Chapter 117: Concerned Friend

"Do you know how long until we get to the venue?" I asked, looking down, breaking my stare.
"We've got a little time.. why?" He asked. I shrugged, looking over at my bass lying on the floor.
"I don't know, maybe you.. can show me how this works?" I laughed, getting up and grabbing it. I brought it back over, gently placing it down on the bed.

"And.. I never got the chance to show you." I said, opening the case. I hadn't seen it since the day of the accident. He peeked up at me, flashing me a smile as his cheeks burned.
"I do have to admit.. the day Jake and I went back to the car.. I.. I might've.. peeked at it." He said softly, staring back up at me, wide-eyed.
"What!?" I said, my face dropping.
"I'm sorryyyy.." He said sweetly, flashing me a toothy smile. "I was just curious. But.. I was pretty sure you would've named it Jake, to be honest." He reached over, taking it from me and flipping it over to admire it. "But.. I love it, Jess."

I felt my heart beating faster as he peeked back up at me.
"Well.. good." I said softly, holding my stare on him. He bit down on his lip, staring back at me, his eyes in a daze.
"So, um.. you wanna learn how to play this thing?" He giggled to himself. I nodded, my smile growing.

"Let's see if you're as good at teaching as you are at playing." He shrugged, smirking back at me.
"Well, I am self-taught so.. how hard can it be to teach you?"
"I appreciate that but you underestimate how uncoordinated I am." I laughed, lifting the bass over my head, adjusting it in my lap. He giggled to himself, moving in closer.
"Well, you were great the last time I helped you." He said, flashing me a wide grin. I bit down on my lip, containing my smile.

"Okay so.." He started, leaning in close to me. My heart started beating faster as he grabbed my hand, moving it up on the neck, placing my fingers over the strings. "Start here, and then just.." He reached over, plucking a few of the strings, smiling back up at me.
"You make it look so easy." I laughed, plucking again.
"See, there you go!" He said cheerfully, his smile growing. He leaned in closer, adjusting my hands. "And then you just.. see! You're a pro!" My smile grew as I peeked back up at him, my cheeks burning red.

"How are you able to do this so fast?" I asked, moving my hands back.
"Well, eventually it just becomes muscle memory. So, the more you do it, the easier it'll be. Soon enough, you won't even be thinking about it. You'll just.. feel it." He said softly, his eyes moving back down to my hands. He reached up again, adjusting my fingers, letting his hands linger. I kept my eyes down as my heart started beating faster.

"Like this?" I asked, plucking along. I heard him giggle as he pushed himself up, crawling behind me.
"Actually, it'll feel more natural if you.. do it like this." He said, reaching around me, repositioning the bass in my lap. My heart started to pound in my chest as I felt his arms now wrapped around me.
"And.. it'll feel more comfortable if you adjust the strap all depending on if you're sitting or standing. It's annoying but.. I think it makes a big difference." I felt his fingers on my back as he tightened the strap.

"So, let's try this." He said softly, moving in closer, now one leg on either side of me. He stretched his arm around, placing his hand on top of mine. I leaned back, pressing my back against his chest. I couldn't help but smile as I felt his heart beating even faster than mine.

"See, easy!" He said, moving my other hand up and down on the neck, pressing my fingers down as we went along.
"I take it back.. you're a great teacher." I said softly. I felt him giggle, leaning his head on my shoulder.
"Thank you." He said softly. My heart jumped when I felt his breath on my neck.

"So, how long do I have to do this until I'm as good as you?" I laughed, peeking up at him. His smile grew as he kept his eyes down on our hands.
"You.. may have a little while. But.. I can help you whenever you want. Have you been writing?" My cheeks burned as I looked back down at our hands.
"N-not recently." I said softly. "Haven't really.. been inspired lately." I felt him nod, effortlessly continuing to move my hands, and plucking my fingers along.

"How are your fingers feeling?" He asked, whispering softly into my ear. "It can get a little painful if you're not used to it." I nodded.
"Yeah, I can feel it." I laughed. He lifted his hands up, gently rubbing my finger tips.
"You'll get used to it eventually." He sighed, a small smile spread across his lips. I moved out of his lap, turning to face him as he grabbed my other hand, continuing to rub my fingers. I couldn't help but smile as I kept my eyes down on our hands.

"Is this okay?" He said softly, peeking up at me. My cheeks burned red as I looked up at him, nodding.
"Mhm.." I managed.
"Okay." He said softly, his fingers now moving down to massage my palms.

These were the moments I longed for with Jake, but he rarely ever acknowledged the little things. As much as I appreciated his grand gestures, all I really wanted were the intimate moments like this.

I looked back up at Sam, my eyes in a daze. His hands, much bigger than mine, so soft and warm, slowly intertwined themselves into mine. My heart jumped as I stared back up at him, wide-eyed.

"S-sorry." He said, gently pulling away, his cheeks burning red.
"It's okay." I said softly. He held his stare on me, his eyes quickly moving down to my lips. I smirked back at him, feeling my face get hot.

"Jess.." He said, biting down on his lip. "I.. I never.. want to overstep. Obviously, you know how I feel about you now.. but.. I respect your feelings.. about Jake.. and about me, so.." He shrugged, looking back down at our hands. "I never want to make you uncomfortable. However you need me to be here for you.. I will be."

"Thank you." I said softly. He peeked back up at me, staring back with his dazed eyes.
"Jess.. can I.. can I say something?" He asked, scrunching up his face. I nodded, feeling my heart beat faster.
"That depends." I giggled. He smiled, nodding.

"Okay, well, then.. as a friend.. I just hope you know that.. you deserve to be happy.. all the time. And despite what some people may think.. it is possible to be happy with someone.. all the time. If you let yourself be with the one who can give that to you."

I felt my heart jump.
"And.. this is just coming from a.. concerned friend?" I asked, giggling to myself. He flashed me a toothy smile, nodding, leaning in closer.
"Yeah.." He sighed, holding his stare on me. "So.. do with that.. what you want."
