Chapter 179: Planning

"Maybe the 15th should be our day." Jake laughed, rolling over next to me, pushing the hair out of his face. I bit down on my lip, shaking my head.
"You're not getting away with forgetting again." I said. His smile grew as he leaned in, kissing me again.
"I hardly think I got away with it." He giggled, reaching out, pulling me closer. "But I will never forget again, I promise."
"Yeah, you have a whole year to figure out what you're gonna do for next year." I smirked.
"We haven't even had today and you're already rushing me." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into another long kiss.

"So then.. what are we doing today?" I asked, staring back up at him.
"So.." He laughed. "I called Addison and.. turns out, she actually has a date tonight."
"Must be nice." I giggled. He stared back at me wide-eyed, his jaw dropping a little as his lips curled into a smile.
"Oh shush, you get something from me every night."
"I'd hardly call this a date." He bit down on his lip, containing his smile.
"Can I finish please?" He joked. I nodded.

"So.. Addison has a date tonight, since it's impossible to find a sitter on Valentine's Day, so.. I kinda.. offered our services. So I'm gonna cook you dinner.. in an actual kitchen. And we're gonna watch Sophie, and basically play house for the night." He laughed.

I knew that babysitting and staying in wasn't everyone's idea of the perfect Valentine's Day, but I wanted nothing more than just.. one night of normalcy with him. So this was perfect.

He propped his head up onto his hand, staring back at me.
"Is.. is that okay? I.. I just figured, you were disappointed the other day when I said we couldn't see them and.. well, it could give us a little taste of what life.. could be like one day? And you can see what a great cook I am." He bragged, flashing me a wide grin.

"That sounds perfect." I said, pulling him into a passionate kiss. I could feel him smile, now kissing me back. I reached up, tangling my fingers into his hair, pulling him closer, slowly climbing back over him. He backed away, smirking up at me, his cheeks burning red.
"Hey, if you want anything later you're gonna have to give me a break." He laughed. I rolled my eyes, hitting him with one of the pillows. I could hear his muffled laughter as he pushed it aside, reaching up and grabbing me, pulling me back down onto the bed.

"Jake, if we're gonna be at her house babysitting, I don't see anything happening later."
"So you're telling me you're not gonna fool around with me anymore once we have kids? If I knew that I wouldn't be trying so hard." He laughed. I shook my head, containing my smile as I hit him with one of the pillows again. He grabbed it, tossing it away.

"Well, the best part is.. after Addison gets back.. I have a reservation for us." He added.
"You.. got us a room?" I asked, my smile growing.
"Of course I did, it's Valentine's Day." He winked, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me back up against him. "I am not sharing a bus with my brother's when I'm with you on Valentine's Day." My cheeks burned, my heart beating faster.

"Hasn't stopped you before." I laughed. He smirked, shaking his head.
"Well, maybe tonight gonna be different."
I asked, feeling my heart jump.
"I don't know." He laughed. "You've pretty much already gotten the full show. So, I'm sorry, but.. it's not gonna be any different for the rest of our lives." I sighed, smiling back up at him, combing my fingers through his hair.
"That's okay. I like what you do." I said softly, giving him a gentle smile. His cheeks burned as a smile escaped his lips, pulling me into another kiss.

"Or you know, we could just.. go get married today." He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine. My heart jumped as I stared back at him wide-eyed. His smile grew the longer I stared. He reached up, gently holding my face in his hands.
"You're joking." I finally sighed. He shrugged, pulling me back into another quick kiss.
"I am, unless you liked the idea.. then I'm not." I stared back into his eyes, feeling my heart beat faster. I wanted nothing more than to just be married to him, but.. I wanted to do it right. He pulled me into another long kiss, tucking the hair behind my ears.

"We're gonna have a big, beautiful wedding, Jess. Don't worry. Because.. what I would give to see you walking down the aisle in a wedding dress." My heart jumped, my lips curling into a big, stupid grin.
"Really?" He nodded, sliding his hand down my arm, gently intertwining our fingers.
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about it." He sighed. "It's almost embarrassing." He giggled to himself, his cheeks burning red.
"You're so cute." I said, running my hand up his chest, gently caressing his neck. I could feel his heart starting to beat faster as his smile grew. "Are you gonna cry?"
"Oh, like a baby." He laughed. "You know I'm a crier." I nodded, staring back up at him with dazed eyes.

"You're gonna look so handsome. I can't wait to see you all dressed up." I said softly, running my fingers through his hair.
"But you see me dressed up every night." 
"Yeah, but.. this time it'll be for me." He nodded, holding his stare on me.
"It's kinda.. for you now." He giggled, his cheeks burning red. I shook my head.
"No it's not." I laughed. "You did this before me."
"Maybe." He smirked. "But.. everything I do now is to impress you."
"Well, it works." I said softly, gently kissing his cheek.

He pulled me into another series of kisses, his lips traveling from my cheek to my neck, down to my chest. I couldn't think of anything better than mornings in bed with him. These moments together were what made me so excited for forever.

"When do you want to get married?" I finally asked, staring back up at him. He gave me a gentle smile, leaning down, kissing me again.
"I would love a summer wedding." He said, lying back down next to me. "Honestly.." He started, biting down on his lip. I could see his cheeks burning red as he hesitated.
"What is it?"
"Well, I.. I feel like a lot of guys don't really think about it, or if they do, they don't really talk about it but.. I've kinda always dreamed of.. my wedding being out by the lake. That's.. that's kinda why.. I've only brought you out there for all of our.. moments. I.. I've always seen it being.. with you." 
"Jake.." I sighed, feeling like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. He shrugged, looking back down at our hands, avoiding my eyes as his face burned red.

"But.. only if you'd want that." He quickly added. "I know that.. girls dream about their wedding and if there's anything you wanted, we can do that I just-"
"I love it." I exhaled. He stopped, holding his stare on me.
"R-really? Because I.. I don't want you to just.. change anything you've ever dreamed of just because of what I want, I want you to-"
"Jake, I never thought I would get married. So.. I never really let myself dream up the perfect wedding. But now, my perfect wedding is anywhere I'm marrying you. And that's happening now so.. if that's what you've always dreamed of then.. that's what I want too." His smile grew, now beaming from ear to ear as he pulled me into another long, deep kiss.

"I think we just started planning our wedding."
