Chapter 153: Not If, But When

"We should get up." I sighed, rolling out of bed, going over to my suitcase. "I want to have enough time to pack before we have to leave." He propped his head up onto his hand, watching me with dazed eyes.
"Five more minutes?" He whined, smirking back at me. He reached his hand out, pulling me back towards him.
"We'll be back here later." I laughed, moving away. He sighed, rolling over.
"Well then.. do you wanna wear something of mine?" He asked, biting down on his lip.
"Fine." I said softly, peeking back at him. I knew better than to fight him on that anymore. His smile grew as he got up, going over to his backpack.

"Here you go." He said cheerfully, tossing me a dark red button up.
"You're cute." I sighed, slipping it on. He shrugged, smirking back at me.

After I finished getting dressed, I went over, kissing the top of his head.
"I'll meet you out front, okay?" He smiled back up at me, nodding.
"Okay. I'll be right there, just gotta grab something."

As I made my way out to the main area of the bus, I saw Sam sitting down at the table, headphones on, writing in his notebook. I went over and sat down across from him. He quickly picked up his head, sliding his headphones down, letting them hang around his neck.
"Hey.." I said, flashing him a smile. His cheeks burned red as he quickly closed his book, pushing it to the side.
"Hey." He said plainly, noticeably uncomfortable. His eyes quickly shot down to my left hand, and then back up to me. My stomach dropped. I knew what he was looking for.

"W-what are you writing?" I asked. He shrugged, looking down. I nodded, taking the hint.
"Well, I.. I just.. I wanted to thank you." I said softly. He stared back at me, confused.
"Thank me?" He said, his cheeks getting redder. I nodded.
"Yeah. For.. for last night. If it wasn't for you, I don't know if.. well.. just.. thank you." He nodded, his face dropping.
"Sure." He muttered. "Glad I could help you get laid."

My heart dropped.

"S-Sam, I..that's not..I didn't-" I stuttered, feeling like my face was on fire. He shrugged, putting his headphones back on, and continued to write. This conversation was over.
"Hey, you ready?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Jake, now reaching out for my hand. I nodded, grabbing it and quickly sliding out of the booth. I turned around, peeking back at Sam before walking out. He kept his eyes down, glued to his notebook.

As we stepped outside, the air was quiet, the city blaring white with snow. Thankfully I didn't live too far away.
"Here." Jake said, leaning down. "Hop on." I couldn't help but smile, jumping onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I sighed, hiding my face in his hair as he marched his way through the snow to my apartment.

When we got inside, I felt him shiver as I hopped down.
"You're probably freezing." I laughed. "You can go take a shower if you want." He smirked back at me, his cheeks burning.
"You gonna come with me?" He asked, reaching out, gently grabbing onto my jacket. I shook my head, playfully pushing his hand away.
"No.." I laughed, my cheeks burning. "Go on, I'm gonna start packing. I'll meet you back in my room." He nodded, his smile growing.
"Oh, I get to see your room?" He giggled.
"Yeah.. I guess I'll let you in now." I sighed, a smile escaping my lips.

He held his stare on me for a moment.
"Jess, I just.. I need you to know, I.. I wasn't drunk that night." He said softly. "I'm really sorry.. I never should've done any of that. I.. I just don't want you to think that.. I'm not taking this seriously, because I am, I know how I get, and I'm sorry, but I just want us-" I reached up, pulling him into a kiss.
"It's okay." I sighed. "I know."
"And.. I'm sorry about the whole phone thing, I trust you, I know you're not talking to him.. I just.. I'm sorry."
"We don't have to worry about that anymore. We're okay." His smile grew as he pulled me into another long kiss.

"I love you." He assured me. "And nothing, and no one, is ever gonna come between us again, okay? I promise." I bit down on my lip, nodding.
"Good." I laughed, kissing him again. "And I love you. Now go shower." He flashed me a wide grin as he made his way into the bathroom.

Going into my closet, I pulled out my suitcase and started tossing in some of my clothes. Not that it would really matter, with how often I borrowed Jake's anyway. I tossed in a few of my journals, and the rest of my camera equipment.

It wasn't long before I heard the shower stop. I couldn't help but smile, imagining every moment like this that we would have together when we finally moved into our apartment. Him getting up before me, the sound of the bathroom fan and the steam of the shower slowly drifting into the bedroom. Him humming along to whatever song had been stuck in his head the night before, just loud enough for me to hear. It couldn't come soon enough.

I perked up as I heard him make his way back into the bedroom, towel tightly wrapped around his waist, his wet hair dangling in his face.
"Feel better?" I asked, my cheeks burning red, my eyes glued to his bare chest. He nodded, smirking back at me.
"Much better." He sighed, going over to my mirror where he combed his fingers through his hair, moving it into place. He peeked back at me through the reflection, flashing me a smile.
"You know, this is all yours if you want it.." He said playfully. My cheeks burned bright red.
"Oh, stop." I laughed, filling up the rest of my suitcase.

"We got the whole place to ourselves.." He said cheerfully, coming over and leaning down, tilting my chin up to face him, kissing me again. I reached up, holding his face in my hands, kissing him back. It was embarrassing how easy it was for him to make me cave.
"Though.. that doesn't really seem to stop us." He laughed. My cheeks burned, my stomach dropping.

That's why he was upset.
The thought of him hearing that.
This was humiliating.

"Yeah.." I sighed. "Maybe we should.. be a little more considerate?" He smirked back at me, his cheeks burning.
"What do you mean?" He laughed.
"I mean.. they probably don't wanna hear that, Jake." He bit down on his lip, his smile growing.
"Alright, alright.." He sighed, leaning in, gently kissing my cheek, his lips moving down to my neck. "But.. when else do I get any alone time with you? What do you think that room is for?" He laughed.

"Well.. it may have to wait now." I giggled. "We had last night, and that was.. fun." His smile grew as he leaned in, kissing me again.
"I think fun is an understatement."
"Stop it!" I laughed, playfully shoving him.
"Alright." He sighed, staring back with dazed eyes. "But.. I don't know.. what if something happens soon.. you may not be able to resist me." My heart jumped.
"Well.. if that happens.. then we'll talk."

"Oh, it's not if.." He smiled, leaning his forehead against mine. ".. but when. And.. I don't know.. feels like it could be pretty soon." I couldn't help but smile, pulling him into another kiss. He reached up, tangling his fingers in my hair, kissing me back harder. I sighed, feeling my heart beat faster as I slowly moved onto his lap. His hands moved to my waist, pushing me back onto the bed, crawling over me. His lips moved down to my neck as his hands slowly glided down my chest, gently grabbing onto my shirt, pulling it over my head.
"Jake.." I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

And then my heart dropped as I heard a knock at the front door. I quickly pushed him off me, sitting back up.
"Woah, w-what.. what's wrong? W-what's going on?" He stammered, staring back at me, wide-eyed.
"I think my dad's home." I whispered, jumping up from the bed, quickly grabbing my shirt from the floor and pulling it over my head. I was thankful I had at least remembered to lock the deadbolt. The last thing I needed now was him walking in on me with Jake.
"B-but you said-"
"I know what I said, but I guess he's home early!" I snapped, hastily making my way towards the door. I ran my fingers through my hair, doing my best to calm down, hoping I wasn't blushing too bad.

As I opened the door, my stomach dropped, my body going cold.
"Hey, baby." Travis said.
