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Rushi's pov,

When he said we are going to see the city I am just shocked... after coming out my shock I thought to prepare lunch for him.. he is not a person who likes to eat different Verity food items. He prefers daily routine items... and also our food items contains oil... he won't like much... to say he is a health freak... even as a doctor I won't do what I say..

I suggest to do exercise, yoga, take less sugar, less fat items...etc..etc... but I never follow one good habit.

But I follow hair care and skin care...

After preparing food I packed and asked my dad about my husband's location. I told one of the driver to hand it to his assistant.

I also messaged him...I didn't wait for his reply... I know he must be very busy.

After some time I got a message with thank you and red heart I smiled..

Evening I got message from him saying to be ready by 8.0pm

When I am applying lotion to my hands he came.. I smiled and said to get fresh up..

He came out within 10 minutes in his casuals.

We both headed out... aunty saw us and smiled..

I went towards her and said..

I: aunty we are going out..

Aunty: oh my rushi is going on a date..

I: oh.. it's not like that.. just exploring the city..

Aunty: accha ok then.. when will you both come back..

I looked at my husband..

He: may be around 11..

Aunty: ok but be safe.. don't stay out for too much time..

I nodded and said bye.

I held his hand.. our fingers interlinked like two magnets..

We both got in the car..

When ever I came out I never take anything with me.. in past I go out with brother or mom.. so no need to carry money or purse.. now with my husband... I totally forgot about money... only with free hands just my mobile in my hand.. really is there anyone like me.. I am really surprised.

My thoughts suddenly broke..

He: doll what are you thinking..

I: oh nothing just surprised at my self..

He is looking at me confusingly..

I: have you ever seen a girl who never Carrie's her handbag..

He: I saw..

I: who??

He: you..

I smiled..

He: girls like to show of their stuff.. but you never even carried a pouch..

I: I never got a chance to carry handbag..

He: why so..

I: wherever I go out someone will accompany me and I will give my stuff to them and i walk freely.. I don't like to carry pouches etc...etc..

He nodded..

Busy roads of Mumbai bustling with people and vehicles.. roadside food centers, fancy stores, shopping malls shinning in the night sky with ceiling lights. People gathered around the street food centers.

I am looking out through the window..

After some time we reached Mumbai historical place.. we roamed and watched many things..

He held my hand like I will run away from him..

After 1 hour we came out and headed towards normal hotel... people are busy in their own world. Couples, families, students... eating their dinner while talking...

We both are busy in observing our surroundings.

Then a boy came towards us and asked the order.

I smiled and order our food. To say food is somewhat spicy.. but I think he liked the taste.

While eating we talked some random things about our outing..

I don't know who is even paying our bills. Because he is not paying anything..

Next we went to one of the busiest market in Mumbai where clothing, accessories etc.. is so cheap...

That time I saw a man paying the money..

I bought bangles for me and aunty. And roamed around.. there are so many shops just like charminar bazzar.

He: you don't want to buy anything except these..

He pointed my bangles..

I: I already have all these things.. I just wnat to roam around.

He nodded..

I checked the time it's almost 10.30 PM

We went towards flower market. Already all are preparing to close the shops.

We both went towards a middle-aged woman..

I took some rose flowers and garland for pooja.

Finally we get into our car and moved towards home.

I: hmm.. why there are no guards..!!

He: there.. following us from far

I: oh..

We reached home by 11.30 pm. Everything is silent.. pin drop silence..

We went towards our room. First I went to change in washroom.

Why he is so calm today... he didn't say much today except accepting my every request.. he never behaved like this... I am just confused about him... what is his thoughts.. did I even understand him.... or am I just in my own imagination...

He is a businessman which needs cold, bossy, calm, composed behavior... ofcourse as person he is aggressive, angry bird, rude..

Although he looks cold but very protective about our family, he won't share his feelings easily, business mind person... may be ...being in the field for so much time he is used to it.. he is very busy person... but still he cares for me... his love, care, possessiveness everything I like it... but I am still scared of his anger... to say from the day we are comfortable with eachother I saw his nervousness... I always feel there is hidden side in him.. ofcourse everyone will have slef secrets.... but he might have more than a few..

I came out wearing my night dress..

I saw him standing near window... is something bothering him....

I went towards him and back hugged him...

He put his hand on my hands..

I: what happened abhi..

He: nothing doll just work stress..

I: oh.. why don't you change.. I will give a head massage..

He turned towards me..

He: doll do you ever thought of your birth parents.

I am dumb at his question..

I: hmm to say honestly I did... but I am not bothered about it...

He: if they are alive do you want to meet them...

I: what are you talking abhi...

He: nothing just want to know..

I: hmm may be...

He smiled.. and kissed my forehead..

He: I will change and come..

I nodded with a smile.

He came back when I put the oil bowl on table.

I sat on bed he rest his head in my lap... his eyes looking into mine..

I: close your eyes abhi..

He closed his eyes... what a calm look...

I took some oil in my hands and slowly rubbed on his forehead..

My fingers moving with a rhythm on his face.. I can feel his easiness.... he is relaxing bit by bit...

I: abhi you never told me...

He: what doll..

His voice is slow and calm..

I: hmm what you love about me..

He slowly opened his eyes..

He: do you want to know..

I nodded..

He smiled..

He: I like the marriage string in your neck, I like my letter on your ring finger,

I looked at my engagement ring...

He: I like how your anklets grasps my attention, I like your fingers when they are interlinked with mine, I like when you walk beside me, I like when you are close to me, I like when you ask my opinion, I like when you smile at me, I like when you care about my things, I like when you cook food only for me, I like your Blush, I like your nervousness, I like my effect on you, I like when your eyes looks into mine, I like how your hair smells, I just like everything about you.. I just love the time when I am with you... I just like the feeling of being with you..

I am just speechless.... no words... no voice.. no sense... I lost everything... his voice.. his words... just ringing in my ears like a song which is just written and played only for me..

His eyes looking through my soul... my heart stopped beating... my breath stuck in my lungs.... his deep slow voice piercing into my heart and soul... he got up from my lap and half sat in front of me. I am looking at him dumbfoundedly...

His held my face in his hands.... our lips are close to eachother without my knowledge...

His lips touched mine.. I closed my eyes to let my feelings reach him..

His slow kiss making me forget everything in this world.. I am just drowned in his feelings.... my lips moving along with him.. the walls around my heart are fallen out of their existence...

He is slowly over powering me... I am bending backwards... I leaned on bed... he completely hovering on me... he pinned my hands on both sides...his fingers interlinked with mine...he broke the kiss.. I opened my eyes... my chest moving up and down constantly...he is starring at me...

I nodded my head giving him all permissions...

We both lost in our world..

King's pov,

I slept with my hands around my doll... we both are exhausted... a smile playing on my lips seeing my beautiful life in my arms.... her cheeks, lips, ears, neck turned deep red even the color will feel jealous of my doll. Her total body shivering under me a few minutes back...

My eyes slowly drowing into sleep...

I felt irritation when I listen something vibrating beside me...

I opened my eyes with annoyance..

My doll is sleeping peacefully on my chest.. her hair scattered on my arms.. her calm breathing touching my naked chest... my mind and heart only thinking about her... again my mobile start vibrating..

I annoyingly took it and saw the ID... it's Chris (PA) name... why he is calling me at this's almost 2.0AM..

I cut the call and put my doll on pillow. I got up and wore My trousers and went near to the's still dark outside..

I called him back...

Chris: Hello sir, good morning... sorry to disturb you at this time.. it may be night there..

I: what's the point Chris.

Chris: sir, Mr. Pranav Aggarwal wants to meet you. He requested an appointment.

I: what's the date he requested.

Chris: tomorrow sir.

I: fine give him Mrs. Deekshit number.

Chris: ok sir.

I cut the call. It's going to be interesting.

I turn towards my sleeping beauty and smiled...

You are really a glass doll... my doll... you know nothing about yourself and here everything is happening because of you.. I really have to accept your dad played the game well without anyone's notice..

How about taking my doll to my office today... a evil thought came into my mind... but I don't want to see her sad.. but why she will be sad she won't meet him na...

Let's see what will happen.. I just want everything to go according to my plan.

I discussed with my lawyer about the case. We just need to prove that uncle means Mr.Deshmuk doesn't know that my doll is his sister's daughter.

But that is impossible she is looking like a photocopy of her mother...

Then I came with a solution.. uncle is the fund provider of many orphanages. So we need to create some fake certificates showing that uncle is guardian of many children not only to my doll...

And we need to argue that when Uncle saw my wife in my marriage he was also shocked.. but he is not so sure about my doll's existence... so he kept quite... although everyone knows that this is fake we just need to prove. Law has many loop holes just taking advantage of it.

If anyone asks how I met my doll... it's just fate... I fell in love when I first saw her in orphanage.. when I am in meeting with director of amma orphanages Miss. Radhika Desai.

If this backfires I have another plan...I told my men to remove all the evidences of uncle meeting my doll.

Instead of all this drama I would like to solve this according to me... just kill the person who goes against me...or make the opposite lawyer dumb in court... that's enough right... but I Can't do both as uncle and dad want to solve the problem legally...

Solving a case legally with illegal evidences... good very good... I sighed.. why people are like this... we gained power to use it not to do stupid things... I have power to vanish someone in snap of my fingers but everyone wants to stop me..

Anyway I want to do a business deal with this pranav aggarwal..

I already have a proposal for him...

Let's end my doll's case today itself...

I went towards bed and put my mobile on stand and laid beside my doll... without a sec gap she hugged me.. I smiled and took her into my arms and closed my eyes feeling her warmth..

I woke up listening my alarm sound... my doll is still sleeping.. today is saturday but I am not an it employee to have leave on saturday... I got up and went towards washroom... I think today I need to do my things my doll must be tired... yesterday moments came into my mind... a smirk formed on my lips..

I went near to her after wearing my clothes... I wore a simple white shirt with black jeans.

I touched her cheeks with my thumb... I pecked her lips.

I took a pen and wrote on her hand...

"check mobile"

She wiggled in my hands... I smiled and went out.

I saw uncle reading news paper.

He saw me when I am coming down..

Uncle: good morning king...are you going to check on other branches..??

I: no uncle.. I have some appointments with some directors.

Mrs.Deshmuk: oh king.. you are already ready.. just 5 minutes I will keep breakfast.

I: no need Mrs.Deshmuk...
Mrs.Deshmuk: hayya.. you can call me aunty or chotti ammi.

I: ok aunty.

Aunty: breakfast is ready..

I: I have breakfast meeting with the director.

Aunty: oh.. ok then..

Everyone is already waiting in their places. Guard opened the car door.

I got in and cars moved towards a restaurant...

As I got out I saw my assistant and translator waiting for me at meeting table.

"Good morning sir." They both greeted me.

I just node.

But the director is 1 minute late...

Director: sorry Mr.tagore my daughter is crying so much.. so..

We signed some papers a day discussed some business papers and shook our hands and had our breakfast.

I left the restaurant.

My assistant tagged along with me..

Assistant: sir, you have meeting with Mr.Pranav Agarwal at at office.

I nodded.

I reached office. It's just 10. And today is weekend so no one is there in office except some main employees in main projects.

I attended some meetings.

Someone knocked my cabin door...

"Come in"

Assistant: sir, details of the marketing department..

She placed a file on my table.

She got a call.. I am checking the file..

Assistant: sir, Mr.Pranav Aggarwal arrived and waiting for you in meeting room.

I signed the file and went to the meeting room..

I already met him once in some event...

As I entered he looked at me...

As I went near to him he got up.. we both shake our hands..

assistant: good morning Mr.Aggarwal. I hope nothing is uncomfortable for you.

Pranav: everything is good.

I looked at her and said.

I: you can leave.

She nodded and left..

I: come to the point. Mr.Aggarwal.

Pranav: nothing Mr.tagore I can make my father withdraw the case but I want Mr.deshmuk to stop buying our comapny shares from board members.

I: Mr. Agarwal I think you forgot something..

Pranav:what's that..

I: here problem is not the case. problem is about my wife's identity. Your grandfather Mr.Raghuraam Agarwal wants to meet his granddaughter. Do you think he will let go of Mr. Deshmuk easily for this.. and do you think media will keep quite... I already have many requests for interview.

Pranav: I am sorry for all the mess.. but we can suppress the media and about grandfather I will take care of it and request you.. let your wife to meet my grandfather.


Thank you guys for your support. I hope you will like the twist.

Not edited.

Sorry for the inconvenience about the chapter publishing..

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