
Hi guys I hope all are doing well.... 

 I wish everyone will get the love from your dear ones.  💖💖💖💝💝        


Rushi's Pov,

         I came inside... I am not in the mood to sleep so I log in to my Instagram account, I saw my friend's recent updates, I thought they will post my marriage images, but I didn't see them... I can't post them because I have no photos.....I am so curious, so I started to see the news, I am not a person who will watch news and politics, I only watch some normal news when I have time...

    I typed his name...  I found a lot of news about him....but nothing about our marriage... it's weird right... But I was shocked to know the latest news...

           The world's biggest businessman Mr. Abhimaan Tagore going to Australia for the expansion of his business empire ... He recently visited India for the same purpose and was also successful in it, he is now a board member of Deshmukh Trading Company will his successful journey stops, or will he conquer the whole world??

  What the .....when he went to Australia he is here at home this evening with me how ?? I mean how can he go there?? there is his photo also... why media will publish fake news... wait Dad gave him a share in his company...... is it because of me!!  Dad..... why did you do that?? I love you so much... Dad, I said I don't want to marry but why did you do this.... why do you have to give him your work???.... why Dad?? 

     Tears roll down from my eyes... I remembered everything about my childhood ... dad loved me so much when he comes, he would take me to every toy shop, he never missed my birthday whatever the work how much important it is he never ignored me..... he gave me everything, love, affection, education, everything and now he gave me his shares. it is all because of me..... I am so lucky Dad, to be your daughter.... I should have done many good things in my previous life... I love you Dad... what I can do for you... I want to ask him...

I put my phone down .... and cried... I am not even his blood but he is doing this much... how can I repay him...


        I woke up and saw the time it was already 8.30 it's not like my in-laws scold me but I don't want them to think wrong about my parents and me..... I went down daily except for him ..... he is not in the room, and I don't want to make him ready for his office, but he ordered me to do all his things. I feel lonely, maybe it is a psychological defect.... psychology was taught in our university .....if we are seeing or living with a person we feel their presence around us and also we miss them, I think I also have that feeling ...wait why I am thinking of him... last night in news they said he went to Australia right.. that means I am free now... I am free .... oh god I am so happy... I don't need to see him... but I didn't expect this... I will never forget what he did to me... I know he didn't even touch me... but he forced me... I will never accept him, but I don't want to remember yesterday's events... I can roam around I can be free from this cage... I am so happy...I saw Ma and Papa going to the office...... I greeted them.

" Good morning ma, papa"

" Good morning rush...."

 " Ma can I go out, to see New York... "       I am a free bird I can explore he is not there to stop me, and I think Ma won't say no because she is the one who wants me to know about New York. No one is there to stop me.

" Rushi I.... think. I.... mean. I know you....want to go out ...... but...." she is very hesitant to say...

" But what  .... can't I go out ...."  With my puppy eyes, I looked at her like a baby who wants candy. I never expected this from Ma... I don't want anyone to stop me. pls god, let me go...

" Please ma please I want to go out...... don't say no..... " I felt sad, they all know how much I want to go out it's not like I am an outing person, some spoiled child, when we go to a new place any person what to go out and wants to see right and I have been in the home for a week... I want to go out to know new people ...

Papa: rushi sorry to say but you can't go out.

He said calmly yet sternly, but I can see his powerlessness.

" But Papa... I want...."

Papa: it's King order rushi, if he knows we sent you out he won't like it.

    I don't want to give up this easily, it's my freedom, and that devil is controlling I don't want that in my dreams. How can he take my freedom without my will... who is he to control my everything.

" Ma please tell Papa I will just go near to the house and I won't go lonely I will take someone with me."

I hold Ma's hands and looked at her with pleading eyes... I can see her helplessness...

Ma:  I know rushi how much you want to go out but I can't do anything. if you want anything we will get it for you, but not this....even if we allow you security won't permit you to go out..... I am sorry rushi..... you should ask the King about going out.

      No way I am not asking him, he is such a monster.... after what he did why do I have to talk to him?? I will never do that... I saw Ma and Papa's eyes they are looking helpless... I am so sad.  I hate him...

      I ran from there to his room with tears flowing down from my eyes.....why does he want to control me?  why he is like that? why? What mistake I did to deserve this??

Siya and Granny came to me.

Granny: Mera baccha don't be sad see your beautiful eyes became red.

Siya: yes Rushi, tears are not a good girl's habit, you should not cry, you have to fight with the king.

   " But .... but.... he is not there na.... why can't I go out.?"

Granny: oh meri baccha you are too innocent.... even though the king is out of his palace he knows everything going on in his capital right... so your husband is also like that.... and you are his queen how can he not know about your doings.

"Granny..."  I cried in her embrace...... she put her hand on my forehead 

Siya: why are you so desperate to go out rushi?

" Huh...oh... I want to go out, it's been a week since I came here. he is always controlling me like a monarch, he took me once out, it is a nice view, but I want to go out like normal people and want to roam and meet new people. It's like I am a prisoner here. "

Siya: oh poor Rushi.. but your husband is like that only always controlling and ordering others...I am lucky I am going to college not home-schooled.

She looked at me with pity I feel like a prisoner now.

Granny: ok stop complaining about my grandson. I will take you out tomorrow.

We both looked at her shockingly...

Siya: Granny are you sure...???? I mean if King knows he...

Granny: I will take care of it. No need to worry.

" Wow, granny I love you thank you so much. I hugged her."

She is so nice... she told me her plan... it's crazy .... if anyone caught us, we will be finished.

What if he learns about these three people's plans, God knows what will happen to our Rushi


 I know guys you all want another chapter, but I am thinking about how to make this story too good and finally, I can make it in the next chapters you will be more interested to read this and you will meet more characters, so be ready.... please have some patience and support me .....

Please follow me..❤️❤️❤️

Thank you, guys, 🤗🤗🤗💗💗💗
