
Welcome to a new chapter😊😊 

Love is the only one which makes us both happy and sad...


Author's Pov, 

Granny: King I am happy to see you smiling after so many years.

David: you are right granny I never saw him smiling or laughing like this. 

Abhimaan just make himself right and said. 

" her reaction is so genuine so.. I.."

Granny: it's ok King I think she is only made for you. 

He felt relief and happy to listen those words. 

You are right granny she is only made for me I will never let her go I can even cage her in my arms forever. He thought in his mind. 

Rushi's Pov,

 It's been a week since our first month's anniversary happened, during that day... at night we both cut the cake, I don't why but I felt nervous to be with him maybe due to the long gap. 

When he touched my hands I felt like some electricity passed through me. He intentionally touched me like that.. like that... means hmm.. oh god leave it. 

Ma and Papa gave me beautiful gifts.... our gang also gave us many gifts. I enjoyed it a lot I didn't feel like it is our marriage anniversary it is just like some party to me. Mom and Dad called me, my idiot friends teased me so much, if I were there na I will beat them so much, I miss them. 

On that day arun jiju and Amelia talked about their love with Granny and Grandpa. 

It raised a fight between arun juju and Grandpa. Arun Juju was also brought up by Ma so they require family permission to marry. Grandpa scolded arun juju. Grandpa didn't accept their marriage because she is a Christian. Grandpa is very angry... this is my first time seeing him angry like this. Papa tried to cool him but no use. Grandpa even scolded Ma and Papa. I just stood there looking at the fight. My husband didn't know about their love. Due to commotion in the house, he came out from the study room. all my gang standing like school students in front of the principal.

He: what's the matter?

Ma: King... oh it's...

Grandpa: this brat wants to marry a Christian girl. he won't think about our pride. He became blind in love.

He looked at Arun Jiju and Amelia. I can see a little surprise in his eyes.

He: I want to talk with them.

Arun Jiju and Amelia nodded... I don't know what he talked about with them in his study.

He: Grandpa can I talk with you?

Grandpa said ok. when grandpa went inside we asked arun jiju what he talked but they didn't say anything. All members faces are filled with tension, especially ma.

  I don't know what he did or talked but Grandpa accepted. also don't tease me for calling him my husband ... least I should respect him he is my husband after all and also a big businessman. My mind asked me when you accepted him as your husband. I never accepted it's just ... I. I don't know the answer to my question. 

For now, in a month their engagement and after a month of engagement it's marriage. 

But I feel so lonely all left for their jobs in their respective countries Siya also went to her college, and she got a job in XY company she is going to get certificates today, Saanvi sis and Viraj Jiju are lovely couple Viraj Jiju cares about her so much I admire their relation.

 I gave her tips to follow during her pregnancy and told Viraj Jiju to maintain the room temperature and some other things. it's her first trimester now. their baby will be beautiful... I want to hold that Cuti when I talk with her I feel very comfortable, she is a gossip queen sometimes she became so close to me. I feel like I got a sister. I am really surprised at my life I don't know any friend who lives in another country but here everyone in the family goes to other countries. 

Sometimes I listened to my dad going to other countries but I never think that much about it. But seeing all the people packing their luggage I feel a different environment. My life changed. My husband also told me about why I am not allowed to go out. As he is a businessman if the media knows I am his wife they will follow me, he doesn't want anyone to harm me, so he wants me to stay at home for some more days until he comes back from Australia.

 he again went to Australia after our first month's anniversary. I still remember when he is going I felt sad I don't know why but I don't want him to leave me may be living in this big room alone making me think about him. I got tears in my eyes when he was getting ready to go. an urge was created in me to hug him.... but I controlled myself... he also said when he comes back he will take me out. he kissed my palms I felt so sad. When he is away from me I always want to hate him but his sincere apology changed my heart. 

Everyone do mistakes but he realized... and nothing happened to me ....... so there is nothing to hate him. Of course, doing forced marriage is a mistake for that I will never forgive him but for now, he behaved with me like a gentleman so I can't hate him. If he does anything against my will I have every right to hate him. After his departure, all left one by one today even Granny went to our fashion design company with Aadya and Ma.

 As Aadya is the only one in fashion design, Ma wants her to know more about it but all say she is really good in that field. I like all of them sometimes I envy them because all of them are working in their fields but I am not. I am still not able to accept it, doctor is my dream how can I leave it...... sometimes I blame him but I Can't do it for long so not to give up my goal... I want to join an online orthopedic course, at first, I wrote an online exam because I am not an American doctor I am an Indian so today is my result day but I am sure I will pass it.

 But still, I am waiting eagerly for it... Rose is also sitting with me in the hall. I didn't tell about this to anyone except Rose. I got a pop-up notification. Your result is available on this link

I hurriedly pressed it and typed the user-id and password I am jumping up and down. 

Rose: rushi please calm down you got a very good score hurry and submit it in that online course form. 

" Yep Rose I am so happy let's finish our work."

 I submitted that pdf in the online form and I got a message. You will get a call in two days from our institute. 

Rose: Today you got good marks so let me cook some sweets for you let's celebrate. 

"Yeyeye you are the best rose... "

I hugged her so tightly.

 Rose: ok ok leave me I know you are so happy tell me what you want I will tell the maids to cook for you. 

"Hmmm, I want to eat chocolate donuts." 

Rose: ok my dear Rushi I will tell them... 

I nodded ...I am so happy now onwards I am going to attend classes. I also have work to do.

 Unknown Pov, 

Man: Sir we got information about her but the detective we sent died in a road accident. 

Owner: tell me the details of her... 

Man: Sameera Deshmukh, an Orphan, a doctor in Gandhi hospital, was adopted by Mr. Deshmukh when he went to that orphanage, and he used her to get the deal with Mr. Tagores. 

Owner: he used her to get a deal??, with Tagores.... ??don't you know idiot, they both are so close. Why will he use such a cheap trick? 

Man: sir they are close but Mr. Abhimaan didn't accept their deal, as we know how arrogant, bossy, and cruel he is.... he wants something in return so he asked for shares in Mr. Deshmukh's company .... as Mr. Deshmukh put the condition of marriage, they got married, but no media or other persons are invited only family and some trusted business partners came, we got her pictures but seems like they are not clear enough to know her. 

Owner: what a bunch of idiots you all are. Can't you at least find the information about a girl and that detective he is the biggest fool, get lost from my office and find out about her within a week otherwise, you will be dead in my hands.

 Man: yes sir. 

Author's Pov, 

Rushi's anger against him is decreasing day by day... they both talk with each other. Even though it is not more than 5 or 6 min she feels comfortable. Abhimaan's possessiveness has no bounds, he wants her more than anything, she is ruling his feelings without his notice although he doesn't think about... love he knows that he can't let her go, the whole world runs under his feet but he is under her fingers.... he can destroy the whole world for her.

 We may think how one can destroy the whole world for a woman, but history always tells us wars are due to women. Although it is not correct some parts of it are true. he is one only one who can protect her..... she is the one who can understand his true feelings.... but now they are in their initial stages. 

No one knows what is going to happen the feelings which can't be seen by the outer world. he is a business tycoon in front of everyone, but he will surrender himself in front of her no one can imagine in their wildest dream that the most ruthless businessman sits on his knees for this innocent beauty. 

She can catch many people's eyes if she goes out, that's the reason her dad, mom, and bro kept her locked from the cruel outside world and protected her until now, Now it is his responsibility to protect her until she learns about the world. 

he killed people mercilessly, fired his employees for small mistakes, and never felt guilty for anything .... he is a cold ruthless businessman to the whole world. Can she forgive him for his every sin?? Can he let her go as she wishes; will he give her the freedom she wanted??? can she even know the other side of him? 


I hope all will like the chapter. 🖤🖤
