Chapter 52: Jake's P.O.V

Jake's P.O.V

"Hey Dad" Jess said, leading us over to the table in the back of the bar. Her dad sat back, drinking his beer, carefully watching us as we walked over. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"Well, don't you look great." He said, getting up and giving Jess a kiss on the cheek. "Now I feel underdressed." He looked over at me, giving me a small smile. I felt my cheeks burn, but did my best to at least appear confident.

"Don't worry, we all look underdressed compared to her." I laughed, gently placing my hand on Jess' back, helping her into her chair. I couldn't help but smile, pulling my chair closer to her. "I just wanted to get her something nice for tonight." I said. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was.. radiant.

"Oh, so you're dressing up my daughter now?" Her dad said, smirking at me. My stomach dropped and my body went cold. Well, when he said it that way...
"N-No, I just.. I-" I stammered, trying to find the words. It was impossible. I just wanted to make a good first impression, and I already felt like I was blowing it.

"I'm kidding, Jake." He said plainly. I sighed, my cheeks turning bright red. I felt Jess move her leg under the table, her foot now touching mine. I couldn't help but smile. "Though.. don't think we didn't see you guys down there after the show."

I saw Jess tense up, but I kept my eyes on him.
"Seemed a little.. too friendly.. to just be friends." He said, giving us both a look.
"That's what I said." I chimed in, peeking over at Jess. "But for the record, she kissed me first." I giggled to myself. She shot me a look. 

I knew I'd hear about that later. 

"I'm gonna go get a drink." Jess said, quickly hopping up from her seat. My stomach dropped. She was already going to leave me alone with him? My heart was racing as I turned back, giving him a small smile. He held his stare on me.

"So what's really going on with you two?" He finally asked, taking a big sip of his drink. He wasted no time. I felt my cheeks burn.
"Well.." I sighed, turning away. Jess was standing at the bar talking to Josh. My heart dropped, but I quickly shook the thought, looking back.

"Honestly.. I really wish I knew." I said softly, looking down at the table, awkwardly fumbling with one of the sugar packets. I saw him nod.
"Ah, okay." He said quietly. I could hear the smile in his voice. We were quiet for a moment, and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. When I looked back up at him, he was already staring back at me.

"I love her." I finally sighed. "And.. she might not want to be with me like that yet, and that's fine. I told her I'll wait for her, however long. But.. I just wanted you to know.. she's the one. And I know it."

He held his stare on me, a small smile escaping from his lips. I held my stare, hoping he couldn't tell how nervous I was. I knew out of everyone, her dad's opinion mattered the most to Jess, so getting his approval was.. everything.

"You love her?" He asked, leaning back in his chair, crossing his arms. I nodded, biting down on my lip.
"I do." I said quietly, holding my stare on him. "I would do anything for her. I.. I feel at home when I'm with her. She's home." He held his stare on me, nodding.

"Hey." I heard from behind me. Jess sat down close, placing her hand on my leg. I couldn't help but smile, feeling my cheeks burn again.
"What are you guys talking about?" She asked. I placed my hand on top of hers, gently squeezing it.
"Nothing." I said simply, feeling my cheeks burn even more.
"Whatcha drinking?" I asked, trying to change the subject. I reached over, taking a sip. "Oh.. that's dangerous." I said. Figures Josh would order her his favorite. "I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you." I smirked, shaking my head. 

For more than one reason. 

"You want another?" I asked, turning back to her dad. He nodded, smiling back at me. "Alright, two then." I said, making my way over to the bar. I sighed, looking over at Josh who was holding up Jess' mom from falling off the stool. It wasn't long until he turned to face me, our eyes meeting. I motioned to Jess' mom and he shook his head.

"What are you doing?" I asked, leaning in. He rolled his eyes.
"I'm not doing anything. I told Jess I'd just make sure she was okay." I rolled my eyes, looking back at Jess and her dad. I wondered what they were talking about. I'm sure he was telling her what I said. My stomach dropped.

"You know she can see you." I snapped, glaring back at him.
"I know." He said, his voice getting lower.
"What were you guys talking about before?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it." He sighed, looking away.

"Hey cutie!" Vivian said, turning around to face me. She reached out to grab me. I backed away, flashing her a fake smile.
"Sorry, I gotta get back." I said, grabbing the beers and making my way back over to our table.

"You guys talking about me?" I laughed, looking over at Jess. Her cheeks burned as she smiled up at me.
"Mhm.." She said, taking a sip of her drink, keeping her eyes locked on me. My heart started beating faster. I giggled to myself, turning to her dad.
"Ah, I could tell. She's not very good at talking about me." I could see her out of the corner of my eye, shooting me a look, but still smiling. My smile grew as I reached over, gently touching her leg.

"I'm.. I'm gonna run to the bathroom. I'll be right back." She said. My stomach dropped. She was gonna leave me alone with him again? When she stood up, she quickly caught herself on the back of her chair. She had already had too much to drink, I could tell.

"You okay?" I said softly, reaching out for her. She nodded.
"I'm fine." She said, doing her best to make it through the bar. I watched her the whole way until she made it out into the lobby.

"You need to know.. it's not you." Her dad said.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked, taking a sip. He gave me a small smile.
"Jess has never been.. good with relationships. As you can probably tell.. her mother and I.. that's obviously done a number on her. Her mother doing more so than me" He laughed to himself. I smirked, feeling my cheeks burn.

"But.. especially with the business she's in, as you know, she's never wanted people to look at her.. the way they look at her mother. We got really close after her mother left.. and she saw how it effected me so.. she does get spooked easily. But.. it's not you. She clearly loves you. Maybe even just as much as you love her." I bit down on my lip, holding in my smile.

"I can be patient with her." I said. "I'm in no rush. I told her.. I'll work through anything with her. I just.. I want to be with her." He smirked at me, staring back.

"You're not.. planning anything are you?" He asked. "There's.. nothing you want to ask me?" I laughed, feeling my cheeks burn.
"No, sir." I said, shaking my head, leaning back in my chair. "It's hard enough to get her to just want to date me.. I would never. Not until.. she brings it up." He laughed to himself, taking another sip of his drink.
"Smart man." He sighed, looking away.
"But.. if I ever did-"
"It would be okay with me." He said, cutting me off, keeping his eyes towards the doorway. My heart jumped. 

That's all I needed. 

"Travis, stop!" I heard Jess yell. My stomach dropped. I quickly looked towards the doorway and then back to her dad. He nodded, motioning towards the lobby. 

As I got up, I felt the alcohol start to hit, but quickly ran out of the bar to see Travis standing outside of the bathroom, banging on the door.

"Hey!" I yelled. He turned to me and shook his head, rolling his eyes.
"Jess, come out. Let's just talk about this." He said, banging on the door again.
"Leave her alone." I snapped. He stopped, backing away and turned to face me. He smirked.
"Look, kid. You've done enough. Just back off. She's had her fun with you but she's coming back home."
"She left you, Travis. She's not coming back." His face dropped, but he held his stare on me.
"Cocky, aren't you?" He asked. "That's pretty annoying." My cheeks burned.

"Just leave her alone." I said, glaring up at him. He stared back, I could tell, trying to get me to back off. Finally, he sighed, moving away.
"Tell her I'll be here when she gets out." He said, heading through the front doors of the lobby. I waited until he was out of sight to knock again.

"Jess?" I asked, leaning my ear against the door. I couldn't hear anything. I knocked again. "Jess, it's me.. are you okay in there?" I waited, but eventually heard her making her way across the floor. She opened the door, staring up at me with sad eyes.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. She bit down on her lip, nodding.

"He's gone, it's okay." I sighed, gently pushing the hair out of her face. I couldn't help but smile anytime I looked at her. She eventually smiled back, reaching up to grab my shirt, and pulled me into a kiss. I sighed, moving my hand up behind her neck, pulling her in, kissing her back. When she backed away, she stared up at me with dazed bloodshot eyes.

"Are you drunk?" I laughed, gently holding her face in my hand. She giggled to herself, her cheeks getting redder. She nodded.
"A little." She whispered. My smile grew.
"Oh, I think more than a little." I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, leading us back towards the bar.

"Or.." She said, reaching her hand into my back pocket, pulling out my key. "We can go up to your room." 
