Chapter 97: Home Sweet Home

The Next Morning

I woke up to see Jake lying next to me, scrolling through his phone. He peeked over at me when he saw I was finally awake.

"Well, good morning." He smirked, tossing his phone to the side. He reached over, pulling me closer to him. I felt my heart beat faster as I wrapped my arms around him, climbing on top of him.
"Good morning." I giggled, smiling back at him. He reached up, gently running his fingers down my cheek.

"Did you stay out here again last night?" I laughed. He flashed me a smile, nodding.
"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"
"Because you have an actual bed inside, aren't you sick of the bus?" He giggled to himself, shrugging.
"Yeah, but.. are you gonna stay in my room with me?" He asked. I shook my head, feeling my cheeks burn.
"You can't go one night without me?" I laughed. He shook his head.
"I never wanna go another night without you." He said softly. "I love waking up to you."

He sighed, staring back with a smile.
"I'm excited to go look at our place today." I bit down on my lip, holding in my smile.
"I like that you call it our place." He smirked back at me, his cheeks burning.
"Well.. that is what it is." He said softly.

"When can we go?" I asked eagerly, leaning in close, my forehead now pressed against his. He grabbed my waist, pulling me in closer.
"Whenever you're ready, I'll call for them to let us in."
"Alright, go get ready. I'll meet you inside." He smiled back at me, leaning in and kissing me on the lips before moving me to the side, and hopping out of bed.

I quickly got dressed and made my way inside where I was met with Sam in the doorway, on his way out.
"Oh, hey!" I said, flashing him a smile. He nodded, smiling back, making his way down the steps. I stopped, turning to face him.
"Hey, um.. are.. are you okay?" I asked, feeling my cheeks burn. He pulled his cigarettes out of his pocket, lighting one, and then flicking it off to the side.
"I'm fine, why?" He said nonchalantly. I leaned up against the railing, staring back at him.

"I.. I don't know, it just.. it feels like things have been.. off with us lately. You seem-"
"Everything's fine." He said, forcing a bigger smile. "It's okay.. I've.. I've just been tired. Still getting used to being home, you know.." I nodded, looking down. 
"Yeah.." I said, staring back at him. "So, um, I was thinking.. maybe later today.. if you wanted, we could go pick out the guitar." He peeked up at me, smiling, taking another drag.

"Yeah.. we can do that." He said. "Where are you going now?"
"Oh, um.." I said, biting down on my lip, feeling my cheeks burn. "Jake is just.. we're.. he's gonna show me something, but we shouldn't be too long." He nodded, looking away again, taking another drag.
"Sure.." He sighed. "Whenever you're ready."

Jake then made his way outside.
"You ready?" He asked, flashing me a smile. I peeked back up at him, nodding.
"Yeah.." I said quietly, turning back to Sam. "So, I'll see you later?" He nodded, giving me a gentle smile.
"I'll see you later." He said softly.

I followed Jake over to his car, where he went over to the passenger door, opening it for me. I shot him a look, subtly motioning to Sam. He smirked, shaking his head as I got in and he shut the door behind me. I could see Sam's eyes glued to Jake until he got into the driver's seat, and pulled out of the driveway.

"I thought we were telling everyone today." He said, reaching into the glovebox, grabbing his sunglasses.
"We are.." I sighed. "I just.. I don't know.. he seems.. weird lately. He was there for me when you and I broke up.. he's been a good friend to me. I just don't know how he's gonna react." Jake peeked over at me.
"What do you mean how he's gonna react?  What does it matter to him?" I shrugged.
"I don't know.." I sighed. "I just.. it didn't feel like a good time, that's all. But him and I are gonna go out later, he's taking me to pick out a guitar."

He looked back over at me wide-eyed.
"Why is he taking you to get a guitar?" He snapped. I felt my stomach drop.
"That was his gift to me." I said softly. "He helped me write you that song and.. he figured he'd help me play, and that it would be easier with my own guitar." He held his stare on me, skeptical. I felt my heart start to beat faster.

"Okay.." He finally said, looking forward again. "That's.. that's nice of him."
"I feel bad though cause.. I didn't really get anyone else anything this year, so-"
"But you got me something." He said, smirking. I felt my cheeks burn, a smile escaping my lips. I reached over, running my fingers through his hair.
"I did." I said softly. Looking down, I could see the necklace under the collar of his shirt.

"But.. I thought maybe on the drive home, I could pick him up something. I don't know what but.. that's kind of a big gift. I should get something for him." He bit down on his lip, nodding.
"Okay, sure.. we can do that." He said.
"Thank you."

Finally Jake pulled into an apartment complex. He parked and turned to me, flashing me a smile.
"Ready?" He asked. I leaned over, kissing him on the lips.
"Mhm.." He reached over, pulling me into a harder kiss before backing away and getting out of the car. He came around to my side, opening the door again. I felt my cheeks burn.
"You don't have to open it every time." I laughed, getting out, grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers. "But thank you." He smiled, shrugging.
"Okay, but.. today is special." He said softly, leading me towards the building.

Honestly, I didn't care what the apartment was like. I was just excited to finally have my own space with him that I didn't have to share with the rest of the band, or the rest of his family. I squeezed his hand tighter as he guided us into the elevator. He pressed "5," and then leaned back against the wall.

"The fifth floor?" I asked. He smirked, shrugging.
"It's what they had."

When we reached our floor, he took my hand again, leading us down the hall.
"Now.. before we go in, I just want you to know, it's not the biggest-"
"I don't care." I sighed, smiling up at him. "I'm just happy to be with you." He smirked back at me, his cheeks burning.
"Okay." He said, leaning over, gently kissing my forehead before turning the key and opening the door.

As we walked in, we were in the kitchen. There was a small counter overlooking the living room that lead to a small balcony. I walked in further in, past the bathroom to see there were two bedrooms across from each other.

"Two bedrooms?" I asked. He bit down on his lip, leaning up against the wall.
"Well, I.. I started looking when.. well, when I thought there might be.. one more of us." He said softly, looking down at his feet. I felt my cheeks burn.
"Oh.." I sighed, holding my stare on him. He was quiet for a moment.

"But.. w-we can turn it into whatever we want. It's always good to have more space." He said, trying to change the subject. I nodded, looking inside.
"Maybe one day.." I said softly. He quickly turned to me, staring back wide-eyed, his cheeks burning red. "B-but we don't have to think about that yet." He nodded, giggling to himself.
"Right.." He sighed, looking around, now bringing me over to the other bedroom.

I walked in, looking around.
"And the closets are huge.." He said, going over. "I figured you'd like that." I couldn't help but smile.

"So.. there's a lot we'll have to do, but.. I think.. after some time it could really-"
"I love it." I said softly, making my way over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "It's perfect."
"Really?" He asked, his smile growing as he leaned in closer.
"Really." I pulled him into a passionate kiss. I felt him smile as he moved his hands up, tangling his fingers in my hair, kissing me back harder.

When he backed away, he leaned his forehead against mine, holding my face in his hands.
"Since.. we're here now.. can I ask.. if you'll start wearing your ring again?" He said, biting down on his lip.
"Of course." I said, my smile growing. "As soon as you give it back." He stared back at me, confused.
"Give it back? I.. I did. I.. I gave it to Sam. That same night. I.. I told him to give it to you. I said how.. I made a mistake.. and how.. I just wanted us to be together."

My heart dropped. This whole time? I could have avoided all of that? Why would Sam keep that from me?

"You.. you did?" I asked, feeling my heart start to race. He stared back at me wide-eyed.
"I.. I thought you had just decided.. not to wear it. I thought.. you made up your mind." I shook my head.

I couldn't believe Sam had let me go through that. He saw how much I was hurting over him. He saw how much I just wanted him back. And.. we could have been together but.. he told me.. that Jake hadn't said anything.

"We.. we should head back." I said. "I need to talk to Sam."
