
Hi guys i hope all are doing well..


I woke up morning feeling some one pinching my cheeks..

I opened my eyes only to see my beautiful baby..

Sowmya: didi get up your alarm is so loud..

My husband also looking at me..

I: good morning baby and good morning hubby..

I said shyly..

Sowmya is inbetween us..
He: good morning doll..

I got up and went to washroom leaving my baby and husband..

When i came back i saw them sitting close to eachother with serious look..

I: hmm.  What happened to you..

They both looked at me..

He: nothing we both talking..

I: huh..

Sowmya: didi i also want to take bath..

I: ok baby.. but what you will wear.. your clothes not arrived at.. hmm wait you can wear my night t shirt..

I took her another room and bathed her and made her ready.. she is looking so cute in my oversized shirt.. it's ok she is still 8 years..

We both came down.. my husband is talking with soemone..

When i came near to him..
He: flight is ready we will have breakfast in flight let's go..

Workers already took our luggage.. so we three got in the car.. my baby sitting on my lap and playing with my nuptial chain..

Ride went smooth and soon we three are in flight.. my little baby's eyes because so wide.. she is looking too cute in shock.. i kissed her cheek...

Sowmya: didi this is so big..

I: ofcourse baby.. are you afraid..

She nodded her head vigorously... i cooed at her cutenss..

We both sat in big seat.. my husband's hand resting on my right hand..

I sighed.. it's been a really long emotional ride.. i closed my eyes just feeling all the days here.. i smiled..

Me and my baby busy in our world and my husband in his world.. after some time we had our breakfast...

I explored the flight along with my little devil..

She is jumping and i am holding her to stop inner bunny in her..

After a whole 12 hours ride we reached our home.. i feel so many days since i felt peace.. although i am so tired i just can't hold my happiness.. but i walked slowly so that my baby won't wake up from her cute sleep..

As i stpod infront of door.. granny and alana came with arthi plate..
I smiled widely looking at them...

Granny: we are waiting for you.. welcome.. she is looking so cute..

I smiled granny put vermilion on sowmya's forehead.. and welcomed us..

We three looking like a small family..

We enterned our living room.. i feel so relaxed.. my heart saying . Welcome to home..

I smiled..

I: i will put her in bed..

All nodded except my husband.. i don't know why i feel a uneasiness.. like something is going to happen.. i hope he is not upset for anything..

I places her on bed and put a teddy beside her and kissed her forehead..

"Sleep well my baby sis"

I cane down after taking shower.. i thought my husband will be in room when i came out of washroom.. but no he is no where.. it's already afternoon here.. it may be mid night there..

I went down after fresh up..

I greeted rose.. she also smiled at me..

I: how is everything rose..

Rose: everything is good rishi.  How about you..

I: it's a long story... but now everything is ok.

Rose smiled..

I: where is abhi..

Rose: oh sir.. went to office..

I: office!!

Rose: come have lunch..

I noddes.. i had food and talked with her for some time..

I went to check on alana it's only a month so she is looking normal but to say she gained some weight..

Me and alana also talked for some time.. then i went to my room.. my little cutei is still sleeping.. i changed my mobile sim.. and messages that girl Emily... i wish i can get a reply..

I unpacked the things and neatly placed in their places.. i feel little tired so i laid on bed beside sowmya.. and soon sleep consumed..

I woke up when my mobile ringing non stoppingly..

I saw the caller id.. it's mom..

I talked with her then i called my father's side grandpa and talked..

It's alreafy evening.. i called satya to know her condition.. although it went badly.. but not worst.. it's ok.. can be manageable..

I went down and met with papa and ma.. they asked about sowmya.. i said she is sleeping..

They smiled..

I don't want to leave sowmya.. what if she is scared in new room..
So i went to room taking some juice with me..

She woke up rubbing her eyes cutely.. her eyes are swollen..

I: hi baby..

She smiled.

I: here have water..

I made her drink water..

I took her towards washroom...she si looking at washroom with wide eyes..

Sowmya: it's so big..

I laughed..

After that i took her down.. whole mansion is filled with lights.. she is looking with mouth own.. i laughed..

I took her down.. and she roamed all area like a lost puppy..

I took her towards garden.. she ran here and there while playing with plants..

She looked up to see the whole view of the building.. i just smiled..
I bent to her level..
I: do you like your new home..

She nodded vigorously... i laughed..

I then took her to living room...

I made her sit on couch.
She is jumping on it to test its softness..
I turned on the tv and gave her some food.. she is eating quietly while watching her favorite cartoons..

I saw granny, papa and ma coming down while talking something..

She saw the little devil and came towrads us.. i introduced sowmya to them.. they are not new to them she already talked with papa and ma in my marriage.. granny liked her so much..

They all got together fastly than i expected.. after some time.. i heard my husband's car sounds.. i looked outside..

He came inside with tired look.. i took a galss of water and went towards him.. i took the files from guard and game water to my husband..

He drank it in one go..

My baby is looking at me without blinking her eyes.. may be she is trying to understand what i am doing..

I went to our room and place dthe files on table and took his night wear.

He came up and removing his coat.. i helped him to unbutton his shirt...his whole body is tired... why he want to work this much...

I: did you eat anything??

I asked with concern..

He: does it matter to you?

He walked towards washroom.. i didn't get hos words.. what he mean by... those words.. ofcourse it matters to me.. he is my husband..

I went down to prepare something for him.. my baby also followed me to kitchen.. she cutely asked me

Sowmya: didi i want to help you..

I nodded smilingly..

She helped me with her cute little hands..

I finshed cooking.. i went to call him along with sowmya..

He is in his study reading something..

I: abhi i prepared food.. hmm will you..

He: i am not hungry..

Sowmya: didi seems like jiju is angry..

Angry.. why.. i didn't get..

He: if you both done.. you can leave i have some work.

He said sternly..

Sowmya: let's go di..

I: but..

Sowmya dragging me using her whole strength.. although i don't want to give up.. he is looking too into the papers.. i took breath and closed his study room..

Aftersome time all gathered at dining table.. all feeding sowmya with affection... my husband eating without anycare of his surroundings..

I will ask him once we go to our room...

We all ate dinner happily..

Grandma: rushi let this little sleep with us..

I: grnadma.. oh.. she is not used to it.. hmm i mean..

Ma: it's ok rushi children likes old people..

Grandma: you are calling me old..

Ma: oh my god.. mom.. you are old..

Grandma: you..

All laughed at their comments..

I bent down to sowmya..

I: sowmya would you like to sleep with granny and grandpa..

She is looking at me sadly..

Sowmya: i.. i wnat didi..

Then suddenly some cars stopped may be aiden jiju came...

Alana went towards door..

They both came to us..

Aiden jiju nodded his head to all.. as i thought.. but i think it's only for my husbnad and papa..

Ma hugged jiju and asked normal questions..

I: how are you jiju..

Aiden jiju: fine rushitha.. hmm.. whose this child...?

I: oh... we both want to adopt her.. she's been with me in our orphange home..

Aiden jiju: oh..

Although he didn't show any affection i can tell he is happy to see a kid..

Aiden: brother i have something to tell..

They both went to study..

I: sowmya how about dor today you sleep with granny.. she will tell so many stories to you..

Sowmya: really!!

I nodded smilingly..granny took her to her room..

I helped alana to heat the food.. although workers are there it's already night i don't want to call them..

After sometime.. i went to call jiju for dinner....

I knocked the door.. my husband said come in..

I went inside and smilingly said to have dinner to jiju..

He nooded and bid good night to us..

I thought my husband will return to our room.. but he is still in his position..

I: hmm aren't you coming to our room..

He: i have some work...

I: abhi.. please you are so tired already.. please don't stress yourself.. please..

i felt broken when i see him like this..

He sighed and got up.. i smiled at little..

We both went to our room..and laid down in each other embrace..

He: doll i will arrange a child room for sowmya

I: hmm why so.. she is still child.. i...

He: no doll.. she will grow up quickly.. and she need her space to do homework and this room won't suit her.

I kniw what he is saying.. i can understand.. but still..sge is not adjusted right..

I: ok abhi.. but after she completely adjusted here..

He nodded.. why i feel like his words are not completely true..

I closed my eyes hugging him tightly..

Time skip........

It's been 2 months since sownya started to stay with us.. i got all documents regarding her adoption...

In two days saanvi didi's due date.. she is going to give birth to a baby boy.. and there is another good news Amelia also 2 weeks pregnant.  I am so happy for them..
But i have a doubt.. why i am not pregnant.. hmm we almost did 3 times after we came back from india.. i need to have a check up.. i used to have irregular periods.. and even now sometimes..

There is another thing next week onwards i am hoing to join as a junior doctor in orthopedic same hospital as Emily.  We both became good friends through online..

Everything is going smoothly.. we also joined sowmya in school.. she is adjusting to all say she is doing great..

Suddenly i got call from arun jiju..

Arun: rushi.. saanvi water broke..

I: oh my god.. where are you now..

He said the hospital name.. i rushed out and told the driver ro drive me to hospital..

Just like everyday all went to office..

I reached hospital.. i saw arun jiju and viraj bhai roaming bear Operating theater..

I calmed them down..  i took permission from head doctor and went in wearing all the requirements..

Saanvi didi is struggling to push.. there are no complications but she is too fragile to push the baby.. although doctors pkanned to do C section.. but i personally don't recommend it..

Di is closing her eyes and trying hard to push....

I helped her to give more spirit.. she passed out after listening the baby boy cry..

I also helped the doctor in operation.. slowly ecetything settled.. nurses cleaned the baby and put the small new bean in cradle. It's my first time to hold a baby who is relative to me.. i fekt so happy..

All came out to give some rest to mother..

When i came out i saw my whooe family in hospital.. except youngsters
Oh my god..

Elders: rushi how is she.. is everything is the baby..

I: please calm down everythibg is fine.. both are safe and good..

Head doctor: you can see after sone time..

I thanked the doctor.. she also thanked me..

I saw my husband coming towards us..

I smiled..

He: is evetything ok.
He adked calmly..

I smiled and nodded..

A nurse came out.

Nurse: you can see the baby.  But don't make any noise..

It's already vip floor.. why anyone will make noise..

I went to remove hospital protection clothes.. i washed my hands and face..

After that i went inside the room.. all gathered around cradle and looking at the baby.. viraj jiju hesitantly touching the baby.  I smiled at their nervousness..

I: please make some space for me also..

My husband came out from the gathering..

I took the baby into my arms.. all looking at me..

I placed the baby in viraj Jiju's hands.. he looked so nervous and hesitant..

I smiled..

I: jiju hold him gently..

He nodded... oh how cute both son and dad are..

Jiju kissed the baby.. all cooed at them..

One by one all had baby in their arns so gently.. finally baby come to my husband's hand..

He is so tensed.. so i keep my hand on him..

Baby opened his eyes..

I smiled.. baby also smiled..

All looking so happy.. finally i placed the baby in cradle..

It's already been two hours may be di will wake up..

I told everyone to go home.. except saanvi didi's mom, viraj jiju, my husband all left...


Hi guys i hope all enjoyed the chapter..
Not edited... there will be two more chapters.. so be ready for new sequel..

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Bye bye 👋
