Chapter 186: Cosmic

"What did you do?" I joked, feeling my face get hot. He shrugged, his cheeks burning red as he flashed me a sly grin.
"I may have forgotten what day it was.." He laughed. "But I didn't forget about you." My heart started beating faster as I hopped off the bed, making my way into the bathroom where I saw a pink gift bag sitting on the counter top. Digging through the tissue paper, my cheeks burned as I pulled out a bright red lacy lingerie set. I held it up to myself in the mirror, trying to contain my smile as I quickly got changed, tossing his clothes onto the floor.

"You're kinda quiet in there." He called out, giggling to himself. "Do you like it?" Looking back into the bag, I could see there was also a matching silk robe at the bottom. I pulled it out, wrapping it around me, leaving the tie open as I made my way back out.
"I think the bigger question is.. do you like it?" I asked, leaning in the bathroom doorway, biting down on my lip to contain my smile.

He instantly sat up, his eyes getting wide as they panned me up and down.
"Wow.." He exhaled, reaching out for me. "Get over here." My smile grew as I took his hand and he instantly pulled me into his lap. His hands moved down to my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into another passionate kiss, but he backed away, admiringly looking me up and down again.

"I'm sorry but.. I cannot stop looking at you." He giggled, his hand slowly moving down my leg. "It's a shame you won't be in this very long."
"Yeah, maybe you should've thought of that." I laughed, staring back at him. He shrugged, his eyes wandering down to my chest again.
"Well, I kinda thought we would've had more time here." He sighed, gently sliding the robe from my shoulders. "I am definitely gonna get you more of these. But.. they'll be saved for our bedroom."

I sighed. Our bedroom. After all of this, I wanted nothing more than to just finally go home. To our home. So many nights spent in shared spaces with thin walls and intrusive ears when all I wanted was to finally start our life in something that was just.. ours.

"You know.." He said. "I hear it's good luck if a baby is conceived on Valentine's Day." I shook my head, smirking back at him.
"Well, then I guess we're gonna have to wait for next year." I laughed. He scrunched up his face, pulling me into a series of kisses.
"I won't tell if you won't. Though, that would make our kid a Scorpio." He joked, rolling his eyes.
"The man with the crystals is complaining about Scorpios, how original." I laughed, kissing him back. His kisses got harder, gently pushing me back onto the bed. I sighed, gently combing my fingers through his hair, staring back up at him.

"Jake, we.. we don't have to think about that tonight." I said softly. "I just.. I just want to enjoy this with you, without worrying if-"
"Jess, the universe would be selfish to let our love end with us. I know you're worried but.. I hope you really love me because you're gonna have to get used to the idea that one day.. we're gonna have a whole house of mini me's and mini you's and-" I quickly cut him off, pulling him into a passionate kiss, not wanting to let myself get excited about something that was practically hopeless, but still desperately clinging to the small glimmer of hope that I had left.

And as I suspected, the lingerie was short-lived; his greedy hands hungry for nothing more than my bare skin against his. The night soon became a blur. Flashes of red between silk and lace, scattered rose petals in every which way he wanted me. There wasn't an inch of me that his lips didn't graze with the most lustful of intentions, an amorous entanglement of fervor and desire, unable to tell where my body ended and his began.

It felt as if he was made just for me. His every curve fitting into me like he was the one missing piece of my puzzle that I hadn't even realized I'd been searching for my entire life.

And now.. I was complete.

My impatient hands glided down to his chest, already damp with sweat, trying to maneuver myself over him, but he shook his head, flashing me a sly grin.
"Not tonight." He whispered, pulling me into a long, passionate kiss. My heart jumped as his strong hands pushed me back onto the bed, staring down at me with lovestruck eyes. He was so intoxicating, his lingering kisses making my head spin, getting me drunker than anything I could ever find in a bottle.

"Mmm.." He managed, pressing his lips against my neck. His breaths got heavier as I grasped him tightly, digging my nails into his back, unable to express my yearning for him in anything other than passionate moans.

"Tell me what you want." He sighed as I felt the euphoric pleasure slowly start to build.
"You." I begged. "I just want you."
"Say my name." My heart jumped.
"Jake.." I managed, now feeling my heart pounding in my chest. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him into another fierce, amorous kiss. He kissed me back harder, his ravenous moans coating my mouth like honey.

"Jess.." He exhaled, his warm breaths getting heavier and heavier against my neck, hiding his flushed red face within my hair. With my arms tightly wrapped around him, every inch of me begged for the tenderness of his affection as his unfiltered cries of passion and desire filled my ear. I welcomed the comforting weight of his body, gasping with pleasure with every thrust of his hips, each one stronger than the next.

"Faster." I panted, burying my face in his neck. He felt so good, his grip on me getting tighter as the gratifying pressure continued

"I love you so much." He sighed, his lips finding his way back to mine, kissing me so tenderly, starving for that much more of me. His sharp breaths mimicked his movements,

Until finally we both met at the height of the utmost agonizing tenderness I had ever felt, his body instantly tensing up around me at the immediate release of one final gasp, clinging to him, wanting to savor every second of this rapturous pleasure.

He collapsed down on top of me, breathless and weak as he gently caressed my blushing face, staring back into my eyes. A soft smile escaped my lips as I stared back, getting lost in this world we had created that I had no desire to ever come down from. His cheeks flushed an affectionate and vulnerable pink; he was absolutely glowing.

"I love you." I sighed between breaths, gently brushing the sweaty hair out of his face. His smile grew as he pushed himself back over me, leaning into a gentle but passionate kiss, his lips, savory and addictive and the sweetest thing I have ever tasted.

He rolled over, wrapping his arm around me, hiding his face in my hair. I could feel his lips curl into a smile as they gently grazed my neck.
"You are everything." He sighed, gently sliding his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers. I turned to face him, getting lost in his eyes.

Oh, his eyes; cosmic and celestial, glistening brighter than any star that had ever had the privilege of illuminating our night skies, and when they met mine.. together our love was only that of galactic magnitudes.

He was my world, and he was everything.
