Chapter - 24

Hi, guys here is another chapter....❤️❤️

 In life we meet so many people some are our well-wishers some are our enemies and some just enter and leave in a blink.... the only thing is how we are going to deal with everyone.


 Rushi's Pov, 

Nowadays I am not at all bored, Morning I learn American dishes from our cooks I like cooking, but I am lazy to do those things at my home but here I am free all time, so I started to learn. At least I can't let myself be alone and think about the past I want to motivate myself. 

  In the afternoon I am attending my orthopedic course (a medical specialization of bones and muscles. ). In the evening I spend time with Granny and Grandpa I became so close to them ... I love them so much... I always thought we can only love who is near to us because we see them daily and spends our time with them so every day will be a memory to us, so we don't forget them.

 But coming here I learned it is not true... Even though I am so distant from Mom, Dad, Bro, Satya, Srav, Madhavi mam, and my little sis, I never forget about them I Can't even think about that. Now I understand why it is so difficult to love from far ..... whenever I talk with Mom I feel sad, I remember our happy days although it is fine here I miss them most, I ran all over the orphanage, we see every movie like a family, my mom cooks my favorite dishes in her tiny kitchen not in the main kitchen, every Saturday night children perform so many activities.

I even think how my life drastically changed like a lonely person I am really surprised by my position .... when I went to sleep my heart is always happy but now it's so empty... if I don't get sleep, I can freely go to my mom and talk with her and sleep in her room but now I can't disturb others, Ma, Pappa work from morning to evening and comes tired, Granny and grandpa are old and rose will be in guesthouse.... siya also goes to the office now ..... and my husband he is the busiest person in the whole world not to mention our phone calls they end in a min, I feel nervous if I talk more with him. I sometimes feel depressed about my marriage. 

I don't have problems with my in-laws and husband because they treat me nicely, but I am not happy also. Is every married woman like this only?? but when I saw rajini aunty ( Rushitha's dad's wife.) she is so happy with Dad. Maybe I am only like this.

 I don't even know what to do. Someone shook me from my thoughts. 

" Rushi what are you thinking so deeply? I am calling you from 5 min." siya said with concern face.

 " Oh siya it's ntg just some unnecessary things.."

 " Oh god rushi..... you know right in a week Arun engagement. why don't you ask King about going shopping with me." Siya said.

 " Siya you know right he won't accept, and I am afraid that, will he at least let me go with you guys to Arun's engagement."

 " He will... don't worry. The party is in our wedding hall only." 

" Hmmm ... anyway I want to go to their engagement party siya... did uncle (Vikram) come." 

" He will be here in 1 hour, his flight already landed he has some work so it may take some time."

 " Siya why don't you go shopping with Ma and amelia." 

" Hmmm that is bridal shopping Ma is preparing a dress for her so there is no need to go and you are lonely these days I want to talk with you." 

"Siya ..... you are best." I hugged her. 

"Ok ok and not only that tomorrow our gang will come so I want to go with you all." She said seriously. 

" Oh... lovely.... siya .." I mocked her 

"Hey stop that rushi.."We both laughed Rose also joined us.

 After some time, Uncle Vikram came I took blessings from him and served him food, he is a nice person. He talks with me like a father..... he tells me about life and his experience in different areas. when he came last time, we have a good time. when my gang goes out, I am always with him. he gave me some books to read... I liked them. his eyes always have a family concern, his eyes may be cold for outsiders for us they are warm. he always puts his hand on my head with so much affection... 

"Rushi you look pale are you worried about something." Uncle asked. 

"Oh uncle ntg." 

"Rushi you can tell me...I am always there for you..." 

"Hmm... I never went out here... he never allowed me. will he take me to Arun Jiju's engagement...???" 

"Ohooo... I also can't tell Rushi, if another person is in the house I can deal with them but not King he is so tough to deal... if he decided once we can't stop him... but I will try to convince him. If he won't allow you" 

" Uncle all said he will listen to you, if you talk like that... whom I have to ask," I told him with a pout on my face. 

" Hahaha..... don't keep that face I will ask him if he doesn't allow you.... ok" 

" Ok." He went to his room...

 I have some positive vibes now... Days are going fast..... Our whole gang came, the house is so full of enjoyment, teasing Arun, it's nice to see all lively.... choti mami, choti mama, Chandra chacha, Rohini chachi and also Ma parents came ... nani ( samyuktha's mother) doesn't show any interest to know me.... she just ignored me.... maybe she doesn't like me.... but I behaved like a normal person...... 

All went to shopping...... they all went morning but came at night 8. pm can anyone shop like that not to mention my choti mamis they are too into shopping... When they came, I am serving dinner for Grandpa and Granny..... all came like zombies.... drivers put their stuff in the hall and left. 

All sat on the sofa like they can't even move a single hair. Papa and Ma came down for dinner and saw the people in front of them. Ma laughed so much like there is no tomorrow, Rohini chachi glared at her. today Chachu's are done. 

Chandra Chachu: bhai I never want to go shopping with her.

 he showed his finger toward Rohini Chachi. All laughed at him. I listened to my phone ring tone but I forgot where I kept it.

I saw it on a table near the TV. Pruthvi took it.

 Pruthvi: whose this mobile their husband is calling?

Maya: husband but Saanvi is not there, and other's husbands are here only.

 I: hmm argh... oo... it's.... mine.

 All: ooooooooooooo 

all started again to tease me

Rahul: lift it otherwise he will fire someone.

 why Rahul Jiju always talks like... my husband is the devil?  Hmm.. I can call him that not others. My mind scolded me for thinking like that. 

Maya: rushi keep on speaker please don't go.

Snehith: yes yes.... keep on speaker rushi. 

" Ok ok...I will... don't shout." 

He: hello doll


 I replied angrily. this devil didn't allow me to go shopping with my family. When I listened to his voice I forgot about others. 

He: what are you doing? 

He is asking me so calmly.... how can he be calm when I am hell-angry

"Nothing.... " again I gave an angry reply... 

I forgot about the people around me. 

He: did you have your dinner??? I: No He: doll..... are you still angry at me??? 

I: No... I said in upset mode

 He: why do you want to go out that much? if you want something that will come to you. don't you think you are being childish?

 Did he just call me childish... How can he think like that? I don't know why but my anger rose. I am sad also because he is not understanding me at all. 

I: If you are in my place, you can understand... 

He: ok tell me I will understand. you always keep silent. 

He told seriously but also in a complaining way. I am feeling upset ....didn't he know how lonely I am??

I: I don't want to say. 

He: it seems you are so angry. do you want to see your dad. my heart suddenly has a new feeling. 

I: Dad... can I see him? 

I asked in full excitement. 

He: of course, if you are angry at me you can't see him.

 I: ok ok I won't...

 He: he is coming to Arun's engagement, if you are good, 

I cut his words...

 I: you mean I am bad? I asked in an angry tone... 

I can listen to his laugh. 

He: no doll. you are in too bad a mood. I will deal with you when I am back. 

I saw all are looking at me so I thought to end this otherwise that maya and Karan will tease me to death. but how can I talk like that in front of everyone... what they will think of me. will they think I am showing off...

 I: oh ok ok I will also see.

 Anyway who is afraid of him. he is laughing so much today. like I am cracking some jokes. 

I: ok bye.

 I cut the call immediately without listening to his reply. all are looking at me like they saw a ghost. 

Arun: is he for real I mean. I never saw him talking like this.... this calm... this patient 

Karan: guys anyone please pinch me .... is this real or any dream... 

Rahul: yesterday only I got the news that he fired 5 employees in a row.... but he is talking like a normal person is he has any twin or what?? 

Siya: King and normal. I can't believe Rushi he is different from what we all know...

I am really surprised by their words. 

Lakshmi Chachi: ha rushitha he is so calm.... he loves you so much...I can say this from his words.

 he ... he... rushi he always talks with you like that only, he is teasing you not love... they are just talking something... but why do they say like that.... how can anyone fire 5 employees .... that must be wrong news. Instead of my husband... Rahul Jiju may fire employees. 

"oh no there is nothing like that he always talks like that only. " 

 "Any way leave that you all go and fresh up, dinner is ready." 

all sighed and took their bags and went to their rooms. Why do they all always behave like that when he is with me... is he really cruel, but I never saw him like that.... only one time he warned but he just wants me that time. I don't believe their words... they just want me to think special in my husband's eyes. so that we can be happy.

 all came down..... Vikram uncle also came down. 

Vikram uncle: Samyuktha I already invited everyone, but did you tell him ...???


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You will love the next part.
