
Hi guys I hope all are doing well...


I think all already know what's the secret...

Boom...... let's get into it...


Author's pov,

Everyone was busy in their tasks given by their boss.

King is sitting in his office while checking the important projects that need his attention. He is checking the current status of all projects.. he knows his father won't easily say to go to india.

King is a person who plans everything ahead. But the time his doll entered his life... his life became a emotional roller-coaster ride.

Someone knock his office door.

"Come in"

His PA Chris entered his office with some files.

He stood infront his boss.

"Good evening sir"

King just nodded.

PA: sir, Agarwal's file.

His PA gave a blue file. He opened it without any delay.


Name: Prakash Agarwal

Sole owner of Agarwal's pvt. Ltd.

Owner of many hotels and educational institutions in Australia, India and Germany.

Parents: Raghuraam & Amrutha.


Wife: Shailaja Agarwal

Profession: director of Agarwal's educational institutions.

Younger brother & wife:
           Rithesh Agarwal & Tanvi

Died in an accident.

Son: Pranav

Profession: ceo of Agarwal's

Nominated for best ceo of the year award.

Present: Trying to get a grip in Russian education systems.

Case details:

Filed a cheating case on suryanarayana  deshmuk (rushi's guardian or to say current father) and Tagore's.

Tanvi is the older sister of suryanaraya deshmuk and younger sister-in-law of Prakash Agarwal.

Recently Mr.Deshmuk (rushi's guardian/father)bought agarwal's shares in Australia with the help of Mr. Aravind Tagore (father of king).

Late Rithesh and Tanvi agarwal (younger brother and sister-in-law) had a child. But on the first birthday of the child all 3 members died in an car accident while returning from the party.

The case is related to the child.

Mr. Agarwal (Prakash Agarwal) filed a case... telling that the child is not died but hid by Mr. Deshmuk(Rushi's guardian). And that child is none other than Wife of Mr. Abhimaan Tagore.. Mrs. Rushitha Abhimaan Tagore.

He requested for DNA test and hand their heiress to them. And for committing such a sinister crime he wants severe action on both families.


King's pov,

When I opened the file I was just dumb struck... isn't my doll orphan.. oh god my head just has a mild attack.. why my doll has this much mystery on her back.. she is the heiress of Agarwal's and niece of Mr. Deshmuk...(as mentioned above Tanvi is Mr.Deshmuk's older sister.)

Uncle (rushi's guardian/ Mr.Deshmuk) is not her guardian... but.... her mother's younger brother.... what the fuck is this all...

I looked at my PA with shock... he is looking at me witha confidence look... telling me that all the information is true...

I took a deep breath to accept the truth..
I turned the page there are some photos of the Agarwal's family members. But my doll's birth parent's images aren't so clear may be old photos I think...

Chris(PA): and sir there is one more thing..

I looked at him... oh nice another shock I think...

Chirs: Mam's foster mother.. miss. Radhika Desai was ex assistant of Mr.Suryanaraya Deshmuk.


I am totally speechless.

Chris: yes sir just now I found the information so I am unable to put it in the file.

I closed my eyes... to evaluate the total information.

He sat infront of me..

"So uncle(suryanarayana deshmuk) saved the my doll means my wife from that accident and hid her without anyone's knowledge under his Ex PA's care. And that  Prakash Agarwal recently got to know about my doll's existence from media sources. Right.... "

Chris: yes sir, for the surface it is looking like that only.

"So how my parents got to know about my wife!"

Chris: sorry sir, in the short time I am able to collect this much info only.

I know collecting this may be tough for him.. I am not in mood to shout on him.. he did his work..

I nodded.

"You can leave. No need to collect more i will assign someone."

Chris: thank you sir. Good night.

I nodded. I called addie to know whether he contacted someone in India to know the details.

Addie: brother.. I send the marketing details to your mail. And Mr.Deshmuk is busy with dealing the board members. So I think you need to conduct some online meeting to stable the situation.

I: I got it.

I ended the call.. and told one of my marketing department to look into the details of my mail and told to arrange a online meeting with all the board members in deshmuk industries.

With in five minutes I joined the meet and took control of whole situation. I also controlled the media outburst. I am not a person who handles media and etc.. I have employees for that..  I don't even look what media is talking I am the so busy in my life... how can I have that much time... but I will get the information when something more crazy going on media.

I went to my dad's office after controlling everything. My dad is sitting in his chair while completing his work..

He looked at me when I sat infront of him...

I put the file infront of him.. he looked at me confusingly... but opened the file. He sighed..

Dad: ask your questions?

"Not many.. first how you know about my doll and why uncle hid her? Secondly was it an accident??"

I asked very clearly and promptly.

Dad: hmm for second question.. answer is NO but don't have any proof. For your first question..... we luckily found about her when your mother visited hyderabad for a global conference.

I nodded..

Dad: any other!!

"Yes, but i think i have an idea. Is it Prakash Agarwal who might be the back of that accident..."

Dad: not sure.

I got up..

Dad: king don't you want to know... how I know about Agarwal's!??

"I don't think i need to know about that... deshmuk's running business from many years, i think Agarwal's also same.. "

Dad nodded...

Dad: so, what do you decided... about going India..

"I don't think there is such a need."

Dad: did you forget.. prakash agarwal requested for DNA test and we also need to present her in court.

"Dad... do you think i will obey the courts and law... "

Dad: but king ..... rushi needs to know about her birth parents....and you don't know how many people respect Raghuraam Agarwal (rushi's birth father's father/ grandfather ).... and surya's parents.. means rushitha's grandparents (maternal grandparents) now know about her... we can't keep her away from them....

"If you people(reffering to Mr.Deshmuk and king's dad) can't keep her away from all those people...  why you hide her at the first place for all those years.. there is no logic..... In your idea."

I don't understand why uncle tried this hard to hide my doll from anyone... if he did why he wants  to show her now..

Dad: I also don't know king.. it's surya's(rushi's guardian/ Mr.Deshmuk) decision. We found her 6 years or hmm 5 years back...

I am getting so angry... why the hell this all happening now ... ok I know she wants to go to india and also everything seems to accompany her... I stormed out of my father's office and went straight to my office room.... to calm myself and to get a clear understanding about the situation...

I sat on couch with a glass of cold water..

I started to talk to myself...

'Raghuraam agarwal and amurtha agarwal had two children.... one is Prakash and other is Rithesh.

Prakash married.. huh.. whatever that lady name... and had a child who is the CEO of their comapny....

Rithesh married uncle's older sister means Tanvi Deshmuk and had my doll .... but they died in an accident. Which may be caused by Prakash Agarwal but uncle saved my doll and hid her all these years under the care of  his ex PA Miss Radhika Desai... so my doll had the surname Desai... ofcourse not now...

Recently Prakash Agarwal got to know about my doll and want to take her back.. although i don't let it happen in any condition...

But the thing is.. if he wants my doll back... isn't it a loss to him.. he needs to share the property... it's ok if he owns everything by his name... but I think the old people may not agree to that.. they may want to give something to my doll right...

What is his motive under all these things... does he wants to kill my doll... if he wants that he needs to do it silently... why he took legal action!!

Or he is feeling guilty for his mistake and want to treat my doll well... no way a businessman like him never care about others.

Wait if the case is proven...that my doll is Agarwal's heiress... then uncle... Holly shit... uncle will get arrested... so Prakash Agarwal wants uncle's fall...

He really knows how to play politics and tricks...'

Ok I got the conclusion... I need to prove that my doll is not Agarwal's heiress.

Suddenly my door opened with a bang... I looked at the person who dared to enter my office without my permission..

Oh it's my doll... but why is panting like she ran in a marathon... my mind is the one which is running with so many questions... I got up to walk towards her.. but.....

She suddenly ran towards me and jumped a little, circled her hands around my neck and hugged me like a cola... I am just shocked.... what happened to her..  wait did she know about these things.. is she sad.... but why can't I feel sadness from her... why I am feeling joy, excitement....

Not to let her fall I circled my hands around her slim waist which fits in my hands like a lost peice... I hugged her tightly not to let her escape from me..

She slowly moved her head from my neck and tried to get on her feet... but I didn't let her... she is so close to me... her eyelashes continuously fluttering. She bit her lowerlip...

Shit... she is making me a demon again... I sat on couch without any delay... her knees touching the couch.. she adjusted herself...

Her position is very comfortable for me... her bottom touching my thighs... she is looking at me with shy smile... I don't know who taught her shyness... they need world's best shyness teacher award...

She places her hands on my shoulders..

Now I am clear... she didn't know about all these stupid things... she is looking happy for some reason..

"So my doll... what's the matter you are looking so happy...."

She smiled widely...

"My friend's marriage is fixed " she said very excitingly..

I: your friend..!! Hmm I saw two girls of your age in our marriage.

"Yep.. they are my friends and also doctors...  the girl who is very energetic and always talking is Satya... her marriage date is fixed... and other girl who looks calm and silent is Sravanthi."

I also smiled... but suddenly her eyes looking at me questioningly... no no.. wait she is looking at me like a lost puppy... is she planning something...

"Hushand.... Abhi.... hmm... oh..  "

Her voice is coatted with honey... wait... she wants to attend her friend's marriage.... shit...

"Abhi.. oh... i... want to..."

I put my palm on her soft lips not letting her talk anything... she is looking at me with so much love.. is she planning to kill me with her cuteness...

Why this time everything favoring her... I think I better back down... already case is filed... she needs to meet her family and along with these her friend's marriage... I feel like I am becoming weak infront of her. But I should not let this happen without my gain... and I don't know how she will react after knowing all these things about her.

"Ok doll... we will go to India and you can attend your friend's marriage.. but you need to accept my condition.."

She is looking at me surprisingly... but smiled..

"Ok husband.. i will accept your condition.."

I: ok then listen... no matter what happens there you can't leave me and should not think bad about others. You have to share your every feeling with me. Is it clear...

She is looking at me confusingly..

"Why are you saying all these... something happened!! You sound like something big happend.."

I: I just want to make sure..

I know her mind thinking several things.. who even told her to learn psychology...

"Oh.. ok then.. i will do what you want.." She said while narrowing her eyes..

I: when is your friend's marriage?

"In two weeks."

I nodded.. suddenly my mobile started to vibrate... oh.. it's uncle..

My doll: oh its dad...let me tell him..

She took the mobile and lifted...


"Dad it's me..."

"Oh rushi... how are you doing.."

"I am fine dad.. we are talking daily right... but why you sound dull... is everything ok.."

"I am ok rushi...just work tension"

"Oh.. take some rest na...why you always stress yourself.. brother is there na... and i hope you are not telling any lie to me.."

I think she sensed something fishy...

"Ok ok... my daughter... i will... and you know i can't lie to you.."

She smiled..

"Dad i am coming to india... satya's marriage is fixed.. i want to attend.."

"Oh..that's good rushi... can i talk with king.."

She gave mobile to me..  I turnoff the speaker and...said..


"King you know everything right.."


"Rushi's grandparents want to meet her... "


"In two days.. "

"Fine...control everything before we come."

"As you say king"

I cut the call.. my doll playing with her fingers like a small kid..

I kissed her cheek.. she smiled softly..

"We are going to India tomorrow pack what you want to take."

I said calmly...

Her eyes widen with shock.. may be she is thinking she is hallucinating...

I pecked her lips... to take her out from shock..

"What .. what..did you say.."

"You listened me correctly doll... tomorrow we will go to India."

"Really...!!!!" She asked with pure shock..

I smiled and nodded..she suddenly kissed me on my cheek and got down from my lap... and ran out of the room..

I smiled... this is the first time I am hoping something... I hope she won't faint after knowing everything.. she may think her life as a movie.. but who can change past..

I sighed and called my assistants in different departments to send the files which need my attention... and told them to shift my work to India's main branch.

Night... dinner time....

Rushi's pov,

After telling the good news to my mom about going India... I came down but weirdly no one was there... I don't know why I am feeling happy and awkward for some reason... previously also Abhi said some weird words... is something going on.... is there any problem...

I took deep breath and went to kitchen...

All workers already left except rose and head cook.

I: rose why no one is there... aren't ma and papa return??

Rose: elder sir and mam returned but they are busy with their work. So they said they will eat later..

I: oh.. then let me take their dinner to their study rooms.

Rose nodded and went to get the plates.

I put the food and went to second floor where ma and papa study rooms are there..

I knocked..

Ma: come in.

I: hi ma..

Ma: oh rushi.. oh dear why you stress yourself to get the food.. i will eat later na..

I: you are really mean ma..

Ma: mean me... why so...

I: you came home but didn't even said hi to your daughter..

I pouted keeping the fake angry face..

Ma: oh.. so my rushi is angry...

I: yes..

Ma: ok then... tell me what you want?

I: nothing just eat your food.. it's not good to eat late night..

I said smilingly..

Ma: ok as you say boss..

We both laughed

I: how is alana ma..

Ma: fine she is doing good.

I: grandpa and granny...

Ma: all are fine rushi.. don't worry so much...

I smiled..

I: ok then I will give food to papa.. good night..

Ma: good night..

I went towards papa's study room and knocked..

Papa: come in..

He is in online meeting... I put the food on table..

I signaled papa to eat food..he nodded with a smile..

I left saying bye..

I called my husband and we both had our dinner with little chat...

He had some work so I waited for him in our room..

I slept in his arms very happily...


I got up with wide smile... my heart and mind feeling so happy.. I kissed my husband's cheek and went to fresh up...

I went to help the cook to prepare breakfast... i am just bubbling with happiness... I saw ma, papa, maya coming out of lift...

Ya this house has lift.. but no one uses regularly except granny and grandpa.

I wished good morning... but all three looking so tired. But wait... when maya came... she is invisible..

I: maya when you came..

Maya: ha..yesterday rushi..

I: yesterday.. did you had your dinner last night!??

Maya thought for a sec...

Maya: yes rushi..

I nodded my head sideways..

I: liar..

Maya: no..rushi.. I..

I: shut up..

I said just a little angrily...I put the food on her plate..

She pouted..

Maya: sorry.. rushi.. please smile... please...

She started shaking my hand..

I: ok ok.. now eat..

I said smilingly...

After sometime my husband came down in his formals.. I smiled and served his breakfast..

I also had mine..

He: night we will leave I will come by if you want something tell rose.

I nodded..I know he need to settle his work.. these days I quite learned about business things.. their schedule will be fixed before 2 or 3 months...  I hope he won't stress himself more.

He kissed my lips and went to out.. luckily maya didn't see..

I: ma, papa aren't you coming to india..

Ma: coming but a few days later.. I have some important work to complete..

I nodded... if previous me I might be sad... but I understand their world...

After having breakfast I noted the things which I want to take to my home.

For mom I thought to get a coffee cup... she likes to drink tea every morning..

For my little sis I want to buy cute dress and toys.

My dad... what he likes... I think he needs health checkup I will take him to hospital... I dad always hates going to hospital..

Rajiji aunty (suaryanarayana deshmuk's wife) .... I will buy a handbag for her.

Brother... wallet..
Satya.... earnings I don't know why she always fascinated about earrings..

Sravanthi... watch..

Madhavi mam... couple plates.

I wrote the list and gave it to rose. I said rose to send the pictures what she thought good.

I packed some of my clothes... and my husband's.

Evening rose gave me the gifts. She is really very talented..

I packed all the things and went to change my clothes. Soon my husband arrived.

He got fresh up. He asked whether I packed everything or not... I smiled and nodded.

It's almost he said we will have dinner in jet..

We both entered car and reached the airport.....


Hi guys I hope you like the story.. I tried to mention the characters as clearly as possible. 🙂🙂

If you want to know the character please go through the chapters 2 and 15 for female lead and male lead introductions.

If you have any requests or suggestions please let me know.❣️❣️

✨️Not edited...

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I hope it is not tooooo boring..

Thank you. 💕💕💕

Bye bye 👋
