Chapter 120: More Than Okay

Later That Night

I stood back in the wings, adjusting my camera as The Envy finished their last song.
"Kinda feels like we never left, huh?" Sam said, coming up behind me, flashing me a smile. My cheeks burned as I looked over, watching him grab his bass, lifting it over his head.
"Yeah." I sighed, leaning back against the wall.
"Did you miss it?" He asked, making his way over, standing next to me. I shrugged, smirking back up at him.
"Oh, you love it." He giggled to himself, looking back out towards the stage.

He was right. Of course I did. But I did miss being able to walk around without anyone recognizing me, especially now with everyone still thinking that Josh and I were together. I still wondered how we were going to make that story go away. Maybe.. people would just eventually.. forget. Or maybe.. I'd finally have a ring that Jake would have to explain.

But that was a problem for another day.

I looked over across the stage as I saw Jake getting ready in the wings. I felt my heart beat faster as he grabbed his guitar from its stand, effortlessly lifting it over his head and adjusting it into place. I bit down on my lip, holding in my smile, subtly snapping a few photos. I then felt Sam gently nudge me towards the stage, giggling to himself.

"Hey!" I laughed, feeling my cheeks burn. He sighed, rolling his eyes and motioning towards Jake.
"Go.." He said softly. I bit down on my lip, staring back up at him. He nodded back, nudging me again.
"Go talk to him."
"N-no.. I.. I don't think I want to." I said softly, looking away.
"I think that you do.. but you're too scared." He said.

"I just.. I don't get why.. he was sitting with her. She's here for five minutes and suddenly it's like.. I'm nothing." I said, feeling my face get hot. The last thing I wanted to do right now was start crying. I took a deep breath, looking away again.
"Well, you'll never know what's going on unless you talk to him." He said simply, his face dropping.
"Why are you pushing this?" I asked. He shrugged, looking back out towards the stage.
"Because.. you love him.. and you miss him." He said quietly. I could feel a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. He was right.

I hated how hard it was to talk to Jake when things got like this, and how often it felt like things got like this. Even if I did go over there and talk to him, what would I even say?

Hey, I know that guitar player is really cute, and I know you two probably have way more in common than you and I do, but.. I want to marry you, so why haven't you asked me yet?

My stomach dropped at the thought of it. I peeked back over at him as he stood in the wings, looking out at the crowd, a small smile spread across his lips. It was so adorable how excited he got before a show. My heart started beating faster. I looked back at Sam, who motioned towards Jake again, giving me a subtle smile. I smirked at him, rolling my eyes before quickly making my way backstage. By the time I made it to his side, The Envy had finished their last song, the lights had gone out and everything was muffled by the loud cheering of the crowd. I reached out my hand, feeling my way around until my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness.

I saw Jake first, now leaning up against the wall, clutching his guitar close. I made my way over, feeling my heart start to beat faster. I loved and hated how I still got nervous around him.

"Hey.." I said, biting down on my lip. Thankfully it was dark enough where he couldn't see how badly I was blushing. He perked up as he turned to me, flashing me a smile.
"There you are." He said, reaching out, pulling me in close. My smile grew as he stared down at me. Even in the darkness I could see his dazed eyes locked on mine. My mind went blank, suddenly forgetting everything I wanted to say to him. So I just reached up, gently holding his face in my hands, and pulled him into a kiss. I felt him sigh, now kissing me back harder. I slowly moved my hands down his chest, stopping at his jacket pocket.

"What's that?" I asked. He backed away, staring at me wide-eyed.
"N-nothing." He said, sticking his hand into his pocket. I bit down on my lip, holding my stare on him. He had never kept anything from me before. Not that I knew of, at least. What was he hiding now? I then saw his eyes quickly look over as Joe and Charlotte made their way towards us.

"How was that?" Charlotte asked, keeping her eyes locked on Jake, pushing the hair out of her face.
"Good." He said plainly. I felt his hand move down to my waist, pulling me in closer. I couldn't help but smile as I saw her eyes shoot down to his hands, her face dropping. She kept her eyes locked on him, as if expecting more, but he stayed silent, his grip on me getting tighter.
"O-okay well, h-have a good show, Jake!" She said, heading backstage. I sighed, rolling my eyes, looking back up at him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His smile grew as he leaned in, his face now inches from mine.

"Jake.." I said, feeling my heart start to beat faster. He leaned his forehead against mine, holding his stare on me.
"Yeah?" He asked, biting down on his lip.
"Are.. are we okay?" I blurted out. He sighed, reaching up, gently running his fingers down my cheek.
"We're more than okay." He said softly, his hand moving down to my neck, pulling me into a passionate kiss. My heart jumped as I pulled him in closer, kissing him back. I felt his lips curl into a smile.

Soon enough, the lights went down again and the screams began. He backed away, giggling to himself as he peeked out at the crowd.
"Thank you for coming over here." He said, staring back down at me, gently touching my cheek. I couldn't help but smile, getting lost in his eyes again.
"We make up before the show." I said, running my fingers through his hair. "That's what we do." He flashed me a wide grin, pulling me back into another kiss.

"Jess, I.. can I.." He stopped, biting down on his lip, looking out at the crowd, and then back to me. "I need to be alone with you tonight." He said. My heart jumped. I nodded.
"Okay." I said softly, my eyes moving back down to his lips. He smirked at me, pulling me back in, kissing me hard. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Every kiss with him always felt.. magical.

"Have a good show." I said, backing away. By now, I could hear the screams get louder as Danny started to play. Jake peeked out, and then looked back at me.
"I love you." He sighed, quickly pulling me into another kiss. "So much. I'll.. I'll see you after okay?" I bit down on my lip, nodding, feeling like my whole body was on fire.
"I love you more." I said. He stared back at me, his eyes getting wider, and then finally ran out on stage.

I sighed, a huge smile escaping from my lips, my heart feeling like it was going to beat out of my chest. I moved closer to the stage, and shot a few photos as he made his way out. But as I looked back at them, I could see Sam in the background, glaring at Jake.
