Chapter 152: More Permanent

I was woken up to the feeling of Jake's fingers gently combing their way through my hair. As I slowly opened my eyes, I was met with his face inches from mine, his head propped up on his hand, staring down at me with sleepy eyes and a gentle, loving smile.

"Hi.." I sighed, a smile escaping my lips. I reached out, gently touching his cheek. His smile grew as he leaned in, lightly kissing my forehead.
"You're pretty when you sleep." He said softly, running his fingers up and down my arm.
"So are you." I giggled to myself. He smirked back, his cheeks burning. I wrapped my arm around him, taking a deep breath, enjoying the lingering traces of his cologne. It was slowly starting to fade back into his familiar smell that I loved so much.

I couldn't wait for the day that I would get to come back to the smell of our own home.

Finally sitting up, I stretched out my arms, my cheeks burning as I looked around the room. It was as if a bomb had gone off. Pillows dangling off of the bed, sheets lifted from the mattress, clothes tossed every which way, scattered over tables and across the floor. I bit down on my lip, containing my smile as I peeked over at him.

"Yeah.." He mumbled, smirking back at me, scrunching up his face. "We, uh.. we kinda made a mess." I couldn't help but laugh, rolling over and lying back on top of him. Gently running my fingers through his hair, I got lost in his eyes, disoriented and tired, but always glued to mine. Every time felt like falling in love all over again.

I was so lucky.

"I love you." I sighed.
"I love you." He said, pulling me in to a tender kiss. He bit down on his lip, containing his smile.
"You know.." He said. "As much as I hate when we fight.. I do love how we make up." He giggled. I flashed him a smile, my cheeks burning red. Reaching over, I grabbed one of the pillows, playfully hitting him, covering his face. I heard his muffled laughs as he tossed it to the side, pulling me back into a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he rolled over, lying on top of me. Kissing him back harder, I gently dug my nails into his back. He sighed, his lips curling into a smile as they moved down to my neck.

"Were we able to get out last night?" I asked. His soft kisses moved to my cheek, back to my lips, and then to the other side of my neck, trailing down on my shoulder.
"I'm not sure." He giggled. "I was a little preoccupied."
"Well, go look." I laughed, gently pushing him away. He sighed, jokingly rolling his eyes as he pushed himself up, peeking out the window.

"Nope, looks like we're still here." He said, plopping back down next to me.
"Can I.. ask you a favor?" I said. He nodded, his smile growing.
"Of course." He sighed. "Anything."
"Since we're here.." I started, yanking the blanket over to cover myself, sitting up to face him. "I was wondering.. maybe you could help me pack some of my stuff." His cheeks burned as he held his stare on me.
"Your stuff?" He asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, since we're here.. I just.. there's some stuff I want to bring.. for when we move into our place." His eyes lit up as his smile grew.
"Oh.. of course." He said, pulling me into a quick kiss. "But.. um.. do you think it's the best idea if-"
"He'll be at work for a while." I said. He nodded, avoiding my eyes.

"And I'm gonna talk to him about that." I added.
"Jess, it's okay, you don't have to."
"No, he had no right to say that to you."
"Jess, I was the one who asked, it's okay."
"And there was nothing wrong with that. You didn't have to do that. It's not okay, Jake."
"It's just.. he told me not to tell you. So.. I don't want him to hate me any more than he already does." He said quietly, avoiding my eyes. I stopped, holding my stare on him for a moment.
"Alright." I sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder. "But.. eventually, I'm going to." I felt him nod, leaning his head up against mine.
"Okay, just.. maybe when things are.. a little more permanent." He giggled. My cheeks burned as I peeked back up at him, where he was already smirking down at me.

I knew what I wanted.. but I wondered what he was referring to.

Sam's P.O.V

"No, no, no.." I said as Jess quickly backed out of the room. "Jess, you have to talk to him." She stared back up at me, her face beet red, her eyes terrified. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. I'd hate it if I was the one that just made everything worse. As much as I wanted her to choose me.. I knew she wanted nothing more than for things to finally be right with Jake. And I couldn't be with her if there was still a chance for them.

It just wouldn't be real.
And she was the realest thing I've ever felt.

"Sam, I told you, I don't want to see him. How could you-"
"Because, it's not what you think, Jess. Just.. talk to him." I hated how I knew so much about her, and she had no idea. It felt wrong to know these things, like I was invading her privacy. But as far as she was concerned, I knew nothing. I would never speak of anything.. if she never brought it up. Even then.

"Of course it's what I think! He did what he always does!" She yelled. My heart sunk.
"Just.." I sighed, getting lost in her eyes again. If she really didn't want to, who was I to push her? I quickly shook the thought. No. I couldn't keep doing this. Jake was my brother, and he was just as distraught as she was. All around, there was no winning. They deserved each other. And until they actually solved everything.. I couldn't do anything. All I could do was be there, for her as a friend, for him as his brother.

But I wish that, just once.. someone would be there for me.

"You two have to shop running away and just talk to each other. You both are saying the same things, but you never say them to each other. Now talk." I snapped. Her eyes got wide, taken back as she stared up at me. It was taking everything in me to not reach out and hold her. I just wanted to comfort her, in any way I could.

I then pushed her back into the room, shutting the door behind her.
"And neither of you are coming out until you solve this." I called out.

Looking over, I could see Josh glaring at me from the kitchen table. My cheeks burned.
"What are you doing?" He asked. I shrugged, looking away.
"I'm helping." I said plainly.
"She said she didn't want to talk to him."
"Of course she does." I sighed, going over to the fridge, grabbing a beer. I popped off the pop, taking a big sip. "And what were you doing?" His cheeks burned red.
"What are you talking about?" He asked. I held my stare on him, knowing he would break sooner or later.

"I just.." He began. "Nothing. She was upset, so I was just keeping her company."
"Yeah, you seemed very comfortable." He sighed, shaking his head.
"You know she doesn't think of me like that." He mumbled, obviously still bothered.
"Well, clearly that doesn't stop you from trying to convince her." I snapped.
"I'm not doing anything wrong." He muttered. I nodded, taking another sip.
"And you don't think holding hands with your brother's fiancé is wrong?" His eyes got wide.
"T-they're.. they're not even together." He said quietly, avoiding my eyes. My heart started beating faster.

I knew it.

"If you don't think they're gonna come out of that room engaged, then you're delusional." I sighed, as much as I hated to admit it. I knew exactly what happened when they were alone together. The whole bus knew, and we had been forced to hear it every time. I was thankful I invested in a good pair of headphones, because the last thing I wanted to hear was that.

It killed me.. every. time.

I know they say that it's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.. but there are some days I wish that we had never kissed, because maybe if we hadn't, I wouldn't spend each and every day fantasizing about the next moment we would take it just a bit too far, where there was no where else to go but all the way. There was no denying what there was between us, what was still there, what would probably always be there.

I felt my face get hot as I thought back to that night in my bunk. I had never experienced a night like that in my life, not with anyone. Before her, the mere act of anything was simply.. recreational. Just temporary fun. But that night.. every touch, every kiss ignited something in me that I had never felt before, and I felt that flame growing inside of me each and every day.

"You don't know that." He said, peeking back over at me. I shook my head, smirking back at him.
"I knew you never should have gone over there." I scoffed. He glared back at me.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm just saying.. you and I should probably get used to the idea of her being our sister-in-law."
