Chapter 29: Nothing Else Mattered

"Jess!" I heard from behind me, but I quickly made my way backstage. I finally found Ronnie over on Sam's side of the stage with the rest of their family.

"Hey!" She called out, her face dropping as I got closer. "What's going on? What's wrong?" She asked. It must've been written all over my face, but they were honestly the last one's I wanted to talk to about this.

"Nothing, it's okay." I said, forcing a smile and looking back out at the crowd. This show was bigger than any of the others I had shot. It was insane how many more people were willing to come out just to be at their hometown show. 

I peeked over and saw Jake in the wings, looking out at everyone too. Tonight was supposed to be perfect, but I couldn't help feel like I had ruined it for him. I never should have mentioned anything. I wanted to talk to him about it, but I figured it would better to wait until after their set. I reached down for his necklace, twirling the stone within my fingers again. 

"Don't be mad at Jake." I heard from behind me. Ronnie stood close, giving me a small smile. "Josh is always the center of attention, and he makes sure of it. Jake's always the one who has to hang back and just.. deal with it. For the most part, he doesn't mind it. But.. he always feels like he comes second to Josh. So, if he's getting a little defensive over you, that's probably why. It wouldn't be the first time Josh has pulled something like this so.. just be a little patient with him." My heart sunk. 

I should've known. Jake had never gotten like this, not until Josh was involved. I looked back over at him across the stage, where his eyes nervously danced around the audience, missing his usual excited grin he had before every show. Ronnie gave me a little nudge and motioned towards him. I smirked up at her and sighed, quickly making my way towards the other side of the stage.

Before I reached Jake's side, Josh stopped me, gently grabbing onto my arm.
"Jess, wait I-"
"Josh, I'm sorry, I just.. I gotta do something." I said, pulling away from him, running the rest of the way. I didn't want him going on without getting to talk to him first. They had been looking forward to this show the entire tour and the last thing I wanted to do was ruin that for him, especially when he wasn't wrong.

"Jake!" I called out. The crowd started getting louder the closer it got to showtime. I doubt he'd even be able to hear me.
"Jake!" I yelled out again, finally able to get closer to him. He turned around, his eyes getting wide.
"Jess.." He said, reaching out. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. I eventually felt his body relax as he pulled me in, holding me tight. I felt him sigh.

"Jess, I-"
"I'm sorry." I said, staring back up at him. "You were right. It's not okay. And I don't ever want you to worry about that." He stared down at me with a subtle smile, his cheeks getting redder.
"Jess, it's o-"
"I don't want to ruin this night for you. You made today perfect for me, and no one has ever done anything like that for me before and I'm gonna remember it forever." He moved his hand up, gently running his fingers down my cheek, his smile growing. I sighed.

"I'm yours, and..that's it." I said, smiling back up at him. He flashed me a toothy grin.
"You're adorable." He said, scrunching his face and gently pushing the hair out of mine, his eyes moving down to my lips. I shook my head.
"Shut up." I sighed, pulling him into a kiss. I felt him smile as he moved his hand up, pulling me in closer. 

Then the lights went down, and the screams began. Backing away, I could barely see the outline of his face anymore.
"Alright, I think I gotta go." He laughed. I nodded.
"I'll be watching." He hesitated for a moment, leaning in closer.
"What?" I asked, giggling to myself.
"Say it." He said, smiling back at me. I rolled my eyes, pulling him into another kiss.
"I love you." I sighed. "Now have a good show." He kissed me one more time before grabbing his guitar and quickly running out on stage.
"I love you!" He yelled out. 

The screams were deafening but it felt like we were the only two people in the world. He kept looking over throughout the show, flashing me a smile each time. I stayed on his side of the stage the whole night, not caring who saw anymore. 

Because if I had him, nothing else mattered.

Josh's P.O.V

I looked over to see Jess standing in the wings, eyes locked on Jake the entire night. It made it hard to focus. I knew I was bad with remembering lyrics but tonight was worse than ever. I was thankful it was a hometown show where it seemed like everyone else knew the words.

After the last song, we took our bows. The screams were so loud I could feel the floor shake. I sighed, panning the crowd, trying to take it all in. This was everything we've ever wanted, but.. I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy it.

Moments like this were always sweeter when you had someone by your side to celebrate them with.

Looking over, Jake ran back to his side of the stage and lifted Jess up, spinning her around. She held on tight, her arms wrapped around his neck, laughing and pulling him into a passionate kiss. The whole thing felt like it was happening in slow motion. It took me a moment to shake it, realizing I was still on stage. I flashed the crowd a smile and finally followed Sam into the wings as the lights went down again.

"That was amazing!" Ronnie yelled out, hugging me tightly. I nodded, forcing a smile.
"Thanks, Ron." I said, looking around.
"Good job, honey." Mom said, kissing me on the cheek.
"Thanks, Mom." I sighed. She stared at me for a moment.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I looked back out towards the stage, seeing Jake and Jess still standing in the wings. She held onto his arm, staring up at him like he was the only boy in the world. He reached over, holding her face in his hands, and pulled her into another kiss. She grabbed onto his jacket, pulling him in closer. My stomach dropped, and then I realized.. it wouldn't matter what I did for her. She was never going to look at me the way she looked at Jake. And even still...

I knew I'd never be able to get over her.

"Nothing." I said, snapping out of it and turning back to her, forcing a smile. She saw right through it.
"Come on, we're gonna head back home to celebrate." She said. I nodded, peeking back at them one more time before heading out to the bus. 
