Chapter 99: Lights Out

When I opened my eyes, the world was silent.

Looking around, I saw that it had gotten darker. How much time had passed? Where was everyone? Where was I? I tried sitting up, but everything hurt. I moved my arms, doing my best not to cut myself on the scattered glass. Both windows on my side of the car were smashed in, the front completely shattered, barely held into place.

As I finally started to come to, I turned to see Sam passed out in the driver's seat. My heart dropped.
"Sam.." I managed, reaching over, gently shaking him.


I pushed myself out of my seat, climbing over towards him.
"Sam.. Sam wake up.." I said, shaking him again. My heart started beating faster. This couldn't be happening. He had to wake up.
"Sam, please.."

Still nothing.

I felt tears come to my eyes as I shook him a little harder.
"Sam! Sam, get up! Please!" I moved closer, climbing over the center, into his lap.
"Sam, please wake up." By this point, I couldn't feel a thing anymore. My heart was racing, my head was spinning. I was practically seeing double.
"Sam.. please.."

Finally, I heard him sigh, his eyes slowly opening.
"Sam!" I yelled, moving in closer. "Sam, please.." He looked up at me, opening his eyes as much as he could.
"Are you okay?" He sighed, forcing a gentle smile. I felt more tears come to my eyes as I smiled back, holding his face in my hands.

"Oh my god, Sam.." I sighed, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He winced, but eventually his lips curved into a smile. I felt him move his hand up behind my neck, pulling me in closer, kissing me back. Finally, I moved away, leaning my forehead against his.

"Wow.." He sighed, his smile growing. I bit down on my lip, shaking my head, holding in my smile.
"Are you okay?" I asked, gently running my fingers down his cheek. He winced again, nodding.
"I am now." He smirked. My smile grew.

"I thought you were dead.." I whispered, feeling my heart beat faster. He shook his head.
"You can't get rid of me that easy." He laughed, but winced again, scrunching up his face.

"Don't move.." I said, gently backing away. "I don't want you hurting yourself any more than you already are." His breathing started getting heavier as he leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes again.
"No, no.." I said, leaning in. "You have to stay awake, we don't know what's wrong yet." He sighed again, looking back over at me.

"What happened?" He asked. I shook my head.
"I have no idea, it.. it all happened so fast."
"Are you okay, though?" I nodded, giving him a gentle smile.
"I'm fine." I said, gently touching his cheek again. "Don't worry about me." He giggled to himself, closing his eyes again.

"Sam.." I said, shaking him again. He slowly opened his eyes, looking back over at me.
"Is anyone coming?" He asked.
"I.. I don't know." I said softly. I tried looking out the car window, but it was too shattered. Reaching over, I did my best to push the door.

It didn't budge.

"Jess.." He said. I quickly looked up, moving back up into his lap.
"Yeah?" I asked. He reached up, gently touching my cheek again. I felt my heart start to beat faster as his eyes started to close again.
"Sam.." I said, shaking him a little harder. He jumped, opening his eyes, staring back up at me. By now, I was starting to feel lightheaded, my eyes getting heavy too, but at least one of us had to remain conscious.

"What is it, Sam?" I asked, gently pushing the hair out of his face. He gave me a gentle smile as he stared back at me, moving his hand behind my neck again, pulling me into another passionate kiss. My heart jumped.

"Sam.." I sighed, backing away. He smiled back up at me, gently touching my cheek.
"Just in case anything happens. I just.. I wanted to enjoy it. One more time." He said softly.

"Sam, don't say that, nothing's gonna happen. It's gonna be okay." I said. But deep down, I really wasn't sure. I could see the color starting to drain from his face, his grip on me getting looser. I held on tighter, leaning my head on his shoulder as my eyelids got heavier.

I felt his hand move to my back, gently running his fingers up and down before everything went black again.

The next thing I knew, I heard the blaring sirens of the ambulance, the blinding lights flickering behind my eyelids. I could hear the metal of the car door crunching, but just couldn't bring myself to open my eyes.

"We've got two in here!" I heard as I was lifted out, gently cradled into someone's arms. It was like when you're a kid and you're half asleep in the backseat of your parents car. You know that if you just keep your eyes closed a little bit longer, eventually you'll be tucked in to your childhood bed, and when you finally open your eyes, everything would be okay.

I tried my best to remain in between this world of unconsciousness and real life, terrified of what I would see when I finally opened my eyes again.

I was then placed down in what I assumed was the ambulance. I could hear muffled talking around me but couldn't really make much of it out.
"She's losing a lot of blood, we have to get her back to the hospital." I felt my heart start racing. She? She meaning me? What was happening? I felt fine what seemed like just a minute ago.

I had lost all concept of time.

I finally forced my eyes open where I was blinded by the blaring light above me.
"She's awake." One of them said, coming over to me, shining a brighter light into both of my eyes.
"W-where is he?" I asked, trying to sit up. "Sam, where is he? Is he okay?"

"You have to lay back down." They said pulling me back.
"Where is he? Is he okay? I'm fine, where is he?"
"He's okay. You're the one we're worried about. You're losing a lot of blood, so we need to get you to the hospital right away. Sam is already on his way. We tried to call your family, but your phone was destroyed. Do you have anyone we should call?" I sighed, laying back down.
"No.." I said, closing my eyes again. "Whoever you called for him is fine. But.. ask for Jake."

"He's okay though?" I asked again.
"Don't worry, he's fine." They said. "He needed a few stitches on his arm, but other than that, he's okay now. Honestly, if he hadn't blocked you, you would probably be dead. He saved your life."

I let out a sigh of relief, and everything went black again.

As I opened my eyes, I once again had no idea how much time had gone by. I sat up, rubbing my eyes to see that I was now in a hospital room.
"Hey.." I heard from next to me. I quickly turned to see Jake, sitting in the chair beside my bed, sleepily staring back at me.
"Hey" I said, turning to him. He quickly got up, coming over to the bed, sitting down close next to me. He reached out, gently running his hand through my hair.
"You really scared the shit out of me." He giggled, smiling back at me. He looked exhausted.

"How long have you been here?" I asked. "How long have.. I been here?"
"I don't know, I.. I lost track. A few hours at least." He said softly, holding his stare on me. "But it's fine, it's okay. Everyone else was here before, but.. I wanted to stay as long as I could." I couldn't help but smile, reaching out for him.
"Sorry you have to deal with this again." I said, giggling to myself. His smile grew as he moved closer to me.
"I don't care." He sighed. "As long as you're okay."
"I'm okay." I said softly, gently grabbing onto his shirt, pulling him in closer.

"Is Sam okay?" I asked. He nodded, motioning over next to me.
"He's right over there." He said. "He's sleeping now, but he's okay. He said you were family so they'd put you in the same room." I felt my cheeks burn as I pushed my self up. "W-woah wait, you can't get up, Jess."
"I have to see him."
"You can see him tomorrow. He's fine, Jess. You need to lay down."

I sighed, lying back down, feeling tears fill my eyes.
"What happened?" He asked, gently wiping my eyes. I shrugged.
"I don't know.." I said softly. "It all happened so fast. But.. they said if it wasn't for him, I would have been dead."

Jake stared back at me wide-eyed, his face dropping. He reached over, gently holding my face in his hands, leaning in, kissing me on the lips. I sighed, tangling my fingers in his hair, pulling him in closer, kissing him back.
"I should have been there with you." He said softly. "I told you I should've g-" I shook my head.
"No, I'm glad you weren't. I don't know what I would've done if anything happened to you. But.. can you stay here tonight?"
"I'll stay as long as I can." I bit down on my lip, nodding.

He held his stare on me as he gently ran his thumb across my cheek.
"I'm just glad you're okay." He sighed. I reached up, pulling him back into another kiss. He moved his hands down to my neck and then backed away, looking down.

"Your necklace.." He said softly. I reached down. My heart dropped.
"M-my necklace. It.. it's gone. I.. I've never taken it off. It.. it probably fell off in the accident.." I said, feeling my eyes fill with tears again. He gently ran his fingers through my hair, giving me a subtle smile.
"Hey, it's alright." He said softly. "Don't worry. I'll get you another one. I'll get you as many as you want." He giggled to himself. I couldn't help but smile, pulling him into another kiss.
"But.. but you gave it to me when-"
"I know. But.. I'll tell you I love you over and over again, as many times as you want, it's okay. As far as I'm concerned, you never took it off." He said softly, smiling back at me.

Then there was a knock at the door. I could hear Sam groan from the other side of the curtain. I sat up, looking over as one of the nurses made their way to my side of the room.
"Visiting hours are over." She said, giving Jake a sympathetic smile. Jake nodded, turning back to me.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?" He said, leaning over, gently kissing my forehead.
"Okay.." I managed, biting down on my lip.
"I love you so much. I'll see you tomorrow." He said softly, flashing me a smile.
"I love you too." His smile grew as he held his stare on me for a minute, before following the nurse out of the room.

I waited for a moment until I heard the door shut before sitting back up.
"Sam?" I called out. I heard him sigh, his bed squeaking from him repositioning himself. I reached over, grabbing the curtain, and pulling it back so I could finally see him. He was sitting up, giving me a subtle smile as I pulled it around all the way.
"You okay?" He asked. I nodded, smiling back.
"Yeah.." He bit down on his lip, nodding, holding his stare on me. I felt my heart start to beat faster the longer he stared.

"Are you able to get up?" I asked, feeling my cheeks burn.
"Yeah, why?" He said softly.
"Can you roll your bed closer?" He smirked at me, his cheeks getting redder.
"Sure.." He said, pushing himself out of bed and rolling his over next to mine. "That good?"
"Yeah." I sighed. He climbed back into bed, turning to face me.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked. "You looked pretty bad before."
"You looked pretty bad." I laughed. "You.. you really scared me." He nodded, looking down.
"Yeah.." He sighed. "I was scared too."

I could tell neither of us wanted to address the elephant in the room.

"You should sleep." He finally said. "They said you were way worse off than me."
"They said.. if you hadn't held me back.. I would probably be dead." I said quietly, looking back down. He nodded.
"That's what I heard too."
"Thank you." He bit down on his lip, nodding.

We sat together in silence for a moment before another nurse came into the room.
"Lights out.." She said. Her eyes instantly moved from my bed to Sam's. She smirked at us before switching off the lights, and shutting the door behind her. I couldn't help but smile.

I lied back down, facing Sam's bed. He did the same, giving me a small smile. I then reached my hand out towards him. His smile grew as he reached out, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers.

It wasn't long until everything went black again.
