Chapter 181: My Favorite

I could tell he was waiting just outside, giving me a moment to my self before softly knocking on the door.
"Jess? Are you okay? What's wrong? Talk to me.." He said. I took a deep breath, wiping my face again before finally opening the door. He held Sophie close, gently bouncing her in his arms as he stared back at me, his eyes sad and confused.

"What's going on?" He asked, reaching out for me with his free hand. I sighed, gently running my finger up and down Sophie's arm. She turned around, flashing me a smile, now reaching out for me. Jake's smile grew as he offered her to me. I bit down on my lip, hesitating before eventually taking her into my arms, holding her close. She smiled up at me, gently touching my face.

"Jake, I just.." I sighed, forcing a smile as Sophie held her stare on me. I caressed her head as she lied on my shoulder, holding on tight to my sleeve. I felt more tears come to my eyes as I held her closer, gently rubbing her back.
"What if I can't.. give this to you?" I said softly. His face dropped. He reached up, gently touching my cheek.
"Jess, hey, it's okay. No, don't.." He pulled me in, gently kissing my forehead. "So it hasn't happened yet, that's okay. That's doesn't mean it's never gonna happen. We have.. so much time. It's gonna be fine, please don't worry."

"But what if.. what if it's not?"
"Jess, I really don't want you to think like that, we are nowhere near having to think like that."
"I just wanna know, Jake." He sighed, holding his stare on me.

"If.. that is the case.. which it's not.. then.. we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I.. I didn't want this before you.. and.. I don't want it without you, okay? You are what makes me want.. this. So.. if I can't have it with you, then.. I'm okay. I'm not missing anything. So don't worry about that. But until then.." He said, smirking back at me. "We've at least had fun, right?" I bit down on my lip, trying to contain my smile. I nodded, gently bouncing Sophie up and down again as she picked her head up, giggling to herself.
"She thought that was funny too." I laughed.
"Well, I am a pretty funny guy." He said, leaning in, gently kissing Sophie's forehead.

"I love you." I mouthed. He smirked back at me, his cheeks burning.
"I love you more." I bit down on my lip, shaking my head. He nodded, smirking back.

"If.. if this is too much for you, I can call Addison-"
"No. It's okay. I'm okay."
"Okay." He sighed, leaning in, kissing my cheek. "Then I'm gonna get dinner started. You two go have fun." He motioned toward the living room.
"Oh, no I want to see the master at work."
"No, no, no.. you girls go play. I'll call you when I'm done."

I brought Sophie back into the living room, gently placing her down on the floor, sitting next to her. She crawled over to her giant pile of toys, pulling out a stuffed lion. I couldn't help but smile as she held it up to me.
"Is this your uncle Jake?" I asked. She laughed, covering her face with her hands.
"Hey, I think she's making fun of you." I called out. He peeked out from the kitchen.
"What do you mean?" He asked. She held up the lion, now tossing it across the room.
"Oh, that's me!" He laughed, picking it up, bringing it back over to her. "You're such a funny girl." She giggled to herself, reaching up for Jake again.

"Jess will hold you, I'm making us dinner, okay?" He said cheerfully. Her face dropped, her lip starting to quiver, and before we knew it, the screams began.
"Jake, pick her up. Now." I whispered, staring up at him, wide-eyed.
"I.. um.. o-okay." He leaned down, picking her up, but the screams continued. He bounced her up and down, but she didn't stop. He looked over at me, panicked.
"What do I do?" He mouthed. I hesitated before reaching out, taking her from him. I held her close, gently rubbing her back, humming into her ear. The screams slowly turned to whimpers, which finally turned to silence. I couldn't help but smile as I continued to rock her back and forth.

"Is that the song you wrote for me?" He whispered. He stared at me with loving eyes and a soft grin. I felt my heart beat faster and faster, the longer he held his gaze on me.
"Yeah." I sighed. "I guess she likes it." He nodded.

Maybe I knew what I was doing after all.

"Jess.." He said softly, leaning in the kitchen doorway. I peeked back at him.
"You.. have never looked more beautiful to me than you do right now." My heart jumped, my body feeling like it was on fire.
"R-really?" I asked, more tears coming to my eyes. He nodded, his cheeks burning red.
"You're a natural. And.. I can't wait for it to be our turn."
"Me too." I whispered, gently rubbing Sophie's back. She peeked back up at me, trying to push the hair out of my face. I couldn't help but laugh, wiping my eyes.

"Thank you, Sophie." She sat up, smiling back, satisfied with herself.
"Now, I'm gonna go finish dinner. But.. it seems like you got this." I nodded, biting down on my lip. He winked at me, flashing me a smile before going back into the kitchen.

I gently placed Sophie back down on my ground, sitting close to her as she crawled back over to her toys. She handed her stuffed lion to me, gently placing it on my lap before crawling back over, meticulously digging through.
"How did you get so many toys for just one little girl?" I asked. I heard her laughing to herself as she continued to dig, pulling out more stuffed animals, one by one.

"How's everything going in there?" I called out.
"Fine, fine.. I know what I'm doing." He said happily. "Don't worry about me."
"Well, it's kinda hard not to when you're in the kitchen alone." I laughed. I heard him giggling along with the crashing of pots and pans.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yeah, yeah, it's fine. Don't come in." I shook my head, containing my smile.

"Your uncle Jake is so silly." I sighed. "He's lucky we love him so much." Sophie screeched again, her laugh growing louder. I couldn't help but smile, keeping my eyes glued on her as she crawled around, continuing to gather the rest of her animals together, bringing them over to me, placing them in my lap.

I couldn't help but imagine what our family would be like, sitting together in our apartment, toys scattered around the living room floor. I'd keep them entertained while he cooked dinner and then we'd take turns giving them baths, combing their long, wavy hair and tucking them into their tiny little beds.

I have never wanted anything more.

Then, Sophie crawled back over, placing a tiny stuffed elephant in my lap, staring up at me with wide eyes and a gummy smile. My stomach dropped. It looked just like the one I had back on the bus.
"Look at this little guy." I said, gently placing it back down onto the floor next to the others. Sophie stopped, holding her stare on them.

"Which one is your favorite?" I asked. She hesitated for a moment before finally picking up the lion, placing it in my lap again. I couldn't help but smile, feeling my heart jump as I looked back into the kitchen.

"Me too."
