Chapter 27: Caught

When we got to the venue, there was already a long line of people waiting outside. I felt my heart start to beat faster. As excited as I was that people were excited about them, part of me still wished that no one knew about me and Jake. 

And he could tell.

"You okay?" He whispered, leaning in close. I nodded, taking his hand.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, forcing a smile and looking back up at him.
"You can be honest with me, you know." I bit my lip.
"I.. I just miss when people didn't know about us." I sighed. He nodded.
"I know. And.. I'm sorry." He said, intertwining our fingers. "But.. don't think I don't appreciate it." He leaned in, gently kissing my cheek. I couldn't hold in my smile. 

This is what made it all worth it. 

He flashed me his big "please don't be mad at me" smile, and it always worked. I shook my head, looking away.
"Are you guys gonna go meet everyone?" I asked, looking up at Sam. He hopped up, looking out the window.

"Wow.." He said, scanning down the line. "Way more than last time."
"Well, it is a hometown show." Josh chimed in, peeking out the blinds.
"This many people come to wait out at every show?" His mom asked, getting up from the table. Jake turned to her, nodding proudly.
"It's wild." He sighed, smiling ear to ear. I peeked up at him. If anyone deserved this, it was them.

"This is so weird." Ronnie said, looking out the window now. "The fact that so many people want to see my brothers." She laughed. I guess she was right. I couldn't imagine being in her shoes. I honestly couldn't imagine being in any of their shoes. 

I was lucky just to be along for the ride.

"Ready to head out?" Josh asked, turning to Sam. Sam followed him down the steps along with the rest of their family, making their way outside. I could hear a loud roar of screams and cheers. I smirked, looking back up at Jake.

"You gonna go?" I asked. He bit his lip, staring back at me for a moment.
"Am.. I horrible if I just want to stay here?" He asked, smirking at me. I giggled to myself, nodding.
"Yes." I said. "They probably waited here all day. You need to go meet them." He sighed, rolling his eyes but smiled.
"You're right. I know. I just.." He stopped, biting down on his lip and stared back at me. I felt my heart start to race. I let myself get lost in his eyes again.

"I just want to be with you tonight." He whispered, leaning in, gently kissing my cheek. His hand moved to my leg, pulling me closer to him.
"Come on." I laughed. I leaned in, quickly kissing his lips, and then stood up, trying to pull him up with me. He resisted.
"Jake.." I laughed, pulling again. He sighed, eventually caving in.
"Fine, but.. I do want some alone time with you tonight." He said softly, staring back into my eyes. I smiled, wrapping my arms around him, pulling him closer.
"You really should be with your family while we're here." I said. "We're gonna be crammed together on a bus for a while.. you only have tonight to see them." He kept his eyes locked on me, giving me a subtle smile and nodding.

"You're right.." He sighed. "But I'm glad you're here with me." He wrapped his arms back around me, pulling me up against him. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest.
"So am I." I mumbled, hiding my face into his neck. He reached down, holding my face in his hands and tilted it up to face him. I leaned in, kissing him on the lips. I instantly felt him kiss back, pulling me closer towards him.

"I love you." He sighed with a smile.
"You're gonna say it all the time now, aren't you?" I laughed. He nodded, his smile growing.
"All the time." He mocked. I felt my cheeks burn as I leaned in, kissing him again. His hands moved from my face down to my waist, where he then slid them under my shirt, pulling me closer. My skin burned where his fingers lingered. I reached up, holding onto his arms. I felt them flex as he kissed me back harder. A smile escaped my lips.

"What?" He said softly, smiling back at me. I shook my head, staring back at him with dazed eyes.
"Nothing.." I sighed, kissing him again. His smile grew as he kissed me back, subtly pushing me towards the back room.
"What are you doing?" I teased, slowly moving my hands down, hooking my fingers onto the loops of his jeans. His cheeks burned red.

"Well, we don't have to leave.. yet." He said softly, reaching behind me and opening the door. I pulled him into another kiss, backing up until I stumbled onto the bed. He laughed as he fell over me, holding himself up with one hand on either side of me. My heart started to pound as he leaned down, kissing me again. I reached up, gently sliding my hands under his shirt, moving them up his chest. I could feel his heart beating faster as his kisses became harder, moving from my lips to my neck.

I gripped onto his shirt, pulling it over his head. He reached up, pulling it the rest of the way off and tossed it to the side. My cheeks burned as he smiled back at me, moving his hands down and pulling my shirt over my head, tossing it next to his. His kisses moved from my neck down to my chest, his hands tightly gripping my hips, pulling me up against him.

"Jake.." He moved away, staring back at me.
"Is.. is this okay?" He sighed. I smirked, nodding.
"Yeah. It's okay." I said, leaning in to kiss him again. I felt him smile.

Gently moving my hands down my chest, I could feel his heart beating faster. I unbuttoned his jeans and then instantly heard the front door of the bus open.

"Jake?" They called out. My heart sank. 

It was Josh.

"Shit!" He snapped, backing away from me. He hopped off the bed and grabbed our shirts, tossing one over to me. I quickly pulled it over my head, straightening it out as much as I could. Jake just managed to get it over his head as the door of the back room slid open.

"Hey, are you coming out or-" His eyes shot from Jake to me and then his face dropped. His glare lingered on me the longest. My heart sank.
"We're waiting." He finally said, slamming the door behind him. Jake shot me a confused look, and then his eyes went wide as he looked down. 

We were in the wrong shirts.
