
Hi guys I hope everyone is doing well.... 😊😊

Love with the correct person makes us happy but it hurts when that person leaves us, but your love forever makes you happy.... 💕💕


 Rushi's Pov,

It's been two days since I told him about our relationship.... I don't know why I am so happy... I also don't know why I am being too excited when he comes home... oh god I am behaving like a crazy girl.... although I am covering my emotions when I am with others, but I am not behaving like my usual self....

 I am sitting in the swing in our balcony with sweetcorn.... He is behaving normally like a lovely husband... but I feel like he is controlling something.... although I don't know what he thinks but I will try to make him happy...Yesterday he came early .... we both watched a movie... I felt shy when I saw hero and heroine I... mean... when they kis..kissed.... oh god... thinking about it making me hell shy... hey shiv please don't make me this much shy.... luckily, he fast forwarded otherwise God knows how much I felt embarrassed.....after that we ate our dinner and slept.... I am really liking this.... but there is always a doubt in my mind... am I ready to accept him ??or I am just feeling lonely so that I am accepting him!!! or he is my only option so that I am thinking to try this relation... I don't know what I want but if I go away from him will I miss him?? I don't know the answers to my questions.... what you know Rushi... ntg right... just stop thinking you are fine with this relation right then what is your problem.... but what if he falls for someone in future and realize that I am not correct for him?? no no it won't happen... I can't take that.... what the nonsense you are thinking Rushi.... 

I don't want any negative thoughts.... I brushed away all my thoughts and kept my concentration on eating .... it's slightly raining today I am looking at the garden.... I am really surprised... the building I am living is very big I never imagined someday I will be living in such a place...but I never went to many places in this palace....I only know gym, swimming pool, study rooms of papa and my husband and my gang rooms, but there are still many rooms which I never saw...I just kept thinking about this big place.... then I heard door opening sound... I turned my gaze towards the door. I saw my husband coming towards me.... 

 I sat there looking at him... he is looking tired... may be work tension.... he came near to me... I put my corn down and tried to get up... but he blinked his eyes telling me to be in my position .... I smiled and sat there.... he removed his black coat and put it on the chair... he came near to me and sat on the teapoy near to me... he is not uttering a single word except looking at me.... I can't take it any more ....

"hmmm... will you eat corn it's really good...."

I bent down to take other piece of corn to give him...but he holds my hand ... I looked at him questioningly....

He: doll tomorrow night there is a party... I don't want to take you there, but the party is the success of getting new project and dad want you to join.

I: hmm... why don't you want to take me?? 

I asked slowly to know why he don't want to take me...

He: I just don't want ... I can't see anyone gazing you except me. I don't want others to see what mine is.

I can't completely understand his words.... but I didn't like his opinion... I am not a thing that can be kept in a locker forever.... but I feel like he is caring for me...

I: so, do you want me to come or not....

He: of course, not.... but I think you have to come.

I: hmm... should I tell papa I am not feeling well...

I want to go out, but I also know party means so many people will be there, and I won't feel good in front of those many people...

He: no need... if you tell him he will think i am not willing to take you and he will annoy me more just be ready by 7.0 PM i will take you there and we will return by 8.30.

I nodded my head in agreement... he kissed my palm and got up.... I took my corn and ate happily...

Next day.............

as usually I got up ...his side of the bed is empty maybe he went to gym... I went down ... i saw grandpa watching news... i greeted him good morning and sat beside him with my milk....

I saw him going to room in his gym cloths.... i drank my milk and went to room to arrange his things.... i put his clothes, watch and tie on bed and came down to set his breakfast....

as I completed everything, he came down in his outfit i smiled and served his breakfast ...... but he didn't touch his food... I looked at him confusingly...

He: sit and have your food...

oh, I forgot he never ate without conforming whether I eat or not....i got to know this information recently...... i smiled and sat beside him ... papa and ma also came down for their breakfast .... we all did breakfast silently.... it is just a normal day for me.... 

After ...all went to their work me, and grandpa watched some video songs we both sang together and talked ....
At noon rose gave me a gift box ... I know who send it... so I opened it to check what is inside, A light green mixed blue color full sleeved long gown with matching earrings... 

I smiled and put them down ..... I already know he is rich arrogant businesses man, but diamond earnings are not needed right.......he is na... I sighed and went to garden ...I talked with gardener.......he is really nice person he may be 50 or above...
I really don't know why everyone here seems to be so attentive and perfect in their work...when I see them, I feel like I am the one who is not perfect, and I feel a little uncomfortable around them...I feel like I am creating troubles for them... although I want to talk with someone I don't want to make them uncomfortable..I always kept my distance.... hmmm whatever it is I don't know what I will do here in future...I just feel suffocated ...

I got ready in my new dress I have to accept his selection is really good...but how he knows my size...I have to ask him... I smiled to myself thinking about him...but I feel slight nervous... someone knocked the door... I opened it I saw maya ......she hugged me tightly for a sec I am unable to breath.

Maya: rushi I miss you so much .... WOW let me see you look gorgeous...wait don't tell me you are coming to party....

I smiled ...

Maya: I never expected ...I am so happy you know how much I miss your pancakes...

I: hmm first let me see you are also coming to party...

Maya: of course, my lady... I have to attend. I am the reporter, so I have to catch your husband latest success....

I smiled at her mischievous talk...

Maya: oh, pls don't smile... I want to die for your king even controlling himself...

I: what you mean by controlling...!!

Maya: oh, leave it...seems like you are not fully ready...

I: what do you mean by fully ready!!

Maya: your hair...and hmm...your lips...

I: I think they are ok...

Maya: no my rushi ...come let me do magic.

I: Maya I am fine don't do anything...pls maya let me go...

She held me tightly and made me sit in front of mirror... I sighed and sat silently....she is just like Satya....never listen my words... After 15 min she left me with wide smile...

I: are you satisfied now...

I asked smilingly....

Maya: you know what least for you I should be born as a man...

Then I listen siya voice...
Siya: then I am sure king will make your life hell...

We all laughed....

I: siya... you are not coming??

Siya: no Rushi ... I am on my period...

I put a sad face....

Maya: oh, leave her rushi...I am there na...

Siya: ya this monkey is there na to spoil whole party...

I laughed at their comments.... Then I listen someone clearing their throat.

Maya: oh king you are back.... we are just talking....

He: did I ask??
Siya: Maya let's go...they may need some privacy...

Maya: ha ha.... king don't eat your wife...

I just looked at her .... what she means by eating... I am not ice-cream to eat...

He raised his eyebrow to shut maya's mouth.

They left ....he came near to me... I stand there looking at my dress...

Author's Pov,

After her confession he is trying to control himself.... she is not even opposing his touch... he only scares for one thing and that is her comfort.... he can do anything but her tears. He can't see them even in his dreams...he is being overprotective ...he can't let an ant to harm her....
Because of this he doesn't want her to go out, but his father slowly wants to change king...
Whatever future hold for them they have to be strong to protect their love....

He told one of his top designers to design a dress according to his requirements.... he knows her every detail before meeting her... when he saw her in that light green dress his heart started to beat crazily... he imagined her when he saw the dress, but she is way more pretty than he imagined.... he can't control himself and her smile adding fuel to his desire.... he never saw a girl like her.

He went near to her unconsciously.... he put his hand on her waist and pulled her...
She looked surprised but not much... he wants to kiss her there itself .....

He leaned to kiss her, but she put her palm on her lips and nodded negatively.... He got angry and confused....

He: what is it doll.
Rushi: hmm.... Maya just now applied lip is not healthy if it goes inside your stomach....
He: are you serious...

She nodded positively telling him not to do anything... He never expected such an excuse in life. He sighed and left her saying that.

" I will be ready in 10 min."

She smiled and said OK...

She sat on bed watching YouTube shorts... He came out wearing a silver color suit....

They both went down...

Rushi's Pov,

I saw maya talking with grandpa....I went down and took blessings from grandpa and granny....

Granny: you look pretty.
I smiled...

Grandpa: be careful ...don't talk with unnecessary people...

I nodded ..... 

I: siya where is papa..!!
Siya: mom and dad already left ....

I: left!!
He: to check arrangements don't worry we will meet them in party.

I nodded....

Granny: enjoy 😉😉

I smiled... We three me, my husband and Maya got into the car...

Maya sat in passenger seat, we both sat in back...

He: why is she coming with us??

Maya: bro .... I am your cute little sister don't you want me to come with you??

What an acting... drama queen... I laughed at her words...

He: I already gave you a car.

Maya: of course, but there is a repair...

He: then you can take my other cars...

I: it's ok.... she wants to come with you what's the problem...

I said smilingly...

Maya: say... bro what's the problem....

He: why there will be another are the problem itself.

I put my hand on his chest... not to talk such things...

Maya: how are you dealing with king Rushi...

I just smiled at her .....

Maya: I know.... your's this smile na controlling him...

I laughed ....

We are near to venue but maya told to stop the car... and driver stopped the car...
I looked at her confusingly...

Maya: I am a reporter, so I don't want to be in tomorrow's headlines...

I don't completely understand her words...

He: if the reporters catch her with us, it will be a problem....

I: oh..hmm then no one know she is your sister!!

He: everyone knows.... but she never directly spotted with me or others.

I: hmm... that means you guys never went out??

He: we went but me and Addie always take care of security and media nothing like that happened.

I: so... hmm... if...I enter the party should I have to keep my distance from her...

I don't want because she is the one whom I can talk there... and I don't want to behave like stranger with her...

He : doll... if you want to talk with her, you can there is no problem.

I : can I ask you something??

He: you can ask whatever you want.

I am feeling so shy because of his words... why he is being such a... 

I: hmm... I want to know who are coming to the party??

He:, dad, David, Arun, Ame, if possible, Addie ...

I: oh..ok...

I am so happy my family members will be there and after marriage I am meeting Ame..i am so excited...

He: your smile is beautiful....

I: Huh...!!!

He: ntg..

we reached venue.... from out... the hotel is very big.... but i am in no situation to look hotel name... media surrounded us...

He opened my door... i got out.... he put his hand on my waist protectively.... i am upto his neck ... i think my heals helped me a little otherwise i will be upto his shoulders...

with security we walked into the hotel... his PA came towards him and said something in his ear and said good evening to me...

I smiled and said good evening... I really felt awkward at my behavior..... it is my first time coming to like this parties... and greeting his PA is most awkward and that to like this... i  really don't understand myself... i clutched his hand tightly....

we went near to big doors... It's like some palace entrance... as we reached doors opened...i am just amazed that is the biggest hall i never saw and it is decorated beautifully...and my biggest shock is our dresses are matching with the decoration.... every border of the room and lights are light green and remaining is silver just like his suit...

He: do you like the arrangement...

i have no words to speak... i am just so shocked... who in the world don't like this arrangement...i just looked at him in pure awe.... my eyes roamed around whole room... Just make me disappear God... what the... how... why.... oh god give me my voice back... i am literally screaming in my mind... except a wow nothing is forming in my mind.

he then smiled at me...

He: come let's go...

i don't even know where i am walking... i am just looking at the designing... who even designed it!!....

Arun jiju came towards us and talking something with my husband....i just don't know what is going around me... then someone shook me....

Ame: rushi ....

I: oh.. Ame... i just..

Ame: i know... at first i thought why boss arranged such a beautiful decoration just for a success party but now i understand is because of his wife who is more pretty than this decoration...

I: ame don't flatter me i m not that much beautiful.

Ame: oh girl... do you even know how gorgeous you are... if i am a man na... i will propose right here...

Arun: i think you have no chance honey...

i can feel jealous in arun jiju's voice...

ame pouted...

Arun: king are you confident about bringing rushi here....

he: i am..

Ame: aunty and uncle are talking with mr and mrs Roy...

wait i listened this name before...hmmm.. where... ya that day when i went to his office ... we both went to center of the party... there are lot of people who are looking at us... there are some glasses arranged like pyramids...

papa smiled at me... ma hugged is looking like a model....

ma: rushi you are looking gorgeous....

I: you are also ma just like a teenage girl...

My husband introduced Mr. Roy and Mrs. Roy.... i greeted them good evening... they smiled at me.

Mrs. Roy: king i have to accept your wife is gorgeous....

I: thank you... hmm... Mrs. Roy...

Mrs. Roy: i think this is your first time coming to like this party...

Mr Roy: do you think king will allow such a beautiful lady to come out.

He: it's nothing like that Mr. Roy... i don't want to make her uncomfortable.

David: hi king oh... sister you are also... wait ... this whole decoration is for you... oh my god...king... are you kidding me... i thought you are making this arrangement for hype...but it turns for sister....

King: don't overreact...

David: i am overreacting... uncle see... 

I laughed at their talks... but my enjoyment over within minutes he is talking about business with other people...

i got bored... it's been half an hour... my legs started to ache...

I: hmm... i want to sit...

He: are you ok...

I: i am fine... i think i am not comfortable with heals...

He: ok let me take you to food counter.

we both went to food counter there are couches for sitting...

i sat on the single chair...he sat on his knees... and removed my heals...

I: no need to remove... all are seeing us...

i felt so shy and embarrassed.....his PA came towards us...

He: keep your legs up....

i did whatever he said.. i sat on sofa like a small kid and looking at him like a newborn baby...

He: chris get two cups of chocolate ice-cream and lasagna...hmm and water.

i smiled at ice-cream but here so many people are there how can i eat ice-cream... won't he be embarrassed...

he : doll don't drink anything... if something looks like water without my permission you can't drink or eat...OK..

i nodded like a good child...

he left me there.... within minutes my food arrived...

Chris: mam be careful don't talk with others... sir won't like it...

i nodded...because i am confident who would like to talk with me... if they talk also i don't understand business... i thought in mind...


Do you think there is ntg going to happen..

will this party lead to new turning in their lives..

i hope you guys will like the chapter...☺🙂🙂

bye bye ...

Thank you❤❤❤💖💖💖
