
Hi guys i know all are so eager for this chapter and i am sure you will like it.

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We all know that god created eve (female )to support adam(male) based on those days. But now... days changed, priorities changed, nature changed, in my opinion total definition of humanity changed, same way male becoming the support of female.
Just like how technology improving from 4G to 5G i hope a woman can improve from standing to flying.


Rushi's pov

I am looking at him for the answer...

He: you are smart.
I: i am not kid... a doctor needs to know patient psychology.
He: ofcourse. Then what do you think the reason is??
I: i don't know and... i don't want to guess.
He smiled.
He: ok then i will tell you. But promise me that you won't blame me for telling truth.
I looked at him confusingly. He looked questioningly.
He: promise me.
I know without giving him anything i can't get anything. I sighed and promised.

He: ok then.

Abhimaan's pov (King),

I know after telling the past incidents she will defnitely curse me and i never want that. But i want her to know my genuine intention.

"  as you asked me about maya and david break up i think you already know their relation right"

She nodded.

" hmm... at first i didn't know that david had crush on maya, as i was busy with my work and i never interacted with her more in college days, but mom used to tell me to take care of her so instead of any bodyguards i used to send david to keep her safe. She never wanted any guards with her, so i respected her freedom, but i can't let anything happen to her. Last months of my 3rd year i went to discuss a deal about my company. When i returned i saw him talking with maya in mobile. I didn't like it, i also saw his laptop screen displaying her photos. I got very angry, although he is my friend i only told him to protect her not to stalk her or fall in love with her. I warned him to stay away from her, as he knew my capability and my family background he was taken a back step. I got to know that maya also liking him, the way she is talking and roaming around him, i got very angry at her behaviour, she is the daughter of Tagore's she can't be silly, even in pitch dark media tries to spot us. I can't let something bad or any unnecessary rumors to spread and if these things known to parents, she will loose all her freedom, you already saw the fight when arun and ame told about their love, if it is maya na then i don't know what grandpa had done. She is the only girl with tagore's blood, i can't let something stupid to happen. So i gave strict warning to david. But when i was not around he always approached her. And at last he propsed her. They became famous couple also. I am very busy to deal with them. "

Doll: wait... hmm... why didn't you warn maya.

" i told her to stay away from david. But she always asks why?? I will get irritated at her stupid behaviour. "

Doll: i think she asks you like a journalist.

" she is stupid"

Doll: so you are angry with her because she gone agaist your words.

" may be"
Doll: ok continue
I can see a slight upsetness in her eyes.

" when i returned from UK they both were very close like water and fish. I slapped david for all these stupid things, there are so many rumours about them, it was just in college if that went out then so many unwanted fights will occur. I am not scared to loose anything but i don't want to see maya hurt she is still a child she can't take harsh behaviour from parents.

And above all this  david never wanted to go back from the word love. He stood firmly. Until he was committed to her i can't do anything. If this known to maya's parents... chandra uncle may look simple but he is very cautious and a strict person too. I indirectly asked him what if maya loves some other religion boy and he is rich. Uncle said he will destroy their lives, he only wants perfect life for maya. My father didn't oppose love marriage but uncle doesn't want anything to go wrong with maya's life. As a father he is very protective about maya. So i blackmailed david about destroying  his father's company. But still he was not ready to let go of maya. I was also not okay with playing with them. But i don't want any differences in family. So i hmm... i brought their shares down as a small warning. And i think you already know about the girl thing and spiking incidents!"

She is looking at me with unknown expression like i am an alien... slowly she noded her head. I really don't want to say these things to her. And i only said main parts i didn't said about the death warnings.

" then hmm... i hacked their security system and made them to loose everything. David is very mad about this. He is very emotional person and he was also young at that time he also didn't know how to deal with those situations so he gave up. As a result they broke up. Then i saved their company from loss, we became partners in business. Although he didn't like the partnership at first, he didn't has any choice. So he adjusted to it"

Doll: hmm... then why you are not doing anything now. David bro now also loves maya and i think maya also still likes him. Won't it be bad now.

" as you see there are already so many changes in family. And i don't think uncle has any problem now, so i think it's good time for them to recoil."

Doll: so, you broke them apart to protect maya's freedom...

" may be but i think i am somewhat protective."

Doll: i think somewhat is not needed. You went all the way to broke them. You... you... i am... i don't know what to say.

I can see her dissapointment. I think she is trying to take the truth. Is it really silly what i did. I think i did good. They are now upto age and good positions both mentally and economically. And david's company also one of the biggest in US and also partner of A enterprises.

" anyway leave it. Everything already happened. No need to think and i don't regreat anything."

Doll: you don't regreat...

" no"

Doll: don't you feel hmm... upset... or... oh... guilty for breaking them.

" no doll... david's comapany was not that big , all will think that david trapped maya, and if uncle knows his little daughter loving someone from other religion... hmm for me religion is not a matter to discuss but whole family follows every tradition and Tagore's are devotees of hmmm lord bhrama. My family used to be orthodox but not now.  My ancestors started to pray goddess kali... soon traditions changed. But still they follow hinduism with respect. So it is not very easy to make them accept maya and david. If they are ... not really destined to be one breaking them on that time was good. So i did that."

Doll: you... are...

I can see confusion and little anger in her eyes. I am not a person to believe in  destiny but when i met my doll i really want to believe in it. Where i am and where she... upto then i don't even know her existence but today i am ready to kneel infront of her. What a change.

There is total silence between us. I think she lost in her own world. After 5 minites i snaped my fingers infront of her eyes. She came out of her world.

" next where you want to go"

She: hmm... i don't know.

" don't worry doll... they will become one."

She: i hope so...

" smile... smile..."

She is looking at me awkwardly but finally smiled.

" so tell me where you want to go next"

She: movie...

" do you watch english movies?"

She: no right... then where?

" what you will do in hyderabad?"

She: we will hit the road and goes charminar bazzar and buys stupid things and goes to movie, eats lot of street food and goes to so many shopping malls and tries the clothes and eats ice creams and returns home."

She said like a small girl who went out for the first time.

Rushi's pov,

He is just looking at me like i am an alien...

"  Hmm... don't think i will go daily only once a month with brother and friends."

He:hmm... let me take you to a beautiful place.

i nodded.. we both climbed the chopper I put my head on his shoulder and warpped my hands around his elbow.

I: It's really a adventures ride to me... I never thought one day i will travel through helicopter...

he smiled... although it is not first time but this is the first time i am being this much close to him willingly. I am really sad for both bro and maya. Although he is the one who tore them apart i am unable to blame him. I think he is correct but not. I really don't know how to react. He is a manipulator. Once he tore them and now binding them... and he doesn't regret his actions. He is really something.

He: do you like it?

I: hmm... i don't know i just want to go with flow of time... I just wnat to live in present...

He: hmm...doll why don't you tell me about your childhood?

I: my childhood??


I: hmmm... i am an orphan

He: i didn't ask about that.

I: Up to 6 years i studied in orphanage attached school, I don't know that time i am an orphan... After 6 years I studied at CBSE school... that time my mom introduced dad... as my guardian. I didn't understand what all these things. And in school if some one asks who is my mom i will tell my mother name. And dad name as Suryanarayana so no one never bullied me... at 12 years i understood that i am an orphan but i don't know why i didn't felt like that... I am as happy as before. I never cried... And i have no reason to cry... mom never treated me as an orphan. if my biological mother there.. she also won't treat like my mom. And dad he may forgot everything in world but not my birthday. On my 7th btd i met sam bro he is some what silent... but talked like a friend we liked each other he visited me for every holiday with rajini aunty. When i got 10 points in 10th my dad gave me a bracelet... and said if i want to make him proud study well and become an independent woman. He asked what group i would like to join in my inter... means 12th... he always asked my choice...  I said Bi.PC.
he admitted me in the big college which gives NEET (An entrance exam for MBBS) coaching. I studied hard and got 710 marks and joined Oosmania university.
It is one of the best medical college in India.

He is listening my every word carefully... i like this type of attention from him. although he is a big business man... don't ask me how much big... i really don't know about business and money things.

After telling everything in one go i smiled.

He: hmm... won't there be ragging in your college?

I: definitely... Especially in medical colleges there will be so many indesiplane things.

He: then... you okay!

I: on my first day seniors made us stand in the corridar for 1 hour and asked our names. and in hostel senior girls made us to carry their clothes. I don't know about boys but girls are not too much ragged. just normal things. I always hide my self in duppatta. But one day hmmm... one of the senior brother asked me to light his segiret... I am utterly shocked... I ran from there in that sec and hide in my room and called my brother. He is studying in Mumbai... I don't know how he came but in two hours someone called me to go to principal's office... i was terrified.
My luck when that senior asked me to do that stupid thing not many are present. I saw that senior standing infront of principal sir. He said sorry to me... But i am afraid if this goes out more troubles will be created.

don't worry sister no one will trouble you and i will help you in your studies.
i am really shocked at his words what my brother even did... I said thank you. After that i didn't face any problems. everything went smoothly. and in second year we are seniors so no one troubled us much. after that i completed my medicine by 21 years. I always went to night rounds in hospital from 3rd year onwards. So my father got permission from principal so that i don't need to come to hospital daily on my fifth year so i prepared for PG.
and then i joined MD in same university. it is really difficult to get the PG seat  On final year i appeard for goverment exam and got selected. Bu i don't know how i got into gandhi hospial because new doctors always placed in distant rural hospitals may be dad did something and thats it...

He: yours is really so smooth...

I: smooth???

He: i mean peaceful life.

I: hmmm... ya... I am happy in my world... nice job, lovely parents, protective brother, good friends.

Soon we reached a hilly place. I in awe to see the whole scenery it's like the mountains tops touching the clouds. cold breeze hit my body. The whole area is covered with clouds. It's like heaven is just above the clouds. It's like some fantacy movies.

I left his hand and took some steps forward... I turned 360 degrees to look the whole surroundings. Everything is green and white fog covering the whole area. I can't see anything except mountains.

i am just stunned by the nature's beauty.

I: It's beautiful...

He: let's go inside.

i am moving a step ahead of him... turning and observing the whole surroundings.

i am super excited.

I: what is this place?

He: Adirondack Mountains.

I: it's really so beautiful...

After five minutes we reached a small building. No wait some wooden house i think.

He: this is our staying. Let's go inside.

He opened the door... the whole house is made of wood... and it is looking so cute. My eyes roaming around whole area... i never saw a wooden house before.... i touched the wooden wall... suddenly someone knocked the door. I turned around i saw an old man and woman standing out with wide smiles and baskets.I looked at them confusingly.

He: doll they are the house keepers.

I: oh.. please come in.

i smiled at them...

Old woman: welcome to beautiful house.

I smiled at her sweet words.

Old man: sir is she??

He: mr. miller she is my wife, Rushitha.

Old woman: sir, he is old man seeing her only i got it. he is so dumb.

I: hmm...

Old woman: hi dear, my name Miriam.

I: hmmm can i call you grand ma...

old woman smiled and nodded.

Old man: you both enjoy we will prepare the food.

he said smilingly. but i am in no mood to walk i want to take some rest and eat. I travelled so much.

He: doll do you want to!!

I: hmm.. can we go after some time...

he nodded. he took me towards bed room... i was totally amazed... i never saw such a beautiful scenery i ran towards window and moved the glass aside. mountain air hit my whole body i am feeling so happy.This strange feeling has no limits. I just want to shout loudly...

I: WOW... wow wow

I closed my eyes tightly. and shouted... I giggled so much i am so happy.

I: It's so beautiful...

I turned around I saw him sitting on bed and smiling at me. I total forgot about him... what will he think about me... whatever...  he is my husband he can think anything.

woow rushi when you gave all the rights to him.

I: let's go out.

he looked at me confusingly.I went near to him and pulled him up from sitting position.

He: but doll... you said

I didn't let him complete his words...

I: i am not tired anymore let's go and see... it's really beautiful... i don't want to waste a sec.

he smiled and we both headed down. I saw grand ma cutting veggis.

I: grand ma we are going out.

she smiled widely... i also gave sheepish smile.

Grand ma: don't come late for lunch.

I nodded happily. I am walking two steps ahead of him... swirling around touching plants roaming around trees, touching some tiny flowers, smiling continuously like a crazy girl It's totally new to me.

i wad just awe struck by the beauty of this mountains.

I: hmm... is there a waterfall.

He: there is...

I: wow really let's go.

He: but doll there is

I: pls pls...

He: blake.

I didn't observe... two body guards following us from far and two at front... all are looking down... it's really awkward but it's ok he is there na...

Blake: yes sir, i will go and check.

I: i want to take pictures.

He: i brought the camera.

I: really... then let's take... i will show them to granny.

He: i already took some see.

I looked at camera screen... i am smiling a lot in those pictures. my hair is all over my face. I removed the rubber band and wore a pony.

I: If you are going to take pictures then let me know i am looking like a crazy girl...

i said with a pout. he laughed..

He: you are looking cute in these pictures.

I: accha... then keep for yourself.

Blake: sir route is clear.

my husband nodded.

I: did you brought your mobile.he nodded.

I: i want to take a selfie.I took mobile from his suit. We both stood for selfie

I: smile...

he did what i said. catcahk... photo done.

after some time i heard water sound... so we are near... in five minutes i saw a water fall... it's so Hight.

water is so pure and here weather is so low like 18 degrees. but i am really liking it. I ran down towards the water fall... there are many rocks but i am not in mood to stop... I listened his voice to be careful.

I stood on a rock which is just a step near to water. water is flowing so fastly. but the water is stopped by rocks ahead. it is like a large bath tub.

He also stood beside me.

I: it's so beautiful. it is my first time seeing a waterfall. did you come here?

he nodded. I removed my slippers.I slowly put my bear feet in water... it is so cold.... i literally screamed i hold his forearm tightly for support.

He: do you want to go in??

I : yes.

He: doll you can't endure the cold. it is different from India.

I: but...

He: doll listen to me.

I can see his seriousness but i want to touch the water.

I:  just for five minutes immersion.

He: but you don't have spare clothes.

Correct right... but i want to...

I: but...

I put puppy eyes and upset face...

He: hmm.. ok don't tempt me... but remember you have to wear mine.

I nodded without thinking. I slowly sat on the rock and put my legs inside.... it's indeed very cool... slowly moved my whole body into water... my top is floating on water surface i immediately pulled it down... a coold shiver ran through my body... my whole body turning into ice. But i am liking the feeling. My lips lightly shivering.

I: huhuhhuhooo....

He laughed and sat on rock while removing his coat. My naughty side entered my mind.

I: remove your shoes what if they get wet.

He: i am not getting inside.

I smiled wickedly. with full force i splashed water on him and laughed loudly.... guards turned and looked at us.His hands and suit got wet.

He: doll... you became so naughty. let me show you.

he removed his shoes and put the mobile and camera aside and removed the vest. only shirt and trousers are there and he jumped into the water. i am totally scared. water is upto my chest. but for him they are just uto his stomach. he pulled his shirt sleeves upto his elbow.

he pulled me towards him. his hand touching my cold waist covered by wet dress. i put my wet hands on his dry shirt. i can feel his skin.

he: you want to splash water on me right let me show you how to get drown in water.

he took me towards high dense water side. i am totally frightened... oh what if i flow along with water. i don't know swimming also.

I: no no.. no... abhi no...

For a sec he stopped... i took heavy breath...He laughed... i glared at him... He splashed some water on me... angrily i also did same in a sec my anger turned into smile... we both played for some time... i am having so much fun. after some time he told to come out it's already lunch time. he is the first to go out of water. he helped me to come out. we both drowned completely. my hair is completely wet.I looked at him smilingly. i don't know why but his eyes looking at me deeply.

i looked at my self nothing is visible. it is a dark blue top so ntg is visible but i can see his upper body... his shirt is transparent. i can see his strong abs...oh god what am I thinking. I blushed lightly....

he put his coat on me. i wore it to cover my body. I am feeling so cold... cold air adding ice to my body.
he removed his shirt and took the mobile from ground. I think his exercise gave good results. why the hell i am thinking like that. when i became shameless. he held my right hand. I closed the ends of his coat with my left hand. we both went up. I saw some clothes in Blake's hands. I looked at my husband.

He: some things are left there.

One of the guard went down. he put a white towel on my head. i smiled.

He: turn.

I: huh...

i saw him covering his wet trousers with towel is he going to change.... i took some steps, turned away and closed my eyes. after five minutes he touched my shoulder.i saw him in T-shirt and shorts. can't he wear full.My slippers are slippery i am walking some what slowly. soon we reached.As we went in i smell a very good aroma.

Grand ma: i am waiting for you only. wait did you two went to waterfalls.

i noded with a smile.

Grand ma: jesus... see you are so wet. go and change i will prepare hot garlic tea.

I smiled.we both went up. I saw his clothes. T-shirt and shorts.

He:Take hot bath and change. come fast.

i nodded and went inside the washroom. it is completely different from our room. simple and cute. i never thought he will have such a cute side. I took body wash. t's my first time using his body wash. It is just like the smell of almonds. While doing bath i started to remember waterfalls incidents... i am so happy... wait thats not the point... his hands oh my god ... i... he... touched my whole body... thinking about it i became nervous and shy.... his hands touched my face oh... god wait rushi stop it... it's just ... you.. i... he... i don't know...

With in 15 minutes i came out. tieing my hair in towel. i saw him leaning on bed with closed eyes. I am feeling so shy... i don't know why.

i slowly went near to him and touched his cheeks. he caught my hand and pulled me. I fell on his chest. My face is between his shoulder and neck.

I tried to get up but his hands caged me. I can feel his heavy inhalation on my neck... wait is he...

He: doll your scent...

I: oh.. I used your.. body wash.

he suddenly rolled me on bed. I closed my eyes in fear. i felt soft sheets under me i peeped through one eye... he is hovering over me.


Hi guys i hope you all like the chapter.

Thank you for your support.
