Chapter 110: New Year's Eve - Part 3

As I finished my drink, I reached out, grabbing Jake's empty glass. 
"Don't worry, I got it." He said, flashing me a smile, reaching back over for it. I shook my head.
"Jake, please let me do something for you." I said, leaning in, gently kissing him on the cheek. He bit down on his lip, nodding.
"Alright, but.. hurry back." He giggled to himself. I smirked, now making my way into the kitchen.

"Hey, where'd you run off to?" I asked, going over to Sam as he stood at the counter. He turned to me, wide-eyed, his cheeks burning.
"Hey!" He said, his smile growing. "Oh, um.. Ronnie just wanted to talk to me, it was nothing. What are you up to?" He asked, moving closer.
"Jake drinks fast." I laughed, reaching over for one of the bottles, filling both of our glasses. He nodded, looking back down.
"Oh.. yeah.." He said softly.

"You coming back?" I asked, motioning towards the back room. He bit down on his lip, nodding.
"Y-yeah.." He said, scrunching up his face. "Um.. Jess, wait." I stopped, turning back to face him.
"C-can.. can we talk? Alone?" He said softly. I felt my cheeks burn, my heart beating faster.
"W-what do you wanna talk about?" I asked, taking a big sip of my drink. He bit down on his lip, hesitating.
"I just.. can we?" He asked, motioning back towards the fire pit.
"Sam, I-"

"Hey, what's taking so long?" I turned around to see Jake, coming up behind me, wrapping his arm around me, grabbing one of the drinks from my hands.
"Oh, strong." He laughed. "You're trying to get me drunk, aren't you?"
"Maybe.." I said, smirking back at him. He pulled me in closer, kissing my forehead.
"Well, that won't be hard." He laughed. "So, you coming back?" He asked, turning to Sam. Sam nodded, biting down on his lip.
"Y-yeah.. in a minute." He said, forcing a smile. Jake nodded, leading me back. I couldn't help but feel bad, peeking back over my shoulder at him as Jake pulled me away.

"You having fun?" He asked, leaning in close, gently kissing my cheek. I felt my heart beat faster, a smile escaping my lips.
"Mhm.." I said, turning to face him, leaning up against the wall. He smiled back down at me, his eyes already bloodshot and tired.

"Are you gonna make it 'till midnight?" I asked, giggling to myself. "You look exhausted." He rolled his eyes, his smile growing.
"Yeah, yeah.. I guess I'm getting old. But we only have an hour left." He said softly, reaching up, gently holding my face in his hands.
"That may be an hour too long for you." I laughed, grabbing onto his jacket, pulling him in closer. I leaned in, gently kissing him on the lips. I felt him sigh as he pulled me in, kissing me back.
"Don't make me whisk you away right now." He whispered into my ear, reaching down for my hand, intertwining our fingers. I bit down on my lip to contain my smile.
"Later." I said softly. He nodded, then quickly turned as we heard the front door open.

I saw Jake's smile grow.

"Who's that?" I asked.
"That's Kelly." He said with a smirk. "She's our neighbor.. and has pretty much been in love with Sam their whole lives." I felt my cheeks burn.
"Oh, were.. they together?" I asked, peeking over at her. I heard him giggle, shaking his head.
"Not exactly." He said. "Sam.. doesn't really do.. 'together'." I nodded, keeping my eyes locked on her. She was petite, with long, wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was effortlessly pretty.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, looking back at him. He shrugged, turning back to me.
"I mean.. you know, he comes home, he'll go see her once or twice.. but.. it's never been anything serious. Sam.. doesn't do serious. He.. doesn't like being tied down." I bit down on my lip, nodding again.
"Oh.." I managed. "Well.. then.. at least he's got someone for tonight."
"Yeah." He said. "So.. where were we?"

My smile grew as I reached up, pulling him into another kiss.

Sam's P.O.V

"Hey, where'd you run off to?" I heard from behind me. I felt my heart beat faster. I'd know that voice anywhere.
"Hey!" I said, flashing her a smile. "Oh, um.. Ronnie just walked to talk to me, it was nothing. What are you up to?" I asked, moving closer to her.

Now was finally my chance, because I didn't see me getting many other opportunities to get her away from Jake tonight. I was surprised he let her away for this long.

"Jake drinks fast." She laughed, reaching over for one of the bottles, filling two glasses. My stomach dropped. Of course it was for him. I nodded, looking back down.
"Oh.. yeah.." I said softly.

"You coming back?" She asked, motioning towards the back room. That was honestly the last thing I wanted to do, cause I knew I would be forced to see them all over each other the entire night.

If I wanted something to happen tonight, I just needed to do it. I just needed to tell her.

I bit down on my lip, nodding.
"Y-yeah.." I said, scrunching up my face. I just had to do it. Just say it. "Um.. Jess, wait." I finally managed. She stopped, turning back to face me.
"C-can.. can we talk? Alone?" I said softly. My heart was pounding in my chest. Even if she agreed, I had no idea what I was going to say to her. I had never really thought that far ahead.
"W-what do you wanna talk about?" She asked, taking a big sip of her drink. I held my stare on her, hesitating.
"I just.. can we?" I asked, motioning towards the fire pit. I knew if I could just have some time alone with her.. just for a few minutes.. 
"Sam, I-" 

"Hey, what's taking so long?" I heard. My heart dropped. Of course he comes looking for her. God forbid she's out of his sight for more than a few minutes. He came up behind her, wrapping his arm around her, grabbing one of the drinks out of her hand.

"Oh, strong." He laughed. "You're trying to get me drunk, aren't you?" I felt my cheeks burn. He had no idea, but it still felt like he was rubbing her in my face.
"Maybe.." She said, smirking back up at him. He pulled her in closer, kissing her forehead. 

This was unbearable. I couldn't watch anymore.

"Well, that won't be hard." He laughed. "So, you coming back?" He asked, turning towards me. I sighed, nodding.
"Y-yeah.. in a minute." I said, forcing a smile. Jake nodded. Before he pulled Jess away, I saw her peek back over at me. She then turned to face him, leaning up against the wall, still in view. He reached up, holding her face in his hands.

I looked away before I saw anything else.

I don't know why this was so hard. I never had trouble talking to girls before. This has never happened to me. What was happening? Why was it so hard to just.. spit it out? And why couldn't Jake just.. leave her alone?

I turned back around, filling up what I had already drank before I'd eventually force myself to follow them into the back. The only thing worse then knowing what was going on with them.. was not knowing.

I took a big sip, leaning back against the counter when I saw Danny quickly making his way over to him.
"So.. Kellys here." He said. My stomach dropped. Kelly?

"Where?" I asked, feeling my cheeks burn.
"I just saw her car pull up. Did.. you invite her?"
"Of course I didn't invite her." I snapped. "You really think I want her here right now? She's gonna ruin everything."
"And what's everything?" Danny asked, smirking at me. I glared at him, feeling my cheeks burning red.

Finally, the door opened and I saw her make her way in, panning the living room. Her eyes then stopped on me as she flashed me a smile. I nodded, giving her a small wave, feeling my heart beat faster.

"You have to get her out of here." I mumbled to Danny.
"And how am I supposed to do that?" He snapped. I sighed, turning to face him.
"Please, just.. do this for me. This could be my only chance. She can't ruin this." I whispered. Danny held his stare on me, his frustration growing.
"Fine. I'll try and think of something, but.. she's coming over, you're gonna have to at least talk to her." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Hey.. I told you to stop hooking up with her if you weren't really interested in her, you know how she feels about you, everyone knows how she feels about you, she's bound to think something's gonna happen between you two." I sighed, looking back over at her. I had always made it clear to Kelly that we were never together. We just.. were what we were. 

Whatever that meant.

"Hey Kelly.." I said plainly.
"Hi Sam.." She said, flashing me a huge grin as she reached up, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I quickly backed away, my eyes shooting over to Jess where hers instantly met mine.

She gave me a subtle smile as she took Jake by the hand, leading him into the back room. 
