
I think our flash back is too long, but I hope you guys will like it...💖💖

Sometimes people say silence is better than words but in relationship we need to talk, know each other being silent makes other person uncomfortable.  


Flashback continuation.......

Rushi's Pov,

Satya came to me at noon on the same day ...

she asked me about my unlucky day with that devil...

Satya: hey rushi morning I didn't ask about your date ...I thought you will be tired... so tell me is you like him...what you guys talked??

She asked questions like shooting arrows.

"We only talked formally ntg much..."

"Oh common rushi tell me..."

"Really satya we just talked about our work."

" oh rushi how boring you are Do you atleast know his name."

"Ofcourse  satya i am not that much dumb.... Abhimaan Tagore..."

"Do you know who he is?" she asked with so much excitement.

"Yep he is a rich business man.. as much as I know"

" Rushi do you really talked formally now I don't believe that also...I think you both ate silently and came back."

"What do you mean satya"

"Oh god you are too dumb rushi.... He is a world-famous bachelor, not rich he is a billionaire, every top businessman wants to meet him, at the age of 24 he took over the CEO position of his father within 4 years he became topmost businessman .... last year he won best young CEO award... do you even know how powerful he is.... do you know what he can do... do you know how many girls die to see him... for counting his wealth it may take months... he is filthy rich sinfully handsome... you know when i saw him today i lost my consciousness... he can do anything no one can stop him... it's like whole world is under him..." she is so exaggerated and anxious. without any gap she is praising him...

I am just shocked and surprised with the new information I only saw some serials where hero will be a powerful person, but I never thought about him like that.... how can anyone be that much rich. topmost CEO what is she talking about. i can't believe my ears. why a CEO will marry an orphan like me. I am unable to believe any of her words... i accept he is handsome what she is mean by whole world under him he is not some god...   i think now i should show my acting skills otherwise how can she laugh at me and then i can tease her.

" What...??? Omg i didn't even know anything about him satya.... i thought he is some rich guy but never thought he is a top businessman..."

" Rushi be serious i am telling truth see the internet." she showed his pictures and some buildings he owns i am really shocked to know all the information i am about to collapse. if he is that much rich why he wants to marry me... there are many women who are more beautiful and elegant. i am just a normal girl. what the hell is going on... am i living in a dream but i never dreamed about such things.

 " oh no satya...i even asked his name .... oh god that's why they both looked at me like i am some ghost... ..."she laughed loudly...

" Oh my poor rushi, you only care about medical subjects how will you know about world news ..... you are really dumb rushi... what can i expect from you other than this... poor man this may be his first time introducing himself to a girl..."

" Satya please i already embarrassed me today Infront of him don't make more..." i am feeling stupid and foolish i should have asked my father about him... but why i will think to meet such person in my life... of course it is not new to me to meet powerful persons but this time it is completely out of my imagination...

" Hy hy .... ok leave it ...... have your lunch" She went away leaving me alone... i am feeling annoyed about myself... I am unable to believe.

I still didn't understand why my father want to marry me to him. will my father and mom believe me if i said he blackmailed me. Now i don't even have confidence. But I think he can do whatever he wants but why he wants to marry me?? He can find better girl than me... only these questions revolving in my mind.

Next day,

I got ready for work and walked to the dining hall where the kids were all eating cheerfully. I smiled at them and said good morning in a cheery tone, and they all cheerfully welcomed me until I spotted his PA.

"Good morning mam" his PA greeted me smilingly.

"Hmm.. ooo no need to call me mam, my name is rushitha you can call me with my name".

"But mam sir won't like it."

He seems a bit tensed...

" Your sir is not there na now ..."

"Ok rushitha my name is Sahil..."


"Mam by the way are you going to hospital..."

"Yes ... please no mam" I again told him not to call mam...

" Rushitha ...ok .... sorry to say lately but your in-laws are coming today afternoon."

"What??? "

I have horrible expression on my face... why this soon... oh my god what are planning to do with me.

Mom: yes honey Mr. And Mrs. Tagore coming today to meet you and also, they will stay in Hyderabad till your marriage.   your father and rajini also coming to fix the date of your marriage and engagement.

"Oh god it's really too fast i am not prepared to marry this soon. Please mom don't make it fast..."

"But you already agreed to this match." who agreed... i want t shout...

"Yes, mom but not this soon, please talk to dad..." i am literally begging my mom but seeing her expression i can say i  don't have an option.

"Sorry honey your father already gave word and also promised them."

"Mom but .... why i mean this soon ..." i don't want to lose my hope.....

"Honey i also don't want this soon but it already happened, so can't back now..."

Oh god please save me... you are the only one who can save me please show me right path to end this stupid marriage thing.

"Go get ready and wear a saree, you won't go to work today i already informed Madhavi ji".

"Ok mom...." without any option I came back to my room...

Is there anything that i can stop this marriage ..... think rushi think... i am searching for every option...

What if i say about my goals to his parents, no rushi they will also tell you can complete your goals after marriage.... how about i say no to them, no I already said yes if I say no now .... dad feel low in front of them.... oh god what i have to do.

I will tell that he blackmailed me but what if they asked about why he did that....If father knows i said no to him .... he will feel upset...

Oh god please help me.... how can i make them to go back from this match....I can't upset my parents and also i don't want to marry that arrogant person.... with all these thoughts i am getting headache... i am getting frustration...I want to slam my skull against a wall.

I wore a red saree along with small gold necklace and bangles. I took two hair strands and tied them back with a pin and did my hair normally. My mom sent some flowers i arranged them neatly in my hair. I am looking good. But why i am thinking so much not to look bad did i accept him. No rushi it's not like that you don't want to embarrass your father .... that's it...

After some time, my mom and rajini aunty came..... Aunty hugged me and praised me ....i asked about their travel after that i went to hall where all are sitting. When i entered i felt all eyes on me i greeted my in-laws they are in their mid 50's i guess but his mom looks somewhat young. they are looking different from Indians. aunty is looking so elegant, and uncle is like some influential persons their presence is little dominating...

"Oh my look Aravind she is so beautiful than in photos" , her excitement is on sky. her eyes not leaving me... i lowered my head...

"Yes Samyuktha our daughter-in-law is way too beautiful, that's the reason right your son wants to marry her ...."

What wait he really liked me ... oh god how can i break this match... what i have to do...

I sat beside my dad he put his hand on my shoulder and said

" Rushi beti they are Mr. Aravind Tagore and his wife Samyuktha Tagore ."

I put namaskar to them ...

"Oh leave formalities Surya , i love her she will be perfect for my king. Mrs.tagore said. "

I felt slightly nervous... but wait what she called king... is it any nick name... who will call such nick name... isn't it too much...

"Oh dear no need to worry i am like your mother see i know my son is arrogant but he will take care of you , and here is our family necklace, wear it..."

she didn't waste a second... She gave me a necklace of diamonds; how can she give it to me like that i can't handle it... and i don't want this marriage but what i have to say... how i can break this match... why i am not getting any ideas...

"aunty i can't take it.." i said requesting...

My mom put her hand on my shoulder to take it ... So i silently took it my mom put it on my neck oh god it's really heavy.

" Now onwards you are Tagore's family daughter-in-law but for me you are my daughter rushitha..." i smiled at her sweet words.

Oh god she is very nice she is not a typical mother-in-law...wait when she became my mother-in-law...what are you thinking Rushi...

"Ok pandit ji fix the date for engagement " my father-in-law voice boomed in my ears god please i don't want it...

But no words came from my mouth... Engagement fixed after 5 days and marriage after 10 days of engagement. it's exactly what that devil said.

" Dad it's very soon..." i am just hoping to postpone the dates. so that i can make some plan...

"Don't worry, Rushitha; the arrangements will just take two days." my father-in-law said, my father also supported him, my brother patted my shoulder., to be confident.

But that's the thing i don't have now, they all look very happy and talking like old friends,  rajini aunty took my hand and said,

" Rushi you are like my daughter don't worry your marriage will be sooooo good , everything will be beautiful like you ..."

"Aunty ....." she always treated me with care ...I also likes her a lot... how can i tell her about my unhappiness... I excused myself ....

I walked to my room, shut the door, and sobbed because my heart was in such agony. i am hating my fate. If any female in my position would feel fortunate to have such a family as her in-laws, I have no idea why I dislike the marriage. But the reason I don't want to get married is because I have hated weddings since I was a youngster. I really detest them. I dislike all of these: constant conflict, divorce, criticism of one another, and infidelity. For a female, marriage is only a punishment. 

I didn't come out from my room until night when my brother told to come for dinner, I have no mood to eat but i don't want my mom to take stress about me...

That night i felt whole universe is opposite to me, i felt lonely. i am feeling suffocated.

Then i got a what's app message from unknown number,

" Hi baby how are you , i listened our engagement and marriage dates fixed😏😏"

I have no mood to reply to that jerk how did he even got my number, you are dumb rushi , he is so powerful he can have his ways... is this even a question you have to think... i ignored his message, after some time i got a call from that number, i don't want to lift it so i switched off my mobile....

Next day,

My mom told today evening we have to do shopping so i have to come early from hospital,

I know she don't want me to go hospital today also, but she knows me. I went to hospital my friends started to question me crazily.... i just gave small answers after that they went to their chambers.

I went to meet Madhavi mam,

" Hi dear how are you??"

" I am ok mam...."

" Rushi i know you don't want to marry but you can't say.."

" Yes mam they always supported me and now also they only want my marriage and to settle down. but it's like..."

"Rushi i can't oppose them but when you want help please don't hesitate,  i will be there for you always...."

"Thank you, mam .... you are the best ...." i hugged her... she patted my back...

"Oh come on rushi. You are so good..."

I am really so lucky to have such a good people in my life...although I lost my parents I got the love from all the people I met..

I worked till 5pm. I went back to home, I saw so many cars outside the orphanage,

I went inside , my mom dragged me to my room from not entering the hall.

" Honey i told you to come early but you came now..." my mom looking angry but i am in no mood to talk with her. i am already tired and this annoying marriage making me to die.

" Mom there are lot of patients how can i leave them...." i told lazily...

" Ok ok... but get ready in 15 min they are waiting for you."

" Mom did aunty and uncle came,"i got out of my laziness... i didn't expect my in-laws here i thought only rajini aunty and ma...

" Yes honey... go fast get ready...."

" Oh, oh ok don't push me..."

I am already exhausted, but now this stupid shopping,  i am really hating this relationship....I wore a normal green Anarkali Kurti with full hands...

I entered the hall, and there he was, my biggest surprise of the day...


hi guys i hope you like the chapter. please share and vote.

thank you. 💕💕
