Chapter 45: Please Stay

I felt his arm wrap around me, pulling me closer. Lying my head on his bare chest, I could hear his heartbeat, getting faster and faster. I reached over, grabbing onto his arm, trying to find anyway to hold him, any way to get closer.

I had heard him crying from the back room and it killed me. 

I knew he could only hold it in for so long, and I hated knowing I was the reason he felt like this. I heard him sigh, turning to pull me closer to him. My heart started beating faster.

"Jess.." He whispered, looking down at me. I shook my head, keeping my face hidden in his chest.
"Shh.." I said softly. "Try to get some sleep." I peeked up at him to see his bloodshot eyes still lingering, his face still red and blotchy from crying. I reached up, gently wiping the remaining tears that continued to fall. He finally started to calm down.

"Is that my sweater?" He asked, a small smile spreading across his lips. I couldn't help but smile, feeling my cheeks burn.
"Shut up.." I whispered. He giggled to himself, then slowly moved his hands underneath, wrapping his arms around me.
"Did you miss me already?" He asked. I looked back up at him, my smile growing.
"Yes." I said softly. He sighed, holding me tighter, hiding his face in my neck.

"You know you never have to miss me. I'll always be right here."
"I shouldn't even be here right now.." I said, gently moving my fingers up and down his arm. I felt his breath on my neck as he sighed again.
"I'm glad you are." He whispered. "Please stay with me."

The whole point of me being alone was to not get caught up in things like this again, but he made it impossible to leave him. I was just drawn to him and I don't think I could leave if I wanted to. I nodded, slowly sliding my hand down his arm, finding my way into his, intertwining our fingers. I felt him smile.

"You know, we would be much more comfortable.. back in your room." I felt my cheeks burn.
"We're fine here." I said. I felt his smile get bigger.
"Why would you rather be cramped in here when you have a huge bed right there?" He whispered.

Because I knew exactly what would happen if I brought him into my room. At least I knew out here his brothers were right above us. I knew nothing could happen.

"Go to sleep, Jake." I whispered. He giggled in my ear, his grip on me tightening.
"Okay." He said softly. I then felt his lips on my neck, his gentle kisses making their way down. I maneuvered out of his grip, sitting up. He stared up at me wide-eyed, trying to contain his smile.

"No kissing." I loudly whispered. He flashed me a guilty smile, his cheeks burning.
"Okay, I'm sorry." He said softly, reaching up for me. "Please come back." I sighed, lying back down in his arms, hiding my face in his neck. I hoped at least by the end of the night his sweater would smell even more like him. 

It was the only thing that helped me get to sleep anymore.

He moved his hands under my shirt again, pulling me back up against him.
"Jess.." He whispered. I moved closer, hiding my face in his neck this time.
"Hmm?" I asked, feeling my eyelids start to get heavier. I felt him move his leg over mine, finding any possible way to tangle himself around me.

"I love you." He whispered. I could feel his heart was beating even faster.
"Jake.." I sighed. I felt him shake his head.
"And I know you love me. Why do we have to do this?" I bit down on my lip. He was making this impossible. I moved my head back, looking up at him.
"Jake, you.. you should really get some sleep." He let out a big sigh as he held his stare on me, now sitting up to face me.

"I.. I can't sleep.. not knowing what this is." He said. I could tell he was exhausted. His eye lids were getting heavier, his messy hair falling into his face. 

And even still, I thought he was so beautiful.

"I love you so much.. why can't you see that?" He whispered. My heart sunk.
"Of course I see that." I said quietly, looking out the window. The lights flew by in blurs of color. Nothing felt real. What if I was dreaming? I felt tears start to come to my eyes now. I knew I should have just stayed in my room. He scooted closer, gently wiping my eyes. His face dropping again.

"Are.. are you gonna show me around the city?" He finally asked, gently running his fingers down my cheek. I could tell he was trying his best to distract me, however he could. I managed a smile, nodding.
"If you want me to." I said softly. He nodded, forcing a smile.
"And when do I get to meet your family?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.
"You know, you really wouldn't be missing anything if you didn't."

"I put you through it, it's the least I can do." He said, staring back at me. I shrugged.
"I guess it's a little different this time." He nodded, turning to look out the window.
"They'll probably ask why I'm not your boyfriend." He said, his smile growing. "I do have that effect on people." I laughed, rolling my eyes.
"Oh, do you?" I asked. His smile grew.
"Mhm.." He nodded. He bit down on his lip. I could tell something else was bothering him.

"And.. T-travis is gonna be there?" He mumbled.
"I don't know for sure. I haven't spoken to him since we broke up." He nodded, keeping his eyes away.
"Please don't worry about him." I said. He peeked back at me, his cheeks getting redder. He held his stare on me for a moment. I could tell there was still more he wanted to say, but he didn't.

"Okay." He sighed. 
"You should go to sleep." I finally said. He nodded, lying back down, reaching up for me. I sighed, curling up into his arms again. He wrapped his arms around me, tightly holding me up against him.

"Jess, can.. can you stay? Even after I fall asleep?" He whispered. I bit down on my lip. I had planned to go back into my room so none of the guys saw me in the morning. But now I knew I'd just have to deal with it.

"I'll stay with you." I said, gently kissing his cheek. I felt him smile.
"What happened to no kisses?" He asked. I couldn't help but smile.
"The last one." I said softly.

"Okay." He sighed. "Goodnight.. I love you."

I eventually felt his body relax and his breaths consistent on my neck. I couldn't help but smile when I started to hear his faint snoring. Finally asleep.

".. I love you too." 
