Chapter 102: Give It All Up

"Our place?" Dad asked, turning to me, his eyes getting wide. I felt my entire body get cold. I forced a smile, shooting Jake a look. His face dropped as his eyes went from my dad, back to me.
"I.. I guess you hadn't mentioned it yet." He said softly, sitting down in the chair next to my bed. I bit down on my lip, peeking back up at Dad who was still holding his stare on me.

"You two are.. living together?" He asked, now looking over at Jake.
"Well, n-not yet, no. I just-"
"After the next leg of the tour, we will be." I quickly said, trying my best to saving him.
"And when was this decided?"
"Recently." I said quietly, looking down. He nodded, staying quiet for a moment.

"D-did they mention when I'd be able to go home?" I asked, looking back at Jake, trying to change the subject.
"Not yet but.. I can go ask." He said, getting up. I could tell he was relieved for the opportunity to leave the room. I waited until he left, shutting the door behind him.

"You really think this is a good idea?" Dad said quietly. I nodded, avoiding his eyes.
"Yes.. I do." I said. "It's still new. He just.. he surprised me with it.. on Christmas Eve. And.. we just went to go see it the other day. Nothing is happening right away.. but-"
"I think you're rushing into things." He said sternly, cutting me off. "I.. I don't know why you think you need to do this, but.. I think it's too soon."
"Dad, I-"
"You're an adult, and you can make your own decisions, but.. as your father, I'm saying that.. you need to really think about this." My stomach dropped. 

Where was this coming from? 

"Dad, w-why don't you like him? You.. you seemed like you did the night you met him. W-what changed? Was it because of when I called you?" I finally said, peeking back up at him. He sighed, moving closer, gently touching my cheek.
"Because that night.. he was just a friend, remember? Though, of course I suspected something more. Jess, I don't have a problem with him. I think he's a nice boy, who obviously loves you.. in the best way he knows how. This has nothing to do with him, it has everything to do with you. I just want you to do what's best for you." 

I peeked up as the door opened, Jake walking in with one of the nurses following behind him.
"Hello!" She said cheerfully, making her way over to my bed. "So you're ready to go home, huh?" She asked, looking through my chart. Jake sat back down in the chair next to my bed, reaching over, gently taking my hand. I peeked over at him, a small smile escaping from my lips. He smiled back, his cheeks burning.

"So, I think we want to keep you here a few more days." She finally said. I sighed, leaning back in my bed.
"Will she be out in time for New Year's Eve?" Jake asked, turning to her. "Every year we have this big party and.. well, I'd really like to not to go alone this year." He giggled, peeking back at me.
"I think we can make that work." She said, smirking back at me. She put back my chart, and made her way over to Sam's bed.
"Well, it looks like you're doing great. You can even head out tonight if you're feeling up to it." She said cheerfully. I sat back up, looking over at him.
"Lucky you." I called out. He sat up, smirking over at me. 

"Sam and I can check out the car tomorrow.." Jake said, now looking over at him. "If.. if you're up to it?" Sam nodded.
"Y-yeah sure, we.. we can do that." He said softly. I bit down on my lip, holding my stare on him.
"Jake, maybe.. you should bring someone else." I whispered. "I.. I don't think it's the best idea that he goes." Jake nodded.
"I'll ask Josh tonight." He said quietly. I nodded, giving him a subtle smile.

"Jake, why don't we give them some time to rest." Dad said, getting up from my bed. "You can show me your new place."

I looked over and saw Jake's face drop. He peeked over at me, wide-eyed. I nodded, forcing a smile, gently touching his leg.
"Yeah, that's fine, go ahead." I said softly. He hesitated, biting down on his lip, but eventually got up.
"Oh, y-yeah sure. Yeah." He said nervously. Dad went over towards the door, turning around to put on his jacket. I couldn't help but smile, knowing what he was doing. I reached up, gently grabbing onto Jake's shirt, pulling him in to a kiss. He moved his hand up, gently holding my face as he kissed me back. When he backed away, he flashed me a smile.
"I love you." He said softly.
"I love you too. I'll see you later." He nodded, his smile growing, then went over to Sam.

"The rest of the family is gonna be back later and we can get you all signed out to come home." He said. Sam nodded. As Jake made his way out, he stopped in the doorway, giving me small smile before leaving, shutting the door behind him. 

Jake's P.O.V

My heart was racing as we made our way out of the hospital in silence. I hadn't anticipated spending any time alone with Jess' dad, let alone bringing him to our new apartment. As I got into the driver's side, he nonchalantly slid into the passenger's seat, remaining silent. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

It was killing me.

"So.." I finally said, needing to break the silence. "The nice thing is.. it's not too far away from here. So.. quick drive." I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye, keeping his eyes locked out the front window. Despite it being close, I could tell the ride was going to feel like hours.

Why would she insist I do this? This was excruciating.

Finally, I pulled into the apartment complex parking lot.
"Well, here we are.." I said, quickly getting out of the car. He got out, following me up to the room.

As I opened the door, I walked through, looking around again. It suddenly looked so much smaller. My heart started beating faster.
"It's.. it's not much, I know but.. I thought.. for just the two of us, it's a great starter and.. for the price, well, it was a great deal." He shoved his hands into his pockets, looking around as he wandered from the kitchen, to the main room, then down towards the bedrooms.

"Two rooms?" He finally said. My stomach dropped.
"Y-yeah, I.. I figured.. well, more space. The second room can be whatever we want, if she wants a studio space or.. whatever she likes." He turned to look at me.
"So you're sleeping together in the same room." He said. It felt like my face was on fire. Why was he putting me through this?
"Y-yes." I managed. He nodded, and continued to look around.

What I would give to be back at the hospital right now.

I went back into the kitchen and sat down at the counter, waiting for him to get back. The longer I sat, the more aware I became of every little imperfection around the apartment that I was now terrified he was going to point out.

"So. You two must be serious." He said, finally making his way back. He stood across the counter, staring back at me with a blank expression. I could feel my hands start to sweat.
"Y-yeah. I think so." I said, subtly wiping my hands on my jeans. 

"You think so?" He said, a small smile spreading across his lips. I felt my heart start beating faster again.
"I.. I mean.. well.. for me it is. I.. well, I never really know-"
"So you guys don't talk about this kinda thing?"
"Well, no, I mean, yeah but.. I don't mean-"
"Jake, what are your intentions with her?" He finally said. I bit down on my lip, staring back at him, wide-eyed. 

The one question every guy dreads hearing from their girlfriend's father.

"I love her." I said simply. "I think.. I've loved her from the moment I saw her." He held his stare on me, nodding. "And I've told her.. I want to be with her."
"So, you want to get married?" He asked. I couldn't help but smile.
"Well, t-that's not really up to me." I giggled to myself, my cheeks burning. "It's.. whatever she wants. I don't want to pressure her, but.. I'd marry her tomorrow." I stopped, shrugging. He nodded again, holding his stare on me, staying quiet for a moment.

"Because.. she's mentioned to me that.. she doesn't want to get married. Ever since her Mother left us." My heart dropped. But the night I gave her that ring..
"O-oh.." I said, my voice dropping. He nodded again.
"So maybe.. hold off on that idea for a while." I nodded, looking down.

I couldn't help but feel like.. something was off. Something felt wrong.

"D-did.. did I do something.. to upset you?" I asked. His smile grew as he leaned back, crossing his arms.
"What makes you ask that?" He said. I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart beat faster, my hands sweating again.
"It's just.. it kinda feels like.. you don't like me very much."

"Jake, I don't have a problem with you. I think you're a nice guy, and.. you obviously love my daughter. I just.. I know your type. You're on the road.. how many months out of the year. You're meeting.. how many girls, every night. It may be easy when you're alone together but.. I'm not oblivious to what goes on when you're on tour. And Jess may have gotten a peek at it these past few months but.. that's my daughter. She deserves the best and-"

"She does." I said. "I agree. And.. I know that.. my life isn't exactly.. conventional but.. I love her. I'd do anything for her. Her and I have been through.. a lot these past few months and.. I hope to go through.. everything with her."

"Do you want a family one day?" He asked. My heart jumped.
"I didn't.. until her." He nodded.
"And you think you can do that while you're on the road?"
"I.. I think together, we could." I said softly.
"And what if that doesn't work? What if.. she can't come with you? What if it becomes too much for her?" It felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I couldn't believe we were having this conversation.

"If it came down to it.. I would give it all up. I'd give up everything.. for her."
