Chapter- 6

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People thinks trust is more important in love or in relationship but i think patience is main key to develop any kind of love. 💖💖


Flashback continuation..............

Rushi's pov,

I entered hall but my eyes got struct and my body stopped to move .... there he is with full of arrogance sitting in his glory .... i didn't expect him today.... Satya words and his warning started to ring in my ears.  

I went near my in-laws and bent to take blessings. He came and stood beside me.

" Wow...... look at them they are really perfect for each other" my mother-in-law said with so much excitement.

I just smiled at her, then his PA Sahil came to us,

" Sir it's time to go ", i then tried to go to my parents, but he held my hand.

" You are coming with me in my car ..." With his one sentence i lost my hope ... 

" I ....i... want to go ..... with... mom and dad" I successfully stuttered.

" It's ok Rushi you both have to spend time with each other, go with him we will come by another car..." my mom said happily... here i am trying to avoid him but all want to push me towards him... oh god please help me. I tried to talk again but he cutoff by dragging me from hall...

He then opened car door and forcefully made me sit inside,  i didn't like his any action...what he thinks of himself... i am not a thing to behave like this can't he act like a normal human being. who the hell is he... he may be powerful, but he can't act like this with a lady... money made him blind...

But i didn't talk one word with him ..... he also sat silently, but today this quietness is not comforting,  i can sense anger in his eyes.... but why... who wants to know...

After some time, we reached mall all ladies came out, when i tried to get out from car he holds my hand again,

" You have guts to ignore me, ha,  be ready for your punishment."

What???? Punishment .... for ignoring...  what the heck is this.... god why me .... what's happening here... what he thinks of himself... he is irritating me... am i his employee to get scared of his stupid warnings.

All are doing shopping; they selected a golden lehenga for engagement .... then my father came to me and said to go with that devil to select rings ... i want to say no but i Can't... so i went to him ..... He is waiting for me near the lift....

We both got into the elevator..... He instantly pressed me against the elevator wall, and I am stunned in every sense; he is staring at me like a predator. his eyes are deep black.  i am feeling. uncomfortable... he is very near to me. i am unable to process my mind. my cerebrum stopped working.

" Are you ready for your punishment. " My eyes got more bigger this time oh god is he for real!!

His face is too close to me for a sec i forgot to breath...  i feel some strange feelings, i tried to free my hands from his grip but no use he is way too strong, i am on verge of crying.... suddenly he kissed me on my cheek and left me......I am shocked at his behavior i thought he will kiss me on lips.... even if it is on cheeks i felt hot, this is my first time some man kissed me... what the hell i am thinking... he kissed me without my permission... how dare he... i am getting frustration but what i have to do... shall i scold him or slap him... i am not getting what to do now...

" This is just teaser baby don't ignore me, next time it will be far more ...."

I am not in the situation to talk.... i am still thinking what i have to do .... this is my first kiss. i put my palm where he kissed me and rubbed there in frustration... i am not liking his touch...

 He put his hand on my shoulder as we exited the elevator, and there I saw Sahil...

We both sat in the chairs all are showing different types of couple rings , i saw his eyes fell on a pair of rings , they are really beautiful and simple, he then saw me and told.

"I want A and R letters on them "Can't he ask for my opinion.... What an egoistic person...I didn't utter one word .... what can I talk...I am full of shy...

After that i went to wedding section to buy other clothes.

Then my brother gave me my mobile which has 5 missed calls from hospital and Satya...Oh god i hope ntg happened. ... i called satya immediately...

" Rushi, come to the hospital, there is a severe situation, a pregnant woman's delivery is being difficult, the baby is inverted, Dr. Madhavi is meeting with directors.... hurry rushi..."

Oh my god please help that woman .... i ran towards my father and said the situation,

 "Dad please i want to go , a baby life is in danger .... "

"but rushi ..." i cut his words..

"dad it's important... i have to go...."

"Come rushi i will take you to hospital my bro said..."

"Yes come fast brother..."

" Wait i will go with her you can't handle outside..." That devil voice came....

"Hmmm ..." my brother nodded.

 i immediately went outside I don't care whoever it is to drop me i just want to reach hospital as soon as possible....

he got the car ..... and drove very fastly towards gandhi hospital...

After 15 minutes i reached the hospital, everyone was running from the medical shop to the operating room, when a nurse approached me and handed me the mask and other equipment, I quickly put them on and ran into the operating room...patient is struggling so much after 50 minutes of continuous pushing we got her baby out.....the room is full of baby boy cry.... i am very happy tears came in my eyes.... patient went to sleep due to lack of energy.... Her spouse expressed gratitude.... " You are goddesses mam .... thanks for saving our baby thank you so much ......thank you "

" Its ok take care of your wife she is so weak ..." I told him smilingly.

He nodded, i went to washroom and cleaned my face and came out, i saw him sitting in my cabin .... Oh god he is still here,  i didn't even thank him....

I stood infront of him, he looked at me confusingly.

" Hey, are you ok? how did the operation go?? " He asked with concern.... i am amused at his behavior.

" god's grace Baby and mother both are safe, and....hmmm.... thanks for dropping me here in time."

" Hmm... ok if all fine then let's go...."

" Oooo... patient didn't wake from sleep i have to examine her.."

" Others can take care of it let's go now......" i try to convince him ..... but he didn't listen to me......

I don't know what is happening outside, but lot of media appeared .....did something happen in hospital....   he told me to be in my cabin... and went outside .... oh god this whole media is behind him.... how can you be this naive rushi you can't even realize it , he is a billionaire, why don't you think about media when you go out...??..Oh god did they know about me.... if they know i didn't saw any change in my life, no one asked about my engagement right so no one know.... god what is happening in my life..... rushi now onwards you are going to watch news... i mentally decided.

My thoughts got disturbed by him,

"Lets go media is cleared."


We sat in the car.....

" Hm..oo... if you know media is there why you decided to come, my brother will drop me..."

" Media know that your father and i am doing business, they will ask several questions, he can't handle them.... so, i came..."

" Ohhhh... thank you."

He just nodded his head. like why i am even thanking him...

We directly went to home. All are waiting for us... my mom asked how situation is.... i told them everything is fine....

" Ok rushi beti  go fresh up lets have dinner." My dad told with a small smile...

" Yes dad..."

I came along with Sowmya my little champ.

A chair was left beside him, so no way to escape , so i sat there... sowmya went to my mom....

I want to tell that i don't want to marry....but no words came while eating...all are happily talking can i ruin their happiness...After dinner he took me to terrace,

" Rushitha i know you don't want to marry , but know one thing.... if you do anything silly... i will do anything to get you .... i think you at least know something about me  i am not a person to play games.... i can do anything ..... so better prepare yourself to marry me.... otherwise the consequences won't be good for you..."

I am looking helpless in front of him.... i just nodded my head...tears filled my eyes but i didn't let them out....i don't want to look weak Infront of him... 

" Thats my girl .... ok baby ... don't ignore me if i message you better reply to me...." he put his palm on my left cheek where he kissed me previously.... i am feeling awkward. why his words making me weak. 

He then came near to me, kissed me on my right cheek... and smirked at tears suddenly stopped i am totally in shock...I am speechless, he kissed me twice in a day.... what is happening in my life.... how can i let my guard down... what i have to do... i can't lt him to touch me... how can he kiss me before marriage.

I placed my palm on my cheek.... and rubbed to clean his kiss...i still can't believe a man came this much near to me and touched me without my wish and i can't do anything... the same thing running in my mind.

I tried to stop my engagement ..i told my dad to postpone this engagement ...i also told him to give me some time to accept him... he is a complete stranger came into my life and taking my future life into his hands...i literally begged my dad to stop .....but no use... my dad only said one thing that devil will be most perfect person in my life.... what else i can talk...I remained mute and accepted my engagement...I am yet unprepared for this marriage.

The day of engagement..................................

I want to say my mom.... how he blackmailed me but his warning ringing in my ears...He texts me every day ....I felt happy for some reason but when i remember how he warned me about burning orphanage I am enraged by him.....

These four days went on blur i am looking beautiful in golden lehanga.... my mom is very happy to see me... my friends are teasing me... The function hall is decorated beautifully... i never saw such a beautiful decoration. But something crossed my mind...Will media be here. But i didn't see anything like that....

He fitted A-shaped platinum with diamond stones ring on my left-hand ring finger.  I am so nervous to touch him...but i hold his hand it is cold...i don't know why i am feeling so nervous ....i put a same model ring with R letter to his right-hand ring finger. all clapped and soon photo session also ended it's really a failure the photographer said to pose like kissing... god i literally died there, but luckily, he glared at photographer. i am feeling so heavy in my heart... i am feeling restless. i saw so many youngsters sitting frontside their eyes seeing me in awe. i am in no situation to talk or observe others feelings... i am drowned in my own sadness. after that ring ceremony he called me daily....

In my college there are so many guys who proposed me but i never even glanced at them my brother always take care about those things.... But now he , i can't even tolerate his touch how can i be his wife........ god why are you playing with me.... But i never realized another big bomb is waiting for me to tear my heart....


hi guys i hope my writing skill is not awful.

thank you.
