but still..

After eating we both girls went to room leaving my husband in his business world..

I am.telling her a story and soon she slept.. me and my baby really has hugging decease..

I don't know when i also sleep..


Hi guys i hope all enjoyed the chapter..

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