
Hi guys... 🖐🖐

Some of us are introverts and do not like to interact with others.... but I think no one is introverted everyone shares all their thoughts with at least one person in our life.... so, I don't think people are introverts.... they are just less talkative with others... 


 Rushi's Pov,

 I opened my eyes slowly adjusting myself to the lightning. I feel a hard pillow under me. I looked at my position where I am sleeping. My eyes became big I am completely sleeping on him. I gulped my saliva. His hand is on my waist. I tried to move it slowly, but his hold is like a tiger claw. What the hell is he eating? My mind answered whatever you cook buddy (stupid).

 I looked at him, he is sleeping peacefully not at all like an angry bird. I saw my legs on him it is embarrassing. Rushi how can you hug him. he is not your teddy; he is a human. I felt embarrassed at my behavior, and what he will think about me, hey Bhagwan (god). I removed my legs.

 I tried to get up but suddenly he pulled me towards him. I landed on his chest. my right cheek slammed into his chest. It is really difficult to come from his hold. 

He: Doll let's sleep some more time. 

He said in a sleeping tone. I looked at the balcony sky is turning black. I looked at the clock it is already 6. 

How can I sleep this much time? what others will think. OH god, save me. 

" Hmmm... it's already 6. I have to go out." 

He opened his eyes and looked at me. his hand touched my face with care. I lost in his eyes, trying to know what he was feeling, and he suddenly kissed my cheek. I pushed him down, freed myself, and got up from bed. he is a pervert. 

I went to the washroom fastly cleaned my face I am not disgusted but I didn't like it maybe I am still not used to it. But why I should accept his kiss? I am immersed in my thoughts.

when I came out, he is nowhere in the room. I took a bath and wore my pajamas and went down. I saw Ma talking with someone I can't see that person. I came down from steps. 

Tears formed in my eyes. I ran towards and hugged the person who I am waiting eagerly to see. he is my dad.... tears are not at all stopping... I made my dad's shirt wet with my tears. He put his hand on my head and confronted me. 

Dad: Rushi... don't see you only I came before the engagement. if you cry like this, how can I answer your mom? 

" Dad ..... I...I miss you so much..." 

Dad: I miss you too dear.

 Dad cleared my tears and kissed my forehead I smiled at him. I am feeling so relieved. I can feel my father's warmth and love. I miss it. 

Ma: I think they need time; Rose takes them to their room.

 Rose: yes mam... We went to one of the guest rooms.... Rose left us. 

I didn't let my father's hand leave me. He also holds me with so much love.

 Dad: how are you rushi...

 His voice is full of concern and care. I assured him with a smile.

 " I am fine Dad.... mom kaisi hai (how is mom??) ..." 

Dad: Oo weak hai bass toda sad hai... ( she is fine but just somewhat sad). 

Dad: How are they treating you? you can say your heart out rushi. 

his eyes are full of concern and care... 

" Dad they are good... at first it is somewhat awkward for me but it's fine now"

 Dad: I am happy to know that rushi. 

I can sense his relaxed mind. 

Dad: What about King...

" huh.. oo He is fine but...." 

Dad: But .... what rushi... 

" It's ntg dad ..." 

Dad: Rushi.... tell me don't hide anything. 

" Dad oo.. he is not allowing me to go out." 

Dad: Oh..... Rushi... he may think it is dangerous to you, so he is not allowing you. 

" But Dad for these two months I never went out. it is like I. I am a prisoner."

I said in a complaining way. 

Dad: Rushi don't say such things.. are you feeling lonely.

 " Dad..... o.I ..." 

Dad: So you are... Hmm Ok then let me take you out. 

" Dad are you serious..... he won't accept..." 

Dad: Don't worry I am your father... he won't decline it. 

" Thank you Dad.... you are the best..."

 I hugged my dad.

 Dad: I am sorry Rushi... for doing arranged marriage without considering your feelings...

 " Dad It's ok I am not sad anymore, but I am not able to do my job."

 Dad: Rushi... I got something for you..... 

"What's that....!!" 

Dad: Guess. 

" Hmmm ....teddy...." 

Dad: No.... except Teddy you think of ntg na.

 I smiled sheepishly 

" Hmm. I don't know tell me, Dad...."

 He gave a bag to me... 

" Oh god, Dad It's my laptop... I forgot to bring it..... thank you so much, Dad..."

 I hugged my laptop.

 Dad: Do you like your gift? 

" Yes Dad so much..... thank go fresh up I will wait for you here..." 

Dad: Ok... I am sitting in Dad's room, checking my laptop. 

Dad: Rushi...... I listened to my dad's voice... 

I turned his side smilingly. 

Dad: Can we go down if you are satisfied with your laptop? 

" Daaddd...."

Dad: Ok ok let's go... 

" Hmmm....." He put his hand on my shoulder We both went down. I saw Vikram Uncle talking with Papa. As we got down..... 

Papa: Well, I hope your talk is over. 

" Pappaaa...." 

Vikram Uncle: I think you both may be hungry.... let's have dinner. 

Dad: hmmm... Vikram, I am not eating here...

 Ma and Siya came... 

Ma: what do you mean by that...???

 Dad: I am taking Rushi out for a while we both will have dinner outside. 

I saw Siya's face in fright..... 

Ma: are you sure..... 

Dad: of course, she wants to go out. 

Ma: but do you think King will allow it?

 I can see Ma's tense face and frightened eyes. Ma asked in an unreliable tone. 

Dad: hmmm ok I will ask him. 

Papa: Siya go call King....tell him to come here. 

Siya: yes Dad.... 

I saw all faces turned tensed......except my dad. He came down I can see his hair is messy like he run his fingers so many times. 

Dad: King I am taking Rushi out..... 

He: why is that? 

Why his voice is like a boss, I never listened... him talking like that... 

Dad: she wants to go. 

I don't know why but I felt like they are glaring at each other. 

He: ok but I would like to come. 

All looked at him in a shocked state.... siya is utterly shocked she even opened her mouth..... To say I am also shocked but beyond that, I am so happy... 

Dad: ok .....rushi go and fresh up and put on a sweatshirt also. 

I nodded and went heart is so excited.....I can't wait to go out... tonight.... city streets are always beautiful at night..... my dad is so so so nice. 

I came out wearing a normal plain red top, white ankle-length jeggin, and a brown sweater in my hand. I saw him sitting on the bed in his normal wear.... even in it he is looking so good..... his fingers are typing something... I can see him like that for a day also. A red doll in my mind told rushi what are you thinking it is not you.... shut your thoughts a white doll told. 

I listened to the white doll and shook my head to clear all my thoughts... 

He: Doll ..... 

" Huh..... I came back from my world.." 

He: If your thinking is over can we go. your father must be waiting.... or you want to be with me.

 I can see his smirk... 

" Heeeheeee..... I don't want to... let's go ....."

 I told excitedly..... I am so so so sooooo happy... I smiled brightly. He suddenly pulled me towards him..... I hit my head on his chest. He put his hand on my waist..... I am in shock..... I don't know what is happening. 

He squeezed my waist slightly..... I felt slight pain..... I tried to move his hand but no use..... I looked at him..... he is smirking at me..... I glared at him... 

He: Doll you are looking beautiful... 

" Let me go..." 

But he again pressed me towards him... I am now standing on my toes..... he is so near to me...I can feel his breath on my forehead..... his eyes looking at me like they want to eat me...... his scent is so good I just closed my eyes for a sec...

 Unknown Pov,

 Man: sir, tomorrow Tagore's are having an engagement party at T's wedding hall in New York but our men can't enter, there is high security and also government security is full.... not only that he is also coming as my information.

 Owner: so you are saying there is no way we can enter? 

Man: yes sir but we can go upto media hall..... 

Owner: hmm..... well then ask Liam to go to the party. he is already invited.

 Man: but sir will he give us information about her? 

Owner: I will just ask him normally about the party.... if she appears then he will tell me ..... so that we can make a plan...I will never allow that Deshmukh to win. 

He said in a very angry tone... 


Thanks for your support guys...

 I hope you all will support me like this....💝💝💝💗💗 

Who is he?? About whom owner trying to search??
