
 Hi, guys welcome to the new chapter.....I hope all are enjoying the story.....

 Time never stays calm.... it always brings new things and surprises to everyone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rushi's Pov, 

After listening to my words, I was utterly shocked.....I never expected that he is not her son.....then who is he...???. 

Ma: Rushi... it's a long story... but I love him like my own son...I never treated King and Addie separately they are two eyes for me...... but Addie did something which made me hell angry... I still can't forgive him. 

Ma is looking pale... I put my palm on her hand..... She smiled a little..... 

Ma: Addie lost his parents.... when he was 13 years old.... somebody killed his family.... he wants to take revenge on them..... I also don't know both King and Addie trying to take revenge for his parent's death...... But Alana came between it... Addie found the criminal in a bar.... but security is full on that day.... so he planned perfectly to kill that person.... but unfortunately Alana came there and helped that criminal to escape..... he is hell angry about that day.... he lost his every sense.... he took Alana forcefully from the bar and tied her in a dark room for a month... 

" she got ill.... she cried a lot... she begged him every day and night ..... but he can't forgive her, it was so late when I learned about it.... she was already hospitalized. seeing her like that I got very angry with him... I slapped him .... that is the first time to raise my hand on my child... I felt very sad...but what he did was very wrong... I can't let him spoil her life.... but karma played a cruel game with her...his hatred for her grew day by day... after her recovery... I learned that she is so good and nice .... but my son tortured her to death..... when I saw bruises on her body my eyes got teary ....she bearded so much because of a small mistake... maybe it's not even her mistake..... she wanted to help who she saw dying before her eyes... but it turned to be her grave mistake. I don't want her to suffer anymore.... but I can't able to do that... I learned about her family. I want to make her life normal but luck is not on my side..... when I went to her home. His father slapped her..... he is a church father .... he faced so many humiliations ..... his neighbors throw tantrums at him...... he told her to get lost from his eyesight... I tried to explain to him.... but I also understand his problems.......but he is her father he has to understand his daughter right also she didn't do any mistake.... but later I got to know that....... He arranged a match for her on the next day he want to tell her about it on that night if she went back from the party.... but it's not happened..... everyone thought she ran away from the proposal..... her father got a minor heart attack..... he didn't want to see Alana's face also.... so without any option I took her with me .... after all, it is my son's mistake how can I let that poor soul suffer this much. I am angry with Addie. I saw her crying so silently at night.....but the best thing is Addie was not there at that time he went to another country for work... I don't know what he will do if he know that I brought her home back. I slowly made her somewhat normal.... but it all went in vain... Addie came back without any notice.... if I know he will come I may send her somewhere.... but fate can't be changed. the day he came back..... I was comforting her.... she was not eating anything.... as a mother... I can't see her like that so... I was feeding her....... she is just sitting like a statue... I feel like she lost all her hope but suddenly Addie's voice boomed in my ears....."


Samyuktha's Pov, (mother of Aiden and Abhimaan) 

Aiden: what the hell is she doing here? Mom, you told me you will take her to her house. why the heck is she still doing here? if I see her anymore I will lose my control.... tell me..... ?? 

" Addie when you came... you didn't inform me...." I asked in tension... 

Aiden: Mom don't change the topic... I asked what she is doing here.

" His voice is so loud and demanding. all family members came down.....except king........ when these incidents happened, king is in France.... he didn't even know what is going on.... if he knows maybe the situation won't be like this." 

I: Addie... her family didn't accept her.... how can I leave her in that situation... so I took her back.

 Aiden: Mom if they accept or not it's not my problem ... I don't want to see her you can leave her anywhere.

"Aravind got angry at him...." 

Aravind (king's father): is this the manners we taught you... You made her life like this... she made a mistake in your point ... but tell me what you did to her.... look at her once.... she is like a dead body... you know how much she cried... you made her life hell Addie.... this is the first time I feel like I am not a good father... up to now I am always proud of my sons... but now I am not. 

Aiden: Dad.... it's... 

Aravind: no more word from you Addie... see her once she never spoke one word up to now..... I never listened to her voice until now.... she is also a human. 

" but Eddie doesn't like those words... he is hating her every second for making us against him....." 

Aiden: Father she is just playing tricks.... she wants money ntg more....who knows if she is that murderer's supporter... 

" I can't believe he is thinking like that..... but his actions shocked me..."

 "he dragged her from me..... he took her out of home..... we all followed him hurriedly.." 

" he pushed her out of the house..... she fell on the ground.... but no words came from her mouth.....I was shocked." "Aravind hurriedly went out... he hold her like his daughter.... she fell unconscious in his hands... I got panicked....we took her to hospital." Doctor: Mr. Tagore.... she had a panic attack.... she is in deep depression.... she didn't has any hope to live. she is not even responding to our treatment...... " I am terrified ..... she doesn't deserve to be in this position.... she needs so much better life... it is not what she deserves rushi. " " That time I saw Aiden looking scared I saw guilt and some type of passion in his eyes.... for a sec I thought what if they both got married......but now her health is important. But what if I am wrong about them? " "Although it is serious.... doctors are good at making her better....... I am happy that she opened her eyes...... but her eyes are pale .... there is no shining in them.... no hope in them... her body is hot as a geyser." "It took two months for her to recover... I never let her go in front of Addie... siya helped me so much.... she talks with Alana so much..... at last she became normal.... we planted hope in her heart.....we told her to do the job and be independent making others happy....we made her realize there are many things to do apart from being sad." " but I think.... her life is a mess.... we don't know what the time she met Addie... her life is ruptured.... news about Eddie and Alana came all over the channels....this made Addie go hell angry on her. he blamed her."

"Aravind decided to get Aiden and Alana together as a couple....even though I want her as my daughter-in-law but am not sure about their relationship what if they end up in a bad situation... I opposed Aravind's decision.... but he didn't listen to a father-like son......their marriage happened within 5 days... I ever thought my son's marriage will happen in such a hurry... and also never thought Addie will be married first..... king is the elder son... but situations demand ..... so without King, we made both of them a couple..... we also send them to the vacation of 2 months so that everything can settle down."

" But as long as I know there is no use ..... Addie behavior doesn't change much towards her.... but he didn't harm her anymore.... but not talk much also..... after they came from vacation he took her to his private home.... they both stayed there for 3 months after that Addie attended your marriage, your marriage created havoc in media. as it is a run's wedding and the king told them to come because media want to see the Tagore's daughter-in-law.... as it is king words he never opposed him.... so he came now.... but it seems he is still the same." 

FLASHBACK END............................................................... 

Rushi's Pov, 

after telling about previous incidents Ma became silent... I also didn't have any words...... I never thought Alana went through this much.... she looks so fragile.... how she even bared all this from him..... how can he treat her like that..... after being with her... can't he understand her nature?? I am also unable to digest all the incidents. 

Locking in a dark room for a month, getting panic attacks. oh my god, I never saw such a kind of patient up to now. Of course, I studied about them but seeing... never. 

" I don't know ma.... but she needs our support.... he always made her lonely....this time don't send them away. if they stay here, maybe he can understand better.... if something goes wrong we can support her." I told Ma with confidence and also concern. 

Ma: rushi you are a beautiful soul..... king is lucky to have you. 

" Ma...." I pouted..... 

Ma: ok ok.... let's go... 

we both went inside.... in the living room ..... I saw my husband and Aiden talking. 

he looked at me, he is already in his nightwear.... his eyes are dissatisfied with something..... he looked at me from top to bottom..... but stopped at my legs..... I don't know what he is looking at and what things going on in his devil's mind...... but the next sec he shouted.

 he: Rose....... 

I was startled at my place..... rose came running towards him. even ma and Aiden became stones in their places. Rose: sir... she looked totally scared..... 

he: get your mam flip-flops.

 he ordered her.....then I looked at my feet and saw my bare feet. Is it needed to shout for a small thing... what an angry bird. I stopped Rose in the middle.... 

" Rose no need... I will go and fetch them." I said in a low voice.... 

Rose: rushi, don't do that.... sir is already angry .... don't make him angrier.... just tell me where you left them. 

she murmured so that no one except me can hear. I think she is correct, but I don't want others to touch my slippers.... but I don't want her to be in the problem I can sense his range. 

"ok then we both go and fetch them.... ok..." but without letting me go.... his hand caught me..... when did he even come this near to me.

 I can't even think what is going on.... he lifted me in his arms..... my eyes got bigger..... I hold his shirt tightly..... not to fall..... he is looking angry but what I even did to make him angry..... but my bad.... when he lift me.... all workers are there I feel so embarrassed..... I hid my head in his chest..... my grip on his t-shirt is so tight..... he placed me on the couch ..... and he sat on his knees in front of me..... I feel so shy. 

he: do you want to walk barefoot and get ill..... do you even know you are in America not in India..... do you know how cold it is??

 I am surprised by his caring words of course it is not new but still listening from him is rare. Oh god, he is angry because he thinks I will get mind told me. 

I looked away from him... I saw all looking at us like some unknown things happening here.... why did they want to embarrass me this much....alana also looked with a shocked expression. I only want to say one sentence can you all please close your eyes? but I can't say that.. within two minutes Rose got my flip-flops.......she placed them on the ground..... I put my legs down..... he tried to touch my feet..... but I took them back.....without giving him any chance to touch I wore my slippers. he looked confused.......I think he didn't know.... ??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hi guys I hope you will like the chapter. Thank you bye-bye.
