
Hi guys I hope all are doing well. I wish happy rakshabandhan to all.

May god bless you with happiness.


Rushi's pov,

It's been 6 months of our marriage... I am quite happy all these days. Sleeping in his embrace... kissing him when he goes out.. we even started to greet good morning and good night.. it's really weird... I am feeling like I am watching a movie... will all couple be like this only... !! May be who knows what's going inside closed doors. I just hope no one lays evil eyes on our relation.

Currently only me and rose sitting in living room while eating potato chips and watching new movie. I am laughing continuously.. movie is very hilarious... I can't stop my laugh... suddenly I heard my husband's car sound... but I am not interested in him now... I am trying to control my laugh but no... I got up to go towards him.. but I am still laughing... he is looking at me weirdly... but it's still afternoon why he came home at this time. I saw two men coming inside in business attire. I stopped my laugh and looked at my husband confusingly.

He: doll go to our room.

I looked at him questioningly...

Man 1 : Mr. Tagore won't you introduce your beautiful wife to us.

I didn't like that man words...

He: Mr. Knight I think you won't cross your limits.

I can see anger in my husband eyes..

I: hmm please come in...

Man 2: thank you Mrs. Tagore.

They all walked into living room..

He: let's go to office. rose get some drinks.

I don't know why but I am feeling tense and restless.

They went towards main study room.. it's not his personal study room.

Rose: rushi sir told you to go to your room..

I nodded and went to my room. But I found water bottle empty so I came down to fill it. I saw my husband shaking hands with second man. May be some business.

I stopped rose..

I: rose who are they?

Rose: they are one of the biggest jewelry designers.

I: oh...

I went to my room without any questions.

May be that two days he went to get this deal. But I never saw any businessman coming to this house in these 6 months. After some time my husband came inside our room. I am sitting on bed with my book.

I: did you have lunch?

He nodded. He came towards me and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and smiled.

I: are you free now?

He: actually today is not deal signing so I didn't take the papers with me. But they want to leave to Italy for some urgent business. They requested to sign the deal in home as airport is near to our home than office. So..

I smiled..

I: so you are going back to office??

He: hmm.. I have some meetings.

I: will you come early??

He: what happened doll..

I: hmm nothing just want to know..

He is looking at me without blinking his eyes.

He: tomorrow onwards you will get my schedule.

I: Ah..a..

I am totally shocked... what is he saying... what I will do with his time table i don't even understand these business things.

I: no need..

He: No doll it's

I cut his words..

I: I don't understand all those things so.. instead of giving me your time table can you just tell me when you will come back or just message me when you thought to come back..

He smiled..

We both came out and walked out... this time he kissed my cheek. I am also no less... I also kissed on his left cheek..

I said bye... he left to his office.

Evening we four having our breakfast as granny and grandpa went to stay with alana and aiden jiju.

Ma: tomorrow we both are going to see alana.

He just nodded..

I: hmm why don't...

He: we will go some other time.

I nodded.. I am just a little upset.

After dinner he went to his study I went to my room but I feel lonely so I went toΒ  his study... I entered without knocking..

He looked at me and smiled...

I took some story book... after 4 months of our marriage I found that there are story books in his library... may be he arranged..

I sat on couch... but he is not looking at me.. he is doing something in his laptop.. I felt irritated...

I: can you sit with me...

I am not at all nervous and hesitating to talk or ask something from him.

He looked at me.. he signaled to come near to him.. I got up..

He: get your book.

I took my book along with me and go near to his big chair..

He pulled me towards him... he is in sitting position and I am standing near to him.. his face is touching my upper stomach. He slowly rubbed his cheek on my soft nightdress... I felt goosebumps all over my body... inside my stomach all animals having party..

I: what.. what are you...hmm.. doing..

His grip tightened on my waist..

He: doll sit on my lap...

He said slowly... his voice making me weak. I turned and sat on his lap...

He adjusted and gave victory smile.

My whole body is on fire.. I bite my inner cheek to control my Blush and shyness..

His left hand circled around my waist suddenly his protecting touch became tight... my eyes became big.. he... he tightly pinch my waist... I looked at him with my shocking eyes..
he nuzzle his nose on my neck... I can tell he is inhaling my scent... I felt some sort of pleasure... he rubbed his nose in between my neck and ear... my hair stand straight... but I am liking his touch..

He stopped and turned towards laptop and started doing his work with right hand..
I am looking at his laptop... there are some graphs in different colors... may be he is analyzing something..

He: read your book no need to see laptop.

He said smilingly...I placed my book on my lap and started reading... it is just children adventures book...

After sometime.

I: hmm aren't your legs numb??

He: no need to worry.

He smiled..

I placed my head on his shoulder and continued reading my book... my eyes feeling tired... I think I need to sleep...

I: hmm.. I am sleepy...

He: just sleep...

He touched my cheek with his right hand.

I closed my eyes and completely leaned on his body... his scent is soothing.. I dripped into my peaceful sleep.


I opened my eyes slowly... but I didn't feel any weight on my body.. I looked my sides... he is no where... I am really tensed... this is the first time I am not seeing him beside me in morning... I got up and looked around... but he is not there. I went out of our room...

I saw a worker cleaning the stairs.. she looked at me..

Worker: good morning mam.

I smiled..

I: good morning.. hmm did you see.. sir..

Worker: mam sir is in gym.

I nodded.

Gym... why he is doing workout this early morning...

I: Tell Rose to bring protein shake.

I told to that worker. She bowed. I smiled and went towards his personal gym room.

He is running on a treadmill... his upper body fully covered with sweat.. and above that he is half naked.. I can't take my eyes from his body.. he is looking so... oh god what the... I turned my eyes and patted my cheeks.. I went towards him... he stopped when I am just two steps away from him... I think he already sensed me..

He turned towards me... sweat is dripping from his hair to toe. I gulped my stupid thoughts.

I: good morning.

He smiled.. God please... how come he is this much handsome...god why you gave...
My thoughts not even completed he pecked my lips...

I smiled in between our daily morning sweet moment.

He kissed me deeply only a few times...He left my lips in a minute

He: morning doll..

His sweat hands are cold... his hands lowering my body temperature..

I took towel from his neck and started cleaning his sweat.. I can say his body is on fire.. his eyes filled with desire..

He: doll don't do this..

I know what he mean by... but he teased me several times these days..

I: what you mean by this husband!??

I asked innocently... He suddenly pulled me towards him..

He: don't ask innocently.. you know what I am talking about..

My heart beat rose in a sec...

I: ok ok.. I won't.. I won't tease you.. let me go..

I tries to free myself.. but he is not in the mood to leave me..

He: after doing everything you want to leave.. na na..

suddenly rose came in... but my luck she is not looking at us her concentration is on drink... so i pushed him lightly and went towards rose.. i took the protein shake from the plate. she looked at me. i smiled.. she left us and went out.

i put the drink on table.

"Mr. husband please have your protein shake."

i came out smilingly... i know he might be frustrated...

I went to my room and got fresh up and went down.Β  ma and papa left to see alana after breakfast. my husband went to office. workers also completed their work. so i gave them leave today. I told rose to take leave. living in this big mansion is really scary. I don't know why but i feel like i want to be with him for my whole life. so today i want to be.... his... I know he will never hurt me... he may be angry bird but he always realizes his mistake and never did anything wrong after that. and i know these days we did everything that normal couple do... my heart also saying to be with him for this life... i don't know whether it is love or not but i trust him. I can give myself to him... but i am little nervous... i don't know how he will react.. in this life he is my husband i won't leave him... i already know he likes me a lot so i think i need to take a step forward in our lives. i smiled... i covered my face with my palms. as a gynecologist i know what will happen between couple... but i never imagined myself.. i am feeling so awkward and shy.Β 

Afternoon i attended my class after eating lunch. he messaged me that he will be in home by i searched google and youtube about couple things. they are showing to much i can't do any of those things. so i went to kitchen to get some candles. but there are only two candles and they are not what i want. so i called rose.Β 

I: rose where are you?

Rose: i am in supermarket.

I: rose.. rose i want some candles they should be hmm heart.. shape.

rose: candles... heart shape...

I: hmm... can you please get them for me ... pls pls...

Rose: ok ok... how many??

I: hmm 10 enough..

Rose: ok..

I: wait wait red color..

Rose: ok..

I: wait.. heart shaped red balloons.Β 

Rose: whats going on rushi..

I: pls.. don't ask.. bye.

i cut the call before she asks something...

I am sitting in living room... am i doing correct... I think no... He should propose me right... what.. wait am i expecting him to give flower and tell me that he loves me.. god from when onwards i have this weird thought.. we are already married right... May be i should not give myself this early... no one is there in home so i think spending some time alone is not wrong thing. we can watch movie, or play some game... i smiled...

after sometime rose came. she gave me the things i asked for. i smiled.

Rose: all the best..

she is smiling.Β 

I: don't think.... i am not...

she left without listening anything... i sighed and checked the cover. i arranged them in our room I didn't lit the candles for now but i arranged them.Β 

I came to kitchen to prepare food. after cooking i checked the time i still have 45 minutes. i went to take bath and woreΒ a simple light gold color saree. I came down.. within minutes I heard cars sound.. I have a mischievous idea...

I stood backside of the big door with a peice of cloth... he entered and looked around... I stopped the body guard outside itself... he bowed and went away...

I: welcome husband...

He turned towards me but he can't see me..

I: Don't come near... stand in your place..

He: what is this doll.. what are you doing..

He took a step towards me..

I: if you don't stop I will cry..

He: what..

I: stop and turn back... and.. close your eyes..

He: doll...

I: you won't listen to me... I...I..

He: ok ok.. please do what you want....

He turned back.. I slowly went towards him and put the cloth on his eyes to cover them...

He: doll what are you doing...

I: don't open your eyes..

He is tall... i stood on my toes to blindfold him..

He touched the cloth..

I: don't open...

He: what is this...

I: ayya just calm down.. if you can catch me i will give you surprise if not.. hmm you will..

He cut my words in between

He: you are challenging me..

I smiled..

I: ofcourse my husband scared...

I can see his smirk..

He: i don't know what is your surprise but if i catch you... i won't let you go easily..

I: oh... over confident. Don't worry you can't catch me..

He: ok then let's see.. but i have a condition...

I: what's that....

He: our house is so big and so many things are there so let's play out.

I: fine...

I took him out... its really so cute to see him in this situation...

We came to garden..

I: i won't go too far...

He nodded..

I left his hand... and took two steps away from him... he extended his hands to catch me.. but i am laughing at his unstable steps..

He is following my laughter and trying to catch me... in between i clapped my hands to change his attention.. i am really surprised to his hearing ability.. he can listen my anklets sound also... i am laughing so happily..

" Husband... husband i am here.." i said laughingly in between our game..

It's been almost 15 minutes... he really has patience...

He: doll it's really tough to catch you..

I laughed..

I: so mr. Husband are you going to accept defeat..

He: no my wife.. i will catch you no matter what..

I am liking his attitude... suddenly he changed his direction...

I: abhi not that side.. I am here..

I don't know what but he is going in the same direction.. there is some new plants which I planted yesterday..

I ran towards him.. he is about to step on a plant.. I grabbed his elbow..

Suddenly he held my waist tightly..

He: got you..

I am so shocked... cunning husband.

He removed the cloth in a sec... his eyes adjusting to the brightness.. I smiled.. his fingers touching my bare waist..

He opened his eyes... he is not blinking his eyes anymore..Β  I felt hot blood rushing through my body..

I tried to stand properly.. he let his hand go.. he took a step back... his eyes roaming from my head to toe.. I stood in my position without moving... he started to circle around me.. I am feeling nervous and tension..

I: what... what are.. you.. doing...

He didn't reply.. he came and stood infront of me again..

He suddenly pulled me towards him.. I put my hands on his chest..

He: doll.. doll.. you should not get ready like this...

His eyes filled with unknown emotion..I know something is cooking up in his mind.

I: oh.. why so...

I asked mockingly..

He: your husband is not a good little boy..

Blush spread on my cheeks..

He came so near to me.. I can feel his hot air on my cheeks..

He: doll please..

I am so shocked and scared.. I know what he is thinking of.. I know what he is requesting for...

I: I... cooked.. food let's go..

I formed a sentence with so much effort...


Sneak peek......

Rushi: mom I am coming to India....

Mom: oh..Β  your dad said..

Rushi: aren't you happy to see me..

Mom: I am I am.. when are you coming.. I am very eager to see my honey..

Rushi: tomorrow night..

Mom: good.. take rest.. you will be tired tomorrow..


King: who the hell dared to file a case against tagore's...

PA: sir, Agarwal's file..


King: dad what the hell is this?

Dad: king please calm down we will tell everything but not now.. first we need to go to india.


Hi guys I hope you are not cursing your poor author..

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Thank you. ❀️❀️
Bye bye πŸ‘‹
