
Flashback continuation.......

Rushi's Pov,

I made several attempts not to justify my marriage to my mother, but she was never receptive to my justifications. I finally gave up and readied myself to marry that jerk. I don't know why no nice words will come from my heart whenever I think about him.

There are only 3 days left before my marriage. All my family members and my in-laws dropped a big nuclear bomb on me. After marriage I have to leave my job not only that I have to leave my country because he lives in some other, my heart tore into pieces I can't do these things I cried and cried continuously, I told my dad not to be like this, but he scolded me, which I never experienced in my life, my mom trying to make me understand.... my bro also not wanted to listen to me... I also take a stand for myself in front of my in-laws, but they are also not going back... all are saying he will take care of me, protects me, and make me happy.... but who wants to be with him, I hated him the most in my life, I love my job very much I studied hard to become a government doctor it's not very easy to get a government job... I love to serve people and want to see the smile on their faces but due to this stupid marriage thing, I want to leave my job, mom, dad, orphanage, my bro, friends, and little Sowmya.... why God why .... what mistake I did... you are giving me this punishment, I never asked anything .... then why are you giving me this much pain.... my heart and soul are crying bitterly.... but what is the use of crying...I don't want to be weak...I don't want to leave my place...tell me who will leave their loved ones for a stranger...... so I decided to leave the orphanage and stay at my friend's place.... if I stay here, I will cry seeing my helpless state...

But no use his bodyguards are strictly doing their job not only that... I am not allowed to go out until marriage and no new persons are allowed into my room except Mom.... what does he even think of himself... My dad didn't oppose any of this... my every hope shattered into pieces.

I am feeling like a prisoner now, I became a thief in my own house... I want to yell at everyone, but I can't, my mom and dad always took care of me and loved me with a pure heart, maybe more than my real parents, and they took so much trouble for me... I never blamed my birth parents...without knowing their situation I can't blame them... I don't even know whether they are alive or not. but I never miss my parents... mom was always there for me whenever I need her. And Rajini Aunty...although I call her Aunty, she is a second mother to me...she always supports me...whatever the situation she always took my side...sometimes Dad may not like my behavior, but Mom and Aunty are always there for me. my tears never stopped. I am feeling so lonely.

The next day my dad talked to me, he comforted me and showed so much love I cried bitterly in his arms, he then told me.

Both families are friends for so many years they want to make their friendship into a relationship and also to develop their business, and also that jerk liked me.... so, he can't back off now, he already made a promise to them.... this is fixed when I am 18 years of age...I am in shock to know all this information.

Dad also said that the devil is not ready to be in any relationship but agreed after seeing me.

I can't believe that arrogant person likes me ...

What can I do now, nothing left to stop this marriage and to leave my place...

I never went out of Hyderabad, even when school or college announce tours, my mom never allowed me to go, during my medicine also I got admission to Osmania University, which is very famous, as a girl with, a nice rank I got some reservations so during my graduation also I stayed in Hyderabad, but now I am going out of the country not only state but country... it's the biggest thing in my life ... I want to go and explore new places but not like this...And I never imagined in my wildest dreams I will be going out of the country like this...

The only thing in my mind is hatred toward him...I hate him.... this is all because of that devil...

All the preparations are going well but my mood is off... I didn't even notice the people around me... 

My marriage......

Soon Marriage rituals started all are applying oil and turmeric powder on my face and shoulders... (Telugu state marriage). Mehandi applied on my hands all are telling me... my husband loves me more than anything, but I am not at all interested in their talks.... who wants him to love me...did I ask!!... After that, I was prepared like a bride in an orange heavy saree full of jewelry I am looking like another person, and my heart is in so much pain about leaving my mom.... she also cried when she saw me in wedding attire. I am hating every second of this marriage.

My friends and Madhavi mam also looked so sad... seeing my loved ones made me unhappy... my heart became heavier than the dress and jewelry.

My father and brother took me to Mandap... oh god that is like heaven with beautiful flowers, lights everything says it's costly I don't care about money, but this decoration is too much... For a sec I was awe-struck in my position does everyone do marriage like this? I never attended one... at least I should have gone to my friend's wedding.

I did Gauri pooja ...... and went to change. I don't know why my heart is beating fastly.


                  (just for imagination readers are free to imagine)

I wear a red saree with so much work this time... Tera Salla (a cloth that avoids the groom to see the bride) ... we did pooja without looking at each other but I listen to some yelling from the other side, I am not sure .... so, I kept calm.... our hands touched occasionally but who cares about that... I was sinking in my sorrow... I didn't even lift my head to see him. I just want to stop the marriage that second itself.

My dad and Rajini Aunty came and did kanyadaan. The tears I hold... up to now flowed down ...but I felt someone's tight grip on my hand... maybe it was his hold...but it is not comforting. I put jeelakarra bellam on his head he also did the same (a ritual that tells both husband and wife are together).

The most fearful thing in my life he tied the nuptial chain with three knots which tells us we became one by heart, soul, body...I clutched my saree tightly. Not to let my tears come.... my family members and friends tried to support me... but I don't know why I am feeling like this. my whole body aching.

A new Couple gives seven coconuts to another old couple, so that they promise each other, after that, he put silver toe rings by touching my feet, it says to keep the bride away from unhealthy situations... when he touched my feet, I felt some strange sensation in my body.... no man never touched my feet. it's awkward and new to me...  we both stood up for saptapadi...I don't even listen to the details of saptapadi...I just felt like I will faint anytime... I listened to so many voices but I didn't lift my eyes. At last, talambrallu in which bride and groom exchange garlands and shower each other with pearls.... we didn't do it with much excitement.... just normally but my friends encouraged so as his also.... but I am not at all in the mood, so I didn't listen...

We took all the elder's blessings... I don't even know whose feet I am touching. There are so many couples from his family but I didn't look at them... my head is paining due to the heavy decoration in it so I lowered my head. when I went near to my dad I lifted my eyes... up to them I didn't realize there are so many people around me, all looking at us .... there are some big businessmen and even CM is there I can't believe my eyes... I saw some maybe 6 or 7 youngsters just like him... maybe his family... they are smiling at us... but I can't see their faces my eyes blurred due to continuous crying...Oh god, what is going on here....... 

We both went to change again because the reception is still there... I wore a full red and golden mixing heavy lehenga and the makeup artist changed my complete look, this time I feel light than before...

" Hey, did you see our groom he is so handsome .... our Rushitha is lucky... I listen to some chatting...."

I realized that I didn't see him clearly...oh god how dumb I am... but why do I need to look at him... 

I went towards the stage; the look of the stage also changed.... maybe it is another stage... I saw the opposite side of me... he is standing just like me...  he is handsome...  his eyes are only seeing me, his hair is nicely done, he wore a red and golden sherwani which is matching with me... he is looking like a perfect Greek god.... where did I even learn this word... we both climbed the stage at a time...

My face went down to its usual position .... but this time he held me ... he put his hand on my waist... I am very tense... his fingers touching my waist... I suddenly felt hot due to his proximity... I felt some strange feelings...I can feel his touch... his fingers are so cool... I looked into his eyes...His eyes are darker than the night... they are shining like black pearls.... our eyes caught each other, and I felt a shiver run through me .... this hmmm...o... .... disturbed by guests... All the guests giving gifts I don't know who they are some looked like politicians, some businesses man some were from other countries.... some people teasing us...but I didn't quite understand who they are and what they mean....and I am in no mood to listen and look at them... some tried to handshake me... but he held my hands and glared at them... oh what's wrong with him...  after 2 hours all left, I am hell tired.... some men are arguing with my... o... him.... but I am unable to see their faces... 

I think God hates me... without giving me to any time to calm down... he planned to make me cry again.

My bidaai... I am weeping... tears are flowing unstoppingly, all children hugged me, Soumya is crying so much... I can't handle it I don't want to go.... my mother-in-law supported me .... my father-in-law was also very nice but none of their support stopped my tears I hugged my friends...  my brother kissed my forehead, "sorry rushi " he said in a low voice... Madhavi mam kissed my hands and said... to be strong...

My mother showered me with kisses.  my father hugged me and kissed my forehead... my tears stained his suit.... then my husband came and side-hugged me and took me into the car...but when I stepped in Sowmya came and ran to me and hugged my leg... my heart sank in the ocean of sorrow I bent to her height and hugged her tightly.... she is telling not to go...I also don't want but who can stop mom took Sowmya from my hands...I felt like my warmth left me... my brother came towards me and made me sit in the car.

 I can't even see properly they are saying bye to me...... I am crying non stoppingly.... only I felt pain in my heart...... leaving my life like that.... which I never imagined....... why I have to do this... why God... why.

After some time, we reached the airport...... he came to me, took my hand, and walked towards the plane.... tears flowed down... I just want to run far away from this place I saw all bowing and looking at me like some ghost I didn't care about anything only going away from my place is in my mind... I saw an empty plane and some sense came to me it was a private jet .... it is decorated with so many flowers.... maybe they know it is his wedding...... he made me sit in a chair and tied my seat belt... I can feel his scent, it is nice to smell.... my eyes are so heavy, my body is aching, and I am thinking about how my life changed... my tears flowing on my dry tear stains... at least now he can understand and can leave me here...


Flashback end.........................................................


When I opened my eyes, I felt soft sheets under me .... no heavy jewelry was present on me.... but my lehenga is there... I felt relieved. my hair is open no decoration is there... who did this and where am I... I saw the person who I don't want to see in this lifetime... sitting in front of the bed in an armchair...


Hi guys I hope you like the chapter...💕💕

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Bye bye guys...❤️❤️❤️
