Chapter 115: The Envy

A Few Days Later

I sat on the edge of Jake's bed as I watched him pack his suitcase.
"You ready to get back out on the road?" He asked, peeking up at me. I bit down on my lip, nodding back at him.
"It feels like we just got here." I said softly, kicking my feet.
"I know.." He sighed. "But we have a new opener, so that's exciting. I've never met them, but they sound pretty good, from what I've heard. It's always cool to have new people out with us." 

I hopped down from his bed, going over to grab my bag.
"Don't worry, I got it." He said, grabbing it for me.
"Thank you." I said softly, smiling back at him.

As we made our way out into the hallway, I could hear Sam in his room getting his things together. I kept my head down as I felt my cheeks burn. When we got outside, I leaned up against the bus, turning to face Jake.

"Have you talked to him?" I asked quietly. Jake shot me a look, shaking his head.
"No." He said simply.
"Jake.." I sighed. "You can't ignore him for the rest of the tour."
"Well, I can try.." He said simply, tossing one of his bags under the bus.
"Jake, he didn't do anything wr-"
"I don't want to have this fight again." He snapped, reaching out for another bag.
"Why does it have to be a fight?" I asked, moving in front of him. "I just.. I think we should finally talk about this." He sighed, staring back down at me, his face dropping.

"There's nothing to talk about." He said, staring back at me. I bit down on my lip, nodding, looking down at my feet.
"Fine." I sighed, grabbing my bag. He reached over for it, but I quickly pulled away.
"It's okay.. I'll just.. bring it on."

I made my way onto the bus, tossing my bag next to the bed in the back room, plopping down, hiding my face in one of the pillows. Soon enough, I heard footsteps making their way into the main area of the bus. I peeked out to see Josh and Danny going over to their bunks, tossing their bags in and immediately heading for the fridge. I couldn't help but smile. It brought me back to the first day I met them all. Hard to believe that was only a few months ago.

It felt like a lifetime.

"Save some for me!" I heard. My heart started beating faster. Sam made his way up the steps, carrying two guitar cases, gently placing one down on the couch. He then looked over at me, flashing me a smile. I felt my cheeks burn as he made his way back. 

"Didn't want you to forget this." He said softly, placing my bass down next to the bed.
"O-oh.." I said, sitting up. "Thank you." He nodded, holding his stare on me. I couldn't help but think about that day he took me to pick it out. My heart started beating faster.

I had never gotten the chance to show him.

He leaned back against the doorframe, smiling back at me.
"So, are you excited to be stuck on this bus again?" He asked, giggling to himself. I sighed.
"Of course." I said, sarcastically. His smile grew as he nodded, looking down at his feet and shoving his hands into his pockets. I felt my cheeks burn the longer he stood there, my eyes moving down to his arms.

"Well, um.. so.." He said, breaking the silence. "If you.. whenever you want me to help you with-"
"Excuse me." Jake snapped, pushing past Sam, making his way into the room. My heart dropped as he tossed one of his bags onto the other side of the bed. Sam sighed.
"Alright.. I'll.. I'll just go.." He said softly, walking out, gently shutting the door behind him. I waited a minute before sitting up, turning to Jake.

"Is this how you're going to be the entire time?" I snapped. He turned to me, glaring back.
"What are you talking about?" He said plainly. I felt my cheeks burn.
"You know what I'm talking about, Jake." He shook his head, going into his bag, starting to unpack.

"If.. if you're going to be like this.. maybe.. you should just.. stay in your bunk." I said softly, looking away. I heard him stop, feeling his eyes glaring at me.
"What?" He snapped. I bit my lip, looking up at him, feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Jake.. a few days ago you were going to propose.. and now.." I sighed, looking away. "I don't know what's going on. I just.. I want things to go back to how they were."
"Well, they're not how they were, are they?" He said, sitting down on the bed, staring up at me. I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart racing, tears coming to my eyes again. His face dropped as he reached out, wiping my eyes.

"Jess.. I just.." He said softly, moving closer. "I.. I see the way you look at him."
My stomach dropped. 
"W-what do you-"
"I see it. And.. I've seen it for a while now and.. I've tried to ignore it because.. that's ridiculous, right? I'm just.. being paranoid. Until I hear how he feels about you and then I realize.. maybe I haven't been making it up, and then you told me how you kissed him and-"

"Jake.." I sighed, reaching out for him, holding his face in my hands. "There's nothing to worry about, okay?" He bit down on his lip, nodding, staring back into my eyes.
"Okay.." He said softly. I leaned in, gently kissing him on the lips.
"I love you." I whispered. His lips curled into a gentle smile.
"I love you." He said, leaning in, kissing me back.

Then, I felt the bus stop.
"Hey, come on out!" Danny called, knocking on the door. "The opener's here."

"You wanna come with me?" Jake asked, motioning towards the door. I nodded as he took my hand, leading me out. When we got outside, I saw we were parked next to another bus, the rest of the guys already gathered around, talking amongst each other. I squeezed Jake's hand tighter as we got closer.
"Don't worry, it'll be fine." He said softly, smiling down at me.

"Hey!" One called out, waving Jake down. He nodded in their direction, flashing them a big smile.
"I'm Joe." He said, reaching out for Jake's hand, and then mine. "This is Kyle, and this is Charlotte. We're The Envy."
"Nice to meet you guys, excited to have you out." Jake said, turning to Kyle.
"We love you guys, thanks for having us." Kyle said.
"No problem, yeah, it's gonna be a great time." Jake then turned to Charlotte who held her stare on him, a little too long. He reached out, shaking her hand. She held on with both hands, staring back up at him, her smile growing.

"Can't wait." She said, her eyes now in a daze.

My heart dropped.
