
Hi guys i hope all are doing well.

Anger and sadness are deadly combination of devilish behavior. Anger causes lose of patience, peace, control over mind etc... where as sadness causes loneliness, revenge, irritation etc... the both combination turns the human into cruel beast.



he suddenly rolled me on bed. I closed my eyes in fear. i felt soft sheets under me i peeped through one eye... he is hovering over me.

Rushi's pov,

I opened my two eyes....My heart is beating fastly, his eyes is looking into my soul, some thing is different in his eyes, i can't turn my eyes from him, my mind is not responding to me, my heart and body not atall in my control, i don't know what is going here... it's like his eyes did some enchanting on me.

His right hand knuckles touching my left cheek sensually, i am just out of breath... i am holding all oxygen in my lungs, i am unable to take any air.... his knuckles going down... i just don't know what to do... i clutched bedsheet tightly in my fist... his fingers reached my neck... thats it i can't take it...

I: no...

He: huh....
I can see his surprised eyes.....

I: i ... i can't take this...

I turned my eyes from him... next sec i felt his lips on my forehead... i felt a sense of warmth from him... i don't want to upset him... but i am not ready for this...

He turned me towards him.... i looked into his eyes... they are so soft like they don't want to hurt me... they don't want to go against my will, they want me to accept him... i am really attracted towards him... i don't want him to leave me, i don't want to go away from him...

He: doll... take a breath.

I just realized i am holding my breath i slowly took air...

He smiled...and got up... i also slowly sat on bed... without any idea what to do next...

He put his hand on my unstable fingers

He: let's go down.

I: hmm..

We both got up... but i am not ready to face him...

I: oh... are... you not... oh... angry... with me!!

He: no doll...

I: i...

I looked into his eyes... they are saying truth... he is not angry... i lost my words... i stood on my toes and pulled him down to my level and kissed his forehead... i know how much physical touch is needed in any relationship i don't want him to feel any insecurity because of me.

I put my lips on his forehead i can see his wide spread eyes. I felt so happy. We stood in that position for 2 minutes... i felt so peace... i am so happy... i don't know why... i just liked this feel.

Blush spread over my cheeks... i felt like i am eating my favorite ice-cream. The feel is so different...

He pulled me towards him... with his hand on my waist... his t shirt is so big and i.... you know... my dress got wet so... hmm... i only have his clothes on my body and that to like other person can fit into them...

He kissed my cheek... i smiled closing my eyes... my nervousness is not a matter now... i want to be near to him... his lips moving on face... i am feeling so different... my cheeks are paining due to blushing... why i need to be this shy... my heart is dancing inside... my body liking his touch... oh god... why you made him....

His lips touched the corner of my lips... i opened my eyes immediately... his eyes are closed... he is looking so happy and a cute smile appeared on his lips...

He removed his lips... i looked down with a shy smile...

He: let's go...

Without looking at him... i nodded my head. He took my hand into his and led us down... i closed my lips and took a heavy breath... oh god... what are you doing with my life...

We both went down grand ma and grand pa waiting for us at dining table.

Grand ma: i thought to call you but i don't want to disturb new couple.

I can see her mischievous smile... ph god... please...

I: it's ntg... like that... oh.. i am just... taking bath... so..

Grand pa: ok...ok... don't tease them dear.

We both sat down... grand ma and grand pa got up... i felt weird.

I: join us... grand ma...

Grand pa: you both have.. we will eat later.

I didn't like those words. I looked at my husband.

I: abhi.. tell them to join us na...

I told with puppy eyes.

He: join us.

They both sat on their chairs... i felt so happy.

Grand ma started to tell speciality of this place... i am listening very carefully.

Suddenly his mobile started to ring... i saw chris name on screen.

He lifted it...

He: yes...

I don't know what chris told....

He: ok... send me their names.

He cut the call..

I: any problem...

He: ntg just some work.

I: oh... grand ma will you teach me how to do this recipe?? It is really very tasty.

Grand ma: oh defnitely dear.

We all completed our lunch... i ate like a panda... food is really very tasty... i never tasted these type of dishes. World is really so big...

We both came up... my heart filled with joy. I sat on bed while breathing the fresh air. I just want to take some rest now.

I looked at the time it's already 2.30 pm.

I put my head on pillow and covered my legs with sheets.

He also joined. I put my head on his chest and started to listen his heart beat.

His one hand is under my neck and other on my waist. I am feeling so happy like i am on clouds. My heart and mind is light like no problems are there in my life. I just want to lost in this moment.

His fingers touching my hair... without knowing i drifted into sleep... everything is silent i am liking this. I don't know how much... i wish god can make my everyday like this.

After some time....

I felt someone lips on my cheek... i opened my eyes his dark deep eyes looking at me happily.

He: it's already 4.0 pm doll...

I: it's just 4... na...

I pouted looking at him with my sleepy eyes.

He: doll... will you accompany me to an award function.

I didn't understand his words... what award function...

I looked at him confusingly...

He: hmmm... it's an entertainment award function like... i will hand some awards to best directors, actors... etc...

I still didn't understand... what he mean by... awards distribution to directors and actors.. wait is he talking about events like SIIMA OR FILMFARE awards. But he is a businessman why he will go to such type of functions.

I again looked at him questioningly...

He: our company is one of the biggest sponsors of the event.

I: oh....

He: want to join me.

I snuggled more into him... he is so warm.

I: i only saw them on tv...

He: don't you want to see in real?

I: hmm.. i ... don't know.

He: let's go.

I: but i... hmm... i can't..

He looked at me confusingly.

I: it's weird...

He: nothing is weird doll. You are my wife.

I: but...

He: if you don't want let it be... i will be with you.

I: i don't want to stop you..

He: i want to spend my time with you. So i am not going.

I am feeling guilty. He doesn't need to stop his work because of me... but how can go to such big events i am not some celebrity... and what i will do there. It is like some unbelievable thing. There will be so many people, media oh my god... no no i won't go... i can't take that much...

He is starring me... i am feeling so much pressure... ok i will go...

I: ok.. as you wish.

A big smile played on his lips... i also smiled. He kissed my forehead...

I: but i.. i can't go like this....

He: i know doll... let me tell the designer to prepare something.

I: why to bother them... let's go for shopping.

He is looking at me weirdly.

He: doll do you forgot where we are??

I: so what won't there be any shops down.

He: hmm...

I: then...

He: but..

I: let's go... those designer dresses are so heavy.

I don't know why but i want to do shopping with him... i want to rewrite all our sad memories into happy. I want to forget all his past actions.

He: ok... but will you come out in my clothes.

I: right. My dress may be dried. Let me change.

He smiled and went out.

I changed the my dress and went down. I saw him talking in phone. Our eyes met. I smiled he cut the call and came towards me.

We went out. Some bodyguards got up and bowed.

I: are they coming with us?

Now i understood why siya gets annoyed because of them.

He looked at me like is that some question even to ask.

I: can't we... hmm.. go... i... just borh of us.

I don't want to be under the eyes of someone.

He looked at me like that is not going to happen. But i am also not going to loose.

I put puppy face and my hands supporting my chin. I blinked my eyes...Β  my lips formed a small pout. That's it i know no one can beat my cuteness.

He sighed and told guards not to come along with us. I am so happy.

I clutched his hand tightly and smiled.

After half an hour we reached down. I am really enjoying this. Although my legs paining somewhat.... i am happy to be with him.

I never tjought some hill area will contain these many shops. As long as i know there will be some snacks or some accessories shops. But there are gift shops, boutique shops abd many more. I am just struck at my position. He led me towards a cloth store. The clothes are so different... most of them are woolen clothes. I am just looking around the whole area.

There are some customers buying hats. A lady explaining something i can't understand her english well... i am not expert is every slang of english... anyway... we both are waiting for her attention. After five minutes she looked at us. My husband is checking some dresses.

Lady: welcome mam... what do you want to buy everything is there, dresses, hats, trousers, scarfs...

She said with lightning speed. I only understand some parts.

He: dresses.

She took us somewhat inside. There are many clothes but most of them are woolen. How can i wear a woolen clothes to event. Whatever....

I: hmm normal clothes... hmm.. not woolen.

She lookedcat me confusingly... but smiled.

Lady: there is but not many. This is cool area. So woolen is more used.

I: oh...

She showed some normal clothes.

I: long with sleeves.

She showed three to four.

I looked at my hisband. He is checking some sweater.

I tapped his shoulder. He looked at me.

I: choose one.

He: doll try four...

What why... can't he select one. Hmm.. anyway i think i better try tgem first what if they are uncomfortable.

I took the dresses inside the trail room and changed. They are not at all comfortable. I am feeling irritated. But i went out wearing a brown long dress... it's sleeves are very funny. Anyway when i went out i saw him sitting in a chair.

He is controlling his laugh... his lips tightened...

I:'t laugh...

He bursts into laughter. I looked at him angrily. I know i am not fit to those types of dresses. But no need to laugh.

I went inside and changed.

Finally after trying four i took a cream color long dress. He is continuously laughing. I am also unable to control my laugh. It is natural right when we see a person laugh continuously we also smile unknowingly.

We came to our cute wooden home. Going down is very easy but climbing the mountain.. oh my god i am hell tired.

I looked at time it's ticking 5.30 pm.

He: doll you go and change. I will change at event.

I nodded. I took bath and wore my new long dress. It is somewhat better than all those.

After 20 minutes i came down wearing my new dress. He is talking with someone.

I saw grand ma and grandpa packing the food.

They both looked at me.

I smiled.

Grand ma: you are looking beautiful dear.

I: thanks grandma.

He: doll let's go.

I smiled i waved bye to old couple.

I really liked this place.

We both climbed the chopper. Again 1 hour journey i better sleep to restore my energy. I clutched his hand for support and leaned back on seat and let my eyes rest. It's really weird right some days back i want to stay away from him, hate him, curse him, leave him but now really humans change. I am the one of the living example. I smiled to myself.

After sometime i felt chopper landing i opened my eyes. He is looking at me with a smile. I also smiled. We both got down and entered a black car. Some other cars started to follow us. It's really weird... where i am...

i used to go by auto or cycle or scooty.... even going by bus is rare... but now to take a step i am going by car.... what a life... i am really pissed... is petrol that much low cost they are using these many cars for one person. Being rich is really stupid... but being rich only can make people powerful. I saw so many poor people suffering because of those powerful rich people.

I hope all can become rich and enjoy their lives. I know this is stupid idea. But what i can do my mind thinks in this way only. Soon we reached some hotel. I don't even know the name. How can i know when he ran inside hurriedly like some earthquake occurred.

Some man gave keycard. We both entered. After us two women and chris entered.

Chris: good evening sir, mam. Sir your suit is ready and mam yours also. These two will help you to fix the makeup and hair.

I looked at him with unknown expression... what he is even talking about.

He: doll i prepared a surprise for you. Wear it and be ready by 8.15 pm.

I looked at time it is ticking 7. 20. But wait what surprise??

I tried to ask him but he just kissed my forehead and left... i just stood there looking at his retreating figure.

Those ladies smiled. I looked at them with awkward smile.

They took me towards changing room. There is a small dress box. I opened and saw a saree... what saree... but... how.. is jacket there.... i checked... my luck it is there... but wait how he knows my size. Wait how can anyone stich a jacket in an hour. My mind is full of questions....

Saree is not heavy just a simple silk mixing rayon violet and white color with 3/4 blouse. Wait oh my god please someone kill me na... even shape wear is there. Why god.. why...

Lady1 : mam oh... time...

I nodded my head like a machine and went inside. I wore blouse and shapewear and neatly plated the saree but i think they are not neet. I came out.

Those ladies set my saree more neatly and professional. I smiled. They asked whether i want to leave saree side or want to pin.

I don't want to clean the whole ground with my saree so i said to pin it. They helped me. And tied the back threads. I looked myself in mirror. I am lookoing like a newly married girl. My nuptail chain is shining as usally but now it is attracting me more.

Lady2: you are looking beautiful mam.

I smiled and said thank you.

Lady1: mam now makeup..

That's the only thing i am bothering... i have to sit like a doll.

Lady2: no need to worry mam just touch up. Your skin is already bright. No need of makeup.

I smiled and sat on a chair. With in minutes they did their work and lastly they tried to apply lipstic. But i stopped them.

I: hmm.. oh.. just lipbalm is enough.

They nodded. Some strands of my hair is tired and all left freely... i touched my hair.

Lady1: your hair is long and smooth mam.

Wait something is missing... where is my sticker (bindi). Oh god i don't have any spare. How can i go like this. What will granny think if i go home like this.

I looked at the lipstic. But it is pink. I took an eyeliner... or pencil i think ... i slowly put a small dot on my forehead.

They both are looking at me weirdly. I think they don't know what i am doing.

It's ok... i looked at my self. I smiled i am looking good.

I listened some knock on door.

I: yes..

Chris: mam sir is waiting for you.

Lady2: just a sec coming.

Lady1: is everything ok mam.

I nodded.

We three went out. I saw him wearing some silver violet mixing color suit. Ofcourse he is looking... oh fresh...

He looked at me... i went towards him.

I snapped my fingers infront of his eyes.Β  He averted his gaze... i am so happy... he liked my look.

He: oh...

I also want to tease him... so i put my finger on chin and walked around him.

I: hmm... you are also not looking bad...

He raised his eyebrow... i smiled...

I saw those ladies faces... they lost all the face color like they saw some ghost.

He pulled me towards him... i tried to feee myself ofcourse i didn't use much force.

He: not bad... ha... you want to tease me right.

I am not at all scared... i am liking this.

I: so what...

He: ok...

He came so near.... his lips are so near to me... ok ok i give up...

I: ok...ok... i won't tease.

He loosed his grip i stood beside him we went down and got into car.

Soon we reached a big what i have to call... stadium.... or what... i don't know...its just big...


Hi guys i hope you will like the chapter and sorry to say it is not edited. So bear with the mistakes.

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