Chapter 7: Heat Above

It was a few minutes before showtime.

I stood backstage while the opener finished their final song, and started clearing off their instruments. I still had no idea what to expect for the guy's set. I had seen clips online here and there, but this was a new tour. I had no idea what they had in store. I clicked through my camera to make sure my settings were ready for when the show finally started.

"You ready?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Jake, guitar in hand. I smiled.
"I think the question is are you ready?" I laughed. He smiled back, nodding.
"This is my favorite part of the day." He said sweetly, now looking out at the crowd. I envied the confidence they all seemed to have. How easily it was for them to go out every night and play to all these people. I could never. Luckily for me, no one was watching me while I worked.

His hair fell beautifully over his shoulders onto his newly embellished suit; black with gold embroidered designs down the arm. He didn't wear a shirt under his coat, leaving his chest exposed. I tried not to look for too long.

"You look... really good." I finally said, cheeks burning. He smirked, looking back at me.
"T-thank you." He said. He was blushing now too. We stood silently staring at each other for a second until..

"Almost showtime!" Josh called out. I turned to see him walking up. He was also wearing a black coat with gold designs embroidered down the front and no shirt underneath. His dark red pants a little too tight and his feathered headband flew in the wind as he made his way over to us.

"Well, look at you.." I said, turning to him. "Did you guys plan this?" He laughed.
"We have new outfits for every show." He said. I smirked.
"Very theatrical." He smiled, shaking his head at me.
"You'll thank me later when your photos look great because of it." I laughed.
"I'll be sure to."

Everything started to get quiet out in the audience. I guess the other band had finished clearing out. I looked at the time. 8:57. They were going on soon.

"You're gonna wanna watch from right there." Jake said, pointing to a spot in front of the stage. He smiled. "That's my side."
"Then that's where I'll be." I said. He peeked back at me with a smirk.

"You can't monopolize the photos, Jake." Josh snapped, playfully shoving him. "She's gotta get all of us." Jake was blushing now, rolling his eyes and looking back out into the crowd.
"I know, I know. Don't worry." I said to Josh. He smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Jake looked back at him, his face dropping a bit.

"We ready?" Sam asked, walking up with his bass. I looked down to see he wasn't wearing any shoes. I laughed to myself. Made sense.

"Let's go!" Josh yelled, pulling me closer a bit. Peeking back over at Jake, I saw he was already looking out. I moved out from under Josh's arm.
"See you guys out there!" I called, moving past them, gently squeezing Jake's hand on my way through. He quickly looked at me, wide eyed. I smiled, and made my way down to the front of the stage and waited for the show to start. When I reached the spot that Jake suggested, I looked back up at them in the wings. Jake was already smiling down at me. My cheeks were burning. I was thankful it was dark already.

And then, the lights when down and the screams began. 

I turned around to get a quick glimpse of what the boys would be seeing and took a few photos. Josh was right, it really was beautiful. They hadn't even gotten on stage yet and the screams echoed around the venue, shaking the air to the floor. And then, one by one, they walked out. It was hard to stay focused with how angelic they looked, effortlessly gliding to their spots, waving to the crowd before beginning to play. It was difficult to concentrate on any one of them in particular. They were all glowing. 

And then Josh started to sing.

Sorrows of the Earth
may our tears of rain wash down to bathe you,
this is what life is worth
when the fires still burn and rage all around

I moved toward center stage to get more shots of him. I hated to admit it, but he was right. The outfit really brought the photo together. He quickly peeked down at me and smiled, posing for a few photos. I shook my head, rolling my eyes, heading over to Sam's side of the stage. 

Can you hear that dreadful sound?
fire still burning on the ground

I'd have to remember earplugs next time. As Josh moved from each side of the stage, it seemed the screams got louder. I saw the crowd behind me sway as he paced back and forth, all of them just hoping to get that much closer, but still just out of reach.

Finally making my way to Jake's side, I noticed how focused he was but still made it look so effortless. His hair blowing into his face but never missing a note. Click. Click. Click. I couldn't help but take a quick peek at the photos I had already gotten of him. He stood close to the edge, looking out in to the crowd, his fingers gliding over the strings. His eyes wide and a smile to match, it was mesmerizing to watch. When he looked down, his eyes caught mine. He smirked and did a little wave to the camera, and quickly turned back around to play. 

Follow the fearsome sound
as they march to battle, hear the drums pound
we do not fight for war
but to save the lives of those who do so

After getting what I could from the ground level, I went back up and stood side stage for a different angle. Click. Click. Click. The crowd was even more overwhelming from their perspective. It was amazing how they so comfortably were able to do what they did each night.

Can you hear that dreadful sound?
fire still burning on the ground

Then Josh ran back to Danny, pulling a handful of white roses out from behind his drum set and walked back to the front of the stage. As if I didn't think the screams could get any louder. Both girls and guys jumped up, reaching their arms out at a chance to catch one. 

One by one he threw them, and one by one the crowd tore them to shreds.
Then there was one left. 

"HERE! OVER HERE!" I heard them scream. I had my camera ready to capture the last person to catch one. He held it playfully, wagging in in front of the crowd, then he backed away, and walked over to the wing of the stage, and handed it to me. My face felt like it was on fire. He winked and nodded, placing it gently in my hand. I shook my head, pointing it towards the crowd. 

He laughed and mouthed "No, for you." and went back out and continued to sing.

Can you feel my love?
Rising with the heat above
Life's the story of
Ascending to the stars as one

He was hypnotizing, and he knew it. 

I looked over to see Jake staring off into the wings, eyebrows bunched with a hard frown. I could feel the blushing getting worse. I gently put down the flower and continued to shoot. Jake turned away, moving closer to the edge of the stage. 

Why did he always manage to see the worst moments? I felt my stomach drop. 

Marching across the land
is a peaceful army joining the band
walking hand in hand
to an anthem loudly sung where they stand

I subtly made my way to the back of the stage to get closeups of Danny when I looked out to see Jake with the guitar behind his head. I quickly hopped down to the front to get a better view. He opened his eyes to see my right in front of him, still playing perfectly. 

"Oh my god!" I mouthed. He looked into the lens and flashed me a big smile, continuing to play.
"You're insane!" I tried to yell over the music. He laughed, eventually throwing the guitar back over his head, flipping his hair without missing a beat. I stared for a moment. I had never seen anyone play like that before. Click. Click. Click.

Can you hear that dreadful sound?
Fire still burning on the ground

Jake twirled back around to catch me staring. I couldn't help but smile at him. He smiled back, winking at me as he made his way across to the other side of the stage. He was so cute.

Oh my god.
I had to snap out of it.
