
Hi guys i hope all are doing well..

I hope all enjoyed all the festivals..

Here we are... the last chapters of the story.

Thank you for all the support and encouragement..


Rushi's pov,

Today i got up early and got ready in simple top and soft jeans to go to my first day of work.. i hope everything goes well..

I am looking at my reflection while taking a deep breath to calm myself. My husband might be in gym... I went down and did prayer in pooja room. I went to my baby's room.. I already woke her up...she knows everything.. she is very independent at this age itself.. I smiled seeing her packing her bag. She adjusted very quickly and the school is so big and expensive.. Abhi want to give everything she needs.. her room is also very cute...

A car and driver is assigned to take her school and get her back safe.. on first day me and Abhi went to school to drop her. She looked very tensed.. I know it's all very new to her..Abhi told the principal to take special care of her.. I am so happy that she is doing good.. but still I Can't understand one thing.. either sowmya or Abhi never tried to talk with eachother.. they will talk but just a few things.. like.. hmm... if abhi want to ask what my baby wants and sowmya formally saying thanks.. sometimes I feel weird at their behavior...

Everything going smoothly in all our lives satya parents also calmed down.. I am talking with both side relatives of my birth parents...

Saanvi di and baby boy are also so good.. I also went to check my pregnancy problem.. without my husband's knowledge... I went along with saanvi di to have a small checkup in hospital... as I expected due to irregular periods I am not getting conceive.. so I got some tablets and I need to use them for 3 months and need to follow proper diet..

I hope everything goes OK..

It's already been a month since I started using them..

Sowmya: didi what are you thinking..

I came out from all thoughts..

I: nothing baby.. just .old things.. come let's have breakfast..

She nodded..

We walked towards dinning table.. from last week no one was there in mansion ma and papa went to some business trip.. granny and grandpa staying with alana and aiden... so only me, my baby and my husband..

I put food in sowmya's plate she is eating quietly..

I also eating my breakfast..

I: how is the food..

Sowmya: good di..

Just like everyday she answerd smilingly..

After eating I took her bag and we walked outside.. already driver is waiting.. I kissed her cheek.. she returned my kiss..

I: don't fight with others.. be a good girl and eat your lunch.. don't waste anything.. if you feel..

Sowmya: hayya di please... I know.. you say this everyday..

She said annoyingly.. although it's annoying I can't help myself..

I: sowmya..

Sowmya: ok ok.. I will be a good girl ok..

I smiled and gave bag to driver..

I said bye to her and returned in...

I saw my husband descending the steps down..

I smiled and went towards him..

He stood infront of me and kissed my forehead..

I smiled..

I: come.. have breakfast..

He nodded..

I served him.. but today my heart is racing more..

He pulled me towards him.. and made me sit on his lap..

He: do you really want to do work..

He asked sulkingly..
I: Abhi..

He: ok fine...but I will drop you today and don't forget whose wife you are.

He is looking so serious..

I smiled..
I: fine abhi.. have food..

I feed him...

After that I took my file and we both headed out..

Soon we reached my new working hospital.. he kissed me..

He: call me if you feel uncomfortable.

I nodded shyly.. ok not much shy.. but a little..

He: love you doll.

Although I didn't say love you too.. I kissed his cheek..

After coming out... car window lowered..

I: bye Abhi..

He smiled a little but I know it's fake.. he is not liking me to work.. it's ok he will get adjusted.. he is not a person who want to prison a girl... but sometimes I feel like he is opposite to what i think.. he likes to encourage girls.. except me..I think..

Anyway let's hope everything goes well..

I entered the big hospital HOPE.. in US medicine is so costly.. so mostly hospitals are private.. as i enterted i went towrads reception and asked about Dr Mishra.. she told me his cabin number and floor.. i enterted lift and went towards his office room.. he is talking with some doctors.. i thought to wait byt he saw me through glass door..

He signled to come in.. i smiled and slowly went in.. all doctors looking at me.. i smiled nervously and said good morning..

Dr Mishra: good morning young lady.. guys she is rushitha fresher in orthopedics .. and these are some of our staff..

I smiled.. and said a small hello..

Dr Mishra: ok guys you can leave..

All other doctors left .... i stood looking at the room..

Dr Mishra: take seat..

I sat infront of him and gave my documents..

Dr Mishra: you already sigbed tye offer letter right.

I smiled and nodded..

Dr Mishra: ok then let's go to your ward

We moced to patients ward.. i met two of my supervisors.. who are seniors in orthopedics. One is a middle aged lady and other is a man in his late 20's i guess..

After introductions i started to follow their instructions and doing my job peacefully.. i ate food in canteen along with some other colleagues... all are talking about patients and other stuff.. i got call from my husband..all looked at my mobile.. it's showing "hubby"..

I lifted it immediately and talked to him normally.. and cut the call..

One of the collegues asked..

"Are you married"
I smiled and nodded..

"I thought to ask you out" other collegue told in sad tone.. i laughed a little..

It's almost time for duty..

I: ok ok.. it's almost time i think..

All said to bye and went to our duties..

Everything went peacefully but i am little tired.. it's been so many months since i worked so my body is not habituated..
I said bye to my collegues and came out.. car is already waiting..

I got in and car moved to my home..

When i came out i saw sowmya doing homework in living room..

I went towards her.. she smiled..

Sowmya: how is your work?

I: it's good baby.. just 5 minites i will wash up..

She nodded i went to my room and got fresh up and came down.. we both ate some snacks and i cleared some of her doubts.. after sometime my husband arrived..

He is talking something with head guard.. he is looking furious... i went towards them.. my husband looked at me and smiled.. he hugged me tightly..

Guard bowed and left us..

I: abhi is everything ok..

Abhi: hmm..

I: you look serious..

Abhi: it's nothing doll.. don't worry. How was your day..

I: it's good..

Abhi: let's go

I nodded..

Abhi: just a sec..

He went towards sowmya..and took the book from her.. she looked at him confusingly..

Abhi: no need to be a good girl.

Huh.. what he means by that..

I: abhi did something happened..

Abhi: ntg..

He moved towards our room..

He directly went to washroom to freshup i put his night wear on bed..

I called mom and other just a few minutes talk..

He came out in bathrobe... instead of going to changing room.. he came towards me..

I am sitting on bed in lotus position with pillow in my lap.. he stood infront of me.. i looked at him confusingly..

He held my chin and leaned towards me.. his eyes boring into mine.. i can feel his heart beat.. i closed my eyes feeling his hot breath on me.. his lips touched my eye lids.. and moved down like he holds every right over me.. and i also gladly gave the right.. my mind heart fully concentrated on his touch...

But his lips stopped near my.. hmm..lips.. i slowly opened my eyes... he is looking at me with smirk.. i looked at him questioningly..

He: are you sure doll.. don't you want to go to work tomorrow?

My eyes became big.. my cheeks became red..

I: pervert..

I pushed him and ran out holding my cheeks.. how he became like this..

I can listen his laughter..

I went down and played sometime with my baby..

Time skip....

After 2 months.. it's almost 10 months of our marriage and we both are going out to our 5th dinner date.. i just like to be with him.. just simple talk and sleeping beside him, having breakfast and dinner with him.. i want simple things.. but i know his time is more precious than thinking although he says i am more important than anything...

My work.. my family everything is going smoothly.. i am getting ready in red color saree... it's already he might be waiting for me in living room..

Lastly i put a small red bindi and left the room with matching saddles..

I am stepping down from stairs i saw somya and abhi sitting in living room in different couches.. these two na...

He looked at me when i stepped down from last stair.. i went towards them..

Sowmya: didi you are looking so beautiful..

I smiled and kissed her cheek..

I: thank you baby...don't stay wake late ok.. don't play video games.. ok..

Sowmya: ok didi.. you go and enjoy..

I smiled.. i told rose to put my baby in sleep early..

I looked at him..

He pulled me towards him..

He wished in my ear...

Abhi: you only belongs to me..

His voice screaming dominance.. i blushed at his words..

I kissed his left cheek..

Abhi: how you are going to take me.. if you seduce me like this.

My eyes became big..
I pushed him but his hold is tight..

Abhi: let's go

We both walked out... me being in his hold..

He took driver seat and me passenger seat.. these days i learned how to drive a car..

We both went to a beach.. may be private beach... really girl.. how much rich is my husband.. i always surprised about these luxuries...

I walked along with him.. my smile never left my lips..but i feel so cold due to cool breeze.. he put a shawl on me..

A small dinning table arranged beautifully..

I walked towards water and touched them..

He: let's have food and we can walk..

I smiled and we both seated in our places..

He served the food..

But when i put the food in my mouth i felt like throwing up...

And that's what i exactly did..

He: doll.. what happened are you ok.. isn't the food not ok..

My stomach is really upset.. wait a minute.. it's been a week since i missed my period and i can feel light change in my body and now this.. then.. i.. i...i..

My words not finished..

Abhi: doll are you listening to me..

He is holding me in his hands.. and looking at me confusingly and care..

I: abhi.. i.. i... i...

He put his hand on my forehead..

Abhi: no fever.. did you eat something unhygienic or..

I put my hand on his mouth..

I: i.. i.. need to confirm something then i will tell you..

He is looking at me questioningly..

I: let's eat..

Abhi: but..
I: it's ok..

He moved his chair beside me.. and i tried to eat food although i am feeling nauseous.. but this symptom is for morning right then why now.. may be this is heavy food..

After having our food we both walked along the beautiful and calm seashore.. I feel so relaxed..  I looked at my husband his lips slightly curved up with soft smile..
He looked at me..

He: it's peaceful right..

I nodded with soft smile..

I: you know what abhi.. I never imagined my life will be like this..

He: me also doll.. you changed my whole world.

I: you too..

We both are standing infront of each other with my soft hands in his manly ones..

He: I love you doll.

I blushed... I feel like I need to tell those three words to him..

I: I..  I... love you Abhi..

I shyly hugged him tightly... I can feel he is slightly shocked..

Abhi: thank you doll..

I smiled and tightened my hug...he hugged me in return.. it's so warm.. his embrace is powerful protection I never felt..

We shared our moments and returned to our home after taking our lovely time..

I checked on sowmya and went to our room... he is already waiting for me in our room...

I changed to night wear and sat beside him.. I know what he is waiting for.. but not today I need to check if I am pregnant or not...

He leaned towrads me... his lips are waiting for me to respond.. sorry hubby...I thought in mind..

I put my hand on his chest and lightly pushed's been so many months since I rejected his touch..

I: Abhi hmm not today..

He looked at me for a  bit.. and back off..

Huh... I didn't expect this..

I: abhi.. I..

He: I can understand doll.. sleep now..

Wait hm. What he understand.. hmm is he thinking I am in my periods..

That's better I guess.. but did he know my monthly dates..

I guess no.. he just thought now itself..

I brushed away my thoughts and embraced him..

He hugged me and sleep engulfed me..


I opened my eyes.. feeling something uneasy in stomach... I Can't hold it.. I strongly pushed my husband's hand and ran towards washroom...and know what next.. I throw up everything I ate.. I felt relaxed after empting my stomach...

I listned knocking sound.. may be abhi got up.. and he might be worrying..

I cleaned my face and opened the door..

Heheld my face in his hands..

Abhi: are you ok.. what happened...

I: hmm oh.. nothing abhi.. just stomach upset..

Abhi: let's go to hospital then..

I: no need abhi.. I will take the tablets.. relax..

Abhi: are you sure.. yesterday..

I didn't let hos words complete..

I : it's nothing.. if I felt more uneasy we I will go to doctor in my hospital..ok..

Abhi sighed half-heartedly..

I: go and fresh up..

He nodded and went into washroom..
I sighed and went to take pregnancy test kit.. I smiled.. I hope it gives positive..

I don't know why I suddenly started to think about my biological mother... was she this desperate that time...just like me..

I went to sowmya's room and woke her up and went into her washroom and tested.. I am waiting for the test result... I am praying to my kind god... Hey Bhagavan please let be positive.. positive... I closed my eyes after setting the alarm in my mobile.. I am literally shaking in my place... my feet and palms are so cool.. my heart is beating crazily.... every sec in testing my patience... finally after long time my alarm rang.. I immediately opened my eyes... I took the test kit into my shaking hands.. god please.. i saw the result.. I just got rooted in my place.. a small tear rolled from my eyes... IT'S POSITIVE... oh my god.. thank you so much god.. i jumped in my place.. i embraced the kit.. i held it tightly so that this won't be any dream... I looked at my reflection in washroom mirror.. My eyes are shinning... i touched my lower tummy affectionately... suddenly I heard door knocking sound..

I opened it immediately..

I saw sowmya in tension.. i came out and bent to her level and hugged her tightly..

Sowmya: di are you ok.. I knocked the door so many times.. 
I: i.. baby you know what.. I am so happy today..

Sowmya: humm.. why..

I released her from my hug and made her small hand touch my tummy which is covered in night dress..

I: you will get a little sis or little brother..

Somya: little sis.. really di.. can i play with them..

i nodded happily.. 

Sowmya: ye.. I am going to be big sis.. ya..

she boomed in happiness just like me.. oh my god i need to tell this to my mom.. wait.. I better confirm before telling others.. but i want to share this happiness.. I will Abhi.. we can go together for checkup..

I: baby you go and fresh up I need to tell this to Abhi..

she smiled and i went to my room.. I looked for him.. but he is not there.. may be in dressing room.. I walked in.. i saw him selecting his suit.. oh god i totally forgot about this..

I walked towards him.. he is still in his night wear.. 

He looked at me..

Abhi: oh doll choose the suit na.. i have an interview today.

I: abhi.. oh.. hmm.. will you come to hospital with me..

he is looking confusingly..

Abhi: oh.. I.. am not feeling well..

I said blushingly..

he held my face in his palms.. 

Abhi: I told you na morning that i will call doctor..

I: abhi.. oh I need to do some checkups.... hmm.. oh..

Abhi: wait let me call the doctor.. i need to go to hospital..

he is looking questioningly at me..

with so much courage.. I took his right hand and slowly placed in on my tummy.. and looked into his eyes.. he looked a bit confused... But I smiled.. i can see his eyes became wide along with my smile and blush..

he looked at me like it is some dream.. he pulled me towards him with left hand and kissed my forehead...

Abhi: when you want to go..

I smiled..

I: today now itself..

he smiled.. and kissed my eyes, cheeks.. and lips.. we both swallowed by our love, passion, affection, care, happiness.. After taking our lovely time we both parted.. 

I hugged him.. and put my head in his chest.. his hands held me protectively. I just hope time to stop here itself... 

After our sweet time we parted.. I shyly told him to get ready..

he kissed my forehead and left to take bath..

I choose his formal wear with a shy smile playing on my lips and face... 

after him i also get ready to go to hospital.. I said bye to my baby after having our sweet breakfast with some difficulty.. we both came out Driver and guards are already waiting for us..

abhi opened the door for me.. i smiled and sat inside.. he also sat beside me and puled me towards him.. his one hand holding my shoulder and other my right hand.. I am leaning on his shoulder. I am feeling so calm and happy.. .

I just hope the final test to come out as positive.. soon we reached one of the biggest hospital in newyork.. recently I got to know that hospital belongs to a close family friend of ours.. but i didn't thought he will take me here.. i thought he will take me to my working hospital.. i don't mind where ever he takes me i just need to confirm that i am pregnant.. guards stand like statues just like everyday.. my husband came to my side and opened the door.. I gladly took his hand and waled towards entrance.. I really don't know from where this much money will come to build such a big building and to keep the whole building like a spotless glass..

as we entered.. i saw some doctors and some what to say may be managing head of the hospital came towards us and shook hands wit my husband and talking something.. I am not all interested in their talk..

An old lady doctor may be she is the gynecologist i guess.. came towards me.. she smiled at me and i returned the same.. 

She took me towards a vip room.. two nurses also followed us.. although i know about my condition i don't want to talk anything.. so i just answered her questions and did what she told.. they not only conducted one test but all the tests so that they can give accurate results.. after giving the test.. doctor said to wait for some hours to get the results..

I came out where my husband sitting in a vip room along with head guard and talking something... when he saw me.. he smiled and came towards me..

Abhi: is everything ok..

I: it will take sometime.. 

Abhi: so want o go home..

I: can't i stay with you?

i asked with puppy eyes.. and hugged him tightly..

Abhi: sure why not.. let's go to office and i will tell the hospital management to send the reports to my office you can check there..

I smiled.. how nice my husband is..

Abhi: let's go 

I am feeling little tired i think my symptoms are full on swing.. we entered the lift and came down.. I felt scared by seeing the long way towards entrance oh my god.. no.. i don't want to walk.. I held abhi's hand tightly.. suddenly I felt myself in air.. i tightly held his shirt.. i looked at my husband who is looking at me with a smile..

Abhi: just relax.. ok.

i nodded like a small kid..

i am continuously looking at him without blinking my eyes.. i felt like I am expressing all my feelings wit him more these days.. i smiled at my own behavior. Finally he put me in the car and seated beside me.. as before i leaned on him..

Abhi: don't worry..

he rubbed my palm softly.. i smiled.. soon after we reached his office.. nice another biggest building... 

we went to his personal office..  These days what i learned most and liked is walking beside him instead of following him or dragged by him to walk along with him... it's not difficult it's pretty easy and comfortable to be in his hold. 

we went inside the office where i previously came and slept... i sat on bed... he stood infront of me..

Abhi: want to take rest here?

I also like another thing he giving me the choice to choose..

I: i don't want to roam around..

he smiled and pecked my lips..

He: Take rest if reports come i will come here..

I smiled.. he went out locking the door.. leaving my slippers i laid on bed comfortably.. I am so sure i am pregnant.. I can feel how my body is.. but still there is a small doubt.. i closed my eyes and let the sleep engulf me.. 

I felt someone poking my cheek.. I opened my eyes slowly.. I saw my hisband looking at me with a smile..

I also smiled unknowingly...

He showed me the reports..

My eyes widened.. I got up and sat quickly..

He smiled.. and kissed my forehead..

Abhi: the result is positive.. don't worry..

I: really..

He nodded..

I took the reports from his hands and opened them quickly and checked them...there are no bounds to my happiness.. I put my palm on my mouth in amazement.. I felt goosebumps all over my body.. he hugged me tightly..


Thank you for your support...

I got a job and I need to travell and also got busy in office work..

Sorry for taking these many weeks to update this chapter...

But thank you for waiting... I don't have any words to explain how glad I am to get these many readers..

Thank you so much..
