
Author's Pov,

She's curled up on the bed, her head buried between her knees, and her cries are hardly audible. She is always wondering why this occurred to her..... What was her sin? She never harmed anyone... so why was she put in this circumstance? No female wants to be in such a vulnerable situation... no girl ever wants her husband to compel her...

' Mom I don't want to be here, I want to be with you all, I want to see you' ..... she is continuously saying with hiccups in the middle.......

'I am scared Mom.... he ...he.... tried to force me.... I never want to be near to him but why he did like these things... he is a devil... I don't want to be with him... I... I...I HATE HIM..... why me.. what I even did to him..'

         After crying she became so tired...her eyes are closing ....sleep took over her.... she is sleeping like a koala hugging the pillow......her eyes are swollen her face is red...her nose is reddish than another organ.. her heart is beating fast, she is scared, his angry eyes, she still knows them.... he is a devil for her. who scared her up to her heart core.....but no one knows how much hurt he is.... he may be a devil for others but for her, he is a Saviour, a husband who cares for her beyond anything . he will sit on his knees for her..... the top businessman who doesn't care about others, kills mercilessly, ruthless than a monster willing to bow his head in front of her, but fate played games with them, now she hates him more than anything, he is sad and angry on himself, the feelings he never showed to anyone the feelings he never knew...  now filled his heart .... he never thought about her hate... he never thought he is forcing her... he never thought this will hurt her... he never thought their relationship will turn like this.... in his office everything is scattered into pieces... he is not in his senses. His rage grows stronger by the second...

              his family members listened to the sounds... his mother is so worried... he has never been angry with himself like this... after 15 years he never locked himself like this.... he will get angry when others betray him or he didn't get the results he wanted.. he will kill the person or make their lives miserable... and work hard for better results ... but she never saw him like this... she wants to stop him... but she knows her son is stubborn as a mule... his mother is not there when he dragged rushi to their room... after she came home a maid told her the details... she is so worried... she wants her son to be happy... and she saw that smile because of rushi... a part of her know there is a long way for them to find love... but she doesn't want them to fight or get heartbroken... although she wants to stop her son ... her husband told not to interfere...

       After some time he came to their room silently.... he saw his life sleeping on the bed like a ball hugging the pillow ..... he walked towards her... her beautiful hair scattered on her face .... he slowly sat on the bed without disturbing her, he moved her hair strands with his fingers slowly ..... he saw her beautiful face with tear strains.... he can't control himself seeing her like that..... he slightly rubbed his thumb on her stain marks... his eyes got moist, but he controlled himself..... after 15 years this is the first time he is feeling like this...  he slowly leaned towards her face .... his lips touched her forehead..... he kissed her forehead with so many emotions in him.... he still can't recognize love for her........ he leaned back to old position ...... he saw her wrist with red marks.... he felt guilty......

" I am sorry my doll... I am sorry..." He told her with a low voice...he knows his baby sleeps heavily no one can wake her up while sleeping...

           The person who never even felt sad for killing someone or making others' life hell .... now saying sorry wholeheartedly, if anybody sees him like this they will think he is a loving and caring person ..... he then gets a first aid kit... he is applying for medicine on her wrist like she is some glass doll, her facial expression changed .... she lightly hissed..... he then bandaged her....with utmost care..... he applied some ointment on her leg where small scratches formed due to her anklets.... he felt remorseful...

he then kissed her hands without disturbing her sleep... he covered her with bedsheets.

  "  Sorry's my mistake, I will never force you......I will wait for you.... now I am going ...... don't be mad at me..... he kissed her forehead and went out....."

He came down with a heavy heart he doesn't want to go away from her... but it will be better for her...

"What is this king ?? you are newly married and going to Australia for business?? what about her?? " His father asked him.

" Dad I know I am married but I can't stop my business expansion and I know how to deal with my wife and I don't want anyone to come between us." He is already angry and pissed off now about these unnecessary questions...

" But king..... she is your wife... you can't leave her for 2 months... you better take her with you"  his mother requested him. She doesn't want them to separate now... this may create distance between all family members thought same.

" Mom I am going for business. I know what to do.. she is my wife and I know what is better for her so stop bothering me. and one more thing she is not allowed to go out without my permission tell Siya not to do any stupid things ....if she wants anything just get that, but don't allow her to go out." Why he will leave her if it is not good for her... he always cared for her but his care is pure possessiveness... he knows if she goes out and if someone finds out about her it will cause more problems and he knows what the whole media waiting for...

" ok, king ." Her mother answered unwillingly. He just nodded his head.

" Rose go and call Rushi down... " his mom told a maid... she thought it can make his son's heart light...

" no need don't disturb her, she is sleeping, I will call her after I reached there."

his mother nodded... he went away from her...Who knows their relationship will turn like this... fate played a game with them...

Unknown Pov,

" Did you find any clue who he married???" A person asked his worker.

" No sir no clue.... only know she is a doctor....."

" Hmmm.... if her identity is kept this much secret then she is more important to them.... find her I want her every detail..." that person ordered his worker.

" Yes, sir we will do our best..."

Rushi's Pov,

          I woke up in the middle of the night ..... I saw the clock which is showing 2. am... I slowly got down removing the bedsheet ... my warm feet touched the cold floor... my eyes roamed everywhere but I Can't find him.... maybe he didn't come... I closed my eyes yesterday's incident flowed into my mind...I don't know what I am feeling.... but I stopped thinking...

   Rushi you should be strong ... nothing happened to you ... you are totally fine.... no need to worry... just ignore him... you will be fine..... I motivated myself... he didn't even touch me so I don't need to worry... I don't need to feel disgusted... I felt hungry.... so slowly I went outside..... everywhere is dark only a small bed light is there... I climbed down the stairs... I went to the kitchen .... no one is there.... maybe all are sleeping..... I opened the refrigerator door. there are some noodles and milk... I saw a bandage on my wrist I don't know who bandaged me ... maybe Ma... I took noodles and cooked them, heated milk..... I placed them on the dining table...

      Why ma didn't call me for dinner... did they know his son forced rushi don't think like that... why he will say those things to them..... they want to give you some space... maybe.... oh god .... rushi your food is waiting for you stop thinking and eat.... my mind scolded me...

I listened to somebody's voice.....

Maid: mam ???....

" Huh yes ..." I said confusingly...She looked at me surprisingly....and my bowl...

" Oh ...I.. am hungry so I cooked some noodles...." I told with a small smile...

Maid: mam do you want anything to eat...??

" No no, it's fine these are enough...."

Maid: I saw the light so I came, mam... I will cook for you...

" Oh no need .... and please ....don't call me mam...."

Maid: but mam you are...

" I know I am his wife  (devil, monster who wants to be his wife I  cursed him in my mind ) but no need, no one is there now so no need for formalities.... if you don't mind can you give me company...." I asked her hesitantly...

Maid: of course mam...

"Hmmm so .... .my name is Rushitha, you can call me Rushi...

Maid: ok mam.... sorry ru... rushi...

I laughed at her nervousness...

" So your name???" 

Maid: oh I am Rose and I will be in the worker's quarters...

" Oh, that means you... don't go to your house...." 

Maid: hmm...., my mom is hospitalized, and my father is no more so for treatment I am working here ...

" I am sorry.... your mom will be ok don't worry.... so can I call you Rose...."

" Yep, you can...."

Rose: why didn't you come to dinner???

" Oh, I am sleeping....."

Rose: you are very lucky...

" Huh??? Why?" I think I am the unluckiest person in the world. Unwanted marriage, left job, country, forced by husband...

" Because sir cares so much about you...."  Care what a joke he forced me... and how can they think he cares about me? 

      " I don't know????  Leave about him ... tell me about you???"

 Rose: hmm...ok... I am a graduate student.... but working in the company only gives me less money so I did many part-time jobs.....but when I came here the pay is sufficient for my needs and my mom's treatment, so I am here...

"oh... ok... from how much time you are working here...."

Rose: almost 3 years...

" Oh, that is so long I think..... hmm my food is over....."

 Rose: yes I think so.... you may go to sleep...I will clean them...

" No need I will wash the dishes...." 

Rose: no rush Please let me do them...

Her voice is determined so I don't want to stop here.

" Hmmm.... ok until then I will give you company...."

" Ok.." . we both laughed together.

 'It's very nice talking to her.... she is a nice person..... so I got my first friend here...'

We talked about some other things.... she went away and I came to his room .... it seems awkward to be single in that big room..... I went to the balcony ...... cool breeze hit me...I feel like everything in my life is empty...... no joy... no happiness... No responsibility, nothing..... I am just a person with no sole reason to live......I don't know what I want, I don't know what to do, ..... I don't know what I am going to do... 


But she doesn't know what is coming in her life... 


      I hope this chapter is not too boring.... these feelings when we feel lonely and depressed I think everyone feels like this...

Thank you 😊 💓 

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