Chapter - 44

Hi guys I hope all are doing well and having a great time.....🥰🥰

No one can develop themselves in a sec... by experiencing our lives we become strong and self-dependent...

Hi guys I hope this can let you know the characters and relations.

Rushi's Pov,

Today is Arun Jiju's marriage... I got up early than every day... I looked for water to drink but the water bottle is empty.... so I slowly went out with my sleepy eyes... I was only met by workers... I think today they started a little early... I slowly went down ...

I filled the bottle with some hot water...

Rose: rushi you are already up???
I: ha...oh... I am thirsty...
Rose: oh ok... do you want some milk...
I nodded negatively...
I: I just came for water... I am going now.  Continue with your work...

I smiled with sleepy eyes. I went up... and closed the door...I looked at him... he is sleeping peacefully.... every day he hugs me like I am his teddy.... but after some time... I free myself and I hug my teddy... I didn't want to sleep anymore. I went to the balcony to see the small sunlight... I smiled at green plants which are filled with water droplets... 

I smiled and went to the washroom to do my routine... I had my long head bath with hot water... it is really good right.... hot water running through long hair... I got out wearing a simple T-shirt and lower...

When I came out, he is already up ... sitting on the bed... maybe he just woke up..... I went out to dry my hair.... it is not common between us to greet good morning... I never said.... but I think if he wakes up first, he will tell me.... oh god what is wrong with me.... always thinking about is a psychological defect if we see a person daily and if he annoys us... we only think about him right and here in this house all talk about him... and a little afraid of him... maybe I think... but sometimes I feel like I am wrong about him... their fear is not a little... but I never saw him getting too much angry in this house... I don't know about outside... maybe he shows a little bit of arrogance to control his employees, but I don't believe what others said because he only got angry with me one or two times.... that too for my safety. so, I don't think he is bad... I put my hands on the cool balcony steel railing.
 Suddenly I felt two arms circling me......I touched those arms... I know who the owner of them is... I smiled inwardly...

I: what are you doing??

he: hugging my wife...

Oh god, his voice... I can't stop blushing.... what he is talking about early morning.... pervert... I thought in mind.....

he: your hair smell is so.... good.

what's wrong with him.....

I: hmm... I think.... shampoo is good...

he: na... it is you.

my eyes became big.... what he is thinking...

he: it is my first time seeing you with wet hair...

what... I think he is these 3 months he is not there for two months... wait what the hell I am thinking... 

I: hmm... the weather is nice right...

he: you are looking brighter than sunshine.....

I: huh.....

what the hell is going on in his brain... his lips are touching my neck... I felt a tickling sensation my legs became weak... 

I: hmm... I have to dry my hair..... 

I told slowly... I don't know why his touch affects me this much.... but I feel like it is right... but I don't want it... I don't know what I want... I always feel helpless in front of him... 

but I suddenly felt light pain in my neck...... I pushed him immediately and put my hand on my neck...

I: what are you doing??

he took a step forward..... but I don't want him nearby... I took a step backward to maintain some distance... but he pulled me towards him..... I put my palms on his chest towel fell from my shoulder...... he is smiling at me... what's wrong with him... he leaned towards me... I bent backward... he is smiling more... I don't know why I am feeling shy and nervous now.... his eyes are looking at my lips.... no no no... I don't want to kiss him..... he is going to kiss me... I closed my eyes and turned my face..... but he didn't kiss me..... I opened one eye to see what was going on... he is smiling at me... I got embarrassed.... he made me stand properly...

I: hmm...oh...

 he suddenly kissed my forehead... I am looking down not knowing how to react..... he then kissed my right cheek and left cheek taking his time...  I am feeling so many butterflies in my stomach, I am unable to bear his touch... to avoid this situation... I told...

I: hmm... oh...  you didn't brush your teeth...

he stopped immediately. 

He: are you for real...

I: hmm... oh.... just... hmm...

he sighed and took his step backward...

I felt relieved like I have gone through a marathon..... I placed my hand on my cheek where he kissed me... I smiled a little.... but shook my thoughts away... I went to the dressing room and took the saree .... it is given by Ma.... today Dad will be coming for marriage... I took the saree.... but god .... it is too heavy... how can I carry it... and before carrying how can I even wear it.... oh ma why do you keep me in these situations... Today marriage is according to us. 

 I sighed and went out to call Siya for help...

siya: hello rushi.... 

I: Siya... This saree is too heavy I can't wear it myself... can you help me...

Siya: of course, come to my room.... all are here only.....

I: all??

siya: yep....alana, maya, saanvi,aadya, chotti ma's ....

I: alright then I will be coming... I cut the call and took my saree and other clothes to wear...

 when I entered... the room is full of ladies... except Ma, Granny, and mg... 

all smiled at me ... I also did the same... It is like our college dressing room on fests.

I sat on the bed seeing them.... because I am so shy to get dressed in front of these many people...

all are making jokes about their skin and dresses... I am smiling like a the middle, he called me to know where I am ..... I said I am in Siya's room to get ready... 

almost all got ready in one and half hours..... but then all asked me at a time...

"rush you still not get ready.... oh god...."

I: it's ok.... it won't take much.... someone stays and helps me... I said smilingly...

all nodded siya, Rohini ma and saanvi di stayed with me.....

it is tough ... it took almost an hour to wear a saree.... if not for the air conditioner I may be again doing a sweat bath..... I sighed and sat on the bed with a thud... 

I: sorry ma took long...

Rohini: it's ok Rushi... we can do touch up... come let's do your make-up...

I: what... I don't want... I will be going I will go now...

Siya held me tightly and also saanvi Di...... and made me sit in front of the mirror.... she cleaned my face and told me to close my eyes I tried to deny her... but she insisted so much.... so I closed my eyes... I don't know what she is doing.... but she is applying something... there is no harsh smell... but a light rose smell I think... then she applied lipstick I think... I tried to move a bit back... but she hold me firmly.... from where they are getting strength...

Siya: open your eyes doll...

for a sec I thought he came.... oh god she will kill me one day...

I slowly opened my eyes... I am shocked at my makeup... it is not heavy.... and it is not lipstick... but it is looking good... I am not looking like a different person, but the image in Infront of me looks beautiful.

rohini ma: Rushi... I want to kiss you.... you...are soooo...  pretty..... 

I blushed at her words...

I: am hmm... di... is it lip balm... 

Saanvi di: hmm... no... but also not lipstick.... so, no need to worry... and here is your jewelry. Siya brought them from your room...

I: but I can't wear these many...

Siya: no need to worry I got them you can select anything...

I selected almost lightweight jewelry. but I think no use... I am feeling so heavy... my hair is open but not fully...  Rohini Ma helped to hook the waistband. It's really awkward to wear all these. But I can't let Tagore's family down.

Siya even brought my slippers... she got a phone call... 

Siya: we will be there in a minute... 

saying this she cut the call...

saanvi di: let's go rushi....

Rohini ma kissed my forehead... I smiled at her...we all went outside locking the room...

I didn't try to look up... I am concentrating on my steps I am feeling so heavy..... when I reached the steps.... everything is silent... I felt something is wrong...  I lifted my gaze ..... everyone is looking up.... is something wrong... I looked back.... only met with a di smile... I took each step slowly not to fall....  when I am climbing down... I saw him staring at me.... he is wearing a brown suit... I don't know what are the different types of suits... but he is looking so handsome... I shut my mind not thinking anymore....and turned my gaze I saw my jijus looking at me with open mouths... I smiled at them... 

when I went down... granny came near to me... I took blessings from her...

she kissed my forehead... and put the black dot back of my ear... it remembered my mom... but someone coughed to disturb us... I looked at him... 

Granny: don't worry King I won't steal your wife...

ma: my both daughters-in-law are looking so pretty... 

all are looking so beautiful in their attires. Alana is looking so different in the saree.

Prithvi: badi ma, don't worry I will protect my bhabies...

papa: ok ok... it's getting late.... let's go.... everyone is looking good...

we all went outside there are many cars all almost 15 to 20.... but I tried to go with Siya.... but my husband held my hand...

he: you are not going with them...

 I looked at him confusingly... 

He: a lot of media will be there if you go with them... it will cause trouble.

I nodded and stood there... just like us Alana and Aiden also stood with us... I looked at Alana.... she is looking at me.... we smiled at each other... 

Aiden: Brother first we will go... I will try to control the media.

my husband nodded at him.... all left in 5 min.... but what got me shocked is... there are still 3 cars...... then suddenly from where I don't know.... 2 cars are occupied by guards... leaving one for us.....I looked at him.... but he is already staring at me...

I: hmm... aren't we going??

he: you are looking Gorgeous.

he whispered...

I: what??

he: ntg.... we will a go a little bit later......


he opened the door for me.....

 I am feeling heavy.... but I think I can manage...

while stepping in he holds my hand supporting me...I smiled at him..... I sat inside silently... I am feeling so happy.... he also got in..... I am looking at the outside of the house.... it is empty... I felt his hand on my saree... I looked at him questioningly.... his eyes are too dark... I felt a sudden pull ... but I didn't move a bit he looked at me amusingly..... he only moved towards me... how can he think I can move in this heavy saree.

He: doll I think this thing is really heavy... 
he pointed to my saree.

I smiled at him... I looked at myself.... then cars started to move.... he put his hand on my shoulder... I don't know why but these days I am liking his presence... hmmm although I don't want to mention I am not uncomfortable with his touch ...

I took his mobile from his pocket... he looked confusingly...

He: what happened doll...
I: hmm... I want to listen to songs... Siya took my mobile...

although I know his password...
I put his finger to unlock the screen...... and played an English song....and started to hum... along with it...I am not a big fan of English songs.... if I play Telugu or Hindi songs... he can't understand so... I played English songs...

He: doll you sing well.
I smiled with shyness..... he touched my jhumkas... I don't know why I am liking his presence... I am not even myself.... liking his every touch.... what's wrong with me and what's wrong with him.

Soon we reached the venue... there is a big screen... and many people running here and there.... guards from other cars surrounded our car.... my husband went out and came to my side... he opened the door for me and forwarded his hand... It's new right... I only saw this type of incident in movies... But this time I am not nervous... so I took it gladly and took a step out..... my slippers are not heals but a little high.

Everything is flashing around me... there are too many cameras.... and many people with mikes in their hands.....I suddenly felt nervous..... there are so many people... everyone's eyes on us... my smile immediately fell... I am controlling my nervousness by clutching his mobile.
I am standing beside him silently looking around me.... he is holding my hand ....

I gulped my saliva.....

Then Aiden came.
Aiden: Brother it is under control...

My husband looked at me...
He: doll... let's go...
He put his hand on my waist... but in nervousness... I didn't feel his touch also...

I took the steps along with him... I hear some questions... but not so audible.... Aiden Jiju is walking beside me at some distance...
I hugged my husband from the sidewards holding his coat and mobile in my fist... I know what's going around me... but I don't know what exactly going on here... I am just new to his world... but do I want to include myself in his I willing to do that... It is like a dream which I never thought of... am I suitable in this world... How I even became his wife... 

I don't know the answer... so I cleared my thoughts and entered the marriage is so so so big.... it is decorated with red and white flowers.... it is so beautiful....but that is another thing... there are so many people...  men are in their suits.... and women are in different dresses... but everything is classy .... all are staring at us.... some are shocked, amazed... I don't know their expressions .... but I can say... almost all are surprised.... but don't know what for.... guards bowed to us... I just keep staring at all... I don't even know on which I am walking... I am in awe... my eyes roamed everywhere in the hall...
My husband's hold tightened a little bit on me... I looked at him.... his eyes are not the ones I look at daily... they are different.... they are not shining like daily.... they are so deep... like they want to kill someone... I didn't like it a bit... I don't know why... but I am not feeling any nervousness now... so I smiled at him.... he looked at me...

He: doll if you smile like this.... how can I control myself.

he said slowly... What a pervert right... always flirting...

I turned my gaze towards Mandap... I saw Maya, Alana, and some girls helping Panditji.... as we reached our family members, I left him..... alana hugged me immediately.

Alana: is everything ok??

I looked at her confusingly... what is she asking about. whatever I nodded smilingly.

He: doll.... don't go anywhere and take the mobile from Siya...
I nodded my head like a good kid.... as I turned my eyes to him... I got much happier than anything.... dad is standing in front of me and smiling at me.....I hugged him immediately...

I: Dad I am so happy...
Dad: I also rushi... you know what Sam (Samrat- Rushi's brother) also came.

I: really Dad..  where is he... it's been so long since... I want to see him......Although I talked on video call daily I want to see him... dad

Dad pointed his finger toward the crowd...
It is not difficult to plot him... I smiled in his direction... he is wearing a blue coat....and talking with someone...I tried to go but Maya stopped me...

Maya: Rushi he will meet you after some time... it is not good to go there.

" Hmm...ok... maya... tell me if you want any help..."

Alana: oh everything is finished... ame will be coming...
I smiled and looked at the other two girls of Maya's age...

Maya: oh these two are my friends...

(Remember the colleagues Maya who asked about Rushi)

C1: hi mam nice to see you... you are the hot topic for 4 months you know.... I want to see you... but I never thought I can meet you....and to say frankly you are looking gorgeous I struct for a sec...

I smiled at her... she is talking excitedly.

I: no need to call mam ... my name is Rushitha...

C2: no mam... you are king sir's wife.. so we can't call you by name.

I: it's ok he is not there na... you can call.. and I have a name to call right...

C1: mam you are kind and beautiful...

I looked at her silently...not to call me mam anymore...

C1: hmm... Rushitha...
I smiled at them...
C2: hmm... rushitha is this your mobile!!....

I: Huh...
I looked at my hand... I am still holding his mobile .... didn't he take it...

I: oh god. I think I forget to give it to him...
C1: it is King Sir's mobile right...

I: yes... how do you know...

C2: oh Rushitha.... whatever he wears and talks is known to everyone... he is the topmost businessman... most famous Batchelor .. of course not now... and idol for so many youngsters.

I smiled at her... I am a little bit surprised to know the new information.
C1: hmm... can I touch it...

I nodded and gave her.... she took it like some god's idol...she is smiling crazily... is she alien or what...

Then I heard his voice...

He: doll where is my mobile...
I: it is here... 

I showed him the mobile while taking it from that girl...

He smiled at me and went ...

C2: am I hallucinating?
I: huh... about what...
C2: did sir smile??
I: of course.. why ... is it an unbelievable thing or what...
C1: it is... I never saw sir smile...

 are you kidding.... he sometimes smiles to himself... like he is crazy... I thought in mind... I don't want to tell such things to others what they will think of him... I need to talk carefully.

they are looking at me in awe... Our conversation is interrupted by Siya.

Siya: rushi... your mobile....
I: thank you ame and jiju ready ..

Siya: almost....come let's go...
I excused myself and went with her.... my jijues are teasing arun jiju so much... he is red like a tomato... I told them to stop... all stopped and laughed silently...

Arun: thank you rushi... these fellows are too much...
I smiled at him...

Arun: hmm... what happened outside...I mean media...

" Ntg happened jiju... I think they took photos and ntg..."

Arun: hmm... fine then...

Pruthvi: Brother... Pandit Ji is calling...

We all went out... I am walking along with Arun Jiju....he is in a white suit..... Ame is in a red heavy lehenga... she is looking beautiful... Pandit Ji started to chant mantras...

All are teasing the bride and groom.... all are happy... I saw my brother coming towards me... I smiled and went to him...

Sam: Rushi... you are looking like an angel...
I: Thanks, bhai... I miss you so much... 

I hugged him tightly... my eyes got moist. he put his hand on my head and ruffed slowly... it calmed me down.
Sam: I also rushi... I miss you... 

I touched the edge of my eyes to avoid more tears and took a deep breath. my brother smiled.

I: How is Mom...
Sam: she is fine rushi.... how are you.... is everything ok...
I: it is... but... I don't know about his world... I am just locked for three months... and everything is new... I don't know whether I can adjust or not.

I came out of his embrace...

Sam: you can ask about your job...
I: hmmm... I will bhai... you are the best...
Sam: that's who I am.
I: hmm how are Srav and Satya??
Sam: good...
I: if you love Srav you better tell her...
Sam: Rushi...
I: ok ok. I won't talk...
Sam: ok I have to talk with these boring people...
I: ok bhai... I smiled at him...

I stood there looking at his retreating figure. my heart feeling so many emotions...

He went ... I went to mandap... Ame's mother and father doing their responsibilities... I remembered rajini aunty and Dad.
All are sitting in their chairs... and also photographers said no need for these many people on mandap... so my gang went down...  me, Alana and Ame's friend stayed on mandap... I saw down.... where my family sitting in the first row.... dad is sitting beside chote papa and talking... all are in their discussions.... but I can see my husband's eyes staring at me.... his PA is sitting back to him and David anna (brother) is sitting beside him.

I and Alana sat down and talking some random things... we helped a little to clean their faces... but I don't know why Alana was lost in her world... of course, at first, I was also lost in my memories.

Siya: rushi ,alana come down let's go and eat...

I nodded and stood up from my position ... climbed down the steps carefully not to fall...

 The stage is covered with a white carpet. and akshintalu(axes) are all over the carpet... some of them stick to my foot...

While stepping down from the steps I missed a step... I am totally scared... I caught Siya's shoulder not to lose my balance... my luck I am not tripped but unluckily I felt pain in my ankle... I think I sprained my foot...

Siya: rushi are you ok....
I: ya it's just ankle is lightly twisted...

But I am tense if he sees this, he will scold me... I looked around to see where my overprotective husband is... he is talking with someone... so I took a breath...

I: siya it's ok let's go...

It is just light pain... so I managed to walk properly...

We went to have food...I saw Karan and Snehith eating...and Vikram uncle talking with guests...
We sat opposite Snehith... then someone came with food and served us... I started eating but I am feeling uncomfortable... I looked around... some are whispering but I am feeling like someone is staring at me.... it is not my husband... I again looked around... but no one... I sighed and started eating...
We all talked and finished eating ... I don't know what I eat but they are tasty... I got up and cleaned my hands...
We all went to the marriage hall ...all giving gifts to the couple... I smiled and started to go there.... but I saw my husband drinking wine while talking....oh god what is he doing.... in the morning that to in marriage he is drinking... not only him... there are many.... what the hell is this... marriage is a holy bond how they are doing such things...others are not family, but he is right... but why drinks are allowed... it's Hindu marriage why Papa allowed drinks... I can't stop myself.... so, I went near to him...

 to get his attention... I coughed...

I: argh..argh... 

He immediately turned towards me... He is looking at me confusingly... Without telling anything I snatched that glass from him... He looked surprised... He smirked ... His PA ran to us... and took the glass from me...

His PA: mam give it to me... I will throw it...

I nodded and gave it to him...

He: so you came for this...
I: you shouldn't drink here...
He: so can I drink in other places...
I: I didn't mean it... hmm... you can but.. not more than two...

He: oh.... don't you think that's way more little.
I: no...

He tried to touch me.... but I moved a little back...because I don't want to touch this alcoholic person now... He lifted his eyebrows in a questioning way.

I: you are not allowed to touch me...
He:  oh... are you serious... it's just some wine.

Someone disturbed our serious argument. I think it is David Bro's family...

David's mom: hi mrs. king
I: hello name is Rushitha.
David's dad: seems like you both are having a serious discussion...
I: it's... oh.. ntg...

I looked at them smilingly... I am really feeling shy...

David: ntg... sister I never saw King's face pale... can you tell me the trick.
I smiled at him...

David's mom: if she tells also, you can't do that... you know Rushitha I thought Alana is the most beautiful girl I ever saw.... she is innocent... naive and also beautiful... I always asked your mother-in-law how she can bring such beauty to King...but seeing you... I lost my senses... you are too beautiful... you look gorgeous...

I blushed at her words...

I: Aunty.. you are complimenting me so much...

I smiled nervously...

David's mom: na Rushitha... you have to listen to the people here... all eyes glued to you... everyone discussing about you and waiting for a chance to talk to you...

really when I became that much popular... am I really that much beautiful. of course, I am somewhat above than average... but their compliments are too much.

He: argh.... argh... can I talk with my wife for a minute...

Aunty smirked at him...I can see a wicked smile. He took my hand and took me towards Mandap... But due to heavy dress and light pain in the foot... I can't match his pace...  again, I sprained it.... this time it is high... I stopped in the middle... and removed my hand from his hold...

He asked hurriedly...

He: doll what happened? Are you hurt???

I: it's my foot...

He: do your ankle twisted...!!
I: hmm...

He: Siya... he called her loudly...

He pulled a chair and made me sit on it...He sat on his knee I am feeling so much pain..... Siya came hurriedly...

Siya: King what happened??
I: it's ntg... I twisted my ankle...
Siya: let me get an ice pack...

He: doll let me see ...

He lifted my saree a little bit....and put my foot on his thigh. I am not surprised... it is not the first time he is acting like this... but all are seeing us in awe and foot is red due to swelling...

I: it's ok... I will take rest for some time...

He: sorry doll... I am just ...
I: it's ok... It is already there...
He: why didn't you tell me that before...
I: it's just a mall sprain...
He: small sprain... I can't see even a small scratch on you... and you are saying just a sprain...
I: it's ok...
He: let's go to the hospital...
I: no need I will be fine ... can you get up... all are seeing us...

I said slowly. He got serious... I think he got angry...

I: hmm... can we talk at home...
He put my leg down slowly.... but didn't get up...

He: we are going home...

I: no... I want to see ... 

this time I said with determination.... although it is low... he can understand... He sighed and put the ice bag on my foot... I hissed lightly ... I put my hand on his shoulder...

I:'s ok... I can manage...

He got up... I smiled at him...

He: Dad how much time will it take to complete...

Papa: huh..hmm..  1 hour...

He: finish it quickly...


I hope you like the chapter....😊😊
Do you think Rushi falling for her husband...?❤️❤️
Do you think king possession is way more than what Rushi thinks...??🖤🖤
Do they end peacefully ??🤍🖤

I think this is one of the biggest chapters. 

Bye, guys...👋👋
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