Chapter 80: Not Getting Involved

Sam's P.O.V

I scooted out of the way, hopping down from the bunk and following Jess into the main area of the bus as she went outside. Danny peeked over at her, waiting until the door shut behind her.

"So, what's going on there, Sam?" He asked, smirking over at me. I could hear his tone. My cheeks burned.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked, avoiding his eyes. I heard him laugh to himself.
"You know what I mean." He said. "After everything we've seen with the three of them.. now you're getting involved?"
"I am not getting involved." I said, feeling my cheeks get redder. "Her and I.. we're friends. We've.. we've been friends." He held his stare on me, his smile growing.
"Whatever you say.." He said. I sighed, getting up from the couch and going over, sitting down across from him at the table.

"She's going through a lot, and.. she's heartbroken. I'm not gonna just.. leave her." I shrugged.
"Yeah, well there's a difference between being there for a friend.. and sleeping together in your bunk." He said, staring back at me, skeptical. My face felt like it was on fire.

"I offered her my bunk and I was just gonna stay on the couch, but.. she asked me to stay with her. She.. she didn't want to be alone."
"And why couldn't she stay with Josh?" He asked. I shrugged.
"Cause.. she asked me." I said softly. He giggled to himself.
"There's nothing going on, Danny." He rolled his eyes, finishing his breakfast.

Then I heard the door to the back room open. My stomach dropped as I turned around to see Jake sluggishly make his way over to the table, sliding in next to Danny.
"You look.. awful." I laughed, leaning back. He groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah, well, I feel awful." He sighed. "Where is everyone?"
"Josh is still asleep." I said, biting down on my lip. "And.. Jess is outside. She's on the phone." He looked back at me wide-eyed. I shook my head.
"Leave her alone." I snapped. He held his stare on me, eventually nodding.

"I'm sure she doesn't want to see me anyway." He said softly, propping his head up. "I wouldn't blame her." I wasn't sure how Jess felt about talking to Jake just yet, but I didn't want to take any chances. She needed time away from him. She needed time away from the both of them.

And actually this time.

"Did she say anything?" Jake asked, getting up and going over to the counter to make himself a cup of coffee. I bit down on my lip, hesitating.
"No." I finally said, keeping my eyes down. "I'm sure she.. just doesn't want to think about it right now." He nodded, now looking out the window.
"She.. she's crying." He said quietly. My heart dropped. I got up, peeking out the window to see her now wiping her face.

"You shouldn't be snooping on her." Danny called out. "She went outside for a reason." I sighed. He was right. But how was I supposed to help her if I didn't know what was wrong?

"I.. I think.. I might want to.. come home." She said, leaning back against the bus. Jake looked over at me, wide-eyed.
"Leave? She.. she can't leave-" I waved him off, trying my best to listen.
"I can't be around him. N-not if we have to be like this." She said, tears coming back to her eyes. I glared over at Jake who was already staring back with sad eyes.

"Guys.." Danny called out again. "If she wanted you to know this she would tell you." I knew he was right but.. part of me also felt like Jake needed to hear this too. And I had to make sure he didn't decide to barge out there to see her in the middle of it.

"Y-yeah.. I'm excited to see you too. But, Dad.. I.. I gotta go, but t-thank you." She finally said. I saw Jake's face drop as he turned around, leaning back up against the counter.

"You can't be in here when she comes back inside." I said, glaring over at him. He nodded, taking a sip of his coffee, looking back up at me. And then I heard the door open.

"I just need to explain." He sighed, putting his coffee down and going over, quickly slipping on his shoes. "I just need to talk to her." I knew she was inside now, probably frozen on the steps, listening.
"Leave her alone." I whispered, and quickly made my way over to the door where I was now face to face with her. She stared up at me wide-eyed as I quickly turned her around, leading her back outside.

"Let's take our walk now." I said. Her lips eventually curled into a smile.
"Okay.." She said, stopping just before the door. "But.. I need my jacket. It's way colder out here than I expected." She giggled to herself. I quickly ran up, grabbing one of mine and brought it back over to her.
"Here.." I said, placing in over her shoulders. "Now let's go." She peeked back up at me, her smile growing.
"Thanks." She said, leading us outside. I shoved my hands into my pockets, peeking over at her as she slid her arms in, zipping up my jacket. I bit down on my lip, containing my smile.

"Looks good on you." I laughed, looking back down at my feet. She smiled, spinning around.
"You think?" She asked. "Not too big? You're.. pretty tall."
"Oh, it's huge on you.. but it's cute." She stopped, smirking over at me. I felt my cheeks burn as I avoided her eyes.

"So, everything good with your dad?" I quickly asked, feeling my heart beat faster. She was quiet for a moment, holding her stare on me, but eventually nodded.

"Yeah.." She sighed. "I was just.. I was telling him how I'm gonna be home for Christmas now. For a little bit, I mean, I hadn't said yes yet but.. Jake invited me to come and stay with your family. But.. I'm sure that's off the table now." She said softly, looking away.

"But.. you're gonna come back.. for the second leg of the tour.. after New Year's, right?" I asked, looking over at her. She kept her eyes down, shoving her hands into her pockets.
"Y-yeah." She said quietly.

I wasn't convinced.

"Well.. what do you usually do for Christmas?" I asked. She shrugged, giving me a subtle smile.
"It's usually just me and my Dad. We make dinner, bake cookies, watch Christmas movies, you know.. normal stuff." I nodded, smiling back.
"That's pretty much what we do too." I said. She smiled back up at me, nodding.
"Yeah, I hear it's.. really nice." I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart beat faster.

"I mean.. I don't know, maybe.. maybe you don't want to but.. if you did, you could still.. come back with us." I said, my face burning. She stopped walking, turning to face me, her smile growing.
"You.. want me to come?" She asked, her cheeks getting redder.
"I.. I mean.." I stuttered, looking down. "I'm.. I'm sure Josh would love it." I laughed. She sighed, nodding.
"Right.. Josh.." She said, walking again. I followed closely, catching up.

"Does he know?" She asked, turning back to me.
"About.. you and Jake?" I said. She nodded.
"No, I don't think so." I said softly. "But also, knowing him.." I giggled. She smirked back at me. I couldn't help but smile.

As we made our way back, I noticed she started to slow down the closer we got. She stopped outside the door, leaning back against the bus.
"Did you mean it?" She asked, looking up at me. My cheeks burned.
"Mean what?" I asked, staring back, my heart beating faster.
"Christmas.. at your place." She said quietly, looking down. I hesitated, holding my stare on her, but eventually nodded.
"Mhm.." I managed. She flashed me a huge grin, and then turned around, walking back onto the bus. I followed her closely, doing my best to contain my smile.

I looked back to see the door to the back room was closed. I knew Jake had gone back to sleep, and we probably wouldn't see him again until show time. Jess went back towards my bunk, taking off my jacket, and tossing it onto the bottom of my bed, but kept my sweater on.

"So.. still nothing going on there?" Danny asked, turning towards me. I plopped back down on the couch, running my fingers through my hair. My cheeks burned as I held my stare on her, shaking my head and doing my best to hold in my smile.
"Shut up.." I sighed. 
