Chapter 134: We're (Not) Trying

I felt his heavy breathing finally start to slow down as I lied on top of his bare chest. Gently pushing the hair out of his face, I stared back at him, completely hypnotized. His cheeks were still flushed bright pink, staring back at me with a lovestruck daze, his lips curved into a blissful smile.

In that moment, the rest of the world around us.. was meaningless.

He gently ran his fingers up and down my bare back, keeping his eyes locked on mine.
"Jess.. I.. I hate that I have to ask but.. a-are.. are we.."
"Yes." I said softly, my smile growing. "We are." He smirked up at me, reaching around and positioning himself back over me. I giggled to myself, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. He kissed me back, his hungry lips moving down to my neck, kissing me harder. I sighed, reaching up, tangling my fingers tightly in his hair, pulling him closer.

"You know.." He sighed, kissing along my face, moving to the other side my neck. "I don't think anyone's gonna be back for a while." My cheeks burned as my smile grew.
"Oh yeah?" He nodded, smirking back at me, biting down on his lip. His kisses slowly traveled from my neck to my chest and then down my stomach as he pulled the blanket over his head. My heart started racing as I felt his kisses get lower, his soft lips tenderly caressing my hips. I reached down, playfully pulling him back by his hair. I heard him giggle as he crawled back up, flashing me a flirtatious smile.

"What's the matter?" He laughed. "It's the least I could do.. after all you did for me."
"Jake!" I laughed, jokingly shoving him. I bit down on my lip, shaking my head. His smile grew as he crawled back up, kissing me again before reaching over towards the end table.

"I just think after all that, you deserve a little something.." He said, opening the drawer, pulling out the little black box. My heart jumped.
"Jacob!" I yelled, pushing myself up. He flashed me a toothy smile, propping himself up next to me. "I swear, if you propose right now, I will say no." He laughed louder, his cheeks burning bright red as he rolled his eyes, leaning over and putting the ring back in the end table drawer.

"Jess, I'm so tired of not being able to call you my wife." He said softly, reaching out, holding my face in his hands. My heart started racing as he pulled me in to another kiss. "But.. when the time is right, it'll be perfect. I promise. Though.. if you said yes, any moment would be perfect for me."

"Jake, I.. I don't need anything crazy." I sighed, giving him a gentle smile.
"I know." He shrugged, smirking back at me. "But.. after everything, I just.. I want us to have this. I.. I've always imagined what it would be like, so.. I want to give you that." I bit down on my lip, containing my smile.
"Okay." I said softly, reaching up, gently touching his cheek. Then I saw his face slowly start to drop as he held his stare on me.

"What is it?" I asked. He hesitated before lying back down, resting his head on my shoulder, sliding his hand into mine and intertwining our fingers.

"I don't know, It's just that.. so many of my friends back home, they talk about how.. the one got away. And now they're married, and they have families and.. you know, it's great and they say they're happy, but.. they still can't stop thinking about.. the one. And how they just got married because.. well, it was time, and that's what you're supposed to do, and they.. they just settled for the one that came along next, not because they found their one again. But, Jess.. you are my one. And.. I could never live like that. So.. if you decided that.. well, that I wasn't your one.. I just.. I can't-" I cut him off, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"Jake, I love you. You are my one, too." I said softly. "And.. if you really wanted me to.. I would say yes.. right now." He stared back at me, his lips curving into a gentle smile.
"I love you more, Jess."
"I'm sorry you feel that way." I said, gently tracing my fingers up and down his arm. He moved closer to me, wrapping one arm around me, nuzzling his face into my hair.
"I'm not." He sighed. "I don't mind being the one who feels more. Not for you." I pulled him in closer as I felt his lips gently brushing against my neck. I giggled to myself as he propped his head up on his hand, staring back at me, his eyes in a daze. I felt my body get hot as he gently ran his fingers up and down my arm.

"So.. how set are you on getting married before having kids?" He giggled, avoiding my eyes. A smile escaped my lips as I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving him.
"No, Jake." I laughed, He held his stare on me, biting down on his lip. He smirked, his cheeks getting red.
"Can we.. at least talk about it?" He asked, his eyes moving back down.
"You always want to talk about it." I said, my smile growing. He shrugged, peeking back up at me.

"Fine." I sighed. "What do you want to talk about?"
"Have you.. have you thought of any.. names you'd might like?" He asked timidly. I thought for a moment, gently stroking his hair as he leaned his chin on my chest, staring back up into my eyes.

"Hazel." I finally said. "For a girl." His smile grew as his cheeks burned.
"I like that." He said, softly.
"What about you?" I asked. He bit down on his lip, holding his stare on me.
"I.. I'd like whatever you like." He said. "But.. I.. also like the idea of us all having the same initials."
"So you want all 'J' names." I laughed. He shrugged again, giggling to himself.
"Well, we've got plenty of time to figure that out. Don't get any ideas. We're not trying." I laughed. He leaned in, pulling me into another kiss.

"Well, I don't know about that.." He said flirtatiously. "It sure seemed like you were trying before." I stared back at him wide-eyed, grabbing one of the pillows, pushing him away with it.
"Jake!" I yelled, my smile curling into a wide grin as my cheeks burned bright red. His laugh echoed throughout the room, then pulled me back in to a series of kisses, covering my face, and traveling back down to my neck.

"You know.." He said softly, peeking up at me. "I think you might wanna wear the scarf today." He giggled, his kisses getting harder. "Wouldn't want.. anyone else to see."
"I guess that's fair." I laughed, tangling my fingers in his hair. "I don't mind, as long as they're from you." I felt him smile, wrapping one of this legs over mine, pulling me up against him.

He pushed himself up, climbing back over me, pulling me into a deeper kiss. I wrapped my arm around him, kissing him back harder. He sighed, his lips moving back down to my neck, slowly making their way down my chest again. My heart was pounding as his lips gently glided down my stomach. I reached down, running my fingers through his hair, clinging on tightly. He peeked up at me, his eyes asking for permission. I bit down on my lip, nodding, as he lifted the covers back over his head.
